Motorcity Dreams

By Silenthilllz

542 13 11

Tales of my adventures in the wonderful underground city, Motorcity. More of my dreams featuring my OCs in th... More

The Nightmare
The Nightmare 2
Dream 1
Dream 2
Dream 3
Dream 4
Dream 5
Dream 7
Stray Sisters Part 1
Stray Sisters Part 2
Stray Sisters Part 3
Small Junior RP
Various Junior Prompts
RowdyBoyJunior RP
RowdyBoyJunior RP2
RowdyBoyJunior RP3
RowdyBoyJunior RP4
RedVendetta RP
RedPonyLegs RP

Dream 6

20 1 0
By Silenthilllz

I walked into the Electroblades hideout because they had stolen one of my keychains I adored so much. Why? NO IDEA.

"The transformation is complete, you are one of us now."

"The fuck? Transformation? ARE THEY DEMONS? Or a cult?" I whispered to myself as I walked near the door, peeking my head in a bit. What I saw made me laugh way too hard, and it eventually gave up my cover.

Wormy was sitting in the middle of the others like he was being worshiped. His hands were being held by Crater. "What, shut the fuck up is your problem. AND why is she here?"

I laughed so hard, but then I saw Spike behind me. "Pfft..." I snickered, not caring about being held and tied to a chair. "So what's happening?"

"He is now a yaoi hand. Like us. So, now he can't eat for 5 days because he will fumble. He must learn. Or starve to death, and you can stay here with his whining." Crater growled, getting up and leaving a mug of water and some bread on the table.

"Oh my god!" I giggled, earning a look of annoyance from Wormy. Or at least so, his mask was covering his facial expressions.

"I can't eat for five days, I can so! Gimme that glass of water! I will show you I am fine." Wormy demanded, letting Crater give him the water. He tipped his mask up slightly so I could see his mouth. And right before he could get one drip of water in his mouth, he dropped the glass.

It shattered on the floor, and the water splashed on me and him.

He made a growling face. "Not my fault. It was a cheap glass anyway." He huffed. Crater handed him another, but he dropped it again. "GODDAMMIT. HOW AM I GONNA EAT THINGS."

"Someone could feed ya?" I suggested. I wasn't trying to say I would feed him, but no one deserves this torture.

Crate looked down at me, placing his hands on my small shoulders. "That is an EXCELLENT IDEA. But since we aren't gay, you can feed him. Since it was your idea, we don't do homo." Crater squeezed my shoulders tightly. "Have we got a deal? I'll give you your keychain back in return for feeding him this week. You gotta stay with him too. He probably can't fight with his hands, or manage to take a shower."

"I can feed him, yeah, but I am not fighting for him and helping him take a bath! I'm very uncomfortable with that. AND I do not feel it necessary for me to do so." I said to him.

Spike leaned down to my level, glaring at me through his mask. "He is a child, Wormy may be taller and stronger, but he is still a whiny redhead. I'm glad I don't have to help him do this shit. I'd love to see you suffer. My trial was painful, but now... his are even worse. I took my gloves off, but he can't. So, I look forward to seeing you help him in the shower."

I backed away as best as I could while being tied up in a chair. "All of you are perverts! ALL! Except for maybe the midget dude, haven't talked to him much, but anyway, if it will help me get my keychain back, I will." I mumbled.

"Hey! My name is--" The blonde guy said before Spike picked him up by his leg. "HEY FUCKER, WHAT'RE YOU DOING?"

"Calm down, pipsqueak. Let's have Wormy and Silent peace. We will know the outcome by the end of the week." He left with Crater.

It had been one day since they left me here with Wormy. I was hungry, and that must of meant Wormy was as well. "SO, need anything?"

Wormy didn't respond. Was he just ignoring me or asleep? I heard his stomach growl.

"Hey? You awake?" I asked again, leaning closer. Crater had undone my bounded hands so I could feed him and help him with things. "Guess not, welp, you are starving... but I'm hungry so I'll eat it if you don't respond."

He still didn't respond.

I grabbed him a banana, and I leaned into him, not on him, but close enough for me to feed him.

Wormy's chest rose as he breathed deeply. Yup, he was snoozing. His shirt was up a bit so I could see a bit of his stomach and lower. "Holy shit you have abs!" I exclaimed apparently too loud.

He jolted awake, staring at me, and grabbed my shoulders. The force of it knocked me out of my chair, and I hit my chin on his thigh. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

I whined, "Trying to feed you, you dipshit. Would you rather starve to death? You don't have to hurt me."

"I can eat for myself. I don't need your help." He grumbled.

"Pffft, yeah right. You dropped four glasses, three soup bowls, etc. Crater is NOT too happy. Let me feed you before you die." I replied.

"It's hard to hold things with the gloves!" Wormy retorted.

"Take them off then."


"Why not? You probably can eat with them off."

"I'm not taking them off and that's final. " Wormy snarled.

"Okay okay, don't blow a fuse. Now, lift your mask so I can feed you. Do you want me to mash the banana in your mask?" I snapped.

He raised his right hand, gripping his mask gently, bringing it up just to where I could see his mouth. "There, happy now?"

I stopped talking. I had never seen his face before so, well, his mouth. I could tell he had freckles on his face and a scar running down his lip. I regained my composure, "Open wide~"

He grabbed my hand harshly, "Don't." He growled, pulling me onto his lap.

"Do you not know how to take a joke? Um, open please?" I asked nicely.

Wormy smirked, and opened his mouth, taking a bold step forward to bite the banana. He pulled back, licking his lips.

I couldn't look at his face so I looked away for a moment as my face went red.

"Shocked? I can still eat, just hold it there. I'm starving." Wormy ordered in a smug tone, going down for another bite, as he did, he somehow snagged my thumb into his mouth. His face grinned as he licked the banana from my finger.

Upon feeling Wormy's tongue on my thumb, I recoiled in shock. "?????" My face burning bright as ever.

"Lost for words?"


Silent felt her face grow red, and she waved off that daydream. "What the fuck am I thinking about?" She hit her head with her hands and walked through the sewer water looking for Chuck. "Hey, Chuck? You here?" She called.

Instead, she found a bunch of mutated sewer rats. They all looked mad as hell.

"Shit." She cursed, hightailing it out of there and running into Chuck. She looked behind her to see the rats still following her, and she pulled Chuck along with her to escape.

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