flare | JACOB BLACK [2]

By toxiic_hale

225K 6.8K 764

"I've changed?" "The good parts of you haven't changed, but the rest of the changes well, they're as noticea... More

~ CAST ~
~ ONE ~
~ TWO ~
~ FOUR ~
~ FIVE ~
~ SIX ~
~ NINE ~
~ TEN ~


4.6K 131 5
By toxiic_hale


It was early in the morning. The moon was covered by clouds so, it was almost pitch black outside. There was a single lamp on in my room. It created just enough light for me to see how low Jacob's head hung in shame as he entered through my window.

"I can understand why you got angry but, I could've explained everything." I said. "There was no need to go after him."

"I was angry at Jasper before what happened."

"But I had to go out there. To help you. Even though I knew what you were doing was stupid, I went."

Jacob's eyes then met mine. "Are you sure you went there to help me?"

I knew where this was heading. Jacob always had a problem with jealousy and all the events that happened tonight only escalated things. I tried to avoid helping Jacob in making any false conclusions.

"Jacob, of course, I went to help you."

"It's just--you're with him all the time. You're out here putting yourself in danger for him."

"And you think this broken nose was for him?"

"No," Jacob, for some unknown reason, sounded defeated. "No, I don't."

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing's wrong," Jacob must've noticed something that upset him but, I had no idea what it could be. "I think I'm just going to leave."

"Why? Talk to me, Jacob." I reached out for his hand and he gently wrapped his fingers around my palm. Jacob turned to say something but decided against it. A moment later he opened his mouth again.

"I'm just too overprotective...maybe I should try and tone it down." Jacob chuckled but, it wasn't sincere, not in the slightest. He wanted to say something but he wouldn't, and that just made things worse. If Jacob didn't want to tell me something then, it must be bad, right?

"It means you care," I comforted Jacob. "And that means the whole world to me."

"Oh," He exhaled with a small smile. Something was definitely on his mind. "It's getting late, I should probably go."


Jacob leaned in to kiss me on the forehead and he lingered for a few seconds. There so was so much passion in it and it wasn't even on my lips.

"You should see someone about your nose though. It looks painful." It was like Jacob to make a joke like that but, it still wasn't completely him.

"Yeah," I said with a breathy laugh. "The pain isn't too bad anymore, though."

Jacob gave me one last smile and went on his way.

I waited a few seconds before doing anything. I didn't want Jacob to think something was wrong if I began to rush.

I shuffled over to the letter laying on my dresser. I quickly tore the dark red seal open and read the letter.

We will be expecting you in Seattle next week today. I assume you are aware of this but, you are to tell no one where you will be. Your time with the Volturi is almost over, it's best if you do not make a terrible error.


As soon as I arrived in Seattle, I could smell vampires. The scent was horrible and lingered all over. With the smell this strong I was surprised that the Volturi didn't act sooner.

It was underneath a highway overpass that I caught Jane's smell. I had parked my car a block away in order for my scent to not be quickly noticed. As I walked to the overpass I noticed how quiet and desolate it was. It was almost too perfect of a location to be hiding from the Volturi. The smells of people and gasoline were all over the place but, no cars or people were around.

I heard two footsteps hit the concrete near me. Instead of looking around for who it was I stopped. Jane's scent hitting my nose almost immediately after the footsteps sounded.

"You arrived just in time." Jane said with some emotion, unlike how she usually is.

"Guess I did." I responded. Jane and I never got along and it was useless to pretend like we did.

"Follow me." She said, returing to her emotionless voice.

We walked to an abandoned building, and with ease, Jane opened the door. I looked at the broken lock on the ground as I walked inside. We took the stairs to the rooftop in complete silence. Jane never looking back at me yet and I looking at everything but her.

The wind blew gently and moved a few strands of hair out of my face. We faced a different side then where I was originally at. From there I could see someone leaning against the dim lightpole. She was smoking a cigarette calmly. Her breath was shaky in the slightest, yet mine was. I had four Volturi members next to me, that was reason enough for me to be nervous.

The woman continued smoking until someone else approached from the alleyway. She felt their presence and her exhale was slower. She looked around and faced the other person. They took a few steps closer to her, coming more towards the light. About three steps forward, I could the person better. They had red hair and it was a male. He walked with a confidence unlike an ordinary human. Maybe he wasn't an ordinary human, maybe he wasn't human at all.

The woman held the cigarette but hadn't taken a puff since the man approached her. They had a casual conversation consisting of "who are you" and "what are you doing?"

Then more people slowly crept from the man came from. They stayed hidden in the shadows, as if they were waiting. The woman hadn't noticed them at all. She was young, too young for something like this to have happen to her.

Suddenly, the man lunged at the woman's neck. I heard his teeth rip through the skin of her neck and gasped. Before a second passed, the rest of the group had gone towards the woman. The red haired man dropped her body on the ground, the group surrounding her still living body. Jane looked at me with angered eyes. She assumed the gasp would attract attention but, no, they were too distracted.

The one thing the entire group had in common was their blood red eyes. The red haired man was right under the lightpole. It was then I could completely see his face. He looked incredibly familiar.

