Killer Love: Sons Of Anarchy

By QueenofHearttss

355K 7K 213

Killer Love is set a year after the horrible tragedy of Tara's death. Jax is still mourning the death of his... More

Home Sweet Home
Family Dinner
Stay With Me
Crow's Broken Heart
Love, Dad
Confessing Sins
Momma Charlie
Change of Pace
Now, Hush Love
Blissful Memory
Lost Without Her
Hey Darlin'
My Boys
Normal Day
Ex Lover
Love Story
Bonus Chapter: A Wicked Mother
From the Writer
Preview of Undying Love

My Girl

16.1K 314 1
By QueenofHearttss


"You coming?" Jax asked as he stopped right before the door to the club.
"Yeah, just going to check on my bike first." I told him motioning towards the garage that was open but with no one in it.
"Alright."He told me as he followed me towards the garage.
"You know you can still stay with me right? You don't have to run off."He told me and I looked over my shoulder and gave him a small smile. It was odd being on the other side of this- him begging me to stay and me wanting to leave.
"I know, I just- if this doesn't work again..." I told him as I let out a sigh. I started to run my fingers through my hair trying to fix the helmet hair I knew that I probably had. I looked up at Jax and studied the worried look he had on his face. He stopped right in front of me, reaching his hand out to touch my hip.
"I told you I'd give this a try. I'm more willing too since you know now." I couldn't help but sigh in relief. The pain and frustration that I had held in for so long was finally gone. My tattoo wasn't burning, no longer reminding me of my heartache and the loss of my child. Our Child... I said to myself, letting my hand cover my stomach for a moment before Jax placed his hand over mine.
"Thank you for telling me." He said to me and I could feel the burn in my eyes as I sniffled, holding back my tears. It was a phrase that I told him every time he vented to me about the club. He never had to tell me anything but I was always grateful that he did. It meant that he trusted me completely with the information and his emotions. Having him say those words to me meant the same thing. And I knew that he also knew that.
"Thank you for listening."I replied to him. He held my gaze while I fought the urge to cry. I had just fixed my face before we left. I normally didn't wear too much makeup but I put some on before we left. I was hoping it would hide the redness and puffiness from the crying. I tore my eyes away from him and looked around the shop until my eyes landed on my bike.
"Hey gorgeous." I said before I walked over to it. I looked it over trying to notice if any work had been done on it but it looked like she had been untouched. She was still sitting on the ground instead of being on a table. I figured she wouldn't be worked on in awhile either.
"Gemma..." I said with a roll of my eyes.
"I have no doubt that my mother told them to put it on the back burner. I'll make sure that Chibs works on it and gets it done." He told me. I leaned into him when I felt his lips on my temple. I truly did miss his touch. I felt safe and at peace with him. That hadn't changed.
Walking away from the garage I followed him to the clubhouse. When he opened the door I found myself blinded by the difference in brightness. I blinked a few times trying to get my eyes
"Hey Boss," someone said but I couldn't see who.
"Bobby in there?" I heard Jax ask.
"I'll be back in a few." He told me. I looked into his eyes and gave him a smile before I looked around the place. It hadn't changed too much besides that it looked newer and somehow cleaner.
"I'll be fine." I told him as I made my way over to the bar taking the empty seat next to Tig.
"You boys behave." Jax told them. It was different having his words have weight to it. I could tell that they all took his words seriously. Just like last night at dinner. They respected him.
"Hey sweetheart, couldn't stay away from me could ya?" Tig said, I let out a laugh hearing his comment.
"Ever since last night you've been the only thing on my mind." I told Tig with a smile joking obviously.
"Think he'll be in there awhile?" I asked them nodding my head toward the meeting room.
"Nah. Probably not too serious just catching him up from last night." Chibs told me, sitting at the bar on the other side of Tig. Tig was fully facing me now with a smile on his face.
"Well I guess I'll wait then. I was going to visit my old man, but my bike is still down. I was going to work on my bike while he's in there but if he won't be in there long I'll just wait. Plus I'm sure Jax wouldn't want me to do that." I said to them but mostly talking to myself.
"Wait, let me get this straight." Rat said from behind the bar and I turned to look at him.
"You not only know about bikes, you also know how to fix them?" He asked and I nodded.
"And you're a tattoo artist. Anything else?" He asked and I knew where this was headed. All eyes were on me.
"Uh...I'm fluent in French." I said with a soft shrug thinking about what else I could tell them.
"I know about cars too and also how to fix them. I can play guitar and piano."
"You are the perfect woman."Tig told me and I patted his chest lightly, giving him a small laugh.
"Calm down Tiggy boy." Chibs said.
"Anything else about ye Doll?" He asked.
"Oh I was a judge on a tattoo competition." I added in. I didn't like talking about that too much, especially now since I was around Jax. I didn't want him to think that I really was better off without him because I wasn't.
"Ink Master! That's why you look so familiar!" Rat said excitedly and I gave him a nod and a wide smile.
"That's the one." I told him.
