INDECENT 》Harry Styles #Watt...

By MySillyHarryDiary

278K 8.6K 1.8K

''Oh, girl. No offence, you are... like okay, but hell no! I couldn't be able to show my face around with you... More

》Chapter One.
》Chapter Two.
》Chapter Three.
》Chapter Four.
》Chapter Five.
》Chapter Six.
》Chapter Seven.
》Chapter Eight.
》Chapter Nine.
》Chapter Ten.
》Chapter Eleven.
》Chapter Twelve.
》Chapter Thirteen.
》Chapter Fourteen.
》Chapter Fifteen.
》Chapter Sixteen.
》Chapter Seventeen.
》Chapter Eighteen.
》Chapter Nineteen.
》Chapter Twenty.
》Chapter Twenty-One.
》Chapter Twenty-Two.
》Chapter Twenty-Three.
》Chapter Twenty-Four.
》Chapter Twenty-Five.
》Chapter Twenty-Six.
》Chapter Twenty-Seven.
》Chapter Twenty-Eight.
》Chapter Twenty-Nine.
》Chapter Thirty.
》Chapter Thirty-One.
》Chapter Thirty-Two.
》Chapter Thirty-Three.
》Chapter Thirty-Four
》Chapter Thirty-Five
》Chapter Thirty-Six
》Chapter Thirty-Seven
》Chapter Thirty-Eight.
》Chapter Thirty-Nine
》Chapter Fourty
》 Chapter Fourty-Two
》 Chapter Fourty-Three
》 Chapter Fourty-Four
》 Chapter Fourty-Five
》 Chapter Fourty-Six
》Chapter Fourty-Seven
》Chapter Fourty-Eight
》Chapter Fourty-Nine
》Chapter Fifty
》Chapter Fifty-One
》Chapter Fifty-Two
》Chapter Fifty-Three
》Chapter Fifty-Four
》Chapter Fifty-Five
》Chapter Fifty-Six
》Chapter Fifty-Seven
》Chapter Fifty-Eight
》Chapter Fifty-Nine
》Chapter Sixty
》Chapter Sixty-One
》Chapter Sixty-Two
》Chapter Sixty-Three
》Chapter Sixty-Four
》Chapter Sixty-Five
》Chapter Sixty-Six
》Chapter Sixty-Seven
》Chapter Sixty-Eight
》Chapter Sixty-Nine
》Chapter Seventy
》Chapter Seventy-One
》Chapter Seventy-Two
》Chapter Seventy-Three
》Chapter Seventy-Four
》Chapter Seventy-Five.
》Chapter Seventy-Six
》Chapter Seventy-Seven
》Chapter Seventy-Eight
》Chapter Seventy-Nine
》Chapter Eighty
》Chapter Eighty-One
》Chapter Eighty-Two
》Chapter Eighty-Three
》Chapter Eighty-Four
》Chapter Eighty-Five

》Chapter Fourty-One

2.9K 86 24
By MySillyHarryDiary

Edited by: _rose

'' What now?'' I whisper exasperated.

''Oh nothing darling, i'm just happy to see you!'' Zayn exclaims very excited, arms wide open as he smirks at me.

'' Oh no. I have had enough shit for today!'' And as fast as I sneaked in, I depart returning into Harry's room, hoping Louis won't be there. Luckily for me, he is gone.

Once I finish cleaning his room, I proudly look around. It's so immaculate and neat, it seems somebody just unwrapped it and put it here to the be used for the first time. I sigh and get myself to work.. I have to take care of the gardens or i'm sure Missus Alice will have my ass on a spike and  she can do it without asking for any maids help.

Returning to the maze isn't easy. It takes every inch of my strength but the fact that I made it, that I took the first step into the green grass,  gave me back the courage and my self-confidence I had long lost through all shit that had happened. It gave me back a bit of control over my own life.

By lunch time, the weight from my stomach is completely lifted and I walk light-hearted towards Harry's cabin. The smell coming from inside, makes me very hungry. It smells of chicken and something sweet, perhaps white wine? I don't know exactly but i'm sure i'll find out soon enough. I push the door open and stroll inside.

The place has been cleaned from the bottom. The books have been dusted and reorganized, the couch pumped up and the pavement washed more than one time. Harry is hiding in the tiny kitchen to the far left of the house, a rag over his shoulder, his pants hanging desperately low over his waist and his curls still wet from his recent shower. He is surely a beautiful sight and watching him so deep into his task, makes me want to keep looking at him for as long as i can. So I stay there, 20 steps or so from Harry, admiring him in all his gentleness while he damns himself to make everything looking perfect for me.

