Things That Are Lost

By ian466

23.8K 380 379

When Carver learns about the plan to escape, he demands that the other walkie-talkie is returned to him, and... More

Chapter 1: Demands And Choices Made
Chapter 2: Consequences Arise
Chapter 3: Getting Even
Chapter 5: Insanity Starts To Show
Chapter 6: Never Trust Strangers
Chapter 7: Hell Breaks Out
Chapter 8: You Don't Owe Anyone.
Chapter 9: Going To Dark Places
Chapter 10: New Enemies, and Old Friends
Chapter 11: The Last Choice Is Made.
An Actual Sequel

Chapter 4: Freedom

2.3K 36 46
By ian466

"Let's go...."

Clem and Sarah leave the building and to the others. Rebecca grabs Carver's revolver off his body and catches up to them.

Outside they see the whole building surrounded by walkers. "Man, we're never gonna make it through this." Says Nick. "You kidding me? If Clem can beat a man's face in, you can handle this." "Shit." Says Kenny. "I thought they were coming from the south." "They did....looks like we're in the eye of it now" states Rebecca. "Fuck...." Mike complains. "This is fucked." Luke hands Clem a hatchet. "Here, you're gonna need somethin'." Clem denies the hatchet. "I got it." She raises the crowbar. "Oh...right." Luke hands the hatchet to Kenny.

Everyone starts killing isolated walkers, cutting them open and covering themselves in walker guts. Clem hits one walker in the knee with the crowbar, causing it to fall and she beats its head with the crowbar. "You guys better hurry and get to smearing if you wanna live." Jane says while covering herself in walker guts. Clem opens up the walker's chest with the crowbar and covers herself with walker guts.
"We have to put that stuff on?" Asks Sarah. "Yes." Sarah takes a deep breath. "Alright, I'll do it." She covers herself in walker guts as well as everyone else. "We ain't got all day here, everybody ready? They're almost on us." Kenny says and turns around to see Troy walking outside.

"What in the actual fuck is going on out here?!" He says. "What is this sick shit? Someone say something before I start-" He sees Luke going for his gun and aims at him. "HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY! Don't you even fucking think about it motherfucker. I will end you! You hear me?!" 'Oh for the love of....' Clem grabs the crowbar and walks up behind Troy. She drives the end of the crowbar in his leg and he screams, falling to the ground. "That's for slapping me." She says as she pulls the crowbar out. "Little brat."

"Piece of shit. You're just like Carver, you don't care about others. All you care yourself. Well just...... FUCK YOU!!!!!" Something snaps in Clem again and she beats Troy with the crowbar. The others watch in shock as she beats Troy the same way she beat Carver. Kenny snaps back to reality runs over and grabs Clem, pulling her away from Troy. "Let me go! I'll kill him! I'll fucking kill him!" She yells, struggling to get free of Kenny's grasp. "Clem! Calm down, we need to go, now." Clem takes a few deep breathes before calming down. "Okay. I'm good, let's go."

"Come on." Says Jane. "Don't make any noise, got it? They might hear something they don't like. And for fuck's sake, WALK. Act like you belong and you will belong." Kenny releases Clem and they all head into the herd. Clem follows behind Sarah and Carlos. "We got this, y'all." "Stay calm."

"Quiet, honey." Carlos says to Sarah. "I'm good dad...I'm good..." Sarah whispers, a little scared. "Clementine, come help me. Calm her down, please." Clem walks up to Sarah and goes to say something, but is cut off when a bullet from one of Carver's men shooting the herd hits Carlos in neck. He grabs his neck and stumbles forward, causing some of the walkers notice him and grab him, devouring him. Sarah stares in shock, whimpering a little.

