Memories - Romanogers Fanfic

By Daredevilosa

265K 7.2K 3.1K

Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers are married and have two children: Sarah and James. They lived happily, unt... More

The Coma
Back at Home
Back at Work
The First Fight
Love and Sex
The Park
True or False?
I'll Make Her Remember
Christmas' Eve
We Can Try
We Need to Talk
New Life
First Mission Together
Memories in the form of Delirium
Bad News
Do you want the divorce?
What Goes Around, Comes Back Around
Mission London - Part I
Mission London - Part II
Mission London - Part III
Mission London - Final
A Little Black Widow
Was that a dream or a memory?
I Don't Love You
Cupid Operation
They can't break me
End of Mission
This is Elisa
Sarah and the longing
If I hurt you...
The Scarlet Witch
Don't you forget about me
Dealing with Reality
James' Choice
What Happened to Sarah?
Taking the own poison
Clint's Birthday
I can hate you
Barack Obama
Pre Obama's Mission
In Memory of Jane Foster, Darcy Foster Erik Selvig
Truths - Part 1
Truths - Part 2
Truths - Part 3
Let's go Home
New Neighborhood
Truths - Part 4
The Twins
We don't cry for who's not dead
A surprise and A Misunderstanding
A Moment of Love
The Chloe Story
I can't say goodbye
Lindsay's Rescue
Shapes of Love
A Little Black Widow
Penultimate Chapter
Final - part 1
Final - Part 2
Final Chapter (Alternative)

Maria & Sara

2.9K 92 159
By Daredevilosa

E: Sarah has recovered, I am very happy.

S: Yeah, me too.

E: I imagine. Well, I got your message about the surprise for Sarah and I took a break from work to come here, but I need to go back now.

S: No problem.

Elisa smirked and turned to leave.

At that moment Natasha noticed the presence of Elisa, but she pretended not to be paying attention.

Steve decided to call Elisa again.

S: Elisa?

E: Yeah?

S: Thank you very much for coming.

E: Oh, it was nothing. I adore Sarah, really.

S: Thanks again.

Steve smiled and for the first time he considered the possibility of approaching someone, since Natasha and he are divorced and Natasha has made it clear that she has only sexual attraction for him.

Maybe it's time to invest in someone else, so maybe he forgets that love he feels for Natasha.

After saying goodbye and thanking everyone, Steve, Natasha, James and Sarah went to Steve's apartment.

Natasha went along to help with the gifts that Sarah received.

J: It's not fair! Only she got gifts.

N: Your gift is to have your sister safe and sound.

J: Not funny.

Sarah: I'll share with you, Jamie.

J: There's only dolls and these stupid bears.

Sarah: You stupid!

N: Okay, you're delivered. Now, give mom a kiss, cause she has to go.

Sarah: Aren't you staying with me, mama?

N: I said I would stay until you get well.

J: Can I go with you?

N: Not today, James. Tomorrow I promise to pick you up at school and we'll spend the whole afternoon together. If your father allows it.

Natasha looked at Steve and he nodded.

Natasha kissed Sarah's forehead and then James. She went to the door and, before leaving, she looked at Steve.

N: Call me if you have any emergency.

Steve nodded.

N: You don't have to put Hill to call me in your place. Just grow some fucking balls and be a man.

Steve took a deep breath, Natasha teased him on purpose, she left and closed the door.

Steve gave the children dinner and put them to sleep.

Steve called Sam for advice.

Sam: Is Sarah okay?

S: Yes, she's okay. That's not why I called you.

Sam: What's up?

S: Remember Elisa? The waitress I mentioned.

Sam: Tony said she's fallen for you and he said that she is cute.

S: Well, Tony is a big spunk. But anyway, I...

Steve was silent, as if it were sin to say what he had in mind, he still feels married to Natasha.

Sam understood why he was hesitanting to say what he wants to say.

Sam: Look, Steve, I think it's time for you to move on. Everything we could do to regain her memory, we did. She's moving on, so you better do the same.

S: Sometimes I think she likes me, she even said she feels something, but that is not enough. That is just attraction and it makes me angry, it seems the time we were starting to date and she mistreated me on purpose to see if I walked away.

