Thick thighs {Completed}

By Misguided_Angel843

608K 24.6K 7.6K

If you didn't know before know now that thick thighs drive the boys wild. Kayla didn't quite understand that... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Author Announcement!

Chapter 2

27.9K 933 152
By Misguided_Angel843



"Girl my brain is about to explode," April complained. "All this studying is killing my brain cells."

"I guess we can take a break," I sighed. My brain was killing me too. Too many vocabulary words and too many formulas to remember. My neck was stiff and my back was killing me. "It's way too early for tests," I complained.

"Right," she agreed. She closed her books. "Let's go get something to eat. My stomach is crying for nourishment. And it's not good to study on an empty stomach."

"You're right," I smiled. We packed up our things and headed out of the library. "I didn't know it was so late," I glanced at my phone and saw it was past midnight. "The café has been closed for hours by now."

"I guess we'll go to the diner off campus." We went to our cars since she came to our study session late and headed to the small 24-hour restaurant that makes a decent amount since they're so close to campus. We walked in and grabbed a booth near the back. We didn't need menus since we knew what exactly we were getting. "So you think you're going to ace the test?"

"I hope so," I sighed. "It's so hard trying to remember so many things. And the fact I have so little time puts a lot of pressure on me to try and answer as many questions right as possible."

"You seem to get most of the content. Try remembering to do what you know first and then go back on the shaky questions. That's what I was taught and it's always worked for me. I have no doubt you'll kill the test."

"Thanks, April," I smiled. I'm so glad to have her in my life. She's my support system as well as a close friend. "So how are things with that guy you were telling me about?"

"Oh that's a done deal," April waved her hand dismissively.

"What? Why? I thought you guys were hitting it off."

"I guess you can say it was never something too serious to begin with. All we did was some light flirting. Come to find out, he already has a fiancé."

"Really?" I said in surprise.

"Really," she nodded. "Another skinny Minnie in fact." She sighed as she played with her drink. "Are all the boys here complete idiots that are obsessed with cardboard shaped girls?"

"I don't know," I said briefly thinking about Josh. I sighed taking a sip of my drink.

"Kayla?" I snapped my attention to the person calling my name. My eyes widened when I saw the guy from a week ago. He was with another guy who had a nose piercing. The guy was about the same height and build but a bit lighter with soft curly hair and dark brown eyes that contrasted with Andre's lighter ones. He smiled as he made his way to our table. "I was hoping I'd see you again."

"Oh uh...hi," I mumbled out nervously. "Andre right?"

"That's right." He pulled up a seat and joined us along with his friend. "This my boy Shawn," he introduced.

"Hi," I waved.

"What's going on beautiful?" He smiled at me and then turned his attention to April. He grinned at her as they began talking.

"So you haven't had any 'falls' lately?" Andre asked.

"N-No," I stuttered nervously. Chris still harasses me to no end but now he keeps his distance. I guess he's scared that if he touches me something else would happen.

"You know I don't believe you fell at all," he said casually.

"B-But I did." He made me so nervous.

"What fall?" April asked. I never did tell her about what happened because I know how she would react.

"Nothing," I said quickly. She narrowed her eyes at me. "I mean, it was nothing serious."

"But you were crying and had a bruise on your arm," Andre said.

"A bruise?" April glared at me. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I just overreacted," I squirmed. It was quiet at the table. Tension and awkwardness hung in the air. "It's was just really embarrassing okay? It's really not that deep." Being under everyone's gaze made me nervous and a bit petrified.

"We'll talk about this later," April said, giving me a look saying she was not playing at all. I just nodded my head sadly. I caught Andre staring at me making my face heat up. "But on a totally different note, who are y'all?"

"I'm Andre," he reintroduced himself. "And this is my homeboy Shawn."

April narrowed her eyes as Andre smirked at her. "No shit Sherlock. I heard you the first time."

"You asked," he grinned.

"How do you know Kay?" She eyes them both suspiciously. She knows me and the opposite sex do not mix very well so having two very attractive men coming up to our table like they knew us, or me rather causes room for suspicion.

