Demons (NaLu) (Under Editing)

By Infinite_Dawn

51.8K 1.5K 324

"Look into my eyes it's where my DEMONS's where my DEMONS hide, don't get too close it's DARK insid... More

Life Changing
The Moment of Truth
Love and Hate
First of Things
Learning Each Other's Past
Dying For You (Not a Chapter) (NaLu)
Waiting Outside the Lines
Going Under
Discussion Time
Listening Harder
Surprise (Not a Chapter) (Jerza)
Just Can't Walk Away
Why Is This Happening?
♥♥Author's Note!!!♥♥
Something's Happen For Reason
You and I (Not A Chapter) (GaLe)
Things Can Change
Planning and Unexpected
Anything Could Happen
A Side Unknown
Need This
Realities Witness (Not a Chapter) (Gruvia)
Proludge: Prom Night
Prom Night Part 1
Prom Night: Part 2
Author's Note! IMPORTANT!!!!!
Prom Night: Part 3
Little Talks
~Authors NOTE~
Thank You for Your Words of Wisdom
Graduation Day
The Proposal
Updates and New Stories!
A/N BIRTHDAY!!! & New Ideas

What Now

1.4K 53 7
By Infinite_Dawn

Sorry about that really slow update but I'm glad people are still reading as you now Sting has came into the picture so here's What Now.


Lucy P.O.V.

I saw him. Why him!! "That must be I right Lucy?" I nod to Levy's question.

"Lucy you and your friends go ahead...I'll have a little talk with Sting...ok?" Mom smiled sweetly then started towards Sting. I turned on my heels towards the front door.

I saw that everything looked the same...nothing changed except there being a gate. I knocked. There was movement from the inside. Then a gasp as well.

The door flung open and I felt arms around me. "Lucy I'm so glad to see you." I saw the long orange hair that I knew that was her mom.

"Hey Mrs. Ashley. I need to talk to Lucy." Mrs. Ashley nodded.

"Lucy!! There's someone here for you!" She called up to her.

"Mom it's to early!" She walked down stairs. I saw her she had the same orange hair but had white in it.

"Hey Lucy..." I waved and smiled. She busted into tears.

"Lucy!!" She ran and hugged me.

"I'm glad to see you!" She squeezed me.

"Me too." She wiped away her tears and smiled.

"So who are your friends?" She asked. Her tears had disappeared as quick as they came.

"Oh this Erza Levy Juvia Jellal Gajeel Gray and Natsu." I pointed. She nodded.

"The pinky black blue and even the long black head are cute." She whispered loud. I rolled my eyes.

"You haven't changed at all." I said.

"Well you have been talking more now. The only people you ever talked were Yukino but she moved, me Rogue and..." Her voice trailed off.

"Yea." I was remembering some childhood memories that are already gone.

"Ouch! ouch ouch ouch ouch!" My Mom was dragging Sting by the ears towards us.

"Wait, why did you guys come here anyway?" Lucy asked.

"You remember...Levi?" I asked questionaly.

"Of course I do why wouldn't I? You told me about him all the time." She said.

"I told her know." I said trying not to let anything slip out.

"I know." She said. Mrs. Ashley knew as well what I meant because she was there to help me along the way.

"Oh would you guys like to come inside?" Mrs. Ashley asked. We all nodded and they made room for us to come inside.

"If we have to we can take this discussion to the living room if we may." Lucy said. We followed after her.

She, her Mom, my Mom, Sting, Juvia and Gray sat on one side of the room. Then I sat on their red soft carpet. Ezra Levy Cellar Gajeel and Natsu sat beside me on the red sofa. I saw the same baby grand in the corner.

"Ok so first tell me how you got my daughter pregnant." My Mom flat out said. I stiffen and all the boys eyes and Juvia eyes were on me.

"Hey! Lucy can I go to your room?" I ask. She looked at me and nodded.

I got up and started to door. Lucy got up and followed after me. When we got past the door and it was closed we heard murmuring. "What do you think his telling them?" I asked.

"I don't know but lets see if we can find those papers...ok?" She said smiling touching my shoulder. I nodded.