Sam: Yeah, I know you love her, Steve. But I don't like to see my friend in the hands of a woman like Natasha. No offense, but she's not the Nat you fell in love with.

S: I know. But I still love her. A lot, but I don't want to love anymore. It's so hard.

Sam: Then call Elisa, ask her out.

S: I don't know, she seems like a good girl.

Sam: So...

S: I'm just afraid I can't forget Natasha and just use Elisa. It wouldn't be fair.

Sam: Look, be honest with her. And you don't need to immerse yourself in any new and deep relationship. Sometimes having her as a friend will be enough to get Natasha out of your head, you still have very few friends. You need someone outside your circle of work.

S: I think you're right.

Sam: I just want you to be happy, with or without Natasha. But you're a great man. You don't deserve to be chasing after any woman. I know at least 50 girls, crazy, to go out with you.

Steve laughed.

S: Do not exaggerate.

Sam: I'm not. I get a lot of woman saying that I am your friend and that I can present them to you.

Steve laughed again.

S: Thank you, Sam.

Sam: You're welcome. And if you want to go out on a double date, you know. Just call.

S: I will.

Steve hung up the phone and had a bad feeling. In his mind, he was still married, so it was hard to think about kisssing and doing stuff with other women, but he knows that he needs to move on.

Steve slept, and the first thing he did in the morning was take out his ring. He placed it inside the nightstand. He will no longer use the ring, since Natasha is not using hers anymore.

Steve felt a little better with his confidence, he got up and went to Sarah's room to check if Sarah was really okay, he saw her sleeping and decided to take a shower before waking the kids.

After the shower, Steve woke them up and had them shower. Now they were sitting at the table, having breakfast.

Sarah: I'm not going to take any more bottles, Daddy!

S: Oh, really? Why?

Sarah: No. Because I... I'm, I'm making...

Sarah was thoughful, she was raising her finger to be sure.

Sarah showed four fingers.

Sarah: This! I'm going to be a big girl!

Steve smiled.

S: That's right, honey. So we can donate this bottle to some baby that needs it more?

Sarah nodded.

S: Are you sure?

Sarah: Uhm... Yah!

S: Very well. James, you've missed two days of school, I want you to pay atention in class, no talking with your friends while still in class, all right?

James nodded, finishing the cereal.

J: Can I take the video game?

S: To school?

J: Yes, so I can take it to my mom's house later.

S: James, you can't take the video game to school, I'm sorry.

Sarah: Dady, you have to meet Kitty.

S: Kitty?

J: Yeah, Mom let us stay with him.

S: Really? She hates animals.

Sarah: But she said he is mine now.

J: And mine!

Sarah: Oh, I miss him so much!!!

S: You'll see him today. Now you two go brush your teeth so we can go to school.

Sarah and James went to the bathroom, and when they got out, they grabbed their backpacks and went with Steve to school.

Steve left James at his entrance and he was a bit afraid to leave Sarah at hers, he fears that she might get sick again, but Sarah was so excited to go to class that he didn't dare to keep her home for more days. Steve asked the teacher to watch Sarah and at any problems, to call him.

- I will, of course. Let's go, Sarah! Say bye-bye to your dad.

Sarah: Bye, daddyyyy!

S: Bye, my love.

As soon as Sarah walked to inside the school, Steve walked down the sidewalk and looked at Elisa's diner. She was inside, Steve could see her through the window.

Steve was still embarrassed, he took a deep breath and decided he needed to try. He walked into the diner and sat down at his usual table.

Elisa approached.

E: Well, well, well, good morning, Captain. You came so early today.

S: Yes...

E: Did you come for coffee?

S: No, I actually came to know if...

Steve lost his voice. Elisa was confused.

S: I wanted, I mean, I want to know if you have something to do tomorrow.

Elisa raised her eyebrows, surprised at the question.

E: Are you... asking me on a... date?

S: No. No, no, no...

E: Oh, okay... because it seemed that way.

Elia smiled awkwardly.

S: I'm sorry.

E: If you had asked me on a date, I would say yes.

Steve got all flushed.

S: It's just that I haven't done this in a long time.

E: What? Calling girls to go out with you?

S: Yes.

E: So... you were really inviting me?

S: Yes. I think so.

E: Okay.