Clem quickly covers her mouth. "Sarah, listen to me." She says quietly. "You have to keep quiet. You said you wanted to grow up, right? Well....keep yourself under control until we get through the herd. Okay?" Sarah has tears streaming down her cheeks at this point, but manages to give a small nod. Clem removes her hand, hoping she wouldn't scream. Other walkers notice the others and they start shooting, causing the herd to stir. "Oh god....oh god..." Sarah whimpers. "Sarah...." "I'm good......I think.....let's get out of here....." The two girls continue through the herd the best they can, but stop when they see the others. "Come on." Clem and Sarah run through the herd and find Sarita with her hand caught in a walker's mouth.

Clem kills the walker with her crowbar. "I'm dead Clem....I'm dead...." Sarita says, holding her bitten hand. "You need to keep calm, we'll cut it off later." "Cut it off?!" Kenny and Mike run up to them. "Sarita?" Kenny's eyes go wide when he sees the bite. "Oh god..." "We have to go guys!" Mike says as he kills a walker. "You're gonna be fine." Kenny says as he, Mike, and Sarita run through the herd. Clem and Sarah try to follow, but they get cut off by too many walkers. They hear Luke yell. "Let's go!" Clem spots him and Nick running through the herd when a stray bullet hits Nick's shoulder. The two girls head in the same direction when they get grabbed from behind. They struggle to get free until they hear Rebecca's voice. "Stop!"

Rebecca let's go of them and Sarah hugs her. "Sarah.... I'm so sorry about Carlos." "I'll be alright... let's get out of here." "We can't find anybody." "I know. What do we do?" "We're still covered in walker guts." Rebecca turns to the horde. "Look. The walkers are still moving toward the hardware store. We can make it out if we stick together-" She stops mid sentence and holds her stomach. "I'm glad you two are here." "We'll stick with you." "Thank you. We need a clear path to the trees. Maybe they're thinning out somewhere, do you see an opening?" Clem and Sarah look for an opening in the walkers. Clem struggles to see one when Sarah whispers, "Over there!" The three of them head to the opening, only to be cut off by walkers. "Damnit, go back." They turn around and Clem bumps into Jane.

"Jane!" "Jane, thank god-" Jane cuts them off. "Stop. Relax. You need to walk....SLOWLY. You'll be fine." Jane walks a little before Rebecca asks. "I can't do this alone... You have to help us. Please." "We can't clump together like this.... it's better if we spread out. You three will be fine...." "We should all stay together, it's safer." "It's exactly the opposite." Jane starts moving again, but one look back at them gets her to change her mind.

"Fuck." She walks back to them. "We'll have to push through that cluster of walkers." "There's too many." "We'll make a cow-catcher." Clem asks, "The fuck is a cow-catcher?" "You'll see." Jane looks around before spotting the perfect walker. "There." She points at it. "That one looks light enough to carry. I'm going to get on the far side of her. You need to get its attention." She moves past them and Clem taps the walker. It turns, Jane gets behind it and stabs it in the jaw and tears it off. "Not gonna bite anyone now, are ya?" Jane starts pushing the walker through the group. "Follow me." The rest follow her closely. "Keep up. If you fall behind, I can't come back for you."

They get through the herd safely without attracting attention. Jane pushes the cow-catcher to the ground and stabs it in the head. They get away from the herd and head towards the meet up point. A few hours later it's morning and the four of them are walking in silence. Clem looks behind her seeing Rebecca with a hand in her stomach, struggling to keep up. She slows down and walks next to her. "Is....everything alright?" "No... I'm not alright, but I'll be a lot better when we find the others. I need to make sure everyone else made it out. Luke....Nick....Kenny. God damn it, what if they aren't there?" Jane looks back at her. "If they aren't.....nothing we can do about it." "Don't even say things like that!" "Fine! Sorry."

Rebecca stops and the others stop and face her. "I have to stop. I'm sorry. I don't want to slow us down. Can I have a minute?" "Yeah. Take a minute." "Thank you. Alvin was supposed to be here for this...." "Kenny could help, he had a family."

