The Hired Boy |Ruby Gillis...

By FlittyFleeFly

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Ruby Gillis has always insisted she could never, and would never, fall for a hired boy. "It would be too hum... More

One | a trip into town
Two | one summer evening
Three | the assignment
Four | help from Jerry
Five | help from Anne
Six | Ruby and Lillian become aquainted
Seven | waltz of the broomstick
Eight | Ruby's hero
Nine | the walk home
Ten | a good hired hand
Twelve | an unexpected thank you
Thirteen | Ruby's essay
Fourteen | Editha Sharpe
Fifteen | the new boy
Sixteen | red-faced and red-haired
Seventeen | Ruby Gillis, Gilbert Blythe & several big mistakes
Eighteen | a picnic gone wrong
Nineteen | in preparation of the dance
Twenty | the wrong partners
Twenty-One| on the arm of a hired boy

Eleven | Anne's vow

2K 96 164
By FlittyFleeFly

"I have an announcement!" Ms. Stacey declared to the class on Friday morning.

"Another one?" Josie whispered to Ruby, rolling her eyes.

No one else in the class anymore enthused by this declaration than Josie. They were still working on their essays and were not quite ready for another one of Ms. Stacey's "announcements", although Anne did her very best to look excited for the benefit of her beloved teacher.

"I have just been informed," said Ms. Stacey that the town will be hosting a dance next month at the town hall —"

Ruby let out a small squeal of delight. She was not alone. All across the classroom there was a spattering of excited exclamations, mingled with a few groans as well. Anne was positively beaming at the prospect. "My first dance!" she whispered loudly to Diana.

Ms. Stacey smiled at the class. "Well, that was certainly a more enthusiastic reaction then I usually get from this class. As I was saying, yes, there will be a dance in town. It will not be required for you to attend, and more than likely some of your parents will not wish you to. It is debatable whether dances are appropriate for children your age. I personally think they are. An exciting night of lively fun and brisk dancing never hurt anyone, in fact I think it will be quite invigorating for you all — especially as we are nearing the colder months and such events will be held less frequently."

Ruby raised her hand into the air.

"Yes, Ruby?" asked Ms. Stacey. She was clearly surprised as Ruby never asked questions in class.

"Will there be partners?" asked Ruby.

"If you wish to bring a partner, you certainly may," said Ms. Stacey. "However it is not required and there is nothing to be ashamed of if you go alone. I myself will be going alone."

At the news of partners, a exchange of shy and eager glances passed between the two rows of students. Gilbert Blythe seemed to develop a sudden twitch in his neck in the direction of Anne Shirley. Ruby's excitement dimmed as she saw the hopeful expression on the boy's face and realized he wanted to ask Anne to be his partner.

The dance was all anyone could talk about for the rest of the day. The lunch corner was especially giggly that afternoon, and the boys not quite as rambunctious as usual.

As the girls chattered about who would ask who, which girls would end up going alone, and which boy they wanted to go with, Ruby suddenly noticed how quiet Anne was and that she was sitting in an extremely awkward and uncomfortable position. Her body was facing the window, through which the boys could be seen fooling around, but she had her neck turned to the side, refusing to look out the window.

"Anne, what are you doing?" asked Ruby, perplexed.

"Nothing," said Anne quickly, but she still didn't face the window.

"She's ignoring Gilbert, obviously," said Josie Pye, rolling her eyes. "Honestly, you're always doing the silliest things. I don't think Gilbert cares a wit whether you look at him or not."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," said Tillie, nodding at the window.

The girls looked out the window to where Gilbert was standing with Charlie Sloane. He kept peering at the window.

This had been going on for a few days now. Ever since the drama at the Gray farm, Anne had been intentionally snubbing Gilbert Blythe.

"I'm not being silly, Josie," said Anne, glaring at Miss Pye. She lifted her chin into the air. "Gilbert Blythe is the silly one and I am done with his nonsense. All he ever does is annoy me and I'm done trying to be agreeable."

The other girls sent each other disparaging glances, all except Ruby. She gazed at Anne miserably for a moment then blurted, "I suppose you'll go to the dance with Gilbert, Anne?"

Anne's jaw dropped and her head whipped around to face Ruby. "Of course not! I just finished saying how I'm done with his nonsense! Ruby Gillis, how could you say such a thing?"

"We all know Anne will go alone," said Josie.

"I'd rather go alone than go with Gilbert Blythe!" cried Anne. "In fact I'd gladly go alone, just as Ms. Stacey is."

Ruby took a deep breath, and then, gathering all the strength she could muster she said, "I -I don't mind if you go with Gilbert, Anne." She blinked hard. "I'll be alright."

Anne jumped to her feet in a fury. "I don't want to go with Gilbert!"

"You'd make a nice pair," said Jane Andrews.

"I agree," added Diana. Her smile shriveled under the furious glance Anne sent her.

"Diana, I love you dearly," said Anne shaking her head. "But I cannot bare to hear even you speak of such things. I won't go with Gilbert Blythe! I swear on my mothers grave that I won't."

Ruby was shocked. "Anne! You oughtn't to do such a thing! Your mother wouldn't like to hear you using swear words! Especially by her grave."

"It means to make a strong promise, Ruby," said Anne. "And I vow to stick by my promise til I join my mother in the deepest depths of death!"

All the girls stared at Anne after this dramatic exclamation. All except for Josie who continued to eat her lunch casually.

"You all ought to calm yourselves," said Josie."Gilbert hasn't even asked anyone to the dance yet!"

