III: The Redemption (Complete...

By writtenbytee

272K 12.2K 8.2K

MUST READ KEEPING SECRETS & THE REVELATION FIRST!! Nothing lasts forever, while somethings never change. Ho... More

Visuals Are Back
1. First Day of School
2. The New Boy In Town
4. Major Changes
5. Friend or Foe?
6. Baby Fever
7. Literally, Lit
8. Fashion Industry
9. Family over Everything
10. Movin' On Up
11. You Aint Seen Crazy Yet
12. One Less Thing To Worry About
13. Return to Sender
14: Then & Now
14 & A Half: Revenge
15: Personal
16: Anything For You
17: Beyond What You See
18: Puzzle Pieces
19: Promise to Protect
20: man to Man
21: Should've Been Me
22: A Loss
23: Another Side of You
24: For The Last Time
25: Dove
Epilogue : Lesson & Blessings

3. Mine

10.6K 485 367
By writtenbytee

I apologize lol my math is completely off, Nya is actually 16 so thank you to all my math whiz's that we're correcting me. I appreciate it lol.

Also her "character" has changed because I feel Amber H would portray Nya's attitude a lot better. Anyways, that's all. Enjoy ❤️

This chapter is dedicated to LRiddle9 & sugah_c0caine ❤️ thanks for the constant love & support!

Alonzo Flemington

I lit my blunt between my lips before looking towards the two teenage boys that sat in front of me. We had been locked up in this office for the whole day trying to figure out how money went missing after doing the calculations from last weeks sales. I was down a whole five g's and all the facts and stories I have heard today pointing to them.

These guys knew better than to play with my money. I was giving them enough to live, eat and be in style. So, there is no possible reason why my sales should've been coming up short.

"So, tell me what happened?" I asked, taking a hit.

"Boss, I swear to God. We did what we were supposed to; we made our loot, banded it up as usual and brought it back to the trap house."

"So then how did my money end up missing?"

"We don't know!" Jerome answered, throwing his hands up in frustration. One of my men that stood at the door pulled his gun out as a reflex; causing Jerome to sit back and humble himself. "I'm sorry boss but this is irritating; we've been telling you the same story all afternoon. I've been working with you for a while now, I have no reason to switch up on you."

"You know me." I took a pull from my blunt; and rested my head against my leather chair as I let out the cloud of smoke. "I don't play with my money."

"We know sir, which is why we wouldn't dare to steal from you."

"THEN HOW DID THE MONEY END UP MISSING?!" my voice elevated and the two of them jumped at the sound. "5,000 DOLLARS FROM MY HARD-EARNED MONEY WENT MISSING ON YOUR WATCH. I NEED AN ANSWER."

"We honestly do not know..." Jerome croaked out, afraid to look me dead in the eye.

As I was about to speak my phone vibrated in front of me; my eyes read over the message and suddenly the anger was replaced with worry.

1 & Only

5:45 PM: Your son is running a fever, I am headed to the hospital with him right now. If you aren't too busy, your presence would be appreciated.

I looked up from my phone to see the two scared teenagers; to think that these boys were someone's sons at the end of the day was what stopped me from doing to them what would've done to one of my more mature workers. I groaned, and locked my phone screen. "Get out of here." I mumbled.

"What was that?" one asked, a little above a whisper.

"I said get the hell out of here." The boys quickly reached for their duffle bags; swinging it over their shoulder.

Once they were gone; I sighed and stood to my feet, removing my suit jacket from the back of my chair and pulling it over my white dress shirt.

"You're too easy on them boss." One of my guards said, breaking the silence of the room.

"I know," I hung my head down; realizing that I had to toughen up, especially if I didn't want things like this to happen again. "Carter's sick. I gotta get out of here. Keep a look out, make sure everything's alright and as usual just call me if you need me."

"Will do boss, but before you go... there is something I need to tell you."


"We've got a little bit of competition on our hands..."

"What do you mean by that?" I furrowed my brow and sat on the edge of my desk; giving him all of my attention.

"A couple of your clients have been going to someone new, I heard a couple guys at the barber shop talking and they said that this new guy is moving some exotic type sh-."

"On my streets..." I placed my hand to my chest and raised my brow. "Why haven't you killed him yet?"

