Grieving Hearts [Completed]

By rickydonna7

1.5M 53.7K 9.9K

Agustin DeLuca looked at the photos infront of him, rage burning through his veins, as he watched his wife in... More

1- New Beginning.
2- Regret
3-The Nightmare (part-1)
4-The Nightmare(part-2)
5- Happy Birthday?
6- Please, Not Him.
7-Sleep with me
8-He is not that bad after all
9-Finally found you
10-when we first met.
11- I am doomed
12- I need a plan.
13- And then it happened.
14-he knows?
15-the truth.
16- I will make you mine...again.
17-you all are same.
18- Onika-1; Agustin-0
19-the date
20- are you serious?
21- you did nonetheless.
22- scars.
23-the golden cage.
24- let her go.
27- devastated.
28-falling deeper.
29- put on a show.
32- yes or no?(part-1)
33-yes or no?(part 2)
34- the master mind.
35- The face off
36- illusion.
37- trapped.
38-I do.
39- two simple words.
40- delicate.
41. surreal.
42- shining star.
43- meaningless.
Bonus chapter-1
45- tears.
Bonus Chapter-2
46- despair
47- forever.
Bonus Chapter-3( #Day 8)
48- bleeding raw.
49- royally screwed.
50- believe me.
51. two can play in a game.
52- no one.
53- Too Easy.
54- Nothingness.
55- numb.
56. breath in, breath out
57- drowning.
58- Prove it.
59- painful.
60-life won't be worth.
Bonus Chapter-4

25- inhumane.

23.3K 757 114
By rickydonna7

Whoa! We have reached #151 rank in romance!
Wouldn't have been possible without you guys....:)
So thanks to everyone reading this book.
This occasion definitely demands for an early update.

Onika's pov.....

"Come in." Came his irritated voice. He indeed is not in a good mood. God knows what is to come about.

I sighed and opened the door.

And what I saw was, he was throwing some papers on one of my colleague's face.

"Collect those craps and get the hell out of here." Agustin shouted at him and he immediately collected the paper and hurried out of his cabin while giving me a sympathetic look as if wishing me luck.

When Agustin finally looked at me his eyes softened and he gave me a small smile as if all his bad mood disappeared in the thin air. "please have a seat." he said, his tone gentle suddenly. 'Please' have I heard him right? I can't believe my ears.

I proceeded towards the seat with shaky legs. What the fuck is wrong with me? I don't need to fear him. I didn't even do anything wrong. Then again when had I ever done anything wrong to Agustin.

It is just that he is so unpredictable, this moment he is all loving and caring then the other moment he will go all ballistics over nothing.

I rolled my eyes internally, gathering my courage and sat opposite to him with confidence. I won't let him intimidate me.

He displayed some papers to me and said." Sign these papers, we are living together from today itself." He shocked me saying that.

"What! NO! you can't get the papers ready so fast!" I said in disbelief. How the hell he got it ready overnight.

"Princess, did you forget who I am?." He said with arrogance.

'Ah, now how can I forget that. You are the reason behind my every nightmare.' I whispered to myself.

"I at least need one week's time to get everything ready and pack my things." I said praying he will buy it.

"You Don't need to worry I will send my men to do that and send a car for you in the evening just take Alex and sit in it leave the rest upto me."he said grinning ear to ear like an idiot. I am not ready for it yet. I need a week's time at least.

"Umm..... look Agustin just give me a week's time okay. All of this is happening so sudden I just need some time to prepare and I also have to break the news to Alex, that now we are going to live with you. I need some time for that. I can't just hurry things like this." I tried to convince him with as much politeness as I can muster.

He banged his fist on the table in irritation."Why? what is the problem, you yourself said you will start living with me as soon as the papers are ready. what is wrong now? Are you backing off from the deal." He said in a dangerous tone, tilting his head towards me.

My eyes widened in fear at that. He is again loosing his temper.

He read the look of fear on my face and suddenly something changed in his eyes.

"Hey, it's okay, it's okay....take a week's time if that is what you need but a week it is not a single day more okay?" His tone suddenly changed as if talking to a five year kid.

"Ok...okay, thank you." As I said bipolar, it won't take a doctor to diagnose that.

"No problem, sweetie....anything for you." He said smiling at me.

'Anything for you' as if! I scoffed and rolled my eyes at that.

"Careful now, darling you still want that one week's time right?" He threatened.

"Fine. Just give me those papers I will read them carefully and sign." Blackmailing bastard, I added silently.

"Sure." He said and passed me the papers.

I got up from my seat to leave but before leaving I added "And yes next time you want to talk to me just call me no need of sending your rude secretary." I just said casually without thinking.

He eyed me for a minute then took out his phone and dialed a number and said."you are fired... huh?" Pause "she will call me whatever the fuck she wants. You just mind your own damn business. I will tell my manager to finalize you payment, I don't ever want to see your ass in my company ever again. Am I understood?" He warned in a very dangerous tone which left no place for arguments.

My eyes widened at that....shit, what have I done. What do I do now?

Now is not the right time to talk to him he is already very angry. I will talk to him later on, let him cool a bit.

He looked at me and said "better, now back to work."

As I got out of his cabin I saw Jacob coming towards me.

"Hey, you are fine?" He asked looking at me intently.

"Yeah." I said, not sure what gave away my mood.

"You sure you are not going to faint." He asked again now in a bit teasing tone.

I scoffed at that "Yeah of course I am fine no need to worry."

