My Husband's Girl

By aasthamishra_

19.3M 654K 75.7K

Love is Sacrifice. ❝ I don't love you and I never will, because I love someone else ❞ Ian said to Alison, hi... More

My Husband's Girl
Introduction of Characters
Book - 1
1.1 - Alison Cullen
1.2 - Letting him go
1.3 - Helping him
1.4 - S.O.S Meeting
1.5 - Asking Him
1.6 - Drowning Sorrows
1.7 - Her Feelings
1.8 - Her Outburst
1.9 - The Gala [ I ]
1.10 - The Gala [ II ]
1.11 - Trip to Miami
1.12 - The Holiday
1.13 - Beach Day
1.14 - The Accident
1.15 - Aiden Clarke
1.16 - The Surprise
1.17 - His Jealousy
1.18 - The Kiss
1.19 - Happy Wedding Anniversary
1.20 - The Bacheloratte Night
1.21 - The Wedding
1.22 - Goodbyes
1.23 - The Funeral
1.24 - Sapphire Kingsley
Book - 2
Introduction Of Characters
2.1 - Her New Life
2.2 - His Proposal
2.3 - Nathan
2.4 - His Blue Eyes
2.5 - Alison or Sapphire?
2.6 - Dine With The Cullens
Extra - 1
2.7 - The Dinner
2.8 - Visit to the Doctor
2.9 - The Baby Shower.
2.10 - The Phone Call.
2.11 - The Ride.
Extra - 2
2.12 - The Storm
2.13 - The DNA Test
2.15 - The Interview.
2.16 - His Arrival
2.17 - New Home
2.18 - The Talk
2.19 - Comforting Him
2.20 - The Note
Extra - 3
2.21 - The Carnival
2.22 - Treasure Hunt [ I ]
2.23 - Treasure Hunt [ II ]
2.24 - Let the Game Begin.
2.25 - Partner in Crime
2.26 - A Day with Emily
2.27 - The Baby
2.28 - Story of Alison Cullen
2.29 - Taking a Break
2.30 - The Kidnapping
2.31 - Saved and Lost
2.32 - The Decision
Bonus Chapter - 1
Author's Note

2.14 - Goodbye Dinner

258K 8.6K 389
By aasthamishra_

Stay - Rihanna ft. Mikky Ekko


"Kids!" I yelled in horror watching the two pulling each others hair. "Leave him" I said through clenched teeth while trying to pull Raine away from Ryker before she could claw his eyes out. I sighed heavily when Raine was finally in my arms, away from Ryker. "What happened?" I asked giving both of them a stern look. "He ate my ice-cream" Raine whined and went to attack Ryker again. I held her back and looked at Ryker "It didn't have her name on it." He defended.

"And I bet it didn't have yours either" I said and narrowed my eyes at him. "Go to your room Ryker and do your homework and young lady, you'll do your homework in mommy's room. Okay?" I asked looking at my daughter. She nodded her head and ran towards her room. I shook my head at the kids who were pushing each other to get in first.

What am I going to do with them?

I walked back to the kitchen, going back to cutting the vegetables necessary for chicken noodles. I was having one of those lazy moments today so I decided to make chicken noodles for dinner.

My thoughts ran back to yesterday evening when Ian came to pick Nathan. I was determined to talk to him about Nathan but soon Caleb came and Ian left immediately. I don't what's wrong between them but they are acting worse then the kids. I need to find some way to talk to Ian because this is a thing I can't keep for later. Who knows what might happen?

My phone rang from the living room where I left it for charging. I kept my knife down and wiped my hands on the kitchen cloth before walking in the living room and picking up my phone from the table. I detached the charging cord and swiped my finger over the answer button.

"Hey Judy!" I greeted with a little apologetic tone in my voice. From past few days I have been neglecting the cafe and the whole responsibility was on Judy's shoulder. I really feel bad for doing that.

"I know that voice. It's okay Saph! You can stay home as long as you need. I am here" she said. "I know but still. I'll be there tomorrow." I said and sat on the couch. "No worries, it's your cafe you can come here anytime. Anyways, I called to tell you that I can't find the recipe for your coffee nutella cupcakes." She said. I always write the recipe down whenever I made something new but when I made this one I forgot to do so.

"I actually forgot to do that" I said and rubbed my forehead. Judy sighed on the other line. "I'll try to think about it and send it to you soon" I added. "Okay" Judy replied and disconnected the call after saying a 'bye'.

"Looks like I've got some work to do" I mumbled to myself and went back to the kitchen. I quickly made the noodles and called the kids to have lunch. By the time lunch ended they were back to being best friends and ran in the living room to watch cartoons.

