Never Met a Girl Like Her | ✔️

By tayxwriter

3.7M 135K 66.8K

"Wanna watch?" She rolled onto her back and smiled, drawing her lip between her teeth as her hand trailed do... More

Bonus chapter


83K 3.2K 2.3K
By tayxwriter


Leonie and I decided to go and watch a movie while Sarah was out with Alex. I wasn't going to expect her back super early. So I figured that we had time to kill. We slid into my car and I looked at Leonie as I did up my seat belt.

"How come you don't want to take your car?" I peeped at her sleek Range Rover in the drive beside my little run around. I would hate to think about the price tag on one of those. The wheels were enormous, black just like the car and the windows.

"Because," she smiled and watched me as I shifted into reverse and held the back of her headrest. "I love watching you drive a stick. It's hot."

I laughed. "It's hot?"

"So hot."

She was killing me. These last few weeks she'd been flirtatious as hell. But still keeping me at a distance. I could have told her to back off a bit and stop messing with me. She would have too. But like a masochist, I took whatever she gave and quietly hoped that it might go further.

The beach weekend had given me a measure of hope. Especially when we almost kissed in the water. Ugh every time I thought about her in that bikini, it almost had me undone. Her curves. Her chest. Her legs around my waist and her hard nipples rubbing up against me. My dick was getting thick just thinking about it.

Leonie's phone buzzed for the fifth time since Sarah had left and she read the message, tapped out a quick response and dropped it into her lap again.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah," she smiled. "It's just people at Jade's place. There's a big thing happening there. But when isn't there."

"We can go if you want?"

"Na," she shook her head and stared out at the road. "I'd rather go and see a movie."

"I won't be offended if you'd rather do something else," I indicated right and picked up speed on the highway. The theatre that I wanted to go to was closer to Leonie's side of the tracks. But it was nicer, bigger. Which meant that the tickets didn't sell out as fast. "I mean, you must have a lot of options. You don't have to slum it with me."

"Shut up, Gilmore," she shook her head with amusement as I shifted through the gears. "I want to go to the movies with you. Alright?"

I fought a smile and lost. "Yeah alright."
She settled into her seat with content.

"Can you brainstorm something with me for a minute?"

She nodded. "What is it?"

"Sarah's sixteenth is in a month and a half. I want to do something special for her. Thoughts?"

She narrowed her eyes into a contemplative stare. The way that she immediately seemed to be racking her brain for an idea made my heart swell. She had so much good in her. So much to give. It was like she didn't even realise how sweet she was. Not to mention beautiful.

My stomach twisted at her long black waves tumbling over her shoulders. Her vibrant blue eyes. Her sun kissed skin. She was so heart achingly stunning.

I tried to watch the road and not her. But I noticed her lift her phone and begin tapping out a message. It seemed like a long one too. "I might have an idea," she said. "But I'll keep it to myself until I can be sure that it's got the green light."

"Aw come on," I nudged her outer thigh. "Tell me."


She was impossible to crack. She refused to fill me in the entire drive to the theatre. It wasn't until the movie shorts started that I gave it a rest. We sat beside each other watching Captain Marvel.

Leonie sucked on a lollipop, entranced with the movie and having no idea how hard I was getting while she lapped her tongue out over, swirling it, lips pouted around this damn candy.

Or so I thought she had no idea. She turned to me at one point, small smile and parted lips so that her tongue could dart out and with half hooded lids, she slowly licked it while looking straight at me. I couldn't watch her after that. I was gathering blood in one particular place and I did not want to leave the theatre with a bulging crotch.

After the movie, we slid into the car and Leonie was bursting with excitement, raving about what a badass Carol Danvers is and how she is the next generation hero of the MCU. I clearly wasn't as up to speed on all things Marvel as she was.

But I appreciated her enthusiasm.

It was only nine when we began pulling out of the theatre lot.

"Let's go to mine," she suggested. "I want to get out of these jeans."

My throat felt thick. "Sure."

I parked in her underground space and we took the elevator to her floor.