The shout of another woman took me out of my thoughts. She seemed to be calling out for a friend. She turned the corner and yelled in fright upon seeing the mass of blood. The familiar man quickly went to her and covered her mouth. He put one arm over her body and lifted her other arm to his mouth. He sunk his teeth into the bulging vein. I couldn't look away, my eyes were wide in terror.

After a few seconds, the man pulled his mouth away but still held the woman. For a moment, she didn't move. The man let her body slowly sink to the ground. He paid no mind to her. None of the other vampires did either. Suddenly, a shout escaped from the woman; that's when I knew she was turning into one of them.

Scream after scream was coming from her. It was horrible to hear, it made me think of Bella. The woman had brown hair as well, it was too realistic. The last thing I wanted to think about was Bella turning into a vampire. My throat clenched as if tears were going to fall so I turned away from the scene.

"It appears that you have seen enough to know that this is an issue." Jane said, one step behind me.

"Yeah," I swallowed. "So what do you want me to do about it?" I said in a more demanding tone.

"The leader of these newborns knows the Volturi is watching so, they aren't here--" Jane began.

I pointed to the red haired man. "Isn't that the leader?"

"No, it's Victoria." Those words went through me like a shockwave, but I concealed it. "We can't decide on anything because a Cullen is watching Aro's thoughts so, we need you to help in getting rid of these newborns."

"And how do you expect me to do that? Trick the Cullens in to killing them all?"

"Yes." A barely noticeable smirk was apparent on Jane's face. "Victoria is an enemy of the Cullens. Now, Victoria is becoming a problem for the Volturi. The solution is simple. It is probably the easiest task we have asked of you."

"You want me to, essentially, bring Victoria to the Cullens, and hope there are no casualties?!" My voice got louder as Jane kept talking.

"Quiet down!" She whisper-shouted. "Victoria and the Cullens are bound to face off with one another, anyways. You just have to make it happen quickly."

"Jane--" I began as she started to walk away. She turned to give me a sinister look, as though I was threatening her.

"You will do this." She took a step closer to me, that sinister look still on her face. "Do not think that the short time you have left with us will weaken any of the rules."

I wanted to threaten her right back. I wanted to punch her so hard a crack would appear on her face. I wanted to slowly tear her head from her neck. I wanted to hurt her in every way imaginable because she had threatened me. She stood there suggesting I betray my friends, like it was a simple thing. But I did none of those things because, no matter how angry I was, I was completely outnumbered.

"I'll see what I can do." I uttered finally.

"Good," Jane and the rest of her company began to walk away. She stopped, at one moment, but the rest of the group walked away. "And don't try anything suspicious. You have a lot to lose." Without waiting for a response, she walked off.

I stood on the rooftop alone. And I felt grief hit me. Grief that I didn't deserve because I wasn't getting hurt, the people I cared about were. Either way, they were getting hurt. Knowing that was what caused the grief. I felt my chest tighten again but I didn't hold back. This was the most privacy I would ever get, I might as well use it to get my tears out. The tears that I've hidden for so long.

I didn't sob, tears silently fell. There was no chance the vampires beneath would hear. But part of me wished they had. Because they would've killed me on sight. And I'd rather die than have to go back to Forks and put others at risk of dying. Of all people, let it be me who dies. Let it be me.


I began my drive home from Seattle after the group of vampires left. I didn't want to risk getting caught. Those newborns don't need to know that wolves exist also.

The entire drive home, I had an odd feeling, as if I was being followed. I couldn't catch a specific scent so I didn't worry about it. It was most likely my nerves getting the best of me.


I got home well into the night. My father was fast asleep and noticed nothing. I slowly walked to my room though, he was somewhat of a light sleeper.

Just as I reached for the door knob, I heard a twig snap. It was just outside of the front door. What worried me even more was the eerie silence after the snap. That means whoever walked over the twig stopped immediately, and were waiting right outside. There was still no significant smell. If anything it may have been a loose pet. Otherwise, I would've picked up the smell instantly.

I waited a few more moments, completely still, for anything. But nothing, not even a heartbeat. Maybe I heard a leaf scraping against the concrete and it just sounded more severe to me. I continued to open my door and get ready for bed.

My phone vibrated suddenly, it was a text from Bella. When I looked at her name on the screen, something in my head clicked. The guy. The guy that was missing, his parents had come to the sheriffs office. They left a missing poster on Charlie's desk.

I quickly picked up my phone and looked up the name of the missing man. I worried that the missing person was the lead vampire in the group of newborns. When I put "missing person Seattle" into the search bar, many faces came up. I was shocked as I recognized each face from the group of newborns. I saw those faces covered in blood. I didn't bother reading the names, except for Riley Biers. Riley Biers: such a simple name. Yet, I saw him take the life from two people less than an hour ago.

I didn't ever read Bella's text. It wasn't a big concern right now. What was my biggest concern was that I would be responsible for killing all those missing people. Missing people are supposed to go back home but, I had the task of preventing that.

As I laid in bed, trying to fall asleep, all I could see were Riley's parents. They were so concerned about him, it had been a year since he went missing. And I would be the reason they'd never see him again.

How could anyone fall asleep with thoughts like that?

I know it's been forever since I've updated and I'm sorry. I've just been so busy with college planning and theatre so basically rip me. Point is, I will try to be more consistent with my updates. Thanks for reading!

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