All My Fault... (BxB)

By Ruby_Gloom

205K 6.5K 1.5K

“Hey faggot!” I winced at the sound of the one and only star quarter back. He wasn't wrong, I was gay, but th... More

All My Fault... (BxB)
Chicks Are Crazy
Torn in two
Stolen Kisses
I'll Fight For Your Heart Seth Brogan
Meeting The Burtons
Let's start over...
The Dark and Twisted Noah Sun...
Ian to the rescue!
Teaser of what's to come! (Not a full chapter)
Forever And Ever And Then Some
Almost There

The Plan

11.3K 378 78
By Ruby_Gloom

Here ya go bubbies, chapter...erm, 7? I dunno, your smart bubbies, figure it out for me ^_~ Tya Oooouuuut!

I was shaking, why was I shaking so bad?

Oh, yeah, the plan. I drew a deep breath, shoving my hands in my pockets so no one could see them shaking.

I'd been mulling it over throughout my first three classes, after my little encounter with Seth in the car, and lunch had all that was left was to follow through with it. The stiffened part of my jeans reminding me why I was doing all of this.

I just hoped he realized why I had picked lunch of all times to do this, it was because lunch was when he had come out of the closet. I wanted it to be special for Seth, so that it might be a physical display of my affection for him to be remembered and outshine all others (cough, cough, Noah, cough).

I put on a tight, fake smile and chatted as I waited for what was supposed to be food served on a plastic tray by an nice, yet alarmingly robust woman in purple lipstick and a greasy apron.

Time was mocking me, speeding and slowing at random, the journey down the lunch line that normally dragged sped along as if fate was pushing me, finding my friends was a nightmare even though we sat at the same table we had marked as our three and a half years ago when we were freshmen...there they were, just like always, the cheerleaders were sitting with their football player boyfriends and the few popular but not sporty sat at the fringes—my own lime green chair lay empty at the center of it all right between Wes and Robbie. This High School was my kingdom, these select few boys and girl my Royal Court and Jesters and surrounding us were my people, my commoners and paupers—I was risking everything.

My friends.

My spot on the football team and in extension my scholarship.

My pride.

Why in the hell was I doing this again?

My eyes scanned the crowd, finding them immediately; three Asians, one with his arm slung around Seth's stiff shoulders, all surrounded by fan-girls, surprisingly there was the girl I had tried to bed this past weekend, sitting directly in front of my angel, the dark gold tresses that had been curled and styled now was captured in twin messy braids on either side of her face, her sparkling spearmint-green eyes were hided behind posh rectangular glasses and her tight exposing clothes had been traded for a peasant top and flare leg jeans but there was no mistaking her. She caught me staring at her and waved her fingers at me without even looking away from Seth and Noah, a coy smile playing on her thick lips. I shook my head and it felt like all my worries and fears vanished.

No matter what happened I knew I could always count on two people being in my corner—Tiffany and the nameless girl that seemed to fade into my life right when I needed her the most.

Straightening my shoulders I walked over to the popular table and lay my lunch down but remained standing patiently waiting for them to notice that I wanted their attention which didn't take long as I was the crème de la crème of the school. I cleared my throat once everyone was looking at me with either excited or politely interested faces. “I'm gay.” I announced, everyone—and I do mean EVERYONE—in ear shot's eyebrows rose and jaws dropped. I shrugged and moved my shitty lunch that I wasn't going to eat to begin with, climbing onto my chair and then the table. “HEY!” I shouted, cupping my hands over my mouth so the sound would carry better. “I just want to say, so that everyone knows it's not just a stupid rumor I'M GAY! I'm still Ian Burton though, so don't expect me to lay down and take any discrimination. I'll still kick your frickin' ass—me and whatever friends I have left!” Everything was quiet for the space of three agonizing heartbeats before the fan-girls at Seth's table cheered loudly, I could hear a few feminine 'damn it!'s and even a deep chortling coming from Wes.

I looked at him and raised my eyebrows as to ask him if we were still cool—but apparently it meant something else to the gay boy ant colony because he sighed and nodded, pushing his own lunch away and climbing up on the table to join me. I raised my eyebrows further and a wolfish grin flashed over his face, he caught me by the waist and yanked me forward kissing me so hard I got dizzy before spinning me into a sitting position by Robbie's homemade PB&J.

