Unknown Hero

Par CocoTheLoco

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After the attack on class 1-A someone was brought in to help watch over the students. Just so happens this sa... Plus



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Par CocoTheLoco

The giggle of a small child rang through the cold, bloodied room. Blood dripped from the grinning child's ruined eye as she stood above the writhing man below her. Her once pretty little dress was bloody and torn. A gash on his hip bleeding profusely, staining the fabric in the color that was splattered around the dark room.

Clouds of frost floated across the floor around the frigid room. The two corpses laid on the cold dirty flood were cold and blue, their once warm blood frozen on their bodies and floor. Their eyes frosted over as they seemed to stare at the small child.

"You little demon! You little fucking monster!" Came the distorted screech from the living man on the ground. He screamed as he gripped his head, pulling at his hair as insanity gnawed away at his now ruined mind.

"You did this mister..." The chilling voice of the little girl echoed in the cold room. Her breath coming out in little puffs of frost as an equally chilling giggle came from her small body. A deranged look spread across her small face as she grinned down at the living body on the floor. "You made me into this monster."


Knock knock knock...

I ignored the sound, nuzzling deeper into my bed.

Knock knock knock!

Groaning I sat up out of my plush, round bed as the sound became louder. Groggily I dragging my self over to the shut wooden door and opened it. A yawn escaped my lips as I rubbed my face. Having to blink a few times from the sudden light.

"What?" I asked groggily.

"You have a letter, my dear." The old man said from down below. I looked down to the familiar small form of Gran Torino. Age really shrank the man down to a small stature over the years. "It's from Toshinori..."

Groaning again I stepped out of my dark room. I held my hand out for the letter with a yawn escaping my lips. The paper envelope was placed into my awaiting hand. Opening the envelope carefully a small circle disk fell into the palm of my hand. I turned it over a few times before laying it flat on my palm. After a second it turned on and a projection appeared in front of me.

Torino and I watched the projection of Toshinori who looked pale and deflated, more so than usual, as he sat on a couch in what looked like an office. It worried me seeing him like this. "Hello Hikari... I'm sorry to not of contacted you recently. See I have been busy here at UA! I'm a teacher here now. Though that isn't a very good excuse for my absence." He gave a big smile but sadly it didn't stay for very long. "I found someone worthy of One For All you know... He is a good kid. A total fan boy. I would like for you to meet him, which you will. Soon hopefully..."

Torino and I exchanged worried looks before focusing back on the projection. Toshinori looked tired. Pale and kinda sickly. He was getting worse, I could tell just from looking at him. His golden blond hair was even more of a mess than normal. It looked dry and tangled, like he hadn't brushed it in awhile. He looked like a wreck, a total hot mess. I swear the dark bags under his eyes are the worst they have ever been.

"That's why I have requested for you to come here. As an assistant teacher for class 1-A." Class 1-A, huh? A recent news report played through my head of the villain attack on that class. That just happened a few days ago so it was still fresh in my mind. Even though he never told me where he was going, I always knew. He was in the news everywhere. "Plus we will need your specific set of skills in the possible future. I already have everything okayed so it's all up to you now... it is still technically your choice."

A loving, fatherly look came over his face. "Plus I would like to spend time with my daughter... We believe that He is back and I fear I won't have much longer so I want to spend as much time with you as I can." A sharp twinge of fear and pain struck through my chest at those haunting words he said.

No... he can't be back! It's been five years! Why is he back now? How did he even survive? Hell even Toshinori hardly survived and he won that damn fight! God, no... I can't take that again. I nearly lost him last time....

"I hope to see you soon, Hikari."

With one last smile the projection shut off and silence rang around the room. Torino was watching me, worry furrowing his brows. But a small smile was still on his face.

"Go. Spend time with him and make sure he stays out of trouble." Torino smiled up at me. The old man knew me probably better than I did my self. He was always able to tell me exactly what I wanted or needed to hear. "I know you miss him, even if you won't admit it."

"Thanks old man. I guess I'll start packing..." Tornino smiled and walked off to do whatever he was doing before hand. Now wide awake I went back into the comfort of my dark room. Plans for my travel and what to take with me are passing through my head. Where would I stay? Who would I stay with? What all should I take? What shouldn't I take?