"Well," the boy Shawn rubbed his beard. "We don't really. I know of her because this nigga wouldn't shut up about her."

"You talked about me?" I asked surprised. No one ever talks about me. I mean, they have but it was always in a negative light. We only had one conversation, what could he possibly have said from that?


I glared at Shawn who just smirked at me. He could've left that piece out. Yes, I talked about her a little bit. There was something about her that had her racing through my mind since that first time we met. I knew I was growing attached to her but I didn't expect it to be as bad as it is or to happen as quickly as it had. I don't know. There's something special about her I think.

But considering I only knew her first name there wasn't much I could go on. And when I did look her up there was no 'Kayla' in the system so I'm guessing that's just a nickname. It was pure chance that we decided to eat here tonight since we were both too lazy to cook.

"He's exaggerating," I continued throwing daggers at Shawn. "I mentioned you here and there. That's all."

"Why?" Her eyebrows were furrowed in a questioning look. "We didn't really talk much."

"You're right but you interest me still," I explained simply. Her mouth took the shape of an O as she looked away. I smirked knowing full well she was blushing. Once our food came we all chilled and talked. Kayla was really shy and barely said anything.

"So what's the story with you girls?" Shawn asked. "Y'all seem pretty down to earth. Nothing like these other snobby kids. Feels like y'all are at the wrong school."

"That's because we are," April rolled her eyes. "We both so happen to be part of the group of rare scholarship students. I transferred in from another school because the nursing program here is much better than anywhere else I was looking at."

"And what about you?" I asked Kayla. "Why'd you come here?"

She squirmed in her seat. "I think I was just...looking for something." I raised my brow. I wanted to know more but didn't want to push her. "What about you?" she practically whispered. "Why'd you come here?"

"My pops thought it would be a good place to meet people," I said flippantly. I didn't want to go into details of why I was here. I may be attached and interested in her but that doesn't mean I'm going to go about everything carelessly. I need to gage her first before I spill anything.

"And I'm here to keep this guy in check," Shawn grinned. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. He's not lying. The only reason my pops would let me come here is if I had someone to help keep me in line. Since Shawn is one of the few who can handle me, of course, he had to come. We finished talking and eating with the girls. They were really cool people and I'm surprised we met people like them in this place.

"This was cool," I said as I walked Kayla to her car. Shawn was with April, likely flirting and trying to get her number. "We should do this again soon."

"R-Really?" She looked up at me with those big innocent eyes.

I chuckled a bit. "Of course. Let me see your phone." She handed it to me and it didn't even have a lock on it. "You should lock your phone. That way no one random can get into it."

"My phone is always with me so I never needed a lock."

"But still as a precaution." I put my number into her phone and then called myself so I could have her number. "I'll talk to you later."


"Can I get a hug?" She was really shy and awkward and it made me laugh a bit. "I'll see you around beautiful."

"Yeah. Bye," she waved before getting in her car.

We watched them as they pulled off. "They were fine as hell," Shawn said. "Especially April. She's perfect."

"Yeah. Kayla's bad herself."

"No wonder you couldn't shut up about her," he laughed. "She's a bit on the shy side. Seems just like your type."

"Yeah. And to think we found girls like them here of all places. Did you ever thought we'd find girls like them here?"

"Hell no. When I agreed to come here I was sure we'd meet nothing but those spoiled ass princess brats. I know this school has a scholarship program but I never thought they actually had people on it. I thought it was for show."

"You're not the only one." This school is a bit different from other universities. For one, it's a lot smaller than most colleges. Even though it's a major university, it only has about one thousand students on campus. It's a private school so this place isn't bound by the same rules as regular public colleges. Nearly the entire student body is made of students from affiliate families. From high political figures heads to future business moguls. This school is a cest pool of fake ass kissing posers.

The only reason I'm here is to get my credentials as well as do some networking for my dad's business since I'm the one that'll be inheriting it. It's rare to have people who don't have something more to offer to this place to be allowed to attend. Although, with all the clout about fairness and discrimination I think this place has adapted a bit and that's why they even allow people like Kayla and April in. I have to say thank you to that because this place would probably be unbearable if I had to deal with snooty snobs all day.

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