"Well tell him not to bother," said Anne, sitting back down. "Because I —"

"Yes, we know," said Josie, rolling her eyes yet again. "You won't go with him until your dead. We heard. Why don't we discuss something else? Such as how many boys we all know are going to ask me to be their partner? Charlie Sloane is dead gone on me and I know it."

"Is he?" asked Diana.

"Oh yes," said Josie. "But it course I won't go with him."

The dance discussion continued through lunch, but Ruby didn't join in very much. She was stunned by her own sacrifice. More than anything Ruby wanted to go to the dance with Gilbert Blythe, but how could she when it was obvious how much he cared for Anne?

After class Ruby was once again planing to walk home to Green Gables with Anne. As she was putting on her hat and shawl in preparation to leave, she felt a tap on her shoulder. Ruby looked around and saw Charlie Sloane, standing behind her. Charlie Sloane was Gilbert Blythe's best friend. He was tall with brown hair and was usually making jokes and fooling around, but at times, like now, he could be extremely awkward.

"I, uh, wanted to talk to you," he said, trying to act casual and failing.

"Of course," said Ruby. She looked over at Anne and Diana. "I'll be ready to leave in a moment."

As Ruby and Charlie stepped outside, Diana's gaze followed them.

When they were out of earshot of the other students, Charlie turned to face Ruby. Ruby waited expectantly for him to speak, wondering what he had to say. She thought perhaps he was going to ask her to the dance. Or maybe, she wistfully thought, Gilbert had asked Charlie to invite her to the dance for him.

"I was just wondering if you know who Diana is going to the dance with," said Charlie in a rush. His face was bright red.

"Oh!" said Ruby, suddenly understanding. "No one has asked yet. Do you want to go with her?"

"What?" said Charlie in alarm, as if he hadn't expected Ruby to catch on. "Oh, uh, maybe. I don't know. I hadn't thought about it that much."

Ruby saw Anne and Diana walk out of the school house. "Look there she is, why don't you ask her now!"

"Uhh." Charlie glanced at Diana with a terrified expression on his face. "No." He shoved his hands into his pockets. "No, I'll just wait."

Ruby shrugged. "Suit yourself."

Anne waved at Ruby across the school yard and called, "Ruby! Are you coming?"

Ruby said goodbye to Charlie, then hurried to join her friends.

"What did Charlie want?" asked Diana.

"Charlie?" said Ruby. "Oh, nothing. He just . . . Was wondering if I could write down my recipe for apple-pie so he could give it to his mother."

"Your apple pie certainly is good," said Diana.

"And it is nearing apple season," added Anne. She sighed in delight and beamed up at the autumn sun. "I do so love September. Late September and early October sunshine is nicer than any other, don't you think?"

Diana laughed. "Anne, I do believe you say every month of the year is your favorite!"

"I suppose it's true," said Anne. "Each month has something so beautiful about it, I could never really pick a favorite."

Diana was accompanying them halfway home, but a quarter of the way there, Anne suddenly realized she'd forgotten her book. "It's a novel. I brought it so I could ask Ms. Stacey whether she thought it would be alright for me to read or not. She said it was and I was ever so excited to start it! I have to go back!"

"Would you like us to come?" Diana called after Anne who was already jogging away.

"No, go ahead without me. I'll catch up," Anne called over her shoulder.

So Ruby and Diana continued on walking. Without Anne's endless chatter, they lapsed into silence. Ruby's thoughts wondered back to Charlie's questions about Diana. Charlie wanted to ask Diana to the ball, and Gilbert wanted to ask Anne, but who wanted to ask Ruby? Ruby's heart sank slightly as she realized no one did. Ruby did not begrudge her friends this, but she was a little jealous. It turned out even Jerry, whom Ruby had been so certain was in love with herself, liked Diana. Or at least Ruby assumed judging by the question he had asked about her.

Ruby realized she hadn't yet asked Diana if she liked Jerry like Jerry had asked her to.

Then was as good a time as ever. "Diana, do you like Jerry?"

Diana stopped in her tracks and looked around at Ruby in amazement. "Jerry Baynard? Of course not!"

"You don't?" said Ruby.

Diana shook her head of dark curls. "Jerry is a sweet boy, but I just don't think of him that way!"

"Oh," said Ruby. Ruby didn't understand why she felt relieved. "If you don't like Jerry, then who do you like?"

Diana blushed. "I'm not sure." She quickly changed the subject. "That was awfully good of you to tell Anne she might go with Gilbert at lunch. I know how much you like him and it was a very noble sacrifice."

Ruby looked down at boots, once again blinking hard. "But I know he he doesn't like me." She looked up at Diana. "And I guess maybe I don't like him quite as much as I used too."

Before Diana could give her opinion on this, Anne can't skipping gaily down the forest path, her book held triumphantly aloft, bringing Ruby and Diana's conversation to an end.

A/N: I considered putting Fred Wright into the story, but since it's an awae fanfic and Fred hasn't arrived (yet) I decided to explore Diana and Charlie's relationship a bit. I know they aren't going to be endgame, but I still think the idea of them is cute.
Also I didn't know Charlie is supposed to be Gilbert's best friend, but apparently he is? I saw a interview on Twitter (I think it was twitter?) with the awae cast and he kid who plays Charlie (I think his name might be Jacob, but I'm not sure) said he plays Charlie Sloane "who is Gilbert's best friend" or something along those lines.
Also, I know a dance is cliche but they're fun to write and I always enjoy reading them.

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