"Something to drink?" She offered as we passed the kitchen. I declined and continued to her room behind her. A slither of her back could be seen from her cropped shirt and I swallowed. Hard.

Her room was worse than it was last time. But I didn't complain. It was her space. And I figured that she must have created havoc when I asked her to help Sarah with the date. Yep. That was the reason that her room looked like a tornado had blown through it.

She disappeared into her closet as I fell onto the bed backwards and a moment later, she returned in a pair of cotton shorts that accentuated her shapely legs. Torture. She wandered over to her desk and sat down on the chair as she read a message on her phone.

Blowing out a breath, she swapped the phone for a paper and held it up, her expression illuminating as if she'd had a lightbulb moment. "You must have been good at biology, right?"

I sat forward, elbows on knees and laughed. "Yeah I wasn't bad. Why's that?"

"I have a dissection paper," she gnawed on her lip. "It was due yesterday but I didn't hand it in because it wasn't done. And then I told the teacher that I needed an extension because my cousin died after ingesting too much helium and my aunt was crashing at our house and disrupting homework with all of her sobbing."

"And your teacher believed that?"

"I'm super persuasive when I wanna be."

I ran a hand through my hair and laughed, standing up so that I could help her. She turned in her chair and put the paper on the desk. So I leaned one hand on the desk, one on the back of her chair and bent over her to read what the assignment was.

I laughed, fanning her hair and her body stilled.

"Leonie, this is so basic."

"Excuse me," she said, her voice was a little tight. "We're not all meant for the Doctor life. I have no reason to understand this."

"The reason is that you have to complete it for school to get the grades."

"I don't appreciate your logical arguments."

I rolled my eyes with amusement and inhaled. She smelled so good. All of the time. Fresh and sweet. Like the mist from a waterfall and fruit. I couldn't help it and leaned in a little closer. My lips were almost on her skin.

"Alright," I said. "Did you take notes during the dissection?"


I bit down on a grin, glad that she couldn't see me. "Then how would you possibly be able to fill this out if you didn't write down the process of harvesting the organs?"

"Well I didn't even take them out. So. . . Yeah."

I sighed and it fanned her hair again. Her frame jolted. It was subtle. But I saw it.

"So," I scanned the paper, looking for which animal it was. "Oh a rat. It's been a while. I might be able to do it from memory."



"This is the least sexiest subject that we could be talking about right now but the clitches that I'm having are out of control."


"Yep," she exhaled. "Clit twitch."

Fuck. My knuckles turned white as I made a fist and looked down over her shoulder. Her chest was rising and falling, fast. I used the hand that was on the back of her chair and swept her hair from her neck. She sucked in a sharp breath.

"You should concentrate," I murmured, so close that I could almost taste her skin on my lips. My nose grazed her earlobe and she jolted. "You need to finish this paper."

"Mhmm," she tipped her head to the side and it was obvious what she wanted. Damned if I didn't want it too.

My lips pressed against her neck and she let out a soft whimper as I trailed kisses up, under her ear. Down the side of her throat. I lapped out, licking and nipping. Her fists were clenched in her lap.

Her hand came up and her fingers slid through my hair as my mouth became more frenzied. She moaned and the sound almost sent me over the edge. With the hand that had been leaning on the desk, I touched her chest and felt her hard nipples beneath my fingers.

Her phone rang and she startled. But before she could answer it, I spun the chair around and saw how flushed and red she was. She panted and I closed my mouth over hers, kissing her, hard. Dipping my tongue into meet hers. She responded, eager as she tugged on my hair and deepened the kiss.

The ringing stopped. But a moment later, it started again.

She pushed me back and held up a finger. "One sec," she breathed and fanned at her face. "This might be important."

Her gaze swept me over and lingered on my dick that was almost bursting out of my jeans. She looked pained as she spun around, picked her phone up from the desk and answered it. I decided to put some space between us before I ripped the phone out of her hand and threw it at a wall. So I sat on the edge of her bed and watched as her shoulders lifted with excitement.

"Really? Are you sure?!"

