gay ➳ reddie ✓

By weirdox

538K 25.6K 42.5K

➳ Richie and Eddie are assigned as cabin mates for the reopening of Derry Summer Camp ➳ Richie wants to hook... More

side cast
forbidden ➳ stenbrough
Character Asks: Questions
Character Asks: Answers
just kidding
Character Clean Up
truth or dare


11.4K 655 1.3K
By weirdox

It's been 7 hours ;)

June 5, 1987

While Richie and Eddie spent the day in their cabin, Bill, Stan, Mike, Ben, Bev and Elle went back to the quarry for some fun. The group had begun to really get along, and their interactions were effortless.

Bill and Stan seemed as if they'd been friends their entire lives, though they'd hardly spoken before camp began. They swam together while the rest of the group challenged one another to hold their breathes under water. Stan suggested they race back to land, Bill nodding along enthusiastically.

"B-better be re-ready to lose, U-Uris." Bill smiled widely.

"We'll see about that." Stan winked, shoving Bill lightly. Bill smirked and pushed Stan before swimming away, not giving Stan a chance to countdown.

Bill could feel the water around him move effortlessly, then with force, warning him that Stan was catching up fast. He forced himself to move faster, already tired. He looked ahead, watching Stan in front of him now and groaned. There was only a few feet till he reached the edge but he felt himself slow down.

He was tired but was unable to rest due to how deep the water was. He panicked, thrashing in the water and looking around frantically. He saw Stan almost at land now.

"St- He-Help!" Bill yelled. "Sta-Stan!" He wanted to rest, float in the water but his fear of falling to the bottom caused him to throw his hands everywhere, kicking violently only making him more tired.

That's right, Billy Boy. Let go. You'll float.

His ears were ringing as he heard faint whispers over the sound of water.

Let go. Let go. Let go.

He cried out, punching the water relentlessly. He felt arms wrap around him. Panicking more he grabbed hold of whatever had grabbed him and squeezed.

"Ouch, Bill. Let go, I'm going to carry you back to shore. I need my hand." Stan's voice said now, causing Bill to relax. He looked up, suddenly realizing Stan was holding him afloat.

"S-Stan. You c-came back for m-m-me." Bill smiled, wrapping his arms around Stan's neck gratefully. Stan carried him, steering them towards land.

"Course I did. Are you alright?" Stan asked, staring at Bill as they reached the edge. He climbed out then helped Bill stand to his feet as well until they were face to face, out of view from the rest of the campers.

"Y-Yeah." Bill stared at Stan in awe. Never having looked him so closely. He smiled at the small spots on the boy's forehead and the faint freckles around his nose. He liked the way that Stan's curls were hugging his forehead, dripping wet. Stan sighed, examining Bill's face as well. He smiled back, watching how Bill's green eyes lit up.

"You're kind of beautiful." Stan commented, Bill opened his mouth to speak but no words came out.

"Y-you too," Bill watched Stan's expression change. He looked like he was contemplating something. Something serious.

"Wh-what is it?" Bill asked, concerned.

"I think I might want to kiss you right now." Stan said honestly. He studied Bill's reaction. Bill's breathe hitched. He opened his mouth again, hating what came out.

"Oh." Bill replied. Stan's eyes fell to the floor.

"Sorry." Stan said, unsure of what came over him in the first place. Bill gulped, watching the flutter of Stan's eyelashes as he avoided eye-contact. He reached his hand out, hesitantly.

"I-it's okay." Bill's fingers brushed against Stan's hand and he didn't know what he was doing but he knew it made his heart race with excitement. "I've n-never kiss-kissed anyone before."

Stan finally met his gaze, shocked at Bill's words. He linked their fingers, also unsure as to what he was doing but knowing it made his stomach flutter. "What about the school play?" Stan asked.

"I chi-chickened out." Bill looked down at their connected hands.

"Want to try it?" Stan asked nervously. Bill's smile returned.

"Okay." He nodded. Stan leaned in, drawing back for a second, then towards Bill once again. Bill didn't know what to do with his spare hand so he raised it, touching Stan's neck, gently pulling him closer.

Stan stared at Bill's lips finally shutting his eyes when he felt them brush against his own, disconnecting their hands, he placed both of his on Bill's arms. The kiss only lasted a few seconds, until they pulled away, looking at one another expectantly.

"How was that?" Stan asked, not taking a single step back so that they were still only inches apart.

"N-nice." Bill said. "Confusing."

Stan nodded. "Yeah?"

"Ye-yeah." Bill paused, looking away for a second. "Doe-does this make us gay?"

Stan laughed, reaching for Bill's hand this time.

"I don't know. I liked it though." Stan said, squeezing Bill's hand.

"M-me too." Bill breathed.

"Maybe we could try it again." Stan finally took a step back letting their hands fall to their sides.

"Yeah, I-I'd like th-that." He smiled. Suddenly, they heard the sound of splashing water nearby, looking over to see Beverly and Ben swimming towards them, unaware of what had just happened.

"Hey, we're gonna go to lunch now. You guys coming?" Ben asked. The pair nodded, smiling at each other nervously.

"Maybe later." Stan whispered, shooting a wink at Bill as they joined the others.

➳ ➳ ➳

crying this was my favorite chapter to write so far. Maybe bc it was one of the only original ones I had to write as of yet. I love stenbrough/jyatt too much omg, So cute.

What did you think? COmment :)

-kat 9/25/17 @   10:36 pm

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