Harry bends to check the oven and  opens it to take out the chicken so i pace to rip these 20 steps away from us  and just wrap my arms around Harry's chest, hard, making him stumble and almost toppling the roast.

'' Jade? What's up with you, you almost made our lunch go down the pan.'' He's not angry, his words are calm and tender, as if he didn't care about it but didn't know what else to say.

We stay in silence for a little time, however I can tell Harry is growing uncomfortable; therefore, I simply withdraw, lowering my head to apologize for the inconsiderate gesture.

'' I'm sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me.'' That's when Harry leaves the chicken on the counter and turns to face me, his emerald eyes shining. He rushes towards me, I try to take a step back but he catches my face in between his  warm hands and passes his thumbs over my cheekbones, determinate to find any tears that might be there. Luckily, there are none.

I see his eyes running like mad all over my face and my body, searching for a new scratch or something else that could explain to him what I just did.

The truth is that what I did was just dictated by the pureness of the moment. And also by the fact that Harry, the boy who has been served his all life, spent probably his whole morning cooking to make a good impression on me.

'' I'm fine..'' I mumble and flicker my eyelids making Harry's features soften, relaxing.

Eventually he leaves my body and I instinctively hold to his wrists, not wanting him to go yet.

'' Thank you, Harry. This is beautiful..'' I say pointing to the room, raising on my toes just to kiss his cheek. I have to admit, I linger more than I should, but that's because his scent prevents me from doing otherwise.  However, the moment I try to let go, Harry's eyes pierce through my soul and before I can say or do anything, he kisses me causing me to moan in surprise, his hands crawling up to my body, hanging one through my hair and the other lower on my back, nearing me to his feature in a swift movement.

The way he bewitches me, leaves me completely speechless. How he holds on to me as if I am the most precious thing he has ever held in his arms, makes me revalue his person a lot and mostly, gives me the last blow to fall completely at his mercy.

" Trust me Jade. I beg of you.'' He half asks, half demands with a softness in his tone that leads me to just nodding along as I brush my nose over his while he kisses it swiftly, before doing something I wouldn't have never expected Harry to do in front of me.

He kneels. He kneels in his whole greatness and falls to my feet, his breath short, his hair all over his face as  he tenderly but practically, unfolds the bow on my uniform. There's no self-consciousness or proudness, just a beautiful boy, embarrassed and clumsy in the cutest and most docile way possible.

I'm not ready for this, to see him completely harmless and...small.

His hands climb up to my thighs, his forehead pressed to my womb. My panties are rolled to the side, one of his finger plays with me and I moan loudly.

'' Shh it's okay i promise.'' He comforts me as we lock eyes and his thumb leaves strong circles around my clit. I bite my tongue  tying to not scream, his movements becoming fast and I cry out desperate for the growing pleasure to find its realise.

'' I need you to have faith in me Jade.'' He speaks softly and I move one of his locks from his forehead waving my head in a tiny yes, before succeeding into talking.

'' I do Harry. I...promise.'' I assure and he slides his index right inside of me, catching completely off of guard, causing me to scream a little. He then smiles with that smile of his that causes my heart to lose a beat.

The most mesmerizing part in all of this, is not the act itself. Harry has already touched me like this before. It's how he asked me to trust him because he knows it has been hard for me since that day in the gardens. It means the world to me, even though it's not easy at all let his hands wondering.

My thoughts distract me and I don't see Harry hiding his face under my skirt, sucking hard in between my legs. I shiver and stumble forward, holding on to Harry's head ,trying to not fall.

I sense his tongue, drawing circles then going up and down before his lips close around me making me start and tighten the grip over his curls.

'' Oh mother of...'' I'm cut off by another round, longer than the previous one. Harry drags me closer, blocking me with one arm over my waist and the other that sneaks  under my undergarments only to stick two fingers slowly inside of me. At first it hurts a bit and I feel very uncomfortable, but as he keeps on assaulting me with his mouth and tips, I can't help but  surrender as he pleasures me in every way possible with possession and transport.

For the first time, I have a real glimpse of what would be like to make love with Harry. I find myself pushing towards Harry, moving my hips against him to feel him as close as I can. He tastes me with a long and slow movement of his tongue, gently biting my clit a couple of times before repeating the gesture once, twice.

But it's when Harry sucks that I can't seem to hold it back. The tingling sensation erupts and I find out what it really means to come while begging for mercy. Harry's wet lips seal mine as he keeps massaging with his fingers and I finish right inside his arms as he slowly falls back on the floor with me against him.

I gasp for air, Harry moves my messy hair to the side and smiles widely to me, both not believing what just happened.

