We don't cry for who's not dead

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**I'm back**

S: Natasha...

Steve didn't answer immediately, so Natasha got more nervous, she frowned.

N: Where are they, Steve? What happened??

S: Cho will explain to you better, she told me that they were born premature and they are very fragile.

N: What does that mean?

Steve sighed and made negative with his head, he didn't know how to talk to Natasha about the twins, but he can't lie.

S: It means they're... struggling to survive.

Natasha looked forward and her lips trembled, she couldn't believe it. All she wants right now is to keep her babies closeto her because no one was trustworthy enough to be with them.

Natasha felt like the air was missing for her to breathe, she couldn't stop shaking.

N: Are they going to die?

S: I... I don't know. I'm praying that they won't.

N: Oh God...

Natasha sighed and her were filled with tears. Steve sat on her bed and took her hand.

N: Steve...

Natasha looked into his eyes.

N: I want to see them.

S: Cho said they're in ICU. We can't stay with them.

N: No... I....

Natasha was having hard time to speak properly, she wanted to cry desperately, but her brain is trying to reason.

N: I... I need to seem them. Please...

S: I'm sorry...

- You both can see them now, but you can't be there for long.

Cho said as she entered the room and listened to the conversation between Steve and Natasha.

Steve got up when he heard Cho's voice.

S: Any improvement?

Cho: I can't call that an improvement, but... we're keeping them stable enough.

N: I want to see them now.

Cho: You will. I just need to check your stitches first.

N: No, I'm fine, take me to them.

Cho: Steve, you need to take a shower first. I brought these special clothes for you to wear.

Steve nodded and walked into the bathroom of Natasha's bedroom, he showered and put on the protective clothing. Cho helped Natasha to dress her special clothes.

Steve came out of the bathroom and looked at Natasha, then at Dr. Cho.

S: Can she walk? Wouldn't the wheelchair be better?

Cho: Yes, she can and she must walk. Let's go.

Steve took Natasha's hand to help her get up, then the two followed Cho to the ICU. There was an anteroom where Cho handed over hair caps and gloves to Steve and Natasha. The two put on and became much more nervous with all this procedure.

Cho opened the door and there were a lot of incubators in the room, but Natasha recognized from a distance her babies and went straight to them, Steve followed her.

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