S: Okay?

E: I leave at 16 o'clock tomorrow.

S: Okay. I... I will be here.

Steve stood awkwardly and walked away without even saying goodbye to Elisa. Steve was already even regretting his decision, but now it's done.

Steve headed to the Avengers Base, he sent a message to Natasha asking if the kids could sleep in her house and if she could stay with them over the weekend. Natasha replied that she could stay with them until Sunday, and Natasha also could tell by the way Steve typed the message that he was feeling guilty about something and Natasha soon figured out that it was something related to Elisa.

Natasha figured that, because Steve never has anything to do on weekends, except the missions, he Always prefers to stay with his kids, so he may just have invited Elisa to go out. Or she invited him and he accepted. Natasha concluded that Elisa must have invited, since she seems to have a huge crush on Steve.

Natasha just imagined Steve kissing Elisa and making thing with her body and that made Natasha very, very angry.

Actually, now, it doesn't matter who invited who. Natasha reaffirmed to herself that this was what she was planning, so Steve forgets her and she does not hurt him anymore, but it is horrible the feeling of losing someone who belongs to you.

Natasha feels like she owns Steve, just because he's always been 100% available to her, and it wasn't actually the jealousy that bothered her so much, it was the fact that she was not having complete control over him anymore.

In the afternoon, Natasha went to pick up the children at school. Sarah was the first to leave, she saw Natasha and passed at the front of the children's queue to be able to leave first, the teacher tried to hold her, but she dodged and ran to Natasha. Natasha took her in her lap and set her back on the floor.

N: You're growing up!

Sarah: I'll be this soon, mama.

Sarah extended her four fingers to Natasha.

Sarah: My friend Thia is going to celebrate her birthday and she called me to her party!

Sarah handed the invitation to Natasha.

N: So we have to buy her a present. Right? Let's get James.

Natasha went with Sarah to the entrance of James' school, he was leaving at this very moment, he ran to Natasha with a paper in his hand.

J: Mom, look! I was called to be on the school's baseball team!

N: Congratulations. Is that what you wanted?

J: Yes! My first practice is tomorrow. Will you come?

N: Yes, actually you're going to sleep at my home today.

James and Sarah celebrated and went with Natasha to her home. As soon as she arrived, Sarah rushed to pick the cat.

Sarah: Can I take the cat to the party?

N: No, Sarah. You can not

J: What party?

Sarah: Thia's party. I was called! Not you!!!.

J: I didn't even want to go!

N: Is not the invitation for two?

Sarah: No, it's going to be a girls' party! We will do our nails, hair, make-up, there's going to be a runway and teas and cakes, pinck cakes! And...

Natasha looked at Sarah and imagined herself at a party of this kind, with only young girls and their fancy moms. She didn't know if the torture would be to talk to those mothers, or to be among the little girls.

J: And I could not go anyway, I got game.

N: Oh yeah... Let me see the hour of the game.

Natasha noticed that the party and the game were at the same time and day. Since she didn't want to go to the party, she soon had an idea.

Natasha called Hill.

N: Hill, I need a favor.

H: Name it.

N: I need you to come here tomorrow.

H: For what??

N: I can't comment on the phone, I need you to come here at 1p.m. It's urgent.

H: Okay...

Natasha hung up and smirked, imagining the hatred that Hill will feel when she know the truth.

Natasha looked at Sarah.

N: What do you think about Maria Hill taking you to the party?

Sarah frowned and then smiled, excited.

Sarah: Oh, she's funny!

N: Do you want her to take you to the party, then?

Sarah nodded.

N: But look, you're going to have to do this ...

Natasha explained to Sarah that she could not say they were going to a party, that it was up to Hill to believe that she was just going to leave her there and leave. But then Sarah could convince Maria to stay and even use her as a model for the games at the party. Sarah was super excited and agreed with everything.

At night, Natasha searched for Sarah's bottle in her backpack, sh eis already in the "mom mode", so she knows the time Sarah would ask for a bottle.

Natasha didn't find the bottle and got worried.

N: Oh no, I think your father forget to put your bottle here...

J: He didn't. Sarah asked to not put the bottle n there.

N: Why would she do that?

Sarah: No, mama, I don't take bottles anymore.