I guess I should just give him a call.

He is the only one with the answers to my questions after all.

Glancing at the time it was around one in the afternoon. Maybe he is at lunch or something. Picking up my black smart phone I pulled up his contact and called.

It rang a few times before the familiar cheery voice answered. "Hello my sweet Hikari. It's rare for you to call me." A warmth filled me just from hearing that voice that I have missed so much.

"Yeah well it's rare for you to message me so I guess we are even... I got your letter and I accept by the way..." I spoke into the phone while searching for my suitcases in my closest. "I guess I'm staying with you or at the school or wherever. Which ever works best. I'm packing now and should be there by tomorrow some time."

"Really!? Oh that's great! And you can defiantly stay with me, my dear. You know you are always welcome with me. You have a room there for a reason."

"Thanks Toshi..." I paused before speaking again, "So is it true? Is he back...?" He went silent, not needing to give me a verbal answer. His silence told me more than enough... I sighed and rubbed my face. "Just... don't go dying on me... dad..." I choked up, my voice thick with worry and fear for his safety. I could hear sniffling on the other side of the phone. I rarely called him dad. He knew I was being serious or meaningful when I did.

And this was defiantly one of those times.

I already lost my real parents. I don't wanna loose the closest thing to family I have left.

"I won't baby girl. I promise you, I won't leave you anytime soon." A smile tugged on my lips and a tear came to my eye. I love Toshinori as if he was my actual dad. He may not be around all that often anymore from his work but he meant the world to me. "Now when you get here just come to UA. I can meet you by the gates to let you in. You know how the security is here."

"Sounds like a plan. See you tomorrow. Probably around noon ish okay?"

"Sounds good to me. I'll see you then Hikari."

I ended the call, a tear falling down my cheek. Damn it he worries me too much... but I can't help it. He has raised me, with Torino's help at time, for the past ten years. He was legally my father. But even if it wasn't legal, I will always consider him my dad. Number one hero or not, he was my world.

Now I just have to finish so I can go see him again. It's been almost a year now...


The familiar large, looming gates and wall of UA stood in front of me. My suitcases sat on the ground beside me. I was waiting for Toshinori to come get me. When I got here I had let him know that I was outside but with how big the school is it would even take him a couple seconds to get out here. I was getting some looks from people passing by and some students on school grounds as I waited. Some seemed worried, almost like they thought I was a villain or something.

I mean I don't think I look like a villain. I have short in the back to long in the front auburn hair, with two pale blond streaks on either side in the front. Tanned skin similar to Toshinori's. Tight jeans ending in some basic black slip on skater shoes. My dark red hoody was tied around my waist exposing my black tank top.

I thought I looked like a normal teen.

Do I look scary?

I mean I do have the scar on my face but damn. That doesn't mean I'm an evil villain, geez.

"Hikari!" I heard my name being yelled by a booming voice. A smile spread across my face as the seven foot tall figure of All Might came up to me. "My sweet Hikari!"

Once he was out of the gates I ran up and flung my self into the waiting arms of Toshinori. His cheerful laugh echoed in my ears as he hugged me to his muscular chest. He was in his hero costume, cape and all. After a long moment he sat me down, his ever present smile larger than ever

"I've missed you. Next time you up and leave at least let me know. Or write more often. Or hell, even call me!" He chuckled as I poked his chest. I couldn't help but smile as he rubbed the top of my head. Something I have missed so much over this past year of him being gone.

"I'm sorry. I know I should of at least told you. I was just worried you would be upset for why I came here."

"You know I don't want it. I couldn't handle the power of it anyways." I smiled as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. A badge was dropped around my neck before Toshinori started leading me inside. My bags floating behind us with my telekinesis.

"Still. I need to be a better father too you." His large hand rubbed my shoulder as I leaned into his side.

He is always so warm... I loved his warmth, his kindness, how caring he is. "Don't feel like that. You're a great father, Toshinori. I wouldn't ever replace you."