“I guess that kinda says it all.” he said, no need to shout as his deep voice carried easily through the silent lunch room. I looked for Seth, spotting his beautiful eyes easily, his crazy chick friends had their head together, muttering something and slapping money down on the table. I shot him a dirty look, like 'Oh we are so gonna talk about this later!'

Noah's arm was really starting to get to me, the caveman not so deep within demanded I rip it off and beat him with it—tempting, but I don't think Seth would appreciate violence as an abused child. “One more damn thing.” I growled, pushing myself off the table and marching over to the boy I was dangerously close to loving. I yanked him up by the front of his shirt, pushing his boyfriend away.

“Ian!” he cried, shocked and slightly ticked off, remembering how I had had him repeat my name over and over this morning had me grinning like an idiot and Seth blushing like crazy. I considered the consequences of my actions for all of three seconds before deciding that all of it was worth losing if I got Seth in the end.

I slammed my mouth to his making him gasp and his mouth to open. I took my only opening and thrust my tongue in the dark, sweet cavern, swirling around in his mouth punishingly thorough, squeezing his hips to mine, careful to keep my wits about me enough to notice when his boyfriend got up off the floor. When he did I gently pushed Seth back in his seat, but not before breathlessly whispering in his ear, “I told you I'd fight for you. That I was serious.” I stiffened, slitting my eyes and drew away, readying myself and sure enough, Noah's fist came forward clocking me in the jaw hard enough to make me taste blood. He drew back to hit me again, but Strange Chick appeared behind him and grabbed his arm before he could get another shot in.

“One you owed him,” she said the very picture of calm and reasonable, “but two would just be out of line.” he yanked his arm away glaring at me.

“I like him.” I told Noah before turning back to the lunch room, “I like Seth Brogan! Touch him and die, got it?!” I roared, making his adorable face burn.

“Why?” Noah hissed, “why do you have to hurt him more than you already have?” he demanded, catching me off guard.


Confusion clouded Ian's adorable face. I was still tingling all over and in shock that not only had he announced he was gay, but he kissed the unholy hell out of me directly afterwords, writing death sentences with his eyes as he told everyone that I was a 'hands off' item. “Come again?” he asked Noah, genuinely confused.

“You've been making his life a living hell for the last three years!” Noah's face was contorted in rage and he stood in front of me protectively.

I could decide if I was humiliated that they were having this little loves tiff over me in public or mortified that I was the cause of all this ruckus or just flat out outraged over Noah blasting my personal life for everyone to hear—after all it didn't go over to well last time. “What do you mean?” he ask uncertainly, deflating a little as he looked at me in confusion.

“You—!” Noah began, putting his finger right in Ian's face.

“Noah no!” I screamed, grabbing him from behind, trying desperately to get him to shut up. I didn't want anyone to know the stuff he was ready to spew—most of all I didn't want Ian to know. I couldn't bear to let my weaknesses make him suffer. “Please stop!” I begged his shoulder blades softly, hugging him tightly. “Please, I don't want anyone to know!”

“Look, bro,” Ian's friend Wes said, coming over to back up his friend. “I know that there's some heavy tension between you guys, but I think your uke has had enough for one day.” he said pointing to me. I looked at him in confusion, how did he know? I could barely breathe and my head felt light but those weren't the kinda things you could look at a person and be able to tell. “He's seriously either about to up-chuck or pass out.”

I shook my head and opened my mouth to deny it further, but nothing came out but a wiper and my vision began to darken. The last things that my oxygen starved brain realized was:

Ian caught me

Everyone was gasping and crowding around me

I had NEVER felt so stupid and girly in my entire life as I did feinting in my secret lovers arms that day.

“Seth...? Come on, hun, wake up.” Ian's deep, sweet voice soothingly ask of me.

“Don't call him hun! He's still my boyfriend, asshole! Just because you came out for him doesn't mean—!”

“Noah, shut up and let the boy fight for him!” Nina hissed, no doubt thinking about the money she could make from this situations betting.

“Yeah, I mean wouldn't it be better for you to know that you're the one Seth wants?” Noah made a non-commental grunting noise at Wes' question and I groan to let them know I was now awake, pretending that I hadn't heard what they were saying.