There was some more silence but with each passing second she became more buzzed. She shot up out of her seat and gave me a splitting grin.

"Yeah. Yeah of course. But we've got time. We'll sort all of that out. Yes. Of course I love you."


"Okay thanks again mom."

Oh okay.

"Talk later."

She hung up the phone and let it fall on the floor as she threw her hands into the air. "You are going to love me!"

I already do.

As if she heard what she said, a light tint of red swept across her cheeks. But she recovered fast and stood in front of me. "Sarah's birthday, in London. You, me, Jazz and Sarah. November 16th to November 19th. Courtesy of mom's firm."


She clamped her hands together and squealed. "Yep. That was mom. I'd text her about it earlier. But I wanted to wait and know for sure that she could do it before I told you. But she can! The company has a jet. A ton of apartment blocks that they use for clients. Plus her boss is a huge advocate for charities. So he was on board."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that," she grinned. "It'll have to be cleared with her doctors. But we can take a medic with us. Or whatever. But what do you think?"

She didn't want to know what I thought. It was too intense. Too much. It'd scare her for sure.

So instead of telling her, I showed her. I stood up, drew her in and leaned down to meet her mouth with mine again. Again, her response was immediate. She tiptoed, wrapped her hands in my hair and kissed me back.

Fuck, I loved the way that she felt against me. It was a perfect fit. She inched closer, brushing her chest against mine. I didn't care what anyone said, this girl was meant to be in my life. Whether it was for me. Or for Sarah. She came along and inserted herself right into our lives and it had never felt out of place. Not falling in love with her wasn't even an option anymore. I was in.

I ran my hands down her waist, over her hips and around to the back of her thighs before I hoisted her up and dropped her down into the bed. She moaned and arched her hips into mine as I began pulling her shirt over her head.

"Tell me if this isn't what you want." I almost didn't recognise my own voice. "Tell me if you want me to stop."

"Don't stop," she cried as I gripped her shorts and pulled them down her silk smooth legs. She parted them and I knelt between her thighs. She clutched the sheets beside her as I shifted her lace thong to the side and began warming her up.

"Heath," she moaned, head tipped back, chest expanding. The way that she cried my name made me unravel. She gasped and thrashed until I stopped and then she groaned with disappointment. 

"Do you have a condom?" I stood up beside the bed and took off my jeans, she remained where she was, hair in disarray around her head, chest heaving, legs shaking, nipples hard. She shook her head and blew out a breath.

"No but I'm on the pill. Regular health checks. All of that."

Good enough for me.

I finished undressing, fast and she watched, her gaze settling on my throbbing dick as her lips parted. As soon as I settled on top of her, she wrapped her legs around my waist and drew me into another kiss. I teased her entrance and she pulled me in with her legs. Impatient and demanding.

But I loved how much she wanted this. How much I wanted this. I sank into her with one strong powerful thrust and clamped a hand over her mouth as she cried out, the other hand on the mattress beside her head.

Her eyes flared as I paused inside of her and then she rolled her hips against me as I slid my hand down to her jaw, to her throat and gripped her nape, caressing the ridges of her neck with my thumb.

Her teeth sunk into her lip as her eyes rolled back with a moan, the noise rippled straight through me and I dug my fingers into the back of her neck, giving her another powerful thrust.

She cried out, her nails digging into my shoulders and I slid my thumb up from her neck, over her jaw and onto her bottom lip. She didn't hesitate, sucking my thumb into her mouth. Her half lidded eyes remained on me as she swirled her tongue over it and once again, I slammed into her.

Taking this time, to tease, to go slow, to build, I needed it. Because once I got going, it'd be over all too quickly. As it was, I was close to busting at the sight of her sucking my thumb between her beautiful lips.

I slipped it out and reached down between us, pressing the pad of my damp thumb on her clit, her entire body jolted and she half sat up with a breathless gasp. Leaning up on her elbows, she looked down, watching me rub her above the space where our bodies connected.

"You like watching that?" I asked her and her chest rose and fell, her legs tightening, her cheeks flushed a beautiful bright red.