I quickly did the dishes, kept the leftovers in the refrigerator and started making the cupcakes. I can't just write down the recipe without actually trying it. What if I miss a step or measure the ingredient wrong. People will never ask for that cupcake and personally I like it. Because it's nutella!

I made the batter with coffee powder and other necessary ingredients and poured it in the mold. I kept the tray in the pre-heated oven and began preparing the nutella filling. I emptied the entire jar of nutella and added some melted chocolate to make it a bit thin. Once satisfied with its consistency, I poured it in the piping back. The cupcakes were ready. I removed it out with mittens and let it cool a little. I cut the edge of the piping bag and shoved it in the middle of the cupcake and filled it with the mixture.

As I was removing the cupcakes from the mold, the main door opened and Caleb entered with his tie loosened around his neck and blazer folded on his arm. "Hey!" I said and started dusting icing sugar on top of the cupcakes.

He looked at me and closed the door. "Hey!" He quickly removed his shoes as the kids came yelling his name and pounced on him making him fall. "Kids!" I scolded but no one was paying attention to me as Caleb started tickling them as a form of punishment. I chuckled looking at them and removed my apron.

"Who wants to try some cupcakes?" I asked.

All three of them snapped their heads at me and looked at the moutain of cupcakes on the plate in my hand. "Me! Me! Me!" The twins yelled and ran towards me making me rush in the living room. I started running with the cupcakes and the twins began to chase me. Giggles and laughter filled my house and my heart filled with happiness and warmth.

"Okay, okay. Here are your cupcakes. Tell me how is it?" I asked as I settled the plate on the coffee table and kids sat on the couch beside Caleb. I took a seat on the armchair and looked at them expectantly. Ryker took one cupcake and bit into it. "Mommy! It's yum" he said and started licking his fingers as the chocolate started dripping through it.

I shook my head and handed them plates so they won't make a mess. I quickly emailed the recipe to Judy after I received confirmation from Caleb.

"How was work?" I asked whilst cleaning the counter and dumping the utensils in the sink. "It was good." He said and sat on the stool in front of the counter. "Is something wrong?" I asked leaning myself on the counter while looking at him. He just stared into my eyes for a few moments before sighing loudly.

"I'm leaving." He said. I frowned in confusion. "Leaving? Where?" I asked. My heart was pounding in my chest. What do he mean my leaving?

"Yes. We are leaving for New York tomorrow." He said "We?" I asked. "Ian, Mr.Brown and me." He answered. "Why?" I asked. "We need to look for a site for the hotel and then hire an architecture and all the other stuff." He said.

Even though I didn't want him to go so far away from me but this is important for his career and his expression said it all. He didn't want to go either. He is my best friend. I can't hold him back.

I held his hand on the counter and looked at him. "You should go. Don't worry about me or the kids. We'll be fine." I said and started drawing circles on the back of his hand with my thumb. He covered my hand with his other one and rested his head on them. "I don't want to live you guys alone. What if something happens?" He asked. I chuckled and rested my hand on his head, running my fingers through his soft locks.

"As I said, we'll be fine and besides you'll be what, 700 miles away?" I asked unsure of my knowledge. His body vibrated as he chuckled. "712.21 miles" he said and lifted his head and replaced it with his chin. I rolled my eyes at that. "I was close enough." I said. He just looked at me with a smile. "What will I do without you?" He asked. I scrunched my face up in mock thinking. "You'll probably end up on streets." I said and stuck my tongue out at him. He sat straight and laughed his throaty laugh.

"Let's have a goodbye dinner?" He asked.

"It's not a goodbye." I said. "And yes we can have a dinner. All four of us." I added. "But.." I said before he could say something. "I know you are being lazy today. I can see that on your face" He said and stood up from the stool to go get some water to drink. "Who wants pizza?" He yelled. The twins came running in yelling, again "Me! Me! Me!" I looked at them in shock. Chocolate was dripping down their chin and their t-shirt was covered in chocolate. Their white hands were now brown and surely sticky because of the sweet heaven.

What was I thinking while giving them the entire plate of the cupcakes.

Behind me Caleb bursted out laughing. I turned around and glared at him. He pursed his lips to prevent himself from having another fit of laughter but couldn't control himself and started laughing again. I couldn't help but chuckle. Turning around I looked at my mischievous monsters who were grinning at me innocently.

"Okay, now go have a bath. You two look like you just crawled out of a river of chocolate." I said and shook my head. They yelled happily since I didn't scold them and started running towards their room. "I'll go give them a bath. They'll ruin the bathroom if we leave them alone." I said and was about to leave when Caleb held my arm. "I'll go do that. You can order the pizza and rest for a while." He said. I smiled at him and watched him leave.