N: How not?

Sarah: I'm big now. Daddy said that he will donate to children who have nothing.

Natasha was surprised by Sarah's attitude.

N: That's very nice, Sarah. So, what are you going to eat?


Sarah: Yeah!!!

N: Oh guys, look... I know we always eat that when we're here, but you can't just eat pizza everyday. I'll order some food.

Sarah: But pizza, mama.

J: Pizza is good.

Sarah: And it is Food!

N: No pizza.

Natasha ordered food over the phone, she asked at her favorite restaurant, since Sarah and James love Russian food. They went to sleep and the next afternoon, Hill appeared in Natasha's apartment in her SHIELD leather suit. She saw the children there and immediately crossed her arms, looking at Natasha with a frown.

N: Hill...

H: No.

N: Listen to me.

H: No. I'm going away right now. I thought it was something serious when you called me.

N: And it is.

H: I'm not a nanny.

N: Hill, James has a game. And Sarah has this school event. At the same time.

H: So what? They have 2 parents. Rogers take one of the and you take the other.

N: He's busy today, and Sarah really wants to go to this event...

H: Do you want me to leave her there?

N: Yes. And you can stay there and bring her back, or come back to get he at the end...

H: Okay, but why don't I take James to the game and you take the weirdo to the event?

Sarah: Because I love you more.

Hill looked down and Sarah was hugging her legs. Hill rolled his eyes.

H: God! I should take James.

N: Noooo, she loves you, Hill. Right, Sarah?

Sarah smiled and nodded. Natasha handed the present to Sarah to give the birthday girl and everyone left the apartment.

Hill put Sarah in the back seat and got into the car next.

Sarah: Maria?

H: Yes, let's play the game of silence?

Sarah: No, that is boring.

H: That's all I know.

Sarah: I'll teach you othe game, that's the way it is... I see with my little eyes a thing with the letter S.

Hill rolled her eyes as she started the car.

H: Steering wheel.

Sarah: Yeah! You are good. Your turn.

H: No.

Sarah: Why not?

H: Because I'm not in the mood.

Sarah: Do you want to play catchy?

Sarah released her seatbelt and patted Maria Hill on the shoulder.

Sarah: It's up to you! You don't catch me! Nananana...

Sarah laughed and ran back to sit down. Sarah cringed, amused, as Hill continued to drive seriously.

H: I'm not playing.

Sarah: Yes you are.

H: I'm not.

Sarah: Yes, you areeee.

H: I'm noooot.

Sarah: Yes...

Sarah said in a tearful voice.

H: My God, you're so boring.

Sarah opened her mouth in shock.

Sarah: You called me boring!

H: E?

Sarah: I'm going to tell my daddy and my mommy, and my teacher...

Hill noticed that Sarah looked like she was going to cry. Hill sighed.

H: God in heaven...

Sarah stood on her sit and leaned over to Hill's sit.

H: You have to stay seated, I won't take a ticket because of you.

Sarah: I'm just playing alone because you don't want to play with me.

Sarah started to jump on her seat and holding on Hill's seat, made her seat tremble.

H: Oh my God! Okay, Okay!!! I see with my little eyes something that starts with the letter Z.

Sarah sat down and was thoughtful, she was trying to find a word that starts with the letter Z. Sarah stayed quiet for the resto f the trip and didn't even notice arriving at her friend's house.

H: We're here.

Hill came down the car, and took Sarah out too.

Sarah: Okay, I give up. What is the word?

They talked, while they walked to the entrance of a huge house.

H: It doesn't exist, I told you that so you could be quiet.

Sarah frowned.

Hill rang the bell, and a woman answered the door and looked at Hill. The woman was surprised by the suit that Hill was wearing, she tried to disguise herself smiling awkwardly and then looked at Sarah.

- Sarah, welcome! Come in!

Sarah came in and tried to pull Hill in to join her.

H: No, I will not stay.

- Oh, don't be silly, of course you're staying.

Hill looked at the woman, confused. Another mother approached.

- Oh, so you came to play with little Sarah? Great! It's time for the crafts! Let's go!

H: Crafts???

Hill frowned.

- Yeah, let's make flower baskets.

H: What??

- Come, come!!

