Luke Hemmings Secret Sister

By Allena5SOS

661K 16.7K 5.9K

Kayla is a tomboy with blonde hair and blue eyes and a black lip piercing. She may seem innocent, but once yo... More

Luke Hemmings Secret Sister
Boring Day At School
She Looks So Perfect
Luke's Sister
Limo and Airplane Rides
Jayla or Jashton
Youtube Videos
She Said Yes!
Meeting Mr. Smith Again
Concert Thingy
Can We?
New House
Author's Note
Meeting Their Girlfriends
Join Our Band?
Author's Note
Author's Note
School Today....Wait..Nevermind
Author's Note
What is it, Have my Boyfriend Think I Cheated on Him Day?!
Let Me Explain
Talking with John
Singing in the Park
They Moved
Hey Guys
I don't approve
Mom. Dad.
Author's Note

Playing for their Girlfriends

8.3K 287 40
By Allena5SOS

    Kayla's Pov

    I looked around for a pick because I usually use them. I can play without one but it just feels different when I do. I checked my pockets and I felt something that was definitely not my pick. I grabbed it and looked at it, it was black lip piercing. When did I put this in there, I touched my lip and I didn't have it. Maybe that's why, I meant to put it on but forgot to. I wiped it off and slipped it in my lip, I prefer having it on, I don't know why.

    I kept searching for a pick but I couldn't find one. Oh well looks like I'm playing without one now. I heard the door open and the girls came in. The boys already heard us before and I assumed they might need some guy time. I smiled at them and waited for Jason to come in. He came in and handed me something, I looked at it and it was a pick.

    "Thank you," I said and kissed his cheek. The girls aww'ed but one who looked jealous, what's her problem?

    "What song?" Jasmine asked as she grabbed her bass.

    "Uh what kind of music do you play?" Perrie asked.

    "By the looks of what Kayla and Jason is wearing I'm assuming you play music like Green Day and Nirvana?" Marissa asked.

    "Yeah bands like that and pop," I said.

    "All Time Low's Lost in Stereo?" Jessica asked. I nodded, we actually played this as a cover before.

    "Yeah, we know that," Jason said. He did that count down thing that Ashton does sometimes and he started drumming. I joined in with guitar after a while and I'm not sure when Jasmine joins in. I usually don't hear the bass in songs, so don't judge me.

    "Lost in stereo

lost in stereo

lost in stereo

lost in stereo," me and Jasmine sang together.

    "She works for the weekends

mixtape of her favorite bands

tearing up the radio

lost in the stereo sound," Jasmine sang. I got close to my microphone and waited a few seconds to sing.

    "She's trouble in a tank-top

pretty little time bomb

blowing up, I'll take you down

living In the radio

lost in the stereo sound," I sang.

    "She's dancing alone

I'm ready to go

but she's so lost in stereo

lost in stereo

she's outta control

so beautiful

lost in stereo

lost in stereo

I've been waiting

for so long

she'll never know

that I'm losing hope

cause she's so

lost in stereo

lost in stereo," me and Jasmine sang together. Jason actually sings the back-up in this so it sounds a bit different, but his voice isn't very different. His voice isn't deep but it isn't high, it's like right in between.

    "Shake down on a Saturday

sit back gotta catch my breath

cause every time I see her

I know she's gonna take it back somehow," Jasmine sang.

    "Tattoos and a switchblade attitude

snakebite heart with a bubblegum smile

sex in the stereo

don't turn the radio down," I sang. We continued the rest of the song and Jason kept the back-up voice. I tell him to sing more but he always says no. After playing the song, I was breathing hard. I always pretend to sing like I'm at a concert, jump around, walk around, just have fun.

    "Wow," Jessica said. She started clapping like no tomorrow and I was smiling,whenever somebody says they love us, I just get this feeling. Like when you are a good artist and someone says that it is beautiful, yeah that feeling.

    "That was too loud. How can people even listen to that?" Brittney sneered.

    "If you didn't want to listen to them, why did you even come?" Eleanor asked her. The look on their faces when Brittney spoke made me wonder, do the girls even like her?

    "Because I wanted to see if the drummer is good. If he got the looks he just need the talent," she said. I swear I want to punch her and I haven't even known her for more than a few hours.

    "Excuse me?" Jasmine asked in a rude voice. She may not act like it but when someone says something about Jason, she will get protective, older or younger than him.

