I'm In Love With The Bad Boy.

By _itsbunni14_

23.2K 638 127

Meet Ashely Miller, A good girl who is a bit of a nerd. She and her best friend Lydia Johnson have been attac... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8

Chapter 7

2.1K 71 5
By _itsbunni14_

Chapter 7


Fifteen minutes later, Ricky and I were pulling up to his house. House would not be a word I would describe for the sight in front of me. It's a freaking mansion and a huge one at that! It must have had three floors just by the height of it on the outside. The yard was beautiful with cleanly cut grass and blooming flowers that line the garden at the side of the mansion and an amazing marble fountain in the middle of it. I was literally starstruck. Why can't my house be this big? If it was, I probably would get lost in it for days with no one to save me, Allowing me to die from loneliness and starvation. I have an active imagination..Don't I I turned to Ricky and did a double take when I saw him smiling at me. Yeah, An actual smile. A genuine smile, Not his signature smirk or mocking smile and let me tell you this smile had me melting on the inside because his smile showed off his dimple on his left cheek. I returned his smile with one of my own.

"So I see you like the house." Ricky said as his smile molded into his signature smirk. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I wouldn't call it a house, It's a freaking mansion for gosh sakes." I said and he chuckled softly.

"Come on..Let's go inside." Grabbing my hand, He pulled me towards the house. Electricity shot through my arm as Ricky's fingers interlaced with my own. Why is he hold ing my hand? Don't let him get to you Ashley. He's just messing with your emotions. Well if he is then why does this feel so right?

Ricky let go of my hand when we entered the house, Which left me feeling lonley. He then started to show me throughout the whole house. Why is he being so nice? I kept asking myself this as we entered his room and it was freakin' amazing! There was a four post king size bed in the middle of the room, A flat screen mounted on the wall across from the bed, A blue couch with a coffee table on the other side of the room and then walls were painted midnight blue. You would think Ricky, The bad boy, Would have a messy room with clothes and empty pizza boxes all over the room right? But his room is actually clean. No clothes on the floor and no empty pizza boxes scattered around. I guess that's one of the perks about being rich, Not having to clean up after yourself. Lucky Bastard.

Ricky turned around to face me. "So sweetheart, Since we're in my room is there anything else you want to do other than that stupid project?" He said in deep voice. Ah, I knew it was too good to be true. Here's the Ricky I know. I could feel my cheeks start to warm up at the thought of  what he said. Damn him, He knows excatly what to say to get a reaction like this out of me. Play it cool, Ashley.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I don't think so sweetheart." I replied walking pass him to the couch and setting my bag down on the table. "Lets just get started on this project." He shrugged his shoulders and sat down next to me.


An hour and half later, Ricky and I were still working on this project. Well it was mostly me who was working on the project. Damn me for being a nerd. And yes I'll admit it I'm a nerd, Got a problem bro? Ricky had worked for thirty minutes and gave up deciding to play on his phone. I was so concentrated I didn't notice Ricky was so close till I felt a warm breath on my cheek. I turned to see him holding a pair of scissors to the end of my hair. Where the heel di  he get scissors from? I guess he wasn't expecting me to turn around to face him because his hand moved and cut the end of my hair. He cut my hair. He cut my hair! Ricky's face was full with shock as was mine, But quickly replaced with anger. Ricky did the smart thing and ran. Run as fast as you can, I'm still gonna catch you Ricky Black. With that I sprinted out of the room and down the hall.

"Ricky! Where the hell are you!?" I yelled. I heard shuffling downstairs and I knew it had to be him, So I sprinted down the stairs. I followed the sound into the kitched to see Ricky opening the back door. "Where do you think you're going?" I growled at him. Ricky's back stiffened and he whipped his head around so fast I wouldn't be suprised if he had got whipped lash.

"I-I wasn't going Anyw-where." He stuttered, Trying to maintain his cool and it was failing miserably. I started to walk to him and he started to back away. "I d-didn't mean to cut your hair, I was j-just playing around."

"You cut my freaking hair Ricky!" I exclaimed, Moving closer.

"I know! I'm sorry." His face was priceless, Fear and shock was written all over it. I couldn't take it anymore so I burst out laughing. Mr. Bad Boy was scared! Of me!

"Holy shit! Your face was priceless!" I told him, Trying to stop myself from laughing. Ricky glared at me until I stopped laughing.

"Are you done laughing?" I nodded still trying to catch my breath. "So you're not mad?"

"I was at first but when I saw the fear on your face, That was the best revenge I could have ever gotten on you."

"I wasn't scared of you." Ricky said.

"Alright, I think it's time for me to go home." I said, Looking at the clock on the kitchen.

 "Okay, Get your things from my room and meet me outside." I nodded and headed back upstairs to his room to pack up my stuff. I entered his room and immediately started to gather my things. I grabbed my bad and hitched it onto my shoulder and turned to walk out of the room, However a picture frame faced down on his nightstand caught my eye. I went over to the nightstand and grabbed the picture frame to take a look at it and I was shocked to find who was in the picture.

A fifteen year old Ricky and a blonde haired girl around the same age were smiling back at me. She was pretty with her blonde curly hair falling at her shoulders and a round tan face with blue eyes. Who is she? I thought. Why did Ricky put the picture frame face down? It's been more than five minutes, Ricky must be wondering what's taking me so long. So I put the picture frame back face down onto the nightstand and rushed out of the room.

I walked outside to see Ricky leaning agaisnt a sleek black car. "Something wrong? You look a bit pale." He asked in a concerned voice.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine." I told him. "So um, No bike this time?"

"Yeah, I thought it would be better to take you home in a car than on the bike. I don't want your parent's to think that I'm a bad influence." He replied, Sending a wink in my direction which made me blush. I rolled my eyes at him as we got into the car and started to drive to my house.

After ten minutes of driving, Ricky pulled up in front of my house. "How did you know how to get to mu house without asking for directions?" I questioned him.

"I paid attention when my parents and I came over for dinner the other night." He said, Smirking and directing a wink to me. I rolled my eyes but still smiled. We sat there in comfortable silence for a minute of two until I broke it.

"Thanks for driving me home Ricky, I actually had fun with you even though you can be annoying." I smirked. "And for giving me a haircut." I grinned remembering his face when he saw how mad I was at him.

He rolled his eyes as a pink tinted his cheeks. "I was not scared of you sweetheart."

"Whatever you say Mr. Bad Boy. Well I better get going. I had fun." I told him offering a smile.

"Me too." He said smiling showing off his dimples.

"Bye Ricky, See you tomorrow."

Bye sweetheart." He replied still smiling. With that I got out of the car and walked to my front door waving Ricky goodbye as he sped off. Maybe Mr. Bad Boy isn't so bad after all. My smile fell as I thought back at the picture and was replaced by confusion.

But who was the girl in the picture?

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