I Want IT

By pennythedancingclown

31.3K 791 194

She has no one, everyone left her, but can a crazy demonic clown change that, or will he just leave her dead... More

Stalked by IT
Stay With Me
Taken by Losers
The Great Escape
Please Read!!
Float Forever

The Old House

3.4K 98 27
By pennythedancingclown

Morning already? Today's the day, I decided it was time to look for pennywise, if he didn't find me first. I really needed to go to the grocery store because my damn house is empty. I grabbed my keys and my wallet and started out the door. As I was on my way to the grocery store I had to drive by the creepy ass old house on my block. "Ughh" I shivered. I glanced over and I saw a red balloon. I stopped my car and looked, but Pennywise was nowhere to be found. The balloon popped but he was still nowhere in sight, so I drove on the the store. Wow this place is usually packed. There where only two other vehicles in the parking lot besides my own. I walked in and grabbed a shopping cart. I wasn't going to get a lot because I didn't have much money with me. I got the necessary essentials, "okay I have eggs, milk, bread, cereal aaannnd..." I said aloud to myself, oh and I can't forget ice cream. I opened the freezer and picked out my favorite. When I closed the door I saw in the glass reflection Pennywise standing behind me hold one of his famous red balloons. I quickly turned around to him, but he wasn't there. I was kind of sad honestly I was hoping to see him. I sighed and went on. I paid for my groceries and loaded them in my car
When I got in I sat there thinking of all the places Pennywise could be. Why am I looking for the clown who tried to kill me anyways? I don't know.... I just want to make sure he's okay, I guess. I looked up in my rear view mirror and saw yet another balloon. I looked back down fiddling with my keys, "Pennywise, this is getting old, either show yourself or I'll find you myself" I looked back up and it was gone, "yeah, that's what I thought, whelp I'll just find you myself."

After I got home and uploaded my groceries I headed out to look for Pennywise. I have no ideas where I'm going to look. So I went to the first place I met him. I walked down the street to he same drain I met him. "Pennywise? Are you down here?" No response "cmon pennywise don't ignore me." I waited a couple minutes but he never showed. I started walking not really sure where I was going, I couldn't think of anyplace else to look for him. "Cmon think (y/n) think!" "Where could he be? Ugh this shits getting old." I walked by the old house and I then I stopped, "wait a minute, maybe just maybe" I hesitantly started walking up to the old house. I reach for the doorknob but the door was already slightly cracked. I pushed it open, *cough, cough* "damn this place is dusty." I walked throughout the house looking around calling his name, "Pennywise, are you in here?" I went in what seemed to be a kitchen at one point, I looked all through the house and nothing so I might as well go home.

I turned around and started to walk out. I hear a thud behind me. I turned and looked and in the fridge and there he was twisted up inside. He crawled out and twisted around to where he was standing upright and walked towards me. I'll admit that was pretty freaky, it scared me a little bit. His height towering over me again, I looked up slightly afraid, "h-hi" "hiya" he spoke back but his face didn't look too happy to see me. "H-hi Pennyw-" "what are you doing here?" He interrupted me, "I was looking for you" "I don't want you to look for me" "but I was just-" "I said I don't wANT YOU TO LOOK FOR ME!" He growled out, I winced in fear. "I-I know-" "I didn't kill you last night, that doesn't mean I WONT kill you though!" He grabbed my throat and lift me off the ground, I gasped for air but it was no use, "LEAVE!!!! NEXT TIME I JUST MIGHT KILL YOU!!! GOOOOO!!!!!!" He dropped me and I ran out. What the fuck was that? Why doesn't he want me to look for him? Maybe he just wants to prey on me until I go insane so he eat me. I think he feeds off fear, it makes him stronger.

Pennywise POV

  I wanted her. I wanted her bad. She was so beautiful. I don't know what to do? Should I just kill her? Or should I keep her with me? "No, no, no!" I remember when I first laid eyes on her.
(FLASHBACK) it was just another day down in the sewers, I had just gobbled up a filthy child. Ugh children I hated children. Almost as much as I hated myself. Then I heard her, the sweetest laughter I've ever heard. I thought it was just my next meal. But I looked out of the gutters, and I was plotting how I was going to capture this one. I've never seen her, she must be moving in, looks to be about I don't know maybe 9? What's she doing? She's drawing in her driveway with chalk, pfff, typical child. Doesn't she know it later about to rain? That's when it happened, two young boys from across the street come over to introduce themselves. What are they doing? Oh they're they're pushing her down and they're breaking her chalk. Ahah stupid little girl. Then I saw her sad, teary eyed face. Wow I feel bad for her. And those dumbasses where mean to her! I'll kill them! What am I feeling? What is this? She's a child! Ughhh but why do I want to protect her?! I want to kill her! No, no I don't. I'll kill the boys. I will do that. Then the rain started. She sat in her driveway crying even more because her artwork was destroyed. Awe, so sad.

  Two weeks later there's still no report on the two missing little boys, oh no, whelp you're not gonna find them, because they're in my belly! "Ahaha" I wonder what little miss (y/n) is doing? I realized I've been watching her everyday since she moved here. I couldn't help it, when I saw her I felt anger, but I felt happiness. I watched her everyday until she left. She was 15 when she left. Why did she leave? It's not fair. "I WANT HER!" She was mine now. And one day I shall have her, I don't care what it takes. She's my (y/n).
  (PRESENT) Hm what child to eat now, ugh I wish there were something fresh around here. All these children here in Derry taste the same. Oh my, my, my! What is this lovely smell?! Oh it's a familiar scent, it's delicious! That's when I saw her, "my (y/n)...", she's come back to me! But wHY DID SHE EVER LEAVE ME?! I'll admit I have some feelings for this girl. Girl? I should say young lady, she's grew up quite nicely. Her beautiful (h/c) hair, and sparkling (e/c) eyes. Oh, how I've missed seeing her. So I decided to speak. "(Y/n)" I whispered softly. "Hello?" She replied back. Let's have a little fun, "(Y/N)!!" I screamed hehe that oughta do it. "W-who's there?!" So I decided it was time to introduce myself. After we chatted I knew I'd scared her, oops, but this wasn't the last time she'd see me. I snuck in her room that night planning to kill her so I could just get this over with. But when she looked at me with pleading eyes, I couldn't do it! I hate myself! I hate what I've become. I used to be normal... my name was Roman. But one night it was dark and the streets where empty. Then that's when I was attacked, it attacked me, a demon. This demonic thing took over my body. I've spent these past hundred years as a clown. I learned to live with it. I didn't like what I done but ahhh what can you do. A clowns gotta eat. I couldn't do anything now. I changed my name, Pennywise. And this is who I am now.

  Why did she have to be so beautiful? I should've killed her when I had the chance. No, I didn't want to. Yes, I did, but I didn't. I couldn't. She's in my head! I can't stop thinking of her! She's everywhere. She found me today. I tried to scare her off. I don't want to hurt her. I wish I was still me so I could be with her. I let her go, but I don't think it was the end of her. And sure enough it wasn't....
Your POV

  I went home thinking about all that happened. I didn't know what else to do, or where to go. I lied down in bed and tried to get some sleep but all these thought kept rushing in my head. "UGHHHH!" I groaned into my pillow. Then I thought of when I first met Pennywise, and what he said to me "we all float down here" those words ran through my mind, then it hit me. "THATS IT!!!"

The sewers....

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