"You don't look well to me... Wanna grab a coffee with me."he suddenly asked out of nowhere

"Okay well I think I am desperately in need of coffee. Dealing with Agustin is quite exhausting after all." I answered, smiling at him. There is something about him which puts me at ease whenever I am around him. Why? I don't know. May be because he is the only normal male I have come across...apart from Alex of course.

We took a side table at the cafeteria and gave our respective orders to the waitress.

Jacob was about to say something but stopped midway when we heard two girls, just a table away from us and facing opposite side, talking.

"What the hell is wrong with our new boss? Does he even needs a reason to fire someone. It's like 'hey today you are the first person I lay my eyes on so it's pretty much clear you are fired dude.'

"I mean give me a break. Just because you are hot as hell doesn't mean you need to be a bitch as well" She said and let out a frustrated sigh.

I was barely controlling my laughter when the other girl sitting with her spoke " I like Jacob sir better have you seen how cute he is? And at least he knows how to behave with a....human being.

And have you seen him today in his black shirt. Sexy.

Brown hair, perfect sharp jaw line and not to mention his dark eyes I can stare at them whole day. Oh my dear god I was completely nailed. And his lips just perfect and.....

" kissable." The other girl added for her and saying that both of them started giggling and went away from there.

When I looked at jacob he was looking anywhere but me, trying to pretend as if he hadn't heard any thing. But his blushing gave away. And I just burst into a fit of laughter.

"What are you laughing at."he snapped at me, clearly irritated.

" look at you, you are blushing a deep shed of red." I was barely able to form coherent words because of all the laughing.

"I am so not blushing." He said, embarrassed.

"Okay, okay... If you say so." I winked at him.

"Didn't these girls have anything better to do then describe there boss's looks and just gossiping around. They are lucky Agustin isn't the one who heard them or they would have been fired by now."

"True, can't argue with that." I affirmed

Our order arrived and we ate in silence. Then I suddenly remembered I had promised Lyla to help her.

"Well Jacob I need to leave now I have to help one of my friend with some work." As I was about to get up a boy in mid twenties came running towards Jacob and after gasping for air he said" boss is calling you, it's urgent."

"Fuck" jackob cursed under his breath.

"What happend, what's wrong." I asked, worried.

"No... nothing." He said and just got up and hurried away. He is lying I can tell. Sometimes is definitely fishy.


Jacob's pov......

Fuck, fuck, fuck. I just hope it's not what I am thinking. But all my hopes went out of the window when I entered Agustin's office and heard him talking to someone on the phone.

"What are you motherfucking idiots doing. You morons have lost him for the third time whole team of you can't catch a single person. A single fucking god damn person.And what the hell do you even mean by he was seen near Onika." He shouted so loud that his voice echoed through the whole cabin.

"I will literally have all of yours head, if he as much as touches her. Search the whole motherfucking nation if you have to, Double the security around her and be discrete and care full she shouldn't get suspicious about it."

This had my heart grip in fear and mind racing 'he was seen near her.' no we won't let anything happen to her.

I looked at Agustin his demeanor was rigid and tense. His eyes had a dangerous glint in it and was red due to anger. Worry and dread marred my expression. He looked at me carefully as if reading my expression. My hands were fisted to my sides and I have no idea what my expression was showing so I just turned away and said..

"We need to catch him Agustin. What we have come to know about him in these past few days shows that he is very dangerous."

"No one and by that I mean no one touches my wife and get away with it. Let me get my hands on that scoundrel and I will show him what hell means." Right now he looked like an enraged animal hungry for blood.

If this used to be his demeanor when he used to torture Onika then I don't blame her for being scared out of her mind at the site of Agustin. He looked.......dangerous, almost inhumane

He takes a deep breath and says.

" She needs to move in with me today itself. She will be safe in my mansion. I will be by her side for 24/7 . My house and office is well protected he can't get to her there and I will be with her like a shadow wherever she goes untill I get my hands over that traitor."

I hate to admit this but he is right if we want to keep her safe this will be the rationale thing to do.

Agustin's pov.....

After Jacob went out of my cabin I hardened my heart, this is needed to be done I reminded myself and called Onika to my office.

As soon as she entered my cabin I said,

"You are shifting in my mansion with me today itself And I don't want any argument. I will send my men with you and you are to shift in my mansion right away. Am I making my self clear?" She looked at me with disbelief and wide eyes.

"But you said...." I cut her off.

"I fucking said no arguments." I banged my hand on the table, hard. I am so god damn angry on that scoundrel that I am literally seeing red right now.

"If you want to see Alex alive you will do as I say, understand?" Tears started forming in her eyes. But I can't care least not when it is about her safety.

She looked at me, with hurt evident on her face. I was waiting for an answer, she got the message and weakly nodded her head.

"Words." I said in an annoyed tone.

"Ye....yes I understand. Please don't hurt Alex." She said in a pleading voice.

"I won't until you do as you are told. You are not to leave my mansion without my permission and whenever you go I will always be at your side. You will come to the office with me and the same goes while returning." I told her in a cold and autherative voice to let her understand the seriousness of the situation.

Tears started rolling down from her eyes, one after another like a cascade. She again nodded her head but suddenly realised her mistake and managed to say "I will" choking on her sob. Oh god I hate this. She was looking at me with hate filled eyes. I just wanted to hold her and make her understand that I don't want to do this and I am as much helpless as she is.

Fuck you, you bastard you are going to pay for her every single drop of tear with your blood, I vowed silently. I will kill that fucker with my bare hands. He will regret the day he was born. He will see what happens to someone who comes in between Onika and me. Count your last days motherfucker because your death bed is ready for you.


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Love, Ricky ❤❤

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