H: No, no. I, uh... I just came to leave her because her mother had another appointment, and I'll come back later to get her back.

The woman smiled at Maria Hill in a way, that Hill wanted to punch her.

- You can't go, the invitation was very clear, the mothers and daughters to do things in pairs.

H: I'm not her mother.

Sarah: Maria, come on.

- If you don't stay, she'll be the only one alone. Don't be silly, you will love it. Come come.

Sarah: Pretty Please, Mariaaa!

Hill peered inside the house, it looked like a movie scene, everything pink and white, the women wearing patterned dresses, radiant at being with their spoiled daughters. Hill wanted to vomit, Natasha would feel the same way in there.

The two mothers pulled Hill inside and closed the door.

- Hello, let's get Sarah and...

The woman looked at Hill, waiting for her to say her name. Hill folded her arms and sighed.

Sarah: Maria!

- Oh and Maria, a big welcome to our party!

- Welcome Sarah and Maria!

They all responded together.

I'm going to kill Natasha. Hill thought as she entered the party room and sat with Sarah at one of the tables.

The mothers stared at Hill's suit, somewhat annoyed. Especially the one who owns the house, because her husband didn't take his eyes off Hill's ass every time she got up.

Sarah looked at Hill, all excited.

Sarah: Let's do our basket, Maria!

Hill just watched Sarah pick up the basket and paste flowers all over it. Sarah's friend approached and they both began to whisper and laugh, looking at Hill, who raised her eyebrow.

H: What is it?

Sarah: Nothing.

They both laughed again. God, I hate kids. Especially girls. Hill thought.

- Well, now that we've finished our beautiful little baskets, it's time to go to the next room and do makeup!

They all started clapping and screaming, excited. Hill just wanted to die. Hill accompanied Sarah and the other girls to the other room, there were several chairs.

- Now the moms sit down and our makeup artists are going to be in action!

Hill's eyes widened and she shook her head.

H: No... No...

Sarah: Maria, please. I'll make you look pretty.

H: No. That's not happening.

Sarah: Pretty pleeeeease.

- Come on? Sit down, Maria.

Hill just wondered how the best way to kill Natasha with a lot of pain, by making her go through it.

Hill sat down and Sarah celebrated. She took the makeup case.

Sarah: Close your eyes.

H: No.

Sarah: Close it!!!

Sarah frowned.

Hill took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Sarah chose a sparkling blue to pass in Hill's eye. Then she took a pink lipstick and passed it in Hill's mouth, making everything blurred. Sarah put a lot of blush on Hill's face.

Sarah: I'm done! You look beautiful!!! Look!

Sarah took the mirror and showed it to Hill. Hill almost choked.

H: Jesus Christ!

Sarah started to laugh, her friend approached and said that she needed to put some more. The two worked hard to put more makeup on Hill's face.

- Very well, girls! Now it's hair time!

H: I will not let you cut my hair. No way!

Sarah: I'm just going to brush it him, you silly.

Sarah went behind Hill and realeased her hair. Sarah picked up the brush and brushed Hill's hair.

Sarah: Your hair is very beautiful.

- Yeah, it really is! Can I comb it, too?

Sarah's friend asked and Hill nodded. The two were combing Hill's hair and for the first time she liked something at the party, free hair massage is a marvel.

H: They don't serve food at this party? When we eat?

Another friend of Sarah approached.

- There's food in the other room, do you want some? I'll get it for you.

H: Oh, you will? Yes, I want...

The girl ran into the other room and brought a hot dog to Hill.

Hill smiled in satisfaction.

H: Thanks... And by any chances, do they have beer here?

- Hm... Yeah, I think so. I saw daddy taking like 5 today.

H: Oh, yeah? Would you bring one for me?

- Oh, could it be me this time?

Another girl offered.

- I'll help too.

Another girl approached and offered to get more Food for Hill and she nodded.

The kids started to pick drinks and Food for Hill and she smirked.

So, if I want something, I just have to say and they go there and bring it to me? That's really good. Hill thought, smiling, feeling in a spa now.

H: Hey, you.

Hill called another girl.

H: Would you like to massage my foot?

- Yes!!

- Me too!

H: Okay, I have two.

