the runaway bride | k. namjoon

By hellchyeahZL

37.1K 2K 564

"My hand reaching out to you is a fate decided." - Kim Namjoon, DNA More

the runaway bride


6.7K 351 144
By hellchyeahZL

Kim Namjoon lived an extra ordinary life. He has never been starved in his life. He never has to wear the same clothes twice. He lives alone in a huge house by himself. He drives sports cars and eats only food prepared by an expert chef. In total, his life is a luxury. Everything is the way he liked it but his parents are the only drawbacks. Them and his brother, Jin, who is only a few years older than him. He loves his brother but whenever they're together in one room, Namjoon feels suffocated by the fact that their parents literally worship the ground their eldest son steps on. He's the apple of their eyes. They have always been proud of him. Who doesn't? He's highly intellectual, properly mannered, and most importantly, he's made for business while him, they only see him as someone who they need to feed. He's only an obligation, not a priority.

"Just show up at the dinner. Everybody will be there. People will ask questions if you don't show up." Jin convinced Namjoon, following him out of his room as he just woke up from his afternoon siesta.

"People always ask questions." Namjoon groaned, cradling a headache after last night's crazy party. He couldn't remember a thing as he put an aspirin between his teeth and pushed it down his throat with a glass of water. "You're the only one they care about. I will only cause trouble if I come. Remember the last time?"

Jin released a deep sigh as he recalled how his brother picked a fight with one of the major shareholder's grandson but he shrugged the memory off and still didn't give up. "No, you won't. Namjoon, do it for me. This night is important for me."

"Okay, okay. Just stop talking. My head hurts enough as it is." He said, holding the remote and pressing on on of the buttons to close the curtains because the sunlight is very offensive to his eyes. "I just have to be there, right? I don't have to say anything?"

"Yes." Jin smiled and gave his younger brother a small hug and a pat on the back. "Thanks man. This is a really huge thing for me."

Of course it is. Jin is going to be appointed as the new CEO since their father is resigning from his post and would most likely spend most of his time playing golf. Namjoon is happy that Jin is taking the position. He deserves it more than anyone else. He worked hard for it. He has a person that is full of passion. Namjoon envied him, not because he's inheriting the company, but because he has enough will to do something he puts his min into, because he makes their parents happy, because he's a kind person. They are a complete contrast with each other. While his brother is on the way to success, Namjoon is still undecided on what he wants to do with his life.

He was left in the living room of his own home, staring at the ceiling as he tried to remember what happened last night. How he got home and walked into his bed? Who drove him home? He's a lost cause. Everyone knows that. All he does all day is have fun. Namjoon dropped out of college. He's actually capable of being at the top of his class but he couldn't take it. Living his life like a copy and paste of yesterday was torture. College was like the extension of his family affairs, people telling him what to do, how to act and speak as if he's an infant not capable of deciding things for his own. That's just not how he wants to live.

An annoyingly loud ringing snapped him out of his thoughts and made him walk around the house, trying to find where he put his phone last night. Namjoon was having the worst day with the worst headache of all time and he had to run around and trace the irritating sound that's enough to male his brain split in two. He opened the fridge and found his phone there. He had totally no idea how it got there.

"What?" Namjoon sharply exhaled when he saw Taehyung's name. He is the last person he wants to talk to right now.

"Dude, have you seen the news?" Taehyung hysterically asked and his raised voice made his head hurt more.

"No. The fuck. Why would I watch shit like that?" Namjoon snapped at his friend. Taehyung knew he doesn't watch the news yet he still asked him. "If that's all you have to say then I'm hanging up. Bye."

"No wait! Namjoon wait!" Namjoon's thumb hovered over the end call icon that he was about to press when Taehyung told him the real intention of his call. "That girl you were with last night, she's dead.."

His mouth went dry and suddenly the air was too stuffy. Namjoon opened his mouth to speak but Taehyung beat him to it. "Dead hot! Dude, did you take her home?"

