The Sands Of Thyme (A Tythan...

By SunWhispers

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Ethan is just your regular, run of the mill, fresh out of college 21 year old. He works at a quaint flower sh... More

Prologue- First Contact
Chapter One- Pottermore and Peonies
Chapter Two- Texts and Tiger Lilies
Chapter Three- Hangouts and Hyancinths
Chapter Four- Fluff and Foxgloves
Chapter Five- Dogs and Dianthus'
Chapter Seven- Swimming and Stargazer Lillies
Chapter Eight- Movies and Marigolds
Chapter Nine- Dinner and Dahlias
Chapter Ten- Pancakes and Pelargoniums
Chapter Eleven- A Kiss And A Kalanchoe
Chapter Twelve- Aftermath and Alyssums
Chapter Thirteen- Cake Baking and Candytufts
Chapter Fourteen- Invitation and Iberis'
Chapter Fifteen- Wedding and Wisterias
Chapter Sixteen- Respec and Rudbeckias
Chapter Seventeen- Cracker Barrel and Carnations
Chapter Eighteen- News and Nepetas
Chapter Nineteen- Starlight and Sage
Chapter Twenty- Snow and Scabiosas
Chapter Twenty-One- Steam and Saponarias
Chapter Twenty-Two- Accident and Aconitum
Chapter Twenty-Two: Darkness and Datura
The End / Authors Note

Chapter Six- Binge Watching and Belladonas

129 4 6
By SunWhispers

- The Day After The Events Of Chapter Five -

The weekend. No, not that crusty washed up band, I mean Sunday and Saturday. Aka the best days if the whole fucking week. No work, No shit to deal with, and Ethan actually had a chance to be clean and not have dirt all over him for once.

The weekend also meant sleeping in, baking treats, and binge watching. The latter was better with friends, though.

And how did he know this? Because he currently had Mark, Tyler, Jack and Jordan over. Him and Mark were whipping up some brownie batter, from a recipe of course, we all know Mark and Ethan can't bake with out one.

Tyler, Jack and Jordan were fighting for dominance over the controller, each wanting to watch something different.

"Supernatural is the obvious choice guys! It's spooky, has twelve seasons, and it's great!" "Uhm, excuse me? Voltron, duh. We need to get ready for season four!!" "Your tastes are shit guys. Why not Heartland?" "NOPE!" "No way man!" Could be heard echoing through the small apartment.

It had been a while since the apartment had been so full, maybe when he first got out of college and everyone came over for a party? Yeah, a handful of months ago. He had invited all his friend over for a party, along with some family. It was really nice, in his mind, that the lonely place could be lively once more.

He shoved the brownies into the oven, well, not before smothering the batter with caramel sauce. Mmm, caramel sauce. He left Mark to clean up the kitchen, which the Korean had agreed to, and flopped down on the couch next to the rivaling males.

"Okay, Eth, it's your place, your tv. What do you want to watch?" Tyler chimed, making the others turn to the newcomer.

"I mean.... maybe either Bones or Breaking Bad?" Ethan suggested, taking the remote and turning on Netflix. The others seemed content with his tastes in shows, and all got comfy as he put on Breaking Bad.

Jordan was on a chair, Jack and Mark were laying on pillows and blankets on the floor, and Tyler and him were snuggled into the couch. They all had blankets, chips, candy and soda, ready to fucking binge watch.

The plan was to binge watch two seasons of whatever show they chose, which had recently been chosen as Breaking Bad, and then turn on Ethans switch and beat each other's asses at Mario Kart.

It was an ideal day.

And so, they started watching, shifting and cuddling into blankets, shoving food and good shit down their throats

These were always the best hangouts in Ethans mind, everyone commenting on little bits, gasping at shocking reveals, and just making each other laugh. Plus, he had meant to binge Breaking Bad for a while, so it was just a bonus.

Halfway through the second episode, he got up and checked the brownies, which were pleasantly baked, slightly gooey in the middle, but with nice crunchy end bits. He took them out, placed them on a cooling rack, and hopped back onto the couch.

Once the first season was over with, they all moved over to the kitchen, half watching the first episode of the second season, half preparing for brownies. Ethan cut them all two pieces each, serving them, then serving himself. Everyone quickly dashed back into their spots before someone could steal them.

And, before they knew it, just as their eyes started to ache, they finished the second season. Tyler stood up, groaning and stretching. Jack, Ethan, Mark and Jordan followed suit, stretching and complaining about sore backs. They didn't really mean it, though, it was all worth it.

Jordan suggested going for a walk to stretch their legs, a widely appreciated idea. One by one, they slipped on their shoes, and filed out the door.

There was this really nice park a little ways from Ethans house, so they walked over, enjoying the fresh air. Tyler and Ethan were walking a little closer than the others, they had just subconsciously moved closer.

As the happy little group walked along, they hadn't noticed a little child, maybe seven or eight, run up to them. The child tapped Ethan on his arm, and the blue boy looked at the strange kid.

"You two," the kid said, pointing to Tyler and Ethan, who looked very startled, "Are gay."

And that stupid ass kid just fucking zoomed away. The blue boy was blushing like crazy, like how do you know you stupid kid, and Tyler was just frozen, looking awkwardly at the spot the kid had just been in.

"Well..." Jack started, a smirk on his face, "How about we go back?"

The walk home took less time than the walk there, as the tallest and shortest member of the group wanted to go bury themselves in Mario Kart.

And so they did, they worked their hardest to beat the others asses in the game, not even speaking, just staring at the screen with murderous glints in their eyes.

It was clear, very clear by the time that they finished just one race that the two were going to win. And, it proved right, as Ethan came in first, Tyler in Second, Jack in fourth, Mark in sixth, and Jordan in seventh.

It was about eleven pm when they got tired, Mark had already given up on staying awake, and sleeping peacefully amongst the screeching young adults that were still awake.

One by one they all gave up, first Mark, then Jordan, then Jack, then Ethan. Tyler was the last one up, so he shut off the Switch and snuggled into the blankets and couch.

When Ethan woke up in the morning, he awoke to the sounds of giggles, shuffling, and pictures being taken. He lazily peeled open an eye, a blush breaking out among his face as he did.

His other eye and half of his face was obstructed by a moving, warm being. His so called friends were taking pictures of him on the being, and he took exactly 0.1 seconds to realize that he was cuddled into Tyler's side.

Tyler was still asleep, rocking the blue boy slightly with his sleepy breaths. Said blue boy stared up at his friends, pointing to Tyler and giving them a death glare that said 'if he wakes up because of you fuckfaces, then I will kill you all.'

They took the message to heart, letting Tyler wake up on his own.

And when he did, oh, was he embarrassed. But... he was also kinda happy.

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