    "You're with Luke," Perrie said to her.

    "Yeah but drummers are hotter," she said. Me and Jasmine looked at each other, oh fuck no.

    "Um no bitch, he is mine." I said. She smirked at me and rolled her eyes.

    "Sure he is, keep dreaming honey," does she want to die?

    "Actually she's my girlfriend, so yeah back off," Jason said. I smirked at her and the other girls snickered.

    "Whatever, I can go after the other drummer," she said. I took my guitar off and set it down on its stand.

    "I don't care who you are, but If you hurt Luke I will seriously hurt you. If you break his heart I will kick your ass," I said in my deeper voice.

    "You can't do anything," she said.

    "Yes I can, and that other drummer has a name and it's Ashton. He also is dating my best friend so you can back off of him," I said to her.

    "Oh honey, you think I will listen to you? Who do you think you are?" she asked me in a snotty voice.

    "You know what, let me at her!" I yelled but someone held me back. Thank god for whoever did because I am pissed off.

    "Just go back to Luke," Jessica sneered at her.

    "Don't hurt him," I warned her but she just flipped her blonde hair. The boys came in and I was busy mentally killing Brittney. She smirked and went next to Luke, she didn't even bother hiding the fact she was eye raping Ashton though.

    "Don't," I warned, my voice deep, yet she kept that stupid smirk on her face.

    "Don't what?" Ashton asked.

    "Nothing, Jason asked if he should dye his hair earlier so I said no," I told him, hoping he would believe it. He looked like he didn't believe it but went along with it anyways. My voice must have have gave it away, fuck.

    "What color?" Michael asked.

    "Light brown," he answered.

    "It would look alright, not to bad," he said.

    "How would you know?" Jessica asked.

    "I dye my hair, I should be able to tell what looks good on a person," he defended and I chuckled.

    "Sure you do," I said and he shot me a playful glare.

    "Anyways, what was going on? We heard yelling?" Liam asked,

    "Just me being me, you know I like to yell," I said and smiled innocently.

    "You scared us," he said. It's true I like to yell so in this case it really helps.

    "It sounded like you were goin to fight someone," Luke added.

    "You know when you mess something up and you just get frustrated, yeah that happened," I said and he nodded.

    "Why are you being held like someone was trying to stop you from doing something?" Niall asked.

    "Because I was about to throw the microphone because it would stop a few times during the show thing we put on," I said hoping they would buy it.

    "Ok," he said.

    "Why was your voice deeper earlier?" Calum asked.

    "What is this 20 questions?" Perrie asked.

    "I don't know, is it?" Eleanor asked.

    "Maybe it is," Emma added.

    "Maybe it isn't," Sophia said. At least they were trying to help them forget what was going on.

    "What's going on?" Zayn asked.

    "Nothing," Marissa said.

    "No seriously, tell us," Louis said.

    "Ok ok, I started teasing Kayla about the crush she used to have on a certain band member and she got mad," Jasmine said. It was reasonable, except the fact I never had a crush on a band member.

    "Oh, makes sense. Well more sense than getting mad at a microphone and dying hair," Calum said. And we're safe, Ashton looked like ge believed none of this, and we aren't safe!

    "Yeah," Niall said.

    "You guys are good," Sophia said.

    "Thanks," I said.

    "It was too loud. I didn't like it," Brittney said. Jason tightened his grip a bit and I wiggled my wrists telling him to let go. He reluctantly let me go and wrapped his arms around me, little shit.

    "Why did you listen to it then?" Jasmine asked. We were basically repeating our old argument.

    "I thought I would like it," she said and sent me a wink. I want to murder her, I seriously want to.

    "It's alright, there are a lot of people who probably won't like us," Jason said and I nodded.

    "Yeah but in the end, all that matters is the people who believe in you, support you, and love you, haters don't matter," I said.

    "Beautiful!" Perrie cheered and I bowed down, but it looked wrong.

    "Not what it looks like," I said as I came back up. They all laughed and I blushed, Luke cleared his throat and everyone stopped laughing.

    "Ew," he muttered and I chuckled.

    "Sometimes I wonder if it is even possible to be as innocent as he is, or is it just an act?" Marissa said and I laughed.

    "Embrace it," I said.

    "What?" Michael asked.

    "The wild side," I winked and everyone laughed.

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