𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨 | 𝐤𝐦𝐬...

By lady_arisa

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ON EDIT "I like you." "Well,i don't." "I won't give up." "Good luck then,Kim Myungsoo." COMPLETED ON 2015 - H... More

man in love
shameless lie
Side Story: First Meeting
special chapter: behind the scenes


8.7K 212 22
By lady_arisa

Ah Ri

If i have not seen it i would not have believe it and i even thought no one will came.

"Myungsoo.." i whispered within the thin air in my lungs.

His hard glare only fixed at the guy in front of me.

He then dropped the unconscious guy in his hand onto the ground carelessly as if it was a lifeless doll. He still had his white buttoned-up shirt and his black tie perfectly tied around his neck;his long sleeves were pulled messily up to his elbows and a globule of blood staining all over it.

This worse scenario gave a big effect on me; i am pretty sure this could be a trauma for me and now, i couldn't even dare to move or say a thing.

"Tch, those brats are really useless."

Said the leader-referring to his mates as he panted in pain. My head shot back to him to see his wounded has really over-flowing blood. And just by seeing it- there is a possibility he could die due to blood loss.

"Only weakling boss tells their fellows to protect him while he's busy raping a girl."

Even though i am not facing Myungsoo right now but i can sense the hint of smirk inside that statement.

"So how about you come here so i can take on your sorry ass."

The gang leader took a few steps towards Myungsoo's direction as wrecking his own knuckles.

"How 'bout you shut the hell up and keep your bullshits in the jail."

"You damn bastard!" The guy started to charge at Myungsoo-raising his fist and ready to hit it on his face.

I shut my eyelids tight-not bearing to see what will happen next to them both and deep down inside my heart- i am hoping for HIM not to get hurt.

Sounds of yelling of attack was heard from them and a groaning in pain-and i knew some of those are Myungsoo's voice.

"How i wish i could have more fun,"

I finally heard Myungsoo spoke up-a slight pant escaped through his lips.

Slowly,i forced my own eyelids open and tilting my head to their direction.

The gangster leader laid on his back on the ground and i could see dark bruises and blood all over his face; while on the other hand Myungsoo had his black tie off and a few upper buttons went off revealing more of his collar bone,he too have bruises on his cheek and the corner of his one eyes as a fresh red liquid strolled down on the corner of his lips.

Myungsoo panted and make his way to the guy-sitting on top of him while grabbing him by the collar and forcing the guy to look up at him in a harsh way.

He then leans in closer to whispered something to him.

It was soon until Myungsoo landed another hard punch on his cheek making his head slam down onto the hard road-again and again seeming he would never stop hitting him until he felt satisfaction

Even though how much my body would not want to move i knew i had to stop him before anyone could see this and report to the police, I clearly do not want this problem to get wider and Him getting into jail for hitting nor probably killing someone.

I quickly regain my strength back and balance to stood up and i soon found myself running towards them.


I grab a hold of his arm which he grips the guy's collar tight-trying to stop him from punching him again.

"Back off Ah Ri, this guy deserve to go to hell."

Myungsoo growled lowly,never leaving his hard glare on the guy beneath him as hatred clearly flash in his eyes.

My eyes narrowed in panic at the now badly battered face of the guy that his eyes remain open but only can be seen half that he might struggling to keep conscious and aware of the surroundings.

I then saw he raises one hand up-ready to blow another last punch at him.


I grab his hand that he was about to punch and hold it tight as i could-pulling it onto my chest so he could not retrieve it back.

Moment of silence hovering around us and i could feel Myungsoo's hand slowly relaxed and the fist that he formed earlier went back.

I lift my face up to see him tilting his head down onto mine that now i could see his bruises and scratches on his face this close up. Those gaze were no longer had resentment in it-instead,it was change into those soft gazes that he never gave me that look before.

My heart suddenly leapt out of joy that he stopped as i told him to-and at the same time my heart skips a beat by those soft brown eyes.

Myungsoo stared at me for a split second until his eyes went back again to the guy.

"I'll let you off for this time."

I heard him mumbled at him before purposely shoving him onto the ground like what he did to the previous guy.

I draw both of my hands back to my side from his arm and took a step back. Myungsoo stood up from the guy while dusted himself off from the dirt on his white shirt- which frantically won't disappear because it was dried already as well as the blood on it.

He step away from the unconscious guy and staring down at him blankly for moment while on the other hand i could only stare at the side of his face and i realized something that..

He had this L sharp nose and a nice form of lips; not to mention that perfect jawline,i could even clearly see his adam apple with sweats strolling down on either his temples and neck.

Now hang on a second here, what's getting into me? Snap out of it! This is no time for admiring his features!

"Ah Ri,"

I heard him call out to me and i soon found him taking a few steps closer to me until he finally stood right in front of me.

He looks down at me-not directly looking into my eyes but instead,he examine the small wound on the corner of my lips.

"Does it hurt?"

He ask softly; lifting a hand and brushing the wound lightly with his thumb.With him being the first time gentle to me,i couldn't help but to feel safe with his presence right here right now.