"So you're not just a tattoo artist. You're the real deal?" Chibs asked and I shrugged a bit.
"I'm pretty damn good." I admitted to him.
"Anything else about you sweetheart? Maybe your marital status? Single, Married or maybe just need to forget about your old man..." Tig asked and I shook my head. He reached his hand up and grabbed a strand of my hair.
"She can sing like a bird." Jax said as he came walking out of the leather covered double doors. I couldn't fight the happiness that pumped through my veins just by hearing his voice.
"Can you now...?" Tig asked, his hand still touching my hair. It reminded me of Thomas playing with my hair this morning. I missed him...It was strange how I missed him already and I had only met him once. This of course wasn't a good sign. I could already see myself mothering him and his mother was something I was not and I could never truly be his mother.
"He thinks I can...No one else has told me that."I told Tig but my eyes were only on Jax and he kept his eyes on me as he walked closer and closer to me.
"Because you can." He grinned at me as he walked closer. He looked over at Tig.
"As for her marital status- Would you mind taking your hand off My Girl?" He asked and Tig's hand dropped from my hair on command. Jax was standing in front of me and I smiled up at him.
"Your girl, huh?" I asked him and he leaned down and kissed my lips softly- claiming me in front of the guys.
"My girl."He said against my lips and I smiled wider.
"Yeah well, we'll see about that. I like keeping my options open" I told him, my hand resting on his chest. Knowing the words that I spoke were a lie. Chibs let out a whistle before he spoke
"She's a feisty one. I like her" Chibs said, giving me a smile. Back then all the guys in the club liked me. A little too much for Jax's liking. We were young so I understood the worry. Some of them treated me like a crow eater asking me to do things for them. I brought them a lot of beers, cleaned the clubhouse top to bottom and gave plenty of free tattoos back then. I wouldn't be doing that this time around and the look in Jax's eyes solidified that thought.
"You got any ink by her Jax?" Rat asked and he nodded before he turned to me and gave me a grin.
"Oh yeah." He said.
"She did my reaper." He said. I couldn't help the sense of pride that was coming over me.
"That's why yours looks better than everyone else's, ye?" Chibs asked.
"I did his and Opies..." I said letting my words trail off. That pride I was feeling left as fast as it came.
"Most of Opies actually. I did a lot of tattoos on Clay back then too. Otto... I think everyone I used to do is dead now. I was gone by the time you guys came around." I said coming to the realization that the club had changed a lot. The silence in the room was loud. I had killed the mood and brought up some bad memories. Memories that I cherished over the years.
"Hey, can I fix my bike?" I asked Jax, trying to change the subject.
"Can I watch you?" He asked me and started to smirk.
"No."I told him. I always hated it when he watched me, mainly because I never got anything done. He always seemed to distract me and then I would get upset that I never got to finish so then he would surprise me and fix it for me and then well... I would reward him to say the least.
"Hmm..Then no." He told me, wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me closer.
"Wanna go see your dad?" He asked me and I nodded.
"I'll take you."He said to me.
"No you're busy with club stuff. I can just get a ride from someone." I told him and he shook his head.
"Never too busy for you Darlin. Thought I just made that clear." I looked down and nodded softly. He had just told me that but I still weary of how I just walked back into his life and became his world all over again. I was worried about what everyone else was going to think.
"Okay..." I told him and he put his arm around my shoulder.
"Tig, get Charlie some burners while she's here. I'm sure the Sheriff is gonna try to track her phone eventually." He told him.
"He can try." I said under my breath causing the guys to chuckle. Jax squeezed me closer to him and gave me another kiss to my head.
"Bobby Chibs, Hold it down for me until I get back." He told them as we walked out of the clubhouse.
"Sure thing boss."They both said.
Walking out into the parking lot Gemma was getting out of her car with a smug smile. This was again, the last thing I wanted her to see- us close like this. She was going to be on cloud nine thinking that we had listened to her. As much as I hated to admit it, she was the reason why we were together now. She pushed us together and our love that never fully died had no choice but to spark and start a wildfire.
"That didn't take long." She told me and I just gave her a half smile, I didn't need to look at Jax to know he gave her the same thing.
"Where you guys going?" She asked as Jax handed me his helmet.
"Hospital, to see the General." He told her and she nodded.
"Ride safe." She told us.
Looking down at Jax while he straddled his bike I took the helmet from him and just smiled.
"What?" He asked me grinning.
"Nothing just... Haven't been like this in a while. Just wondering how you did it."
"I could ask you the same thing." He said grabbing my belt loops pulling me in closer to him before I sat down behind him.
"I just have a way with you." I told him and kissed his cheek wrapping my arms around his waist.
"That you do." He said starting the bike. I grinned hearing it roar and feeling the wind through my hair as we drove off.

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