Hold On ( A Trey Songz Love S...

By ItsStarr13

36.4K 813 58

Mahi'ya ( mah-hee-ya) is a simple girl from Detroit. or so she thinks. She is use to her lifes rountine and... More

Chapter I
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
..Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
authors note*
Chapter 20
authors note
Chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
The Chapter 25
looking for two co writers
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
5k reads
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 10

1K 25 4
By ItsStarr13

I went home and ran me a hot bubble bath and put some of my bath and body oils in it. I lit a few aromatherapy candles grabbed me a small glass of coconut Ciroc, mixed with a drip of pineapple juice and turned on my slow jams to relax and reflect.

Just when I thought he would only be a memory when I turned on the TV or radio

Here he is talking about he didn't know, I guess I'll get as much work done as I can from home the next few days.and let Kerry do as much as she can while im gone...

Just as my body started to relax under the jets in my tub my irritating phone started to ring

I looked at the caller ID and ignored it

it was Tremaine

Treys Pov..

I couldn't believe what was happening right in front of my eye's,

I didn't think I would see her here. I mean I did plan to hit her up cause I was doing a concert and meet and greet here in Detroit.

I remember she said she was from there. but come on now this hotel is in Troy Michigan.  I thought that because she said she was from the D that's where her hotel was I mean come on now.

to top it off,  the argument she just had with Iyna didn't make it any better.

I had to apologize and make things right so I called her a few times..no answer

I called down to her office and got no answer. Finally I went down to the desk to asked where I could find her.

I was told she wouldn't be in til 7 o'clock in the morning tomorrow.

I decided to send her a text message...

The text reads..

Cakes I'm sorry I didn't know this was your hotel honestly.

I would never do anything like that intentionally. Please forgive me... Just call me back or something I know you see my calls.

she wouldn't pick up and I felt bad about the way things went down....

Mahi'ya... the next day I called into the office to see if things were running smoothly, Miya was coming from that way so I asked her if she would stop by my office and pick up a few things that I had forgot.


When I got to the office I grabbed the keys from Kerry and headed into Cakes office. When I got there I thought this B**** has got a secret admirer a stalker or someone was trying extremely hard to impress her. I knew that she didn't know it was here or she would have told me

so I decided to f***with her a little.

I called her up I wanted her to see this for herself...

Phone call...

Mahi'ya... whats up boo did find everything

Miya... umm no you need to get here someone has wrecked your office I mean its shit everywhere...

Mahi'ya. . get out here man quit playing my office is always locked..

Miya..well ok if you say so but there is stuff all over the file cabinets,  stuff all over the floor and desk I mean its s*** everywhere.

Mahi'ya. . . Ugh.. Im on my way..

Miya... Trying to her laughter... okay

I could not believe someone would do that and how the heck did they get in. It better not had been that broad that was here with Trey or so help me Jesus.... I know one thing someone had some explaining to do from security to my assistant..

I pulled up and went to meet Miya when I got to my office I couldn't believe it just like she said there was things everywhere.

there was dozens of long stemmed roses all over the place teddy bears balloons and other things I couldn't believe it I could barely walk into the office.

Miya.. sooo who f***ed up this bad all the sorry balloons everywhere...

Mahi'ya... Tremaine

Miya... who the hell is Tremaine??

Mahi'ya.. Trey..

Miya. . Songz??

Mahi'ya Unfortunately. . sighs

Miya.. what do you mean, you are so freaking confusing do you know how many girls would love to have him do this for him??

or atleast half of the attention that he is giving you, you better get with the program fucking do do bird.

Mahi'ya.. You don't know what he did I mean he pissed me off like seriously. .

Miya.. well enlighten me.. tell me all about it.

I got to telling her about the situation and she somewhat understood,  but she also said that he was trying hard so I should give him a chance.

Miya.. I helped Cakes load all of the stuff into one of the hotels vans to have delivered at home. lord knows the crap couldn't stay there.I watched her pull off and told her I would let her know when I made it home..

I then proceeded to go through her computer and got the room number to where Trey was staying and headed up to him.

I knocked on the door. ... some skinny ass girl answered the door.

Girl.. May I help you she said with a slight attitude..

Miya.. is Trey here

Girl.. And you are...

Miya.. not in the mood

I pushed pass her and saw Trey sitting at a table in the corner on a laptop...

I walked right over to him I was not too enthused about how my bestfriend was feeling and I was gonna let him know I how I felt..

he looked up.. Hey what are you doing here is Cakes with you..

miya... look im not here to bullshit and beat around the bush im going to tell you like this that girl that I call my best friend is one of the sweetest girls in the world she has too much on her mind and plate to be dealing with the games..she has told me about what happened and I'm gonna believe that you are not cut like that. so I'm here to tell you if you are approaching her with foolishness then leave her alone because if you hurt her there will not be enough security in the world to keep me from getting to you. I looked at him his eyes was wide and I was on fire. Do you understand me Mr. Neverson... he smiled at me and shook his head... Good I said as I turned around still rambling... cause I don't got time for this I just got off probation and finally got rid of those damn anger management classes but I don't mind going back for her...I stopped rambling and turned around once I reached the door...and someone get her ass a piece of chicken. .. rib.. hell a pork chop poor girl look sickly... just then everyone in the room burst out in laughter

This is my first story so let me know what you think so far...

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