A sad smile tugged on his lips as he lead me inside the huge school. We shared some small talk, just catching up on the past year as he lead me up to his office. It was a basic teachers office and the one from the message he sent me. His wooden desk and a small couch with a table. Everything one would expect in a teachers office. It was even nice and clean and organized, which is surprising for him.

I dropped my stuff off by the couch before plopping down. Toshinori made sure the door was shut before... deflating. His black and blue eyes looked tired as he relaxed onto the couch beside me.

His once well fitted cloths were now baggy and hardly fitting his smaller frame. I didn't care though. As he is now or before. He is still Toshinori.

"How you liking being a teacher?" I questioned to fill the silence.

A smile took over his now angular features. "It's hard work. I'm not the best teacher but I still enjoy it. I care deeply about each and everyone of my students. One of them is even who inherited One for All."

"Really? You mentioned you found this kid but not much else. You find him here?"

"Actually, no." This gained my full attention and my confusion. "I found him a good ten months before school started. He... inspired me. Reminds me of my self when I was younger. He was just a quirkless kid, a total cry baby and wimp. But I trained him and he now has the power of One for all, though it is still developing for him."


"Language." I stuck my tongue out at the playful remark. He honestly didn't care if I cursed, which is probably why I actually swear so much. "But yeah. Oh! He is a complete and utter hero fan boy too."



I chuckled and leaned my head on his shoulder. A small yawn escaped my lips as Toshinori wrapped his thin arm around me and held me close to his side. His warm, fatherly aura comforted me.

"He is a good kid though. Has what it takes to truly become the worlds greatest hero. I hope you will get to meet him soon. He is a little nerd, just like you." I snorted and closed my eyes, relaxing against Toshinori. "He reminds me of you. He is a fast learner, incredibly smart. A bright young man. He has so much determination in him to better himself and help others..."

"That sounds nothing like me." I chuckled softly.

"Sounds exactly like you to me..." A small smile tugged on my lips. I could feel Toshinori moving around a bit. I didn't mind till he moved me down to lay my head down on a pillow he put on his lap. I opened my eyes to look up at the blond man. "You look tired. Did you not sleep well last night?"

"No, I just didn't sleep at all. Was too worried about everything and was getting everything packed." I mumbled as I felt fingers run through my hair, my eyes closing again. My muscles slowly relaxed at the gentle, soothing touch. "Plus the train ride was awful too... way too many... people..."

Slowly I dozed off into the best sleep I've had in months. Even on a small couch, I was able to sleep soundly just from Toshinori being there.


I awoke to find my self covered up and alone in Toshinori's office. A note sat on the table with my name on the front. Groggily I reached out and grabbed it.


If you're reading this I had to go and teach a class. I should be back soon, so don't worry. Try and get more sleep if you can. If not you are free to do as you wish in here. Just don't leave, don't want you getting lost here.

Love, Toshinori

I smiled before going to one of my bags. I got out my favorite pair of headphones, a really nice brand with very plush ear pieces. Making sure the curtains over the window were nice and closed I smiled as I made the already dimly lite room even darker. Sighing I laid back down on the couch. The headphones sat comfortably over my ears as I started to play music.

The music lulled me into a peaceful trance. I wasn't asleep, but I was in a peaceful state of mind. Just laying there in the dark room. Music blocking everything out as I relaxed.

I don't even know how long I was there. The blanket kept me covered and warm. My thoughts were relaxed, empty of all worries. The music was all that filled my mind.

And that's how I staid.

Relaxed and not fully there.

I didn't even notice when someone was knocking on the door. Or let them selves in. It wasn't till a hand brushed my hair out of the way did I finally refocus back on reality.

Beside me stood Toshinori, behind him was a mummified Aizawa. I smiled up at the two older men. "Hey there sleepy head." Aizawa grinned through the bandages covering his face and sent me a semi wave with his arm in a cast and sling.

"Hello other sleepy head." I returned his smile and waved back. Man those villain did a number on him. If I was there I probably would of lost my shit to see them do that to him. When I was younger he would watch me all the time and we would literally just sleep the entire time and chill. He was my favorite baby sitter ever. So we were considerably close as I was growing up. "Are classes done?"

