Back at Work

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The next day, Natasha woke up feeling much better and very willing to have a good day. She was looking forward to a new mission, to work. It's not her to style be at home resting.

Natasha got up, took a shower, and looked at the clock as she dried her hair. It was still 6:00 in the morning. She brushed her teeth and dressed.

Natasha left the bedroom, and tried not to make a sound to not wake the children. She arrived in the living room and Steve was sleeping on the couch. He's a very big man for a couch. Natasha watched him and concluded that he's a really handsome man.

Steve was shirtless and he was sleeping only with a sheet covering him from the waist down. Natasha looked at the packs on Steve's abdomen and bit her lip. Yeah, I'd marry that abdomen. Natasha thought.

Natasha realized there was someone talking in the apartment, but she didn't know who. By the kind of voice, she assumed it was Sarah. She went back into the hallway and pressed her ear to the door. Sarah was mumbling something and seemed to be crying.

Natasha opened the door.

N: Sarah?

Sarah was in bed, sleeping and fidgeting non-stop. She was almost crying and strengthened to wake up. Natasha approached the bed, crouched next to her, and laid her hand on Sarah's forehead.

N: Sarah... Wake up.

Sarah's eyes narrowed and she was so caught up in the dream that she was sweating. She sighed and opened her eyes slowly and stared at Natasha.

N: Hi... Did you have a nightmare?

Sarah nodded and her eyes were filled with tears. Natasha started to panic, how would she calm her down?

N: Look, I have nightmares too.

Sarah: Do you?

N: Yes.

Sarah: I'm afraid.

N: I don't feel afraid because I remember it's only a dream and dreams can not hurt us. It's not real.

Sarah: I was dreaming with you.

N: With me?

Natasha was surprised. Sarah nodded.

Sarah: You were leaving again. I don't want you to leave.

Sarah let a tear trickle down. Natasha wiped her face.

N: Hey... I'm not going anywhere.

Sarah: Promise?

Natasha nodded. Sarah reached out, asking for Natasha's lap. Natasha got up and looked around.

N: I'll get your stroller.

Natasha went to the door and stopped. She looked again at Sarah, she is so small and so sweet. It was not that hard to give her a lap. It wouldn't hurt. Natasha came back to her and took her in her lap. Sarah hugged her and laid her head on Natasha's shoulder. Natasha didn't know what she felt at that time, she laid her hand on Sarah's back, and that was an incredible and indescribable sensation.

Natasha left the bedroom with Sarah in her lap and led her into the kitchen.

The kitchen is connected with the living room, only a counter separated the environments. Natasha set Sarah on the counter and motioned for her to be silent and pointed at Steve.

Sarah understood and was quiet.

N: What do you want to eat?

Sarah: Doritos.

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