"Heath," she moaned, falling back into the bed as I sped up. Her fists clutched the sheets and she arched, writhing, trying to escape but begging for me to give her more.  "Right there. Don't move. Right there."

Her breathing became more frantic as I focused on the spot she'd instructed me to. Her moans were loud, fast, listening to her, I knew she was on the edge and then she jolted and let out a low groan as she covered her own mouth.

I rode out her climax, pumping my hips lightly, swirling her now swollen clit. As her breathing started to slow, I slid out of her, gripped her hips and flipped her onto her stomach.

She gasped as I pulled her up onto me, kneeling behind her and sliding back into her with one quick motion. I couldn't hold off any longer, I went hard, pumping fast as she moaned into the mattress.

"You're so fucking perfect," I groaned, looking at the curve of her ass, following the planes of her waist and smooth back.

Reaching forward, I wrapped a hand around her throat and pulled her up, flush against my front.

Her head rolled back into the crook of my shoulder as I held her in place with one hand and used the other to pinch her nipples between my fingers. We moved together, slowing my thrusts before I came too quickly.

I looked over her shoulder and saw her touching herself and I groaned, sinking my teeth into the space under her ear and sucking, kissing, biting. She was a thrashing mess of moans and pleading.

"Fuck baby," my voice was ragged as I continued watching her touch herself. "You feeling good?"

"So good," she cried. I pulled out of her again, threw her down into the bed and pulled her legs over my shoulders. As soon as I slid back inside of her, she threw her head back.

I went hard, so hard, pounding into her, pinching her hips, watching her flushed face contorted with pleasure. The way her mouth shaped into the perfect O. Her lips wet and red, her hair creating a pool around her head. Everything about her created a frenzied need within me and I couldn't hold back for a second longer as I came, feeling it all over my fucking body.

Leonie laid on my chest. Both of us were damp. Panting. Spent and smiling. I raked my fingers through her hair and tried to catch my breath. There was a hum in the air.

Her bare chest against mine felt so erotic that I could feel the need to go again. But she sat up, clutching the sheet to her chest as she pushed her hands through her hair.

"Is this the part where you freak out?" I asked, sitting up behind her. I kissed her shoulder and she leaned into me. Despite what she said about wanting to just be friends, her body gave her up every time.

"I'm not freaking out," she laughed. But it was a little forced. "I'm just not sure where we go from here."

"Don't stress. Please," I pushed her hair from her shoulder and kissed her neck again. She shivered.  "You made it clear where you stood on relationships. I'm not going to expect that to change just because we slept together. You didn't give me expectations. So wherever we go from here, I accept that."

Truthfully, I'd love to do that again. And again. And again. But it was her call.

She looked over her shoulder and smiled at me. "Remember when you found Jett here that morning a few weeks ago?"

I swallowed and tried not to let the jealous show. "Mhmm."

"I didn't sleep with him."

I recoiled with shock.

"I couldn't. Because I kept thinking about you. You've been heavy on my heart from the moment that we met. But I'm a coward Heath. And I'm scared. But I do like you. A lot. So I can't promise that this will go further. But I dunno. It might? I won't ask you to wait for me. But I have to go slow."

It was a relief to me that she'd never slept with him. But I couldn't understand why she let me think that she did.

"Of course," I kissed her temple. "You're worth waiting for, Leonie."

Something that resembled hope flashed in her eyes and I knew that it was true. I'd wait for her. Like a sucker. Because she meant that much to me. And knowing that I'd been the reason that she couldn't fall into bed with someone else, that made me a little more hopeful.

"Why did you let me think that you did sleep with him?" I asked.

"Because I figured that it might put you off. You might lose interest in me and it would make it easier to fight what I felt if you didn't want me," she ducked her head with a smile. "But you didn't even seem to care. You almost took me right on the couch that same morning."

"Trust me, I cared," I said, running my fingers up and down her arm. "But you weren't mine. I didn't have the right to be upset. It would have been unfair to treat you badly over something that was none of my business."