"Yes they are. I think it's time I take you home so you can get some proper rest." Toshinori smiled and picked me up in his muscular arms. He was still fully inflated right now so I probably weighed nothing to him. "Also, starting tomorrow you will attend classes with 1-A. Aizawa is their home room teacher so he will help you out."

"Awesome. Look forward to helping you out Aizawa." I waved at the mummified man as Toshinori started to carry me away. My bags floating behind us again as I used my quirk. I could hear the tired, slightly muffled chuckle from Aizawa.

"Looking forward to it kid."

A small smile spread over my lips as I nuzzled into Toshinori's chest. Slowly I started to nod off again, needing as much sleep as possible to prepare for tomorrow.


It was early morning and I was arriving at school with Toshinori. The few students here whispered as we passed by them but I honestly didn't care much. I obviously wasn't a student. Or a teacher. I wasn't dressed fancy and I wasn't in my hero uniform.

"Hey do I need to change cloths?" I gestured to my loose tank top, jeans, and ever present red hoody. "I'm not dressed in my hero uniform or like a teacher typically would. Or even like the students."

"Oh no you are perfectly fine. The teachers typically wear what they want. Like I don't always wear my hero costumes." Toshinori grinned down at me making me smile as well. His smile is so contagious. "Either way we want you to be your self and to be comfortable here. So how you are is fine my girl."

"Thanks Toshi..."

We lapsed into silence as he showed me around the school some to refresh my memory of the large building's lay out and then to class 1-A. Aizawa was waiting outside the classroom for me. They did a small pass off so he could show me some of the areas for this class and to catch me up on what they all have learned. We were sitting in the teachers lounge when the bell rang.

Sighing Aizawa stood up, his sleeping bag tucked under his bandaged arms. "Time for class." I nodded and followed him. We staid silent as we approached the classroom full of waiting students.

Honestly I was a bit nervous. These kids were just a year younger than I was... and I was now kinda their teacher. Should I be nice? Or serious? Stern? Causal?

Aizawa glanced back at me and sighed. "Calm down Hikari. Introduce your self however feels right. Just be your self." He gave me a small reassuring smile from under the bandages that covered his face before opening the door. I followed him in, not bothering to look over the room full of students yet.

There were quiet whispers but other than that it was quiet. We stopped at the podium and turned to the class. Aizawa sighed. "Morning class." He went through roll call, a tired tone heavy in his voice. He told me Recovery Girl was treating him some every morning. So he was always tired. Well more that he usually is.

I watched each student, seems like every one was here. Blocking out all the noise in class I just studied everyone. I kept getting curious looks from the other teens. One guy in particular looked pissed for whatever reason. The one behind him looked confused and surprisingly plain.

I didn't make eye contact with anyone, not yet. Man this school is still so fancy... I haven't been here in years! I mean I did have to go through school like anyone else. I just had to go through it much earlier than anyone else. One of those special snowflake cases, yay me, were I was too smart for my age group and too powerful. So they had to bump me up. A lot.

"Okay everyone." Aizawa's voice cut through my thoughts and brought me back to the present. "This is your new assistant teacher. She will be attending all of your classes, no matter who the main teacher is."

It was so silent you could hear a pin drop.

Too quiet!

Aizawa motioned for me to introduce my self. "Ah, guess into my turn now." I cleared my throat and waved. "Hello, I am Hikari. Yes that is my first name and yes. That is what I prefer you to call me. Pleased to meet you all."

Grins spread through the class and a few girls yelled out welcoming hellos. A few guys waved and greeted me as well. Over all a good response from the class.

"We will be doing introductions till All Might gets here." Aizawa slipped his sleeping bag on and slowly zipped it up. "Behave your selves and listen to Hikari."

I watched as he fell to his side and was out instantly. Still a quick sleeper it seems. Especially with how tired he must be right now from the treatments.

"So uh," I turned back to the class, "anyone have questions?"

A pink girl with black and gold eyes raised her hand. A large grin on her pink face. "Uh, please say your name then your question." I gestured to the pinky.

