Saving The World While Fallin...

By nickii_96

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chaper 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 23

46 3 1
By nickii_96

Hours later I woke up and we were at the resort. It was humongous. Just standing outside I could already see a huge waterslide. I was definitely in a Disney resort.

“This place is definitely on me” I said already fumbling around in my pocket searching for the card.

“Who said we couldn’t have any fun on the way” Alex said from my left.

“If we leave by 8 we can make it by 8.” Lala said doing the quick calculations

We walked through the front door and the breeze that immediately hit us was heaven.

“Two rooms double bed” I told the lady at the counter then handed over my card not even caring about the total. Instead of heading straight for the rooms I headed toward the gift shop. I was too anxious I just couldn’t wait to dive into the pool. I already had a plan. I was going to hit up the inside pool then hit the slide outside. In the gift shop I searched through all the trunks until I found the perfect pair. I walked up to pay for the trunks but Lala was already standing at the counter. Apparently I wasn’t the only one with the swimming idea.

I went to pay for the swim wear when I got a glimpse of what Lala thought she was going to buy. It was the skimpiest bikini I had ever seen. It was basically three strings and two small triangles to hide her nipples.

“Your not buying that” I said taking it from her and replacing it with a full bodysuit.

I thought this was much more suitable for a young lady.


“Im not wearing that” she said with her nose turned up with disgust

I wasn’t going to win this argument so I slapped a 40 on the counter for our suits then headed for the dressing rooms to change. I may have been mad but I was still a gentleman. I walked over to the pool area or more accurately the mini water park. I walked to the locker rooms and quickly slipped my clothes into one of the lockers before hurriedly heading back out. I looked around in amazement of what I saw. There were multiple hot tubs, a steam room, water slide, water fall, diving board, and even and underwater cave for experienced swimmers. If this was inside then I couldn’t wait to see the outside. I didn’t know where to start so I started at my favorite place. I walked directly to the hot tubs with a purpose and hopped in.

The heat fulfilled its purpose as it started to soothe my sore cramped up muscles. I closed my eyes so I could further enjoy the feeling. I heard movement and cracked one eye open to see who was ruining my moment. It was Lala and she had one toe in to test the waters.

“Little hot” she commented as she slowly lowered herself in with a sigh.

“Not hot enough” I said closing my eyes again trying to block her presence out which was near impossible with what she was wearing.

“Are you still upset about the whole swim suit thing?” she asked

“No” I said keeping my eyes close hoping she would get the hint.

“Then look at me” she said

“No” I said automatically but not for the reasons she thought.

I knew that once I looked at her some crude comment would fly out my mouth. So technically on some twisted level I was sparing her feelings by hurting them. If that makes sense.

“Well if he wont look at you I will” an unfamiliar voice said from above us.

I peeked an eye open to get a good look at the guy who was ruining my solitude. He was a Chinese guy with slick hair and slightly tanned skin. He was pretty much average but Lala was acting like he was the sexiest guy ever.

“You can look but touch” Lala said with a wink

“At least not without your permission” he said returning her wink with one of his own.

“La‘Bria” she said offeriang her hand

“Eian” he replied shaking her hand then holding on a little longer than normal then kissed the back of it.

So I might have been a little jealous.

“Waters great perfect mixture of hot and cold” he spoke mostly to himself

“Thank you” Lala said at the same time I did.

Now he was invading my space. He had the nerve to join us. I guess I was more than a little jealous. It wasn’t fair that this complete stranger got to flirt openly with her and put his dirty foul lips to her beautiful smooth skin. I don’t care if it was the hand. To make it even worse they continued to flirt in front of me.

“Ryan” Lala said in a warning tone causing me snap from my internal rant.

“What” I said looking around

“I just don’t know how yall can stand the heat im going to go ask someone to turn it down” Eian said exiting the hot tub to find someone who worked there.

“Angry much” Lala said once he was out of hearing range

“Why would I be” I fired back at her

“You tell me” she said scooting closer and looking me in the eyes with them big beautiful hazel orbs.

“Nothings wrong” I said trying to lie with a straight hoping she wouldn’t see through it even though she always did.