"What the fuck, Tae? I'm hanging up." Namjoon did not wait for Taehyung to talk as he cut the conversation and returned to lay on his bed.

The room was nice and cold. He rolled on his back and went back to thinking. He really cannot afford another fuck up or else his Dad is going to beat him to death with his golf clubs. He was once hospitalized because of being beaten so badly by his Dad when he found out he dropped out of school. Namjoon had to sit on a wheelchair for two weeks due to the large purple bruise that covered the back of his thighs and one broken rib. His father had quite a temper and the business wasn't going well that time so he became the perfect sand bag to release his pent up anger.

He jumped in the shower and did a quick shower. He dressed in a suit. It has been a while seen he has been in one and it definitely does not look like him at all. He's more of a casual guy but he has to put on the suit and tie to make his parents even want to look at him tonight. Actually, no, it's not for them. This is for his brother. He's doing this because of him. By now, he knows his parents have given up on him and only his brother had high hopes for him.

He got in the garage of his own and picked a sports car to drive tonight. The sapphire one looks like it's going to be a great company so he got in it and began to drive out of the garage. There was no expectations for him. No one is expecting him to come but he didn't care. All of them meant nothing to him yet why does he feel nervous? He halted when the traffic light turned red but his hands still gripped the steering wheel tight until his knuckles turn white. The passenger door opened and an unknown woman in a wedding dress sat with him in his car.

"Hey lady, are you lost or something? This is my car." Namjoon looked at the girl as she looked outside the window. He looked outside and there were people in suits looking for her. She shrunk lower in her seat, hiding herself from the men who were chasing her. "Did you runaway from your own wedding?"

"Talk later. Drive now." She pointed to the traffic light when it turned green. One of the men began to check the cars and she got scared. She grabbed my arm, "Drive! Just please go! I can't go back there. Please."

Namjoon glanced at the girl as she let out a relieved sigh. He smiled, "And here I thought I was the only one with big problems. You're pretty wrecked. Who runs away from her own wedding anyway?"

"Yeah like you would know. You're rich and has no other problem than to spend money." She spat and then rolled down the windows, removing both of her shoes and snatching the while veil from her hair, causing her to hiss when some of her hair stuck onto it.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Namjoon tried to stop her with one hand when she threw her shoes out the window along with her white veil. The car behind them honked angrily at the stunt but she didn't look like she cared. She sat back and looked glad that got rid of it. "Are you crazy, woman?! That could cause an accident!"

"Yes. I'm a crazy woman whose parents sold her off to marry an old guy just to survive another day." She said and suddenly the atmosphere between them shifted into a silence.

After awhile, Namjoon decided that he had to talk because he's running late and he couldn't afford to disappoint Jin. "I know, you're troubled and all but I have this party to go to and you, well, you have to tell me where to drop you off."

"There. Drop me off at that bus stop." She sounded tired like all hope has left her body. Namjoon pulled over and watched her slowly gather the rest of her dress as her bare foot touched the cold pavement. Is he really going to let this woman walk bare footed in a wedding dress?

"Wait." Namjoon was startled at himself as he grabbed onto her wrist. He let her go immediately, "Do you have any money on you? Here, take it."

"Thank you." She accepted the help without any fuss. She knew she needed it. The people passing by have been staring at her form like she's was a train wreck but she still showed her gratitude excessively when she bowed towards me. "Thank you for saving me back there."

"Uhh, yeah.. don't mention it." Namjoon trailed off, rubbing the nape of his neck. "Well, uh, I have to go."

He began to drive off, distracted as he watched her from the rear view mirror. She's going to be fine, right? He stepped on the brakes, his conscience was killing him so he reversed the car and almost ran some people over. The girl looked surprised to see him back.

"Forgot something?" She asked. "Or are you going to take your money back?"

"Get in." Namjoon said, opening the door for her in a suit. She didn't move due to confusion so he repeated, "Get the fuck in. People are staring. Move."

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