"I'm Mina Ashido and are you a hero?"

"Ah, yes actually." Another hand shot up into the air. It was a man with blue hair and sitting towards the back down the row from Mina. "You I guess." I gestured to the guy with glasses.

"Tenya Iida and if you are a hero, which one are you?"

"Good question. My hero name is Mysterium but I'm usually referred to as the unknown hero." I shrugged my shoulders and leaned against the podium, relaxing some. Not so bad so far. No weird questions. See? No reason to be so nervous right, Hikari?

What did throw me off was when most of the class looked over to the green haired boy. He seemed to be in deep thought at my answer. But why does everyone look at him? It wasn't till I heard his muttering that I understood.

He was going through his mind of all known heroes. Like he was cross referencing me with everything he knew. His eyes widened as he looked up finally and glanced around. Whether it was from the fact he realized he was thinking out loud or that the entire class was looking at him, a small blush dusted over his freckled cheeks.

I smiled slightly as the guy in front of him sighed in annoyance. The ash blond male's face twitched in obvious irritation and annoyance. "Damn Deku, if even you haven't heard of her that's bad." His red eyes sent me a sharp look. What was his problem? I met piercing crimson his gaze and easily entered his mind.

Who the hell is this fucking bitch? She looks our age! Why the fuck is she a damn teacher at this damn school? Hell if even Deku hasn't heard of her she must be a shitty hero. One that doesn't matter at all... Just another fucking extra.

I looked away and sighed. "You swear too much. I thought I swore a lot but next to you, Katsuki Bakugo, I don't hold a candle." The class grew silent again as the blond's eyes widened.

"How the hell do you-"

I cut him off with a sharp glare, looking into his eyes again. His words stopped with his mouth hanging open. "Shut up." I watched his mouth close, my own curving into a smirk. "Whose the shitty hero now?" I could see the rage burning in his red eyes. I looked away as another hand shot up, the boy behind him.

I staid in the blond's head as I looked at the green haired boy. "Ah, Izuku Midoriya and what it your quirk?" The curiosity burning in his eyes surprised me.

"I technically have a double quirk but they go together. I have a slightly above average telekinesis and a very strong telepathy. Strong enough to take control of ones mind and actions, like I'm doing to the boy in front of you." I could see the blond hot head shaking, resisting as hard as he could. I finally set him free and he literally exploded.

Like literally.

A cloud of dark smoke puffed out around the angered teen. The green haired kid yelped in surprise as he was blown back some from the explosion the male in front of him did. A small chuckle came from some of the students.

"Damn Bakugo. Got controlled and made a fool by the new teacher! That's so not manly." A red headed male said laughing.

"SHUT UP, SHITTY HAIR!" He yell out in anger, shaking a sparking fist at the red head.

The classes laughed and relaxed. A girl in the back on the opposite side of the raging blond raised her hand. Her pink cheeks stood out and were actually really cute. "Yes?" I looked her way and the class settled down again.

"Ochaco Uraraka. How old are you? You look our age."

"That's because I am. I'm only sixteen." A chorus of yells of surprise came from the class. I think one kid even fell out of his chair. "Yes. I graduated and became a pro hero a few years back."

"She says that so causally..." A girl with her hair in a ponytail in the back of the room said. The male with two toned hair beside her nodded in agreement.

"So I guess that should be good with questions for now. Uh, if every one would come up one at a time starting with this side," I gestured to the side away from the far wall and at a blond haired guy who was literally sparkling, "then down the row and back to the front of the next. Does that make sense?"

A chorus of "Yes" rang through the room. Nodding I spoke again, "Just come up and shake my hand. Don't worry about anything else."

The blond sparkling boy stood up and walked over to me beside the podium. I held my hand out, which he took with a smile. "Nice to meet you Yuuga Aoyama. Interesting quirk. Need to work on the side effects though." My voice staid at a quiet level so no one else would overhear what I said to each student.

He smiled and let go of my hand. "A pleasure." He spoke in a distinct french accent. I watched as he went back to his seat and the pink girl came up. We shook hands as she grinned. She was so energetic. "Nice to meet you Mina Ashido. Acid huh? Interesting. Lots you can do with a quirk like that."