“Your lying” she told me bluntly

“I asked them to turn it down but he said its on the lowest” Eian said returning to his spot and of course Lala cooled the water for him.

“Maybe you just have sensitive skin.” I said finally breaking eye contact with Lala.

“Maybe. Sooo Ms. La‘Bria would you like to see my room it has a spectacular view” He said with a full smile. Pearly whites and all.

“Sure” Lala said grabbing his hand and stepping out.

“Your not going anywhere” I said purposely only speaking to Lala.

I instantly hopped out and headed toward her side where she stepped out.

“Dude you need to back off” Eian said stepping forward trying to be a man.

“Doesn’t concern you” I said then pushed him into the waiting pool.

“Now I know you have a problem” Lala said walking up to me and pushing my chest.

I guess she expected me to lose my balance but I didn’t I simply returned the glare she was giving me.

“Im concerned about you going to some strangers room” I told her trying to keep my voice down.

“Your not father. You cant tell me what I can and cant wear and you especially cant tell me who I can and cant spend time with” Lala yelled before she somehow pushed me into the pool.

This ladies is gentlemen is where hell met earth.

I pulled her in with me and knew I was in for it but I didn’t care. I was too pissed. I was only trying to protect her from herself. I tried to swim back to the top but a block of ice conveniently kept me underwater. I sank to the bottom and heated up. This caused some sort of jet effect and shot up and through the ice and landed neatly on the edge of the pool side. I watched as Eian and Lala started to leave the pool area. She thought it was over but it was far from it. I grabbed Lala from behind then jumped back into the pool using my new found jets to swim toward the cave. I dropped her off in the cave but it was becoming increasingly hard to swim away. I looked at my feet and they were practically cinderblocks of ice. I swam to the surface to catch my breath only to be slammed by a massive wave of water. I guess jumping in water wasn’t a great idea.

“Ryannn” Lala practically yelled when she resurfaced.

I looked her in the eyes and saw the icy blue in them challenging me. I was never one to back down so I heated up to the bare minimum. I snapped my fingers and a flame danced about only to be put out by Lala.

“That’s the best you got” I challenged her

Somehow Lala moved her arms and the biggest wave I had ever seen gathered behind her but I was ready. My body heated and heated but not hot enough to burst into flames. She threw the wave at me and it grew and grew. The force of the wave alone should have knocked me over. I held firm as the wave parted down the middle. If any water touched my body it instantly evaporated. This resulting in a very steamy pool area as the rest of the wave crashed behind me.

“That’s all you got” I said cheekily

“No that’s all the pool got” she told me looking around at the now empty pool areas.

I looked around and noticed most of the water was either evaporated or literally on the floor. The floor was like a flood. As if our luck couldn’t get any worst Shan and Whitney walked in laughing before they saw the damage we had caused. Instead of the yelling like I thought she very calmly told us to go to the room. Yup we were definitely in some deep shit this time. I tried to glance at Lala but she was already high tailing out and to the room. Why couldn’t I just follow her lead?

“Best water fight ever” I said giving them a thumbs up

For the first time Whitney growled and me and I was scared. I quickly ran after Lala and hopped on the elevator with her. She was trying so hard to be mad at me but her smile was trying to get out.

“I think moms angry” I said finally causing her smirk to break through. Before she could speak I continued on talking.

“Im so so so so so so so so sorry” I said grabbing her and wrapping her in a huge bear hug.

“Let me go” Lala said stiff in my arms.

The elevator dinged on our floor and I simply carried her to our room in this position.

“Forgive me” I said once we were in the comfort of the room

“I forgive you” she said too quick

“Lies” I blurted out almost as quick.

“Fine I wont forgive you.” she said honestly

“Whyyyyyyyy” I asked dragging it out

“At this moment I could have been throwing it back” she said looking longingly into space.

“Just to clarify your mad because I didn’t let you have sexual intercourse with a complete stranger who could possibly have herpes.” I said completely serious.

“Yes” she said nodding her head

“Get over it” I said walking further into he room

“Ughhhh” Lala let out then plopped on the couch next to me

This room must have been expensive. It had a kitchen and everything. We sat and waited for mom and dad to get home. Knowing our punishment was going to be harsh.




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