Jaycee Lennox *Bayverse Fanfi...

بواسطة LilacAthenaRose

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Jaycee is the oldest daugter of William Lennox, and in the year 2007 this 4 year old girls life will take a m... المزيد

Jaycee Lennox
Cousin Stephine's
The Men in Suits
The Yellow Hider
Mission City
The Silver Hider
The End


641 21 12
بواسطة LilacAthenaRose

I heard Daddy before I saw him.

"You! Car-theif!"

That was the first thing I heard him say.

He was mad. I could hear it in his voice again, and this was his really really mad voice. It was like the one from before...when he almost shot someone. 

Was he fighting with Mr. Sims again? 

 I began to wiggle around, trying to turn so I was facing away from Rabbit and towards Daddy. 

What if he was mad at Bee! I had to make sure he wasn't mad at anyone important!

"Careful." Rabbit hissed, moving his hands so it was easier for me to move. Rabbit even stopped walking too! These guys were really nice. I hope Daddy wasn't yelling at one of them.

I needed to make sure he didn't yell at any of them! It wasn't there fault! 

Once I got turned around, my eyes widened. This street was broken a lot too. The buildings were fallings and the ground was all in pieces too. Everyone was here though..a lot more people were just standing around and not fighting. I guess the mission ended..and now I just gotta find Daddy again. 

It wasn't hard to do that either! He was just standing too in front of the truck Sam's girl had been driving and I found Sam's girl right in front of Daddy! She looked a little like a puzzle right now though and Daddy just looked really mad.


"Where is Jaycee?" Daddy demanded, almost grabbing onto the girls shirt, but Bumblebee put his hand in the way. He's legs were still missing but he wasn't asleep.

 "Kid's gonna be okay." Bee answered, but Daddy wasn't having it. I could tell because he just glared at Bee all mad like. "Don't you pull that with me. Where is she? I left you two in charge of her."


That was Uncle Epps, he was walking towards Daddy fast now, especially when Daddy began to grab onto Bee. "Calm down man. She's probably fine." He began, holding onto Daddy's shoulders as he pulled him away. "THAN WHERE IS SHE?!" He spat at Epps, before brushing him off. "What did you do with her?"


Daddy was gonna bring the guns out again. He was gonna start another mission, but he couldn't! This one just ended and they bad guys are gone! We can't have a war with friends! 

It had to stop.

I began to tap on Rabbit's hand fast, pointing towards Daddy.

He was mad at Bee! I couldn't let that happen! I couldn't let him shoot Bee! They were gonna get a war again! 

"I'M....H-HERE!" I coughed, trying to hold myself up as Rabbit began to walk towards Daddy.

I saw Daddy's face stop being a scruncity, as he turned away from Uncle Epps and Bee to look at me. His face was happy now...well sorta cry-ey actually but it wasn't mad!

I stopped it! I stopped Daddy!

"DADDY!" I grinned, wiping my eyes as I held out my arms to him.

"Oh. Jaycee." He whispered, reaching out to grab me but Rabbit pulled me up high really fast...like stomach flip fast. I hadn't felt a stomach flip since I went to the fair on a boat ride! It was enough to make me loose my balance and fall into Rabbit's hands.

"She's fine. A few minor scraps and some energon burns. Nothing too serious, but you'll want to refrain from touching her until I can clean her off." Rabbit admitted, bringing me back towards the ground slowly. I think he thought it was safe, that Daddy wouldn't touch me..but it didn't work.

Daddy wrapped his arms around me, holding me close to his chest as he gripped my hair. "Jaycee..don't ever do that again." He mumbled, kissing the top of my head.

"Don't you listen!" Rabbit grunted, grabbing me by the shirt as he lifted me away from Daddy. I tried to wiggle around to get back to him, but Rabbit only lifted me higher. "She needs to be sanitized." Rabbit growled,

"Yea well. We'll handle that when we get medic support. They're just outside the city." Epps stated, squeezing my legs gently as he smiled at me. "Until then..let the kid be with her father. She's had quiet a trip to get here." He laughed, squeezing my leg as Rabbit brought me down to the floor again. He was mumbling under his breath though..like a cranky old guy. 

Daddy grabbed me before I touched the ground, wrapping his arms tightly around me again. "Thank You Rabbit!" I smiled happily, trying to face the robot and waving as the bot stood up and nodded at me before he looked over at Ironguy.

Daddy followed my gaze and shifted me over so he was carrying me on his hip. Now he was watching the Autobots too, a serious look in his eyes. He was back as a solider, which mean I had to be too. 

I looked towards Ironguy like Daddy, trying to make my face all flat and serious.

"Prime. We couldn't save him." The big black mech was reporting in to his super, a sad look in his eyes as he handed off Jazzy. He looked more broken in this guys arms...like my toy soldier Ana broke. He was so small. 

I kinda miss his smile too.

"Ohh Jazz.." The tall robot sighed, holding onto Jazzy's broken body with a sad look in his eyes too. Jazz had a lot of friends and they all kept looking really sad. Maybe he really wasn't gonna wake up. He was a broken toy..that would never come back. Well he was more of a toy..but still. "He's not gonna wake up..is he?" I whispered to Daddy, who just squeezed me tightly to him. I took that as a 'No'. Mommy sometimes squeezed me to tell me 'No'..only she was a lot harder when she did it. Daddy wasn't hard though, it was like a hug kinda.

I liked Daddy's 'No' hugs more than Mommy's pinches.

Ironguy was looking at us now, he nodded at me a bit and I smiled back waving happily. 