She grinned and nodded. "Thank you!" She skipped back to her chair. Next up was a girl with long dark green hair and big round eyes.

Taking her hand she smiled. We shook once before letting go. "Nice to meet you Tsuyu Asui... Can you really spit up you stomach?"

"Yes ma'am. Ribbit." Oh my god, she is adorable.


She turned and went back to her seat. Next up was the blue haired guy. His posture was stiff as he walked up to me. He gave me a firm handshake and was about to say something when I cut him off. "Nice to meet you class president, Tenya Iida. I've met your brother before. You remind me of him. Similar quirks."

"Thank you Miss Hikari!" His eyes twinkled and I snorted.

"Please drop the Miss. Just Hikari is fine. Relax a little." I smiled as he walked away. The girl with pink cheeks jumped up and walked up next.

We shook hands but I didn't let go of her hand. "Nice to meet you Ochaco Uraraka. Please don't let me float away." She giggled before letting go of my hand. When my two feet staid panted firmly on the ground I sighed in relief. "Thank you."

"You're welcome!" I watched as she went over to her seat. Next row.

A guy with a large, fleshy tail came up next. We shook hands and he gave me a shy smile. Cute. "Nice to meet you Mashirao Oijiro. That's one impressive tail you have."

"Thanks..." He returned to his seat, his cheeks a little pink from the compliment.

Next a confident male came up. His golden blond hair had a zig zag marking of black in the front. Taking his hand I smiled. His cheeks dusted in pink as he smiled back. "Nice to meet you Denki Kaminari. Please don't shock me, ever."

He laughed and grinned. "I'll try not to." I watched him return to his seat and then the next stand up.

His red hair was spiked up nice and tall. I could see his pointed teeth in his nice smile. He gave me a firm, hard handshake. His muscles flexing some. "Nice to meet you Eijirou Kirishima. Got one hell of a quirk. Very impressive."

A grin spread over his face. His thoughts turning slightly flirty over the compliment but he didn't utter a peep over them. Which I am thankful for. "Aw thanks." His thoughts remained on cloud nine as he walk back to his seat. I shook my head sighing as the next got up.

The guy stood up with out a sound. An almost nervous smile on his face as he stepped up to me. He was very gentle when taking my hand and shaking it. "Nice to meet you Kouji Kouda. You have a great quirk and a kind soul."

The smile grew on his face as he looked away embarrassed. Thank you... he thought before turning away to go sit back down. Interesting guy there, pretty much a complete mute.

The last guy in the row came up next. He was tall and muscular. He grinned while shaking my hand. "Nice to meet you Rikidou Satou. You have an... interesting quirk."

"Thank but yours is cooler." He laughed before going back to his seat. Ain't that the fucking truth. What an odd quirk he has. The more sugar he eats, the stronger he gets for the time being but also gets stupider.

Starting the next row a very tall guy stood up. He had three arms on each side with a skin webbing between them all. His hair was spiked forward and covered the front of his face some. Though he was still wearing a mask over all of his face except his eyes.

We shook hands and my eyes widened. "Nice to meet you Mezou Shouji. You truly have an amazing quirk. Really awesome." I gave him a small smile as one of his tentacles formed into a mouth.

"Thank you. Yours is impressive as well." He nodded his head before going to sit back down.

Next came up a punkish looking girl with what looked like audio jacks coming from her ears. We shook hands and I nodded. "Nice to meet you Kyouka Jiro. Interesting quirk. I like it. Can be very useful."


She returned to her seat right after. Next came up a guy with odd elbows and a toothy grin. We shook hands and his grin grew more. "Nice to meet you Hanta Sero. A very versatile quirk."

"Man that's cool... thanks." Following the pattern he returned to his seat.

Next came up a silent bird looking guy. I noticed as the other students quietly conversed while doing this he didn't speak much or at all. We shook hands, though I'm surprised he had human hands. "Nice to meet you Fumikage Tokoyami. One day I would like to greet Dark Shadow as well."

"He would like that." His voice was surprisingly deep, and he was surprisingly short as well.