I shook my head,

"No,not at all." i flash him a small smile.

"You look horrible."

Instantly,his old-self was back-shooting me his usual cocky smirk again. Odd that i didn't find it annoying this time.

"You should see yourself more,silly"

I grin-examining the bruises on his faces and it has turned to purple-bluish.

"Let's get you clean up -Woah!"

All of a sudden i felt my body was swipe off from the ground and a pair of arms went under my feet and one goes under my shoulders.


i yelped out loud-and in reflex my hands went around his neck to cling onto him so i won't fall.

"Wh-what are you doing!"

"You're welcome." He scoffed-carrying me in his arms in a bridal style.

I blink at him; knowing that his statement means from all the fighting he just did all for me-just for rescuing me.

"You're making me in a life debt to you." I mumbled;as he starts to walk back out from the alley and outside to where he might park his motorcycle at.

"Well,isn't that a good thing."

he sarcastically reply while i could just darts my eyes around to see the guys earlier were laid on the ground separately.

I admit that this astounded me to see such a shocking thing to see around here.
Myungsoo then continued to carry me until we have reached where he had parked his ducatti-slowly setting me down onto the ground next to his vehicle.

"Come on, let's get some clean ups."

Myungsoo gave me his uniform blazer and put it around me. He then wore the black helmet that was hung on the handler and began to starts the engine.

"Hop on." he spoke faintly through the helmet.

Surprisingly i obliged and went to the seat on the back of him-holding the metals beside of it so i won't fall.

I was ready anytime for him to starts the motorcycle but instead,it didn't.

He tilted his head back to look at me over his shoulder.

In return i stared at him but couldn't see his face since he wore the helmet on and i didn't know what looks he is giving me now.

"What?"   i snorted,

"Are you willingly to die that soon?"  he spat.

"What?"  i frowned;what does he mean by that?

"Hold on tight. I don't want you to fall."

His both hands reaches out to take mine from my sides and guiding them to wrap itselves around his hips.

I could feel heat rushes throughout my both cheeks and i thank god for having him facing the front and did not see my face.

"O-okay.."  i mumbled;before tighten my hold around him.

Without wasting another second, the motorcycle starts to move and we make our way to...Wait a minute, where the hell is he taking me?

Simply i could not just pull his sleeve or call him out just to ask where are we going when he was focusing on riding the bike and in a fast speed.

It was truly frightening i tell you.

He is so going to get this.

I look around as the road,trees and buildings that we had passes through was different. The lights everywhere making it more dazzling although i have never been around here before.

Must be the other big side city of Seoul. And so the slums side must have been the limitary of  where the big part of the city that i live and this part.

From skyscrapers to a residence of where big houses were built that i presume he is bringing me in to his estate.

The Kim manor to be exact.

I then could feel he had reduced the speed as we enters a gigantic black gate and we rode along a big yard that is what we called the garden with flowers and trees were nicely cutted and statues were artistically carved.

We then came to an end when i saw over his shoulder to see a big white mansion with a grand fountain was built right in front of it-forming a circle road.

Myungsoo finally stopped his vehicle right in front of the grand door.

He plopped himself down from it and taking off the helmet before placing it on the seat-now that i remembered again he had wounds to take care off.

Wait, is the wound getting worst or.. is it just my feeling?

"Come on, let's get you wash up. You look like a damsel in distress."

Myungsoo snickered-shooting me his usual annoying face as stretching out one hand to me-offering a help.

"Shut up."  i snorted-getting down from the motorcycle and placing my hand on his before finally he gently giving a gentle squeeze of it.

My mind starts to think;

Since when a Kim Myungsoo in person being all these nice and gentle?

I decided just to shrug it and went to trail off behind him as having my hands in his.

He starts to guide me through his mansion and the moment we entered in the door,i could see the walls painted in muted cream color and furnitures made of good teak wood. All hail to the architect.

"Welcome back young master."

An old man that it seems to be in his late 50s approaches us from a certain room while bowing down to us.

"Uncle Cho,please bring us a set of chamomile tea. Is Mother and Father home?"

I heard Myungsoo spoken while i could just shrink myself down. Hoping the what seems to be his personal butler won't think wrongly about my presence here.

"Right away Young master, and No. Mr and Mrs Kim would be back from Russia in 2 days or more."

The butler's eyes then traveled beside Myungsoo;which is me.

He flashes me a warm smile-making wrinkles forming around his small eyes.

"I see," Myungsoo mumbled- a hint of despondency that i could heard inside of it.

"Just bring those what i had tell you to my room."

Was all Myungsoo said before finally he starts to pull me again to his room and from the corner of my eyes the butler bow down once again then left to make what Myungsoo had told him to make.

We roamed through the halls and up to the grand stairs that were made of granite ceramic that i could feel coldness beneath my foot.

Myungsoo soon stopped right in front of a wooden door that i bet this must be his room.

He then opens the door knob-letting go off my hand to let me walk by myself in to his room.

Instantly, my nose took a breathe in of its familiar cologne...or scent of his that i always have lingers on his uniforms every time in school. Just that it smells much more stronger inside here.