I think I spooked him a bit! Cause he quickly looked away. Maybe he didn't think I was gonna look..I did that sometimes. There was this boy on the playground..he said I was cute once...so I punched him in the arm and ran away. Daddy said I did the right thing, and I thought so too, BUT I kept looking at him after that. And now when he looked at me..I fidgeted around. Just like Ironguy was right now. He didn't do anything but just sort of fidgeted as his super began to speak.

"We lost a great comrade, but gained new ones. Thank You. All of you. You honor us with your bravery." The super robot was saying, looking down at all of us after he took a long look at Jazz.

Rabbit kept watch on me as he walked in behind the two, he kinda seemed scary to be honest. Just sitting there...watching. like he was scanning for something. I tried to stare at him for a really long time to make him look away but it wasn't working. I wish it would.

"Permission to speak sir." A voice suddenly said, and I whipped around to see who it was. "Permission granted old friend." The super nodded, and I frowned. I didn't see any real old people around here. Maybe he was talking to a ghost?!?! Could he do that? Could all super's do that? Speak to ghosts!?! 

Could I be a super too because I could hear a ghost!?!? 

MAYBE JAZZY WAS A GHOST AND SUPER OLD TOO! I mean it made sense...old people smiled a lot at little kids. I should know. Daddy took me to nursing homes all the time, and I was always smiled at by older peoples...and kissed too. That was the sorta gross part, but Daddy always said it was good to do it so I was tough like a soldier. I even kissed them back too.

"You speak now?" Sam yelled, pointing towards Bumblebee and I frowned. The ghost was near bumblebee? And that was sorta rude of Sam..to interrupt a Super. Than again Sam wasn't much of a soldier at all I don't think. "I wish to stay with the boy." The voice came again..and I froze. It was Bumblebee!!

"If that is his choice."


"You're voice sounds funny." I commented rather loudly, and quickly covered my mouth after it came out. That wasn't suppose to happen. That was rude. Daddy was gonna be mad. "W-w-what do you mean?" Bee asked, looking intrigued at me and I gasped...looking at Daddy. 

He heard me!

Oh-no..I had to apologize! "I'm sorry. I talked back." I whispered to Daddy but he just smiled and nodded towards Bee. He wanted me to answer...

I took a shaky breath, Daddy wanted me to answer. I had too now. "It's just. You don't sound right." I said being strong in my voice. Daddy gave me permission so I should say my words as loudly as I could. "You don't seem like an old tea man."

Everyone looked really confused at that, but Epps and Daddy started laughing at me, and I quickly buried my head in Daddy's arm. It wasn't suppose to be silly!

"Tea man?" Bee asked, bending over me as he tapped my head gently. I looked up at him slowly, clearing my throat as I nodded up at him. "Yea..They talk all uppity..and have weird egg-cents. They really like tea...and they live over a pond." I pipe up and Bee lets out a few wheezed laughs.

Well a lot of wheezed laughs.

I buried my head down again. Now he was laughing at me! I don't even think he sounded like a tea-man too much..I mean he just had a fancy way of talking..like those tea men did..

"Ya'll hear that? Imma Briton." He laughed, his old radio voice coming back. I think that sounded kinda better. I liked it. It suited him more, but I wouldn't say that. I had said enough..and I might have broken his voice again. I mean after I spoke, his voice went back. I hope he wouldn't be mad. I didn't mean to break his voice. I just being honest.

But I guess it was sorta rude.

He was just trying to go home with Sam.


Sam was getting to keep Bumblebee! That wasn't fair! I wanted a robot friend too!

We could keep Ironguy!

I began to wiggle really fast, excitement bubbling through me as I felt my skin tingle. I wanna keep Ironguy! I bet if I asked the Super I could..but I had to be smart. That's why I rose my hand to be polite but I blurted it out anyway. "Can we keep Ironguy than!?!" I yelled, watching as all eyes came onto me so fast that I felt my lips get really tight and shut.


They were all staring at me now..some smirking..and others not so much.

Ironguy was a not so much.

"Absolutely not." Ironguy answered, but his super waved him down. "Who are you?" He asked gently, bending over to get a better look at me..and I felt scared again.

He was big. A super super kinda big. I bet he bossed everyone around...which meant I had to be really good to him. Like Daddy good. "Jaycee. Jaycee Marie Lennox. And if Sam get's to keep Bumblebee..I wanna keep Ironguy! Rabbit is too grouchy." I answered quickly, and the super's eyes lit up a little bit at that.

Ironguy just seemed to grunt. "I'm not some 'pet' to be taken care of." Ironguy retorted, bending down in front of me too. "I have better things to attend too then babysit a youngling."

"I can handle myself! It's not fair Sam get to keep Bumblebee! He's my friend too!" I admitted, pointing at Ironguy. "And...you owe me! You broke Cousins Stephine's pool and..and we played hide-and-seek..so we're friends too. If Sam gets to keep a friend. I want to too."

Ironguy just rolled his eyes at me. "Aw..Come on Ironarms." Bee teased, his voice making that wheezy laugh again as I watched the super stand up to leave towards another metal man who was probably not asleep too.

It was the scary metal man.

"Stop that!" Ironguy suddenly yelled, and I heard a bang. I jumped, looking back over at them.  Bumblebee just got smacked by Ironguy...I don't think it hurt him though..cause Bee just laughed again.

"Daddy can we keep Ironguy?" I whisper to him, but he just shook his head and laughed. 

"I dunno Jay." 

I took that a yes...or a really good maybe.



Anyway..I want to know if any of you are noticing a decline in my story quality as I go along? I know the first chapter is nothing like my last, but is it as terrible as I think? People seem to really like the first chapters, but than never finish reading the story. I want to finish Jaycee, and I am working at it, but I don't want it to be terrible. 


That's it..

Thanks for Reading!!

If anyone wants to RP, PM me. 

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