Her Insanity ✔

By nienachanse

163K 5.8K 455

(BOOK #1) Faith was a rogue but she wasn't by choice, she was forced to be one. To live on her own in the wi... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Last A/N
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Please READ
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Please Read!!
Dedicated Chapter
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Son Of Faith

chapter 8

5.7K 214 27
By nienachanse



If you want ro send covers in my email is open.

Email : chansevanstaden@gmail.com

Instagram: NienaFianshi

Lets get right into it!

Zack's pov.

Was a restless night of sleep for me. Faith is in my mind every second. How the Moon could bless me with such an beautiful creater. I wil never know but i wil treasure her for the rest of my life.

I haven't seen Michael ever since the incident at the hospital, i could only imagine it's eating him away. To think your sister was killed and given up hope and the next she is alive but in critical condition.

I decided to swear a jean and a normal white T-shirt today. Maggie is properly waiting for me to serve breakfast. I better not keep her waiting she isn't someone you mess with. She may be sweet and kind but don't get at her wrong side.

Turning the knob of my door i am met with the empty hallway. The children is already of to school. Making my way down the stairs i could hear the sizzling sound of bacon being cooked and the mouth watering smell of it.

Entering the kitchen Maggie shows her smile with a set of white teeth i could only smile back. But deep down i want my mate to be here with me to enjoy the breakfast but instead, she lays alone in the hospital in a coma. I plan to go and pick flowers in the field to put them by her bed. For if she wakes up she wil be covered in flowers. I know it's cheesy, but i will do it for her.

"Sausage or bacon?" Maggie's breaks my thoughts as i took a seat at The kitchen island.

"Aaah, bacon please" i happily replied as she only nodded and flopped a few peaces of bacon into the plate.

"I know you all to well, if you could you would only eat bacon" she mocked as i could only laugh.

"You know me to well Mag" i commented she only giggled.. Hearing a old lady giggle is kinda funny.

Grabbing a fork i started my breakfast slow but i have to say its delicious. Finishing my breakfast i glared up to the clock to see i have to get going if i want to pick flowers.

I speed walk out of the door i walked my way toward the field. Its truly beautiful roses, daisies you name it, it's here

I picked a bunch of roses and a hand full of daisies and other sorts of flowers honestly i don't know how i am going to carry all of these.

I carried them to the hospital after i dropped some of them but i managed to carry them to the hospital. As i entered the hospital doors Matthew's come to help me carry them.

"Isn't this a bit to much?" He asked as he carried the half to Faith's room. If he only knew then he would understand.

"Well i want her to feel special when she wakes up" i muttered unsure of my shaky voice. I am nervous no doubt. No one is to find out about us yet not until she is healed.

"Sweet of you though. She is progressing but she is still in the coma" he said as he opened the doors of the room. And there she lays sound asleep. Not moving nothing it breaks my heart to see her this way. Sophie said when she wakes up from her coma the poison would be out. And then she can feel the mate bond only. But until then i have to keep my mouth shut even if it is killing me.

"I am going to check on my other patients, i wil be with you in five minutes" he said as he putted the flowers down on the beds table and turned around and went out the door. I lay tgr flowers down on her bed side as i look at my beautiful mate.

Her skin is back to its normal colour, her lips had colour in them again as did her cheeks. I bend down laying a kiss on her cheek, just wishing she would wake up and i could hold her. Let her know i am her mate. That i am hers and she is mine.

I pulled a chair closer to sit close to her bed, holding her hand in mine i can feel there is something there but it's very faint.

I layed my head down so my forehead was touching her hand and i think i have fallen asleep. Because someone has awoken me from my slumber. I glanced up to see Michael standing there. And i can see he wants alone time and i wil grand that to him.

"I wil leave you guys alone a bit, see you Mick" i greeted as he only nodded with a soft smile..


Michael's pov.

Agter Zack leaved. I could really see how my sister grew. She gotten so much beautiful agter the last time i saw her. Her body was toned for hunting and serving on her own. I could see fainted scars everywhere but what caught my eye was the scar just below her chest bone.

Its a angry scar. Someone used silver on my sister and it makes me sick. It makes me angry to know she was out there alone and i didn't even look for her.. Her hair got darker. From dark brown to black.

I noticed i started to tear up and all the memories came to me. My sister when she was young, she always wanted to be a rock star and i would always laugh at it.

"I am soo soo sorry, i didn't know you servived." I sobbed as i cupped her face in my hands. Her skin is soft as i remembered it was "i promise on my life no harm wil ever come to you again, please just wake up" i full on crying now. I hated this feeling that my sister needed my help and i wasn't there. I hate myself so badly for that.

"Mi-michael? Is that you?" She barley whispered as her eyes opened and close again. My heart is beating out of my chest right now.

"Faith. Hang on there pooky u wil be ok" i tell her .

"Matthews!" I yelled and not even i few seconds later he came barging throught the doors.

"What is it?!" He raised his voice all concern. He is protective over his patients he doesn't like to lose a life.

"She spoke to me but only a breve moment before she went under again" i snapped as he only eyes me and looked her over.

"She sensed your presents that's why," he said as he wrote stuff down on his clipboard "i recommend you go the Alpha and get ready for the Rogue attack. It is only 3 days from now" he continued and it hit me. The pack isn't even getting ready because everyone is concerned of Faith's healing. I nodded and walk out the door. We have to start training.

On my way walking to the pack house I get Zack on the road looking into the woods deep in thought. I approached him as he turned his head to me, i can clearly see there is anger playing in his irises.

"We have to train for the attack" i demanded as he just thought for a moment

"I know, but one thing is for sure i am going to rib them to peaces for doing that do Faith. Its going to be a blood path" he spat, anger seething from him. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Why do you care so dearly about my sister?" I asked as he looked to his feet. He is hiding something from me.

"You won't understand" he said as he exhaled.

"ZACK IF YOU DON'T TELL ME NOW YOU WIL REGRET IT!" I yelled as he only turned his head to me and shook it

"It's meant to be a secret till the time is right" is his only response , now i am angry no one hides things of my sister. I pushed in right in the jaw and he fell almost on the ground.

"I have the right to know she is my sister" i spat and i see the defeat in his eyes.

"Faith is my mate Michael" he whispered. Oh My God. Is the only thing that my wolf said through my head. My sister has a mate and it's Zack.

Duu duh duuuh.

How was that chapter for u guys. Hope u enjoyed.

Lots of love!

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