"That's exactly why I had to bring it to your attention. He's an OG to the game; he's known internationally and deemed as untouchable."

"No one is untouchable; especially if they disrespectfully come to my turf trying to move work."

"I know that boss... but it isn't that easy, messing with a guy like him would lead to a gang war. A gang war that I don't think we're ready for yet, especially if you got guys like... the two shrimps you had in here; working for you."

"I'm ready for anything..." I stood to my feet and tugged on the cuffs of my shirt. "Who's this nigga anyways?"

"I'm not sure of all that yet."

"Well figure it out." I smirked and grabbed my car keys from off my desk and I got to the door, turned back to look at him. "You know me well enough to know that there's no way possible that I am going to make some clown ass nigga come and take what's mine."

Samantha King

I ran my finger over the blue ink on the white crumpled piece of paper as I waited in the waiting area of the hospital. I had told Rochelle about my encounter and after hearing my description of the owner of this number she was certain that I should put it to use, however I was still a bit skeptical... I didn't know if I was ready to take that leap of faith yet... I didn't know if I was 100% ready to move on.

Carter was still sleeping soundly in his car seat while Elise sat next to me, playing games on the iPad that I hated Alonzo so much for getting her; I wanted Elise to grow up on color books and word searches, to love the power of a book but her father had other plans. Now she was hooked on technology at such a young age.

I shook my head and ran my hand over her curls, causing her to look up at me and smile exposing the fact that one of her front teeth were missing. "I'm almost at level 75 mom!" she announced, showing me her game.

"That's good baby." She nodded and returned to what she was doing, leaving me to fantasize about the one highlight of my day; meeting Hezekiah. Although it was short and mainly about the kids; it was good to hear a man apart from the one that broke my heart, call me pretty. Hezekiah was mouth-wateringly attractive, I couldn't get the image of him out of my head. He was so masculine, like a piece of art. From his build, I could only imagine what he was working with beneath those clothes.

I don't know if I was thinking this way because I hadn't gotten any attention from another man in a while or if he was just that sexy. Now a day, no one wanted anything to do with a baby mom, I would see them stare at me in the mall or in the grocery stores until they realize that I'm picking up a box of diapers or until they see the stroller that I'm pushing. As soon as they piece two and two together; all the attraction they once had, would disappear.

"Last call for Carter Flemington." I heard the nurse announce, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"We're here!" I jumped up, taking up the car seat and grabbing Elise's hand. I struggled, trying to hold both as the nurse guided us through the hallway and into an empty room.

"Just grab a seat, the doctor will be right with you."

"Thank you very much."

I sat the car seat down on the bed, and took Carter out; he stirred from the movement and suddenly he began to cry. I placed him against my chest; and his body was so hot that it burned through the thin t-shirt I was wearing. I hated seeing my baby like this.

"Hush mamas baby." I kissed his forehead and sat on the bed, rubbing his back to try and soothe his discomfort but once he started there was no stopping him for now; especially when he was sick.

"What's wrong with my boy?" the room door cracked open and Alonzo came into the room with a huge smile on his face. Elise jumped from the seat she was in and ran over to him, wrapping her arms around his legs. "Daddy!"

"Hi princess!" he picked her up and kissed her cheek. "How are you?"

"I'm good! Carter's sick though."

"I see that, what did you do to him this time?"

"Nothing!" she giggled, "mom said he has a fever again."

"Oh man." He looked over at me, and I broke the eye contact right away; looking down at the full head of curls. "Have you seen a doctor yet?"

"Not yet." I answered, still trying to calm him down.

"Let me see him." Alonzo placed Elise onto the chair she was sitting in and outstretched his hands to take Carter. The moment he got into Alonzo's arms it was like the switch went off and the crying immediately stopped. "Daddy's touch."

"Oh please." I rolled my eyes, trying my best to supress this heat that filled my body every time Alonzo came around. Just seeing him with the kids, made me wonder and just think how beautiful our family would've been if we just kept working on it.


A few hours and a couple needles later we were finally out of the hospital; turns out Carter had an infection but we found it right in time. It wasn't detrimental and the doctor said some baby Tylenol and sleep would do just the trick. I was thankful to know that it was going to be okay.