Silently he and the next student exchanged nods as they passed each other. The last student of the row was the guy with the half and half hair. A large burn scar was over one of his eyes as well.

He gave me a firm handshake and a straight face. I tried not to frown when we shook hands. "Nice to meet you Shouto Todoroki. We have a lot in common. Both with double quirks and an eye injury on our left eye. Look forward to watching you grow." Even if I don't like your quirk, I thought to myself.

His eyes widened slightly as he looked over my scar and blind left eye. "I suppose we do..." I watched as he walked away. You know I don't think anyone else noticed my left eye was different. I mean I do have a scar on my face but it was thin and dull with age. It wasn't something that really stood out. Or they could of just been polite and not pointed it out.

Starting the next row an... outfit came up to me next. The cloths were female but I couldn't see anyone. Her quirk was very obvious. I held my hand out and felt one take it. "Nice to meet you Tooru Hagakure, even if I can't see you."

She giggled and I could almost picture her smiling. "You too!" She skipped off back to her seat.

Next was the blond hot head. He scuffed as he stood up. His pants sagging down low on his hips, but nothing was exposed. He sent me a glare as he stood in front of me, both of his hands stuffed into his pockets.

I held my hand out waiting. Instead of a handshake I got a snarl from the male. Obviously he was still upset about before.

"Come on, be civil and shake my hand. This is introductions, don't make me force you." My smile turned slightly threatening letting him know I was serious. His glared heated up in furry. But he huffed and roughly shook my hand for a couple seconds before letting go and wiping his hand on his pants. "Nice to meet you Katsuki Bakugo. I apologize for my actions beforehand. It was out of line. Hopefully we can start anew and better this time."

He scoffed and turned away from me. "Whatever you bastard."

I exhaled sharply and shook my head. That kid has some major anger issues. Like seriously. I even apologized! Damn brat...

Next up was the sweet looking green haired kid. He seemed a bit nervous as he came up though. His smile was cute and friendly, lifting his freckled cheeks. We shook hands and I went into his mind.

Don't think about it, don't think about it, don't think about! But wait, if she is reading my mind now I probably sound so suspicious! Oh no she is so reading my mind. Why is she smiling like that? Oh god she is reading my mind!

I laughed as I shook my head. "Nice to meet you Izuku Midoriya. You and I need to chat sometime, I've been looking forward to meeting you." I lowered my voice even more so I knew for sure that only he could hear me. "And calm down. I already know about everything."

He broke out into a nervous sweat and chuckled nervously. "A-ah is that so...? Oh and it's nice to meet you too Hikari-sensei!" His freckled cheeks dusted over in a soft pink.

"Please, just Hikari is fine. In a sense you are like a younger brother." He tilted his head in confusion. I shook my head letting him know I would explain another time. "Go ahead and sit. Another time, yeah?"

He nodded and smiled. As he was going to his seat a really short guy with balls growing from his head came up. He eagerly took my hand shaking it. The second I went into his mind I instantly back tracked out of there and pulled my hand sharply away from his.

"Nice to meet you Minori Mineta. If you ever act on your thoughts I will have you arrested for harassment." My voice was sharp as I snapped louder than I intended. With a glare I looked down at the little pervert.

He chuckled nervously before quickly leaving. Some of the guys chuckled as he walked back to his seat in shame. The last student, the girl with the ponytail, came up next. A polite smile on her face.

She shook my hand with a kind smile. "Nice to meet you Momo Yaoyorozu. You have an amazing quirk. You are a talented young woman, no wonder you got here on recommendation."

"Thank you very much. You are an extraordinary person as well."

"Thank you as well."

I watched as she went and sat back down. That should be everyone now. All that's left is for Toshinori to get here. I don't know why he is teaching a class this early in the day since he did the hero classes and that was after lunch. Maybe he was subbing for another teacher?

Either way I hope it won't be too much longer till he gets here.

Just as I thought that the door slammed open and that familiar laugh boomed through the class room.

A grand entrance as always.


AN: hope you enjoyed. Art drawn by yours truly of Hikari. Have a lovely day readers.

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