We started walking. "I remember my Dad or Mom putting in here someone..." She started taping her chin.

"Come on." She grabbed my hand and we started off to the office she was talking about.

What if he says something that isn't true? I panicked in my head.

Layla P.O.V.

After both Lucys left he started talking. "It was Sophomore year somewhere late in the year."


Sting P.O.V.

I was walking down the corridor. Girls were flirting with me. Different people stopped to talk about the party I was going to host. Then I noticed a shy blonde girl at her locker. When we were younger we were close friends along with Lucy Ashley a girl named Yukino and my cousin Rogue. I use to like her. So I went to her. She was getting next period supplies. I stood beside her locker and when she closed it she saw me. I accidentally scared her.

"Hey Lucy." I said. I waited for a answer and she looked down.

"H-Hi." She shuttered. She looked up and I smirked.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come to a party I'm hosting." I said. It wasn't a question...I wanted her to come. But she finally gave me a answer.

" wouldn't hurt." She smiled. I smiled and rubbed her head before walking away. I stuck my hands in my pocket and I smiled like a mad man down the corridor. She may be different but...I had fallen for her.


"Oh how were in love with my daughter." Ms. Heartfilia said

"Really?" My head turned to door. Both Lucys were holding stacks of hair.

"I don't remember it being that much." Mrs. Ashley said. She picked up a stack and so did Lucy's Mom. Mrs. Heartfilia. Lucy picked up and couple of folders. So did the other Lucy. It's confusing isn't it?

"Oh continue." Ms. Heartfilia said. I nod.

Back to Flashback-

After the day had ended I went home. The DJ was already there setting up. I pulled out my parents beer. I know drinking at 16 crazy right. We had a lot of food out so that was good. People started arriving so the DJ started. I think I waited probably a hour till Lucy came. She was with other Lucy as well. I didn't mess with them so they just went on and did what they wanted.

Lucy Ashley was just dancing with some guys. Lucy stood there laughing. She looked alone but she was still smiling.

After a while I kind of went walking. When I walked past the kitchen door saw Lucy drinking and there already being 3 bottles in front of her. "Knock knock." I said she looked up to me.

"You came." I said. I walked in and went on the other side of the island.

"Yep." She took another sip. I kept staring.

"It's not polite to stare." She said.

"Sorry but...why are you wearing that?" I asked. But now that I think about it, it was impolite to say.

"Lucy Ashley made me wear it." She said quietly. She popped another bottle cap and drunk from it. I didn't know how many she had.

"For a shy girl you sure do drink a lot." I said.

She took one more slip and looked dazed.

"Whoa are you ok?" I came to assist her.

"I think I'm really dizzy." She said. I picked her.

"Lucy!" I called the other Lucy. She looked drunk dancing with a guy it looked like he was taking advantage of her. I put Lucy on my back.

"Dude back off!" She slapped the guy.

"Never mind she isn't drunk." I carried Lucy up to my room and put her on my bed. She didn't look asleep.

I shrugged and was about to walk away from my bed. She grabbed my hand. "Can you stay here and talk to me?" She asked me. I looked at her for a moment and gave in.

I sat down and we started talking. She was drunk but she was still able to speak right. After 2 hours we didn't go downstairs we just talked and she kept drinking. I decided to drink to. We started laughing out of the blue.

"Your so stupid Sting." She was laughing. I smiled. I held her hand. I yawn. We hic-cupped and we started laughing again.

"Sting..." She let go of my hand and then got on top of me.

"Lucy.." Her face came close me and she kissed me. I want to push her off me...but I didn't...

After that everything progress and...the next day. She was gone. I had realized what I did...then after that I never saw her again.

End of Flashback-

I waited for a response. "Here." Lucy was handing something to me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"A picture of our son." She said. I took the picture and she started walking away.

"Hisr name is Levi Eucliffe..." Her hand was on the door. She looked back at me dead in the eye.

"What now...?"


Ok so Sting has just told his side of the story. Lucy made the first move but Sting could've said no am I right? So the next part won't be a chapter so who ever is reading this thank and till next time.


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