Hill took off her boots and the girls massaged her feet while the mothers looked at her in disgust.

Sarah: All right, I'm done here. You look beautiful. My turn.

Sarah handed the make-up case to Hill.

H: Okay.

Hill painted Sarah the same way Sarah painted it. She also combed Sarah's hair, who insisted on straight hair to look like Hill.

At the end of the party, everyone was singing Happy birthday. Hill and Sarah grabbed their slices of cake and headed for the car.

Hill glanced at Sarah in the rearview mirror.

H: You know what? I loved this party. Children can be very helpful. I had a good time today.

Sarah: Me too!

H: Do you know how to wash dishes?

Sarah shook her head.

H: And sweep the house?

Sarah nodded.

H: Look... I'll let you go to my house once in a while or maybe I have a son, and he can do everything for me. It's for free and you even enjoy do things for me. That's very nice. I have to go to the mall, do you want to go with me?

Sarah: Yes!

Sarah smiled.

Hill drove to the mall, she went to buy new sunglasses, Sarah asked if she could have one two and Hill bought one for her.

Sarah: What about Jamie?

H: He's not here.

Hill frowned.

Sarah: But you have to give him one.

Hill bought a pair of sunglasses to give to James. As they were leaving the store, Sarah asked Hill to buy some juice for her.

H: You just ate a whole cake and drank like 100 sodas, and you still want a juice?

Sarah: Yeah!

Hill sighed.

H: All right.

Hill decided to stop at a cafeteria, she left Sarah at a table and went to Cash to order.

H: I'll have a cinnamon cappuccino and...

Hill didn't know what kind of juice to buy for Sarah, and Sarah was sitting away from there.

H: Hm... What kind of juices do you have?

- All those on the panel, ma'am.

The attendant answered impatiently.

H: And what do children uses to like?

Hill spoke to herself.

A man standing in line offered her help.

- Excuse me... Order the grape one.

Hill looked at the man and raised her eyebrows, he was extremely attractive.

- My daughter Lily loves that juice. I saw you coming in with your daughter, it's for her, isn't it?

H: Uhm... Yes. I mean... Yeah, it's for her.

Hill nodded.

- They're the same age, I guess.

The man smiled and his smile was even more attractive, he was gorgeous, Hill wasn't even thinking straight anymore. She made the request and waited to be ready. The man made his request and approached Hill again.

- Is she your only child?

H: Huh?

Hill stared at Sarah, then to the man.

H: Yes...

She nodded.

- I can tell... Lily is my only one too. How old is yours?

H: Hm...

Hill took some seconds to answer, she's not so surte abou her age...

H: Four...

I guess... Hill thought.

- Lily, too. My name is Henry.

He reached for Hill, and when she squeezed his hand, they stared at each other for a long time, smiling.

The requests of the two were delivered and they both were embarassad to say Goodbye, but Henry asked if he could sit down with Hill, so his daughter Lily could meet Sarah and she nodded.

H: Yes! Yes...

Hill smiled and nodded. They went to the table, and Hill introduced Henry and Lily to Sarah .

Sarah stared at Henry, impressed with him as well.

Sarah: You look like superman.

Henry started to laugh and Hill too, but she didn't even find it funny, she was just, desperatly flirting with Henry.

Lily: Everyone says that about my dad. How old are you?

Sarah raised three fingers.

Henry: I thought you said she's four.

H: No, she has 4! I mean, she's three, but she'll be four soon, right babe??

Sarah frowned and looked at Hill, confused by Hill calling her "babe". And she was even more surprised when Hill stroked her hair.

Henry smiled and looked at Sarah.

Henry: Your mother is very beautiful, Sarah.

Sarah was surprised the man complimented her mother and she is not even there.

Hill smiled.

H: Thank you... You're very kind...

Sarah looked at Hill.

Sarah: But she's not my m...

Hill covered Sarah's mouth and continued to smile at Henry.

Henry: Well, we have to go now. I'll leave my card with you if you'd like to take your daughter Sarah to play with my Lily any day.

H: Oh yes. I'll take her. Definetly.

Hill smiled and waved goodbye. She uncovered Sarah's mouth, after Henry left.

Sarah: Why did he say I'm your daughter?