After ordering the pizza I kept the phone back on the coffee table and switched the TV on. After few seconds my phone began to ring again. I pressed the mute button and picked it up. Frowning at the unknown number flashing on my screen, I stood up and walked towards the balcony as the laughter and giggles of Caleb and the twins were louder then the TV itself.

Answering the call I pressed it against my ear. "Hello?"

"Hey! It's me Ian." The person from the other line said.

"Oh! Hey. Tell me" I said. "I think you know by now that I'll be leaving to New York tomorrow and Marie, my maid is on a leave so I was wondering if you could look after Nathan?" He asked. "Just for few days. Marie will be back soon." He added quickly.

"Oh! Um.." I hesitated and bit my lip. Ofcourse there wasn't any problem in looking after Nathan and besides maybe I'll get him to talk. There's no harm in trying.

"Did you ask Nathan?" I asked.

"Yes, I did. Infact he's the one who suggested it." He said making me smile. "Sure. You can drop him off." I said. "We'll be leaving early morning. Is it okay if I drop him tonight?" He asked. I looked back at the apartment and contemplated. Caleb won't be thrilled about this, at all.

"Yes, okay." I finally said when Ian asked whether I was still there.

"Okay. I'll see you in a bit." He said and disconnected the call after we bid our goodbyes. I sighed and looked at the starless sky. This is the problem of cities, you don't get to see a starry sky. I pouted unconsciously.

"What are you pouting for?" Caleb asked from behind me and came to a hault beside me. He was now dressed in sweatpants and a tank shirt. His hair were wet making me chuckle. "Let me guess. The kids bathed you instead of the other way around?" I asked to which he nodded in reply.

"I was scrubbing the chocolate off Ryker when Raine came from behind me and rubbed her chocolatey hands on my face. I thought Raine was having a shower in your room but boy, was I wrong. We ended up having a tub party." He grinned. "That's why I was saying, I'll go and give them a bath but no, you have to go and increase my work" my voice got muffled as Caleb pulled me in for a hug. I sighed in his arms "I'll miss you." I said and kept my hands on his chest as he rested his chin on my head. His chest vibrated under my touch as he chuckled. "I'll miss you too." He said.

"For how long will you be gone?" I asked. "Probably six months" he answered. I pulled away in shock. "Six months?" I gaped at him. He laughed in reply. "Don't worry, I'll be coming back in between." He said and hugged me back. "Just let me hold you for a while" he said.

I don't know how I'm gonna be without him for so long. As long as my memory goes, there wasn't a day I didn't talk to him or see him and now he'll be gone for six months and I'm sure he'll be too busy to talk properly. I don't know about my past but now I don't like changes. From the moment I opened my eyes in the hospital I only imagined my life with my twins but slowly Caleb squeezed himself in that imagination and now he'll be going away for six months. That's a big change I don't like nor I am ready for. Also, I can't hold him back from his future. As long as I've known him he wanted to build his own chain of restaurants and now when he is having the opportunity I can't just tell him to stay and leave his dreams behind.

I'm not that selfish. I can only hope that this six months go by fast.

"Hug time!" Twins yelled and came running towards us and hugged our legs. I chuckled and knelt down along with Caleb and we all hugged. This was getting too emotional. I'll cry soon.

"Who am I?" Caleb asked suddenly. Ryker and Raine looked at him and answered "Cay-Cay" they answered. "No.. I am.." Caleb trailed off with a evil glint in his eyes. The kids realised and was about to run off but we held them back "The tickle monster" Caleb and I said in sync and began tickling them. Raine and Ryker began kicking their legs and tried their best to pry our hands off but ended up laughing loudly.

The doorbell rang breaking our moment short. "I'll go get it." I said and left a squirming Raine to Caleb. The tables turned and Raine and Ryker were now on top of Caleb tickling and jumping on him.

I walked towards the door with a laugh and opened the door. My browns met his blues and the fimiliar feeling erupted in my stomach.

"Hi!" I said breathlessly. Mostly because of the laughing session but deep within I knew that was not the reason.


Hey guys! How are you today? I hope everything is fine.

What do you guys think of this chapter? I hope you like it. Things are going to take ugly turn for Alison from here. Any guesses?

Any ship name suggestions for Caleb - Sapphire, Ian - Alison? I would love to hear them.

Also I decided to keep my other books on hold until I finish this. I don't know if it's just me but I'm finding it difficult to think about three different stories and write a big satisfying chapter. I often confuse one character for another so I decided to first complete this book and then move to another. I know I have changed my decisions many times mainly because I'm still trying to adjust being a writer. I hope you guys can understand.

Next update on Saturday at 12:00 p.m IST

All love,

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