"What are you going to do with it?" "What do you mean by that?" "Oh. Sorry. Just making conversation. It was nothing." "No. What do you mean by that? Do with what? My baby?!" "I'm just looking at the worst case scenario. You, Sarah, and Clem won't be able to raise a baby by yourselves. Clem especially." Clem looks at Jane. "The hell's that supposed to mean?" "Don't think no one saw what you did to Troy back there." "What? He was still alive.....unlike Carver." "What makes you think you won't do that to the baby?" Sarah defends Clem. "Clem wouldn't do that, she's a good person." "Good people don't bash another living person's head in." "They had it coming." "You can't possibly be defending her Sarah." "I am, because she's my friend." "You people keep hanging around her, and you'll end up like Carver."

Clem clenches her fists. "Maybe you'll end up like him in the next five seconds." "This is what I'm talking about. You're unstable Clem." "I did what I had to to keep this group safe." "You're going to bring them down, my sister, we......" Clem cuts her off. "She died? I couldn't care less." "You don' don't get to say that." Jane walks away from them. "We all lost people Jane, your sister is nothing special." Jane doesn't respond and keeps on walking. "Whatever." Clem starts walking as well. Sarah and Rebecca look from Clem, to each other before continuing.

Later they finally reach the meet up point at Parker's Run. They see Mike and Bonnie talking. "We can't just sit here and do nothing." "I know. I know. They'll be here soon." "Holy shit." Mike says as he and Bonnie see the four of them. "It had been so long. We were starting to worry no one else would make it." "Well, besides...." Mike looks behind him at Kenny sitting on a fountain with a gun in his hand and Sarita nowhere to be seen. "Where's Sarita?" Mike and Bonnie exchanged looks before Bonnie answers, "She was getting bad.....real bad.....she passed out on the way here....when we went to help her...well....." Everyone grew silent. "I tried to talk to Kenny but he flipped out on me. Started yelling. Scary shit." "I know he probably didn't mean it, but it was scary." Jane looks down at Clem. "Now I see who you get it from." "Get what from?" "Nothing.....just thinking out loud."

"I've been nervous to even go near him." "What, you think he's gonna shoot you?" "The way he's acting now? I dunno. Maybe. He's not thinking rationally." 'Damn, this happened because of me.' Clem thinks before suggesting. "I should go talk to him. This is my fault." "Hey. You did what you thought was right. That's all anyone can do in that situation."

Clem sighs and walks over to Kenny, slowly approaching him as he doesn't look up at her and says. "Sarita.....God, wherever you are.... Please forgive me.... I can't be alone again." "Hi, Kenny." Kenny slowly looks up at her. "You think I don't know what y'all are whispering about over there?" He asks as the others help Rebecca over to a bench. "What's wrong with Kenny?" "Why's Kenny acting that way?" "Do you think Kenny's okay?" It's all I hear from anyone anymore." "Kenny... I'm so sorry about Sarita--" Kenny cuts her off. "Sorry, huh? Well that's nice of you, seeing as this was your fault in the first place." "There was nothing I could do." "Seeing how things turned out, I think I might've preferred you do nothing." "What was I supposed to do? Let the walkers devour her?" "You think because you're a little girl, you can just get people killed and no one will care? That because you're "sorry" it'll all magically go away? That's not how it works!"

Clem jumps back a bit from that last line while thinking, 'It's not my fault Kenny, she was bit, I just saved her life!' "Fuck off Kenny. It wasn't my fault she got herself bit." "Don't you fucking talk about her like that!" "Why not? Because it was her fault for getting bit. I didn't kill her, I saved her life, and here you are, blaming me for something that I didn't do." "Shut up!" "No! You shut up! All you do is hold onto past events like no tomorrow, well wake the fuck up! Stop holding onto old grudges and stop blaming others for your fuck ups! It's the apocalypse, so get over it!"

Kenny doesn't respond and just looks at her, anger and shock visible in his eyes. He watches as a drop of blood falls from her bloody bandage an onto the ground. "Clem...." Clem cuts him short. "Don't......just don't....." She walks away from him and towards the others.

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