H: He's crazy, Sarah. So I let him believe you're my daughter. By the way, do you want to go play with Lily some day?

Sarah: I don't know...

H: How do you not know?

Sarah: Am I going to earn anything if I go?

H: But you're a totally skank, Sarah Romanoff. You're totally your mother and I am very proud. And yes, you will get whatever you want if you go.

Sarah: Okay, then.

Sarah put on her sunglasses and stood up. Hill got up and walked with Sarah to the car.

When the two arrived at Natasha's building, Natasha was arriving with James as well from the game. Hill got out of the car and Sarah stretched out her arms, wanting her lap.

H: Oh no, Sarah...

Sarah: Do you want me to be your daughter or not?

H: Damn! Are you blackmailing me? I think I'm starting to love you.

Hill was amused at Sarah's blackmail, she took her in her arms and walked with her to Natasha.

Natasha was surprised by Hill's countenance, she seemed to be quite happy, when she must have been wanting to kill her.

N: And then?

Sarah: It was so fun, mama!

H: It was...

Natasha frowned, looking at Hill.

H: By the way, I'll take Sarah to walk around more often.

Natasha was surprised.

N: Why? You don't even like her.

H: What??? Who said that? I love Sarah.

Sarah: She loves me, mama!

Hill and Sarah took the juice at the same time, staring at Natasha, through their sunglasses. Natasha found it all very bizarre.

Sarah came down from Hill's lap.

J: We'll bet race to Mom's floor. When I count to three, One... Two...

Sarah ran out t inside the building, laughing.

J: I said on THREE!

James ran after Sarah.

Natasha looked at them, then she stared Hill with a frown.

N: What happened??

H: Nothing. I'm just thinking about having kids, now. Children can be very helpful. You made a great deal by having two. Bye Bye.

Hill waved and went back to her car. Natasha entered the building and went upstairs to the apartment.


Steve was taking care of his watch, he would never leave a woman waiting. He was ready, about two hours earlier, and half an hour before the time he agreed with Elisa, Steve was already in front of the diner, waiting for her to leave.

Elisa was a little late to getting out from worl, she wanted to make herself look beautiful for Steve.

Steve checked the clock and finally Elisa appeared at the diner door. She walked over to Steve and smiled.

E: Sorry, did I take a long time?

Steve smiled and shook his head.

S: Should we go now?

Elisa nodded and they walked to Steve's bike. Steve took her to a museum and then Elisa suggested a record store, where she showed Steve her favorite artists.

Later, when it was quite dark at night, Steve asked if Elisa would like an ice cream. Elisa accepted. They both picked up the ice cream and went to sit on a bench near Elisa's house.

The two of them talked a lot about various subjects, but Steve related everything to his children or about what Natasha liked or did not like in the past.

As much as Steve tried not to talk about her, something made him remember Natasha.

Elisa finished the ice cream and looked at Steve. Steve still had the ice cream in his hand and was embarassad with the way Elisa looked at him.

Steve looked away and finished the ice cream.

E: So... What about now?

S: So... I guess that's it. I'll walk you home...

Elisa couldn't hide the disappointment of Steve not trying anything with her, she nodded and stood up.

Steve walked Elisa to her door.

Elisa put the keys in the lock and turned to look at Steve.

E: I had a lot of fun today. It was nice to meet you a little better.

S: Me too.

E: I was wondering if you were going to kiss me at some point, but you don't seem interested in it.

S: Elisa... I'm sorry, you... you are a beautiful woman. I...

Steve didn't finish the sentence because Elisa threw her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to Steve's. Steve was so surprised that he didn't even opened his lips. He just held her waist and pulled her away slowly.

E: Oh my God! I'm so sorry!

S: No, no...

E: I shouldn't... I thought.... I'm so stupid! I'm really sorry for that.

S: That's fine. It's just... It's not your fault.

E: You still have her in your head.

Steve sighed and was silent.

E: She is too beautiful to forget so easy. But I have patience. If you want to try to really forget her...

Elisa opened her door, she stepped inside, and stopped at the door, motioning for Steve to come in. Steve took two steps toward the door, but suddenly froze.

S: Maybe another day...

Elisa smiled a little sadly and nodded. She closed the door and Steve got on the bike to go home.

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