It's not a bad scent to be honest.

The light turn on all of a sudden and i started to dart my eyes around to his bed chamber with small nightstand just beside the bed; a working desk by the window that was covered with dark brown curtains,not to mention the room was all blanketed in white soft carpet,and walls in cream wallpaper.

Ahead of the bed was the gigantic television. I could see a small path of a way that leads to what it seems to be a small kitchen that i could see a refrigerator and white cabinets.

Just beside the way to the kitchen was the bathroom. Heck,don't ask me to describe it. Of course he must have a bathtub and a shower-not to mention big mirrors everywhere inside of it.

On the other opposite of the bathroom was a room filled with clothes surrounded the room and a desk of where he puts ties and watches separately but yet was well organized.

As i said,All hail to the architect right?

"Wash your face up first."

Stated Myungsoo before he toss his iPhone onto the bed aimlessly and throw himself down along with it.

Without saying a word,i went to his bathroom and palpate the side wall near the door to search for buttons for the lights. And as soon as i find it,i clicked it on and straightly went to wash my face to the sink.


I winced in pain as soon as i felt a smarting on the corner of my lips-remembering that i still had a fresh wound there.

I leans in closer to the clear mirror in front of me to get a clearer view of it and also by the help of the bright light.

There was a red scratched right on the corner of it along with a blue-ish color around it.

I heave out a deep sigh after taking a random small towel on the side of the sink and went out of the bathroom.

I notice Myungsoo did not move his position since earlier and i assume he must be asleep.I went towards him and to see he still had wounds and that dirty white shirt on.

Placing down the towel on the side of the bed, i shook Myungsoo's shoulder lightly.


i called out and he still wouldn't budge.

I shook him a little more hard this time;

"Hey, wake up. I'll treat your wound or it will be getting worsen."

And this time, he started to stir and slowly forcing his heavy eyelids open.

His eyes bored into mine,

"Come with me." i grab his hand and with all my strength i pulled him up of his heavy weight.

Although he seems to be half awake-but he obliged me and stood up from the bed. I continued my way to the kitchen and he followed behind me.

"Do you have any medical kit?" i ask after motioning him to sat down by the small dining table.

"The first two of the cabinet by the left."

He groaned in sleepiness as ruffling his own hair and still trying to force his eyes open.

I went to take the medical kit as where he told me so;then went back to his side again as i began to open the med kit that was seem that it has never been touched before by anyone.

I took out a pinset after taking a small bottle of an alcohol and pour it on a cotton.

"If it feels poignant--just,tell me okay?"

i shot him a frown before i finally slowly rubbing the surface of the cotton on to the small wound on the corner of his lips and up to the scratches he had on his forehead.


"If it feels poignant just,tell me okay?" 

Her face turns into a slight frown before she slowly and lightly rubs the cotton in alcohol onto my wounds and scratches.

I hissed in pain as she touch a certain fresh wound on my left side of my lips.

"Oops,Sorry!" she quickly retrieved her hand back in reflex.

"Just hold on alright. It's almost done."

she bit her lower lip and starts again as what she does.

I tried to suppress down the pain and instead, i was enjoying examining her face from this close. Maybe she is just too concentrate in treating my wound that she does not even realize that we are even this close. I decided to take things a little more far.

I snaked my arms around her small waist and pulling her torso closer to mine since i was sitting by the table and she stood between my both legs.

Who knew this table could come in handy now.

I link my own fingers behind her back. Even though i did so, she still didn't even realize this.

Hmph. No fun.

Wanting her attention, i inch my face closer to her until our noses were almost touching.

"What are you doing?"

she stops her hand and backs away slightly.

I smirked,

finally took noticing of me,eh

"My wounds are fine."

i starts off-burying my face onto the nape of her neck;brushing my lips lightly onto it.

I could feel her skin got goosebumps and shivers.

Seriously Song Ah Ri,

"I hate how that man touches you a while ago."

i said out loud what's in my mind. Recalling the image i have seen with my very own eyes of the guy touching her so freely and fierce. It makes the rage inside my blood boiled making me want to beat the shit out of that guy.

"I hate the way he had tainted you in every touches he had made with you."

i continued on;exhaling deep hot breath on the sid of her ear. Not hearing any words fom her,i decided to continue.

"I really--OUCH!" I felt a pain shot on my cheek and quickly regain my straight position back from her and placing a hand over my bruise.

"What was that for?!" i sulks at her-knowing she was the one who purposely pressed my bruise.

"Stop playing around will ya'! Now stay still before i swear i will smack you with that pan over there."

She glared at me;motioning with her eyes the silver pan placed on top of a stove.

I hissed in pain.

"I saved you. You shouldn't be mean to me" i frown.

"But i would like to see you try," i sang-flashing her my mischievous smile after placing a soft peck on the tip of her nose.

"WOAH! WAIT--!!"

It was until she suddenly backs away from me and stomps her way to where the pan was and i quickly jumps down from the table and starts to freed myself off from her.


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