Alonzo helped me get the kids into the car, once he got Elise to stop crying he slammed the door shut and walked over to my window. He glanced over at her in the back then looked me dead in the eyes with a slight smile on his face. "You look good." he said. I rolled my eyes, and placed my hands on the steering wheel. "What? You aren't going to say thank you?"

"What do you want Alonzo?"

"I gotta want something to compliment you?"

"Listen, it's getting late and I have to go home and feed my children. So, if you have something to say please make it quick."

"Fine, I wanted to let you know that I won't be able to take them this weekend." He whispered.

"Why not? You know how she gets when she doesn't see you."

"And I'll make it up to you. I just got some things I need to handle. Just cover for me; I'll send you some money to take them out or something."

"I don't need money, I need a break. I've been missing work to take care of our son and I know it's my job but I'm tired Alonzo. I was really looking forward to getting a break this weekend."

"I know, and I'm sorry." He reached for one of my hands and kissed the back of it. "Just this weekend, I promise that it won't happen again."

"Ugh, whatever it is better be important."

"It is."

"Fine. Just this weekend."

"What would I do without you?" He kissed my hand again but this time I grabbed my hand away and started up the car.

"Watch your toes." I said, as I began to back out of the parking space. I let out a long sigh and refrained from looking back at him as I drove away.


We got into the house and I washed up my hands and Elise's before setting her food on the dining table and putting on her favorite movie; Moana. Since it was already late; I made this one exception that she could have McDonalds instead of having to wait for me to cook.

After getting her all set up I brought Carter upstairs; wiped him down then changed him into his night clothes and set him in his crib. I put on his baby monitor then headed over to my room.

I took a quick shower, then hopped out and threw on a baggy t-shirt and a pair of shorts. I moisturized my skin and threw my hair up into a bun, then sat on the edge of my bed.

My eyes wandered over the empty side of the bed that was once occupied and although I shouldn't have; I opened the drawer of my night stand and took out the two rings that sat on top of the pile of old wedding pictures. I slid them on my finger and the diamonds danced under the lights.

"I miss you..." I whispered to myself, "so much." I felt a tear well up in my eyes and I wiped it away before it could fall. This is what happened every time I saw him, it was like exposing a wound to the air, the more I didn't let it heal was the more it hurt.

Without taking them off, I made my way down the stairs to see Elise all done; she had thrown away her things and was still sitting there watching her movie. "Bed time baby."

"Just a few more minutes? Please."

"Fine, just a few more minutes." I pulled up a seat and opened my phone, sending Rochelle a text.

I scrolled through my social media, awaiting a response. I liked a couple of pictures on Instagram before heading over to Twitter where the first tweet I saw caused my eyes to nearly pop out of my head...

@LondonBae365: Get you a bae that spoils you with tickets to see your favorite team play. Going to Cleveland this weekend!! Love him so much #Winning #GetYouAZo #CoutsideSeats

I read over the tweet so many times in shock. Is this really what he was blowing off his kids for?

I screenshotted it and sent it to Rochelle, within minutes she called me and the first thing she said was. "It's time for you to give him a taste of his own medicine."


"Use that number!"

Alonzo Flemington

"You liked that baby?" London asked, licking her lips and making her way up from under the covers. I was out of breath which was enough for her to know the answer. She smirked and attempted to lean over and kiss me but I moved just in time.

"You know better than that." I let out, "You've gotta brush your teeth first."

"Are you serious?" she raised her brows. "I never say that to you."

"Because I've never went down on you before." I laid back and grabbed my vibrating phone off the night stand. "Just go do it."

"Ugh!" she threw the covers back and got off the bed, stomping over to the bathroom. I smirked and pulled the phone up to my ear. "Talk to me," I said.

"Boss, I got a name."

"Let me hear it."

"His name is Hezekiah Collins, but in the streets they call him Hezzy."

"And you got info on him?"


"Alright, I'll see you in the morning." I hung up as London came out from the bathroom, she hopped back into her spot and laid her head on my chest; running her fingers over my bare skin. It was comforting but it wasn't that feeling that I missed more than anything. In fact, I don't think any other woman could give me that same feeling, it was one of a kind and something that I had to learn to get over.

I was happier like this now and without a doubt; Samantha would be there waiting for me when I was ready for her but as of right now. It wasn't what I needed.

I turned off my lamp and London snuggled closer to me, I kissed the top of my head and closed my eyes; forcing myself to sleep.

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