She looked at me with her lips parted and gaze wide. "You really are the perfect man."

I cupped her jaw and kissed her mouth. She tasted so good. I'd never grow tired of it. "We should go back to mine," I said, feathering her lips. "Sarah should be home soon."

"Mhmm," she deepened the kiss and twisted so that her chest was pressed to mine. She threw her arms around my neck and we fell back into the mattress. "We should go. We should."

My hands held her waist, moving up and down, grazing the outer plump of her breasts. If she was hoping that I'd be the one with the brains here, she was wrong.

"Mhmm, we should go," she murmured against my mouth, grinding her hips against mine. I cupped her ass and thrust upward.

"Yeah we should."

We made it back to mine at half eleven and it was about fifteen minutes after that, that Sarah arrived. Leonie and I stood in the living room and watched her come in with Alex. She looked happier than I'd seen her in a long time. When she saw Leonie and I, she sighed and her shoulders dropped.

Before I could get a word in, Leonie took my hand and pulled me towards my room. "Thanks for bringing her back Alex," she called out. "We'll give you both a second to say goodnight."

In my bedroom, she shoved me onto the bed and then ran back to the door, peeping through a gap. I stood up. "Why do you get to spy on her?"

She lifted a hand behind her to halt me as I started to approach. "Because I'm not the big brother," she whispered. "Ooh they're kissing."

I tried not to let it bother me. She was happy. She was safe. He was a good dude. She deserved this. Yep all of that. It was good. Good for her. Yep.

By the time I'd stopped internally churning, I found the bedroom empty and wandered out to see Leonie and Sarah on the sofa, giggling and talking. I sat down in the love seat and smiled at both of them. I couldn't remember the last time that I felt so full and content.

"We went out to dinner first," Sarah said, slipping her feet under her bum. "It was so romantic. A little booth with candles and the food was so good. But expensive. He didn't mind."

"He wouldn't. He's loaded."

"Oh," Sarah faltered for a moment and then shrugged. "Yeah so after that he drove us to an ice cream cart by the beach and not far from that there was some sort of youth event happening on the sand. There were people our age. Dancing. Tons of food and loud music and fairy lights. We danced a lot! The stars were out and we stood like, um, so he was behind me with his chin on my shoulder and his arms around my waist."

Leonie clapped her hands together and let out a long awww.

"Yeah," Sarah blushed. "We watched the stars and talked so much and then he kissed me under the moonlight and I swear, Lee. It was like a movie. With the music going and the lights and stars and the sea. It couldn't have been more perfect."

The girls hugged and I watched them, falling so stupid in love with Leonie that it knocked the wind out of me. Really, I should have been smarter. She could very well rip my heart out. But in that moment, it didn't seem to matter.

Sarah went to bed not long after that. She told Leonie the same story about three times in three different ways. It was as if neither of them could tire of hearing a different version of the same events. Whatever.

Leonie followed me into my bedroom and I started to strip down, feeling exhausted.

"I guess I should go," she leaned against the door frame, gaze lingering on my chest.

"You can stay."

"Doesn't that seem like, a bit of a relationship thing to do?"

"We sleep over with each other all the time," I slipped my jeans off and climbed into bed. If she didn't stay, I'd go and have a shower. If she did, she'd have one with me.

"But things are different now," she argued. It was half hearted.

"Not really," I put my hands behind my head and felt my dick growing at the way she bit on her lip. "You'd have slept over before we had sex. If you leave now, that's different."

She narrowed her glare when I shot her a smug grin. As though she had no more argument, she started to pull off her t shirt. It was unusual for her not to have another argument for me. Or perhaps she didn't want to argue.

Whatever it was, I didn't complain when she undressed down to her thong and bra and slipped in beside me. Her warm body curled into mine and I laid on my side after I switched the lamp off.

"That feels a little different than our usual sleepovers," she said as I trailed a hand up the inside of her thigh. Her breath quickened and when I shrugged and began to pull it away, she grabbed my wrist and repositioned it between her legs. "I didn't say that it was a bad different."

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