I try to bring my hands up to my aching head, but both of them were held in tight grasping hands, one large and warm and soft, the other thin, long and calloused. “Seth?” They both ask as I open my eyes, looking at me nervously before glaring at one another across the cot in the nurses office where I lay, tightening their hold on me.

“Can you guys just..not?” I whine, “I don't feel good and I sure as hell don't want to watch another show down.” They blush in shame and grudgingly leave it be after one more dark glare at one another. “Good.” I say, seeing that they've decided to somewhat drop it for now.

Nina grins wildly at me, her black eyes sparkling. “Boy, you're going to be rich from your share for this one.”

“Nina, no.” I tell her, but a defeated tone leaks into my words, knowing that she's gonna do it anyway. I look around the semi-crowded room taking in the faces of Nina, Wes, Ian, Noah a few nameless fan-girls and the strange girl that I was talking to before Ian announced he was gay. She'd been coyly telling me that she thought it was going to be an interesting day, that she could feel electricity pulsing in the rooms general aura. Strange, strange bird this one. “where's Nora?” I ask, groggily.

Nina gave another cat-in-the-cream smile. “She's busy making some smart investments that should turn quite the handsome profits.”

“Meaning that she's started the betting poles?” Noah rolled his eyes at his sister.

“I've got two hundred on Ian and Seth and one sixty on Noah and Wes.” Strange Girl offered raising her hand.

Wes' eyebrows shot up. “I'm in the pot?” he asked.

“Yeah, after you're little coming out your name got thrown in there.” Nina told him grinning. “I swear, you're quite the topic of interest with the fan-girls.”

“I've got three hundred on Ian and Wes!” one offered cheerily.

“One hundred on Ian and Noah, I think all that tension is built up sexual frustration between the two.” another one states.

Another rolls her eyes at the second one. “This is real life, not a boy boy romance!” she scoffs (ha ha! I couldn't resist!)

“And on that note, I'm going home.” I shook my head wearily, going to lift myself from the bed, but before I could get more than half sat up, strong arms wrapped around my waist and I was lifted bridal style into Ian's chest. I squealed and Nina and Strange Girl held Noah down for Ian to carry me to my car. “Hey! Hey! Put me down!” I struggled, wiggling.

“Aw, come on, every Princess deserves a little romance.” he winked.

“You did NOT just call me a Princess!”

“Oh, but I did.”

I'll kick your ass Ian Burton!” I cried, struggling a little harder, I mean, I didn't want to actually hurt the boy!

He chuckled and cuddled me closer, thankfully I'd been out for a while and school was already over. “Yeah, I'm sure you could but I know you wouldn't.” he said with a smile. I opened my mouth to protest, but ended up just huffing and crossing my arms over my chest.

“Meanie.” I pouted and gave him my evil eye. Ian reached my car and popped open the passenger side door, handing me both of our book bags. “Erm, what exactly is it that you think you're doing?”

“Well, you feinted, you're not supposed to be driving.” he reached for my key-holder hooked to my belt.

“Yes, but why are we taking my car? Come to think of it, why am I leaving with you?”

“Because,” he shrugged, “I don't want to hand you over to your boyfriend until I have to and wanna spend time with you, this is the best excuse to do just that...and...I don't wanna be alone when I come out to my family.” he looked so cute and scared that I found myself nodding along. He flashed a real smile at me, taking my hand and pulling out of the parking lot, not entirely sure I was ready to help him come out to his family, but somehow or other, we were friends now, and if he needed me, I was more than willing to be there for him.

Okay, so there you have it, chapter seven! But now on to chapter eight! I'm super pissed off though, because I just found out that it'll be ANOTHER WEEK before my internet gets cut back on!!! I am SOOOOOO NOT okay with that! I mean really, WTF? I'm a good child, I do the dishes (most of the time) and keep the laundry up (when I feel like it) and do more than my fair share when taking care of the babies...WHY DOES GOD HATE ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Please keep reading, I swear I'll be a good girl and update this story no less than twice a week when I get it back! The only reason you're getting all of this now is that I bribed my lover to let me come out on my own FOR ONCE (he's the super paranoid kinda jealous) but here you all are because I love you, and you love me, and I love you for loving me and you love me for loving you for loving me, and that's because none of us got enough love in our childhoods. (Chicago moment!)

You know you love me!


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