'' Who thought you to do that?'' I wonder and Harry's nose brushes with mine before leaving a fairy kiss on me be and getting up, offering me a hand to follow him to the couch.

'' Let's eat and I'll let you ask me anything that you wish to know.''

'' Anything?" I inquire sceptical and Harry nods escorting me to the couch so that he can take care of our lunch.

Harry passes me a plate and sits right next to me.

'' Bon Appetite ma belle file.'' Let me tell you, Harry talking in French is one of the most arousing things I've ever heard. My heart doesn't dare to open up with him for real, it doesn't dare to ask the things I wish to know because of this blissful moment we just spent together.

The way he's so joyful and sweet with me, how he kisses my forehead whenever I make him laugh or how his eyes shine when I tell him some stories about myself.

'' So you are indeed a bookworm! I thought you girls were extinguished..'' He jokes and I wink, charming him with just one simple movement.

'' We're like fairies, someone will always claim to have seen one of us therefore we will always exist." Harry bites a spoonful of his chicken and nods to my statement.

'' Very poetic, miss."

My eyes are wondering around and they keep focusing on the pictures near the Tv screen, pictures of Harry, happy and young with this girl and her red thick curls, older than him and so, so damn beautiful.

I can't. He'll get angry. I'll break this harmony we have managed to create and I don't have any intention to.

'' There's something bothering you, what is it?'' Harry gently asks, green eyes scanning me in deep. He'll just need to follow my gaze and it would be the end of it, of us I'm sure.

'' Nothing, just thinking about fairies..'' I lie nevertheless he doesn't buy it, hardening his glare.

Before he could press any further, I divert the subject. I know I shouldn't do it, but I need to take my mind off of this bad idea of mine. Harry will talk about her when the memory of her face won't haunt him any longer. It's still too soon, one step at time.

'' I fought with Louis this morning." Harry sorry face barely cover his mad one, but I appreciate the fact that he keeps all the comments to himself.

'' Why so?'' He softly wonders and I bite my lip, silently praying he will not understand it was because of him. However, the curly boy is one smart kid and there's no need for me to get into a detailed narration. He knows why we fought and an expression of sorrow and guilt washes over him.

'' I'm sorry to cause you so much trouble.'' I shake my head and use my index to drag his face in front of mine, eyes to eyes.

'' It wasn't because of you okay? Louis is being an asshole lately, I don't know what's gotten into him, but it surely is fucking him around a great deal." Harry laughs and lowers his plate in disbelief.

'' You don't know? You really don't know Jade? The guy is madly in love with you! Fuck the brother-sister bound. He has feelings for you, god knows since when!'' It's my time to giggle at his statement, making Harry cringing for not taking him seriously.

'' Jade, I'm not kidding. Louis likes you, he is not protective over you, he's possessive.'' I dismiss him and stand up, not wanting to hear this stupid theory.

'' Do expect me to believe such a thing? Harry, he has always been nothing like that to me, we grew up together, we even got baths together when we were little and did the stupidest things together, but that's it. My love for him ends there, right on the brotherhood of that bathtub and his as well. He loves me dearly, but as family, nothing more, nothing less. We'll die for each other but we don't love one another, I can assure you this.''

'' Marvellous!'' Harry cuts me off by standing as well. But when I think the quarrel is over, Harry provokes me with another statement.

" Have you told him this?'' I turn exasperated and open my arms as if he is talking madness.

'' Dear God Harry, what? What do I need to tell Louis? I already hurt him enough today,  i don't want to be more immature than I already have been. He doesn't need to be offended by me again, once a day is already too much. "

'' Exactly, why are you so upset about me telling you that you might have feelings for him? Why is it such a touchy subject to you?'' I roll my eyes and pretend not to hear him as I walk to the door. I know what he's implying and I won't stand by, letting him tell me what I do or do not feel.

'' I need to go.'' I urge but Harry blocks me by the door, wanting answers i don't have.

'' I thought we didn't tell lies to each other, did we?'' He plays the trust card and I raise my look to challenge him to do the same; nevertheless, Harry doesn't let his eyes wonder in any other place beside my body for the whole time, so I find them fixed right into mine.

'' Oh, now I'm curious, what exactly are we?'' Harry shuts immediately up and I smile victoriously. '' Oh precisely. Come and talk to me about feelings when you'll understand your own Styles!" I blurt and storm out of the door bolding to the maze as fast as I can.

How dares him to do such a thing to me? Why couldn't he just say he feels something for me? I love you's and heart-eyes weren't necessary. I just wanted to know we're not wasting our time. I wanted to know he cared. Is that too much to ask?

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