Perfect Happiness

By merceecream

48 11 9

Priscilla Lynn Douglas is the second daughter of Mr. Roberts and Mrs. Stella Douglas, highly respected people... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Chapter One

22 3 3
By merceecream

Catherine 's POV

'You will have to listen to me young lady. My decision is final! You are not to marry that man and I'm not going to change my mind!'

I dropped my fork down on my plate in anger. I couldn't contain my anger anymore. I was done doing things just to please him. But now, I didn't care. I had to make him see my point.

'Dad, you cannot tell me what to do. I'm a full grown adult now and I have the right to make my decisions'.

My father, Mr. Roberts Douglas, put down his fork too and faced me. His handsome face was now contorted with anger and that made him look a little less handsome. His brown hair was perfectly cut as always and his jaw was firmly set.

'But I am your father!' he said, 'and I have to prevent  you from making the wrong decisions!'

'This is my decision to make! ' I retorted, 'I'm the one to suffer if this decision is a bad one!'

'Catherine!' My mother, Mrs. Stella Douglas, put in, 'this is no way to talk to your father. Lower your voice!'
I turned to her. She was seating just across me at the left side of my father. Her hair was plaited in a French braid as usual and her diamond jewellery shone on her earlobes and neck.

'Mother', I said, 'why can't you just back me up here? At least see things from my side! '

'Your side?' She asked. 'How can I? Doing that will only lead to disgrace. You are going to spoil our image!'

I scoffed, 'Your image? That's all you guys have ever thought about, right? For crying out loud, you are my parents. Shouldn't my happiness be considered?'

'We are considering your happiness, Catherine!' My father put in, 'and you will not be happy if you marry that man!'

'I will not be happy if I don't marry him'

'He has no money' My father said.

'It doesn't matter'

My sister, Priscilla, Who had been quiet all this time, gasped,  'You did not just say that!'

'Well I did Priscilla. Because it's true'

'Marrying that man will make life miserable for you' Priscilla stated. 'I mean, have you seen his house? It's like a hundred times smaller than ours. I heard it has only two bedrooms. No gym, no swimming pool, no study, no laundry room, no guest bedrooms, a small kitchen.. I could go on and on..
But seriously, how would you survive?'

I gave a little humorless laughter, 'I never expected you to support me but it still stings. Why can't you just consider my happiness?'

'Your happiness, to us, lies with Ian not Brad', my mother put in.

Alright, this is how my family is and has always been. My name's Catherine Anna Douglas, the first child and daughter of Mr. Roberts and Mrs. Stella Douglas. My parents are rich people, having to own one if the biggest oil companies in New York. I had been trained on how to eat, dress, talk and even walk properly in the way the society deems fit right from when I was young. This didn't seat well with me but I had no choice but to obey my parents orders.

I was a child who was always wanting my parents affection, to play in dirt along with the other kids at the park, to talk and laugh with different kids I chose to be my friends but right from when I was little, I was taught not to indulge in such fantasies. I always tried to be the perfect daughter to my parents but for some reason, I was never good enough.

My younger sister, Priscilla, on the other hand, blended right in. She was able to get all the lessons we were taught on behaving ourselves in the society and upholding our image. Everyone was amazed at how perfect age was, she had it all: beauty, intelligence, a killer figure and all I had ever wished for. My parents never hesitated to show her off to friends.

I had to admit that I was jealous and I had tried to be like her but Priscilla herself made me get rid of that jealousy by showing me how much her Elder sister meant to her, as flaws didn't matter. We got along quite well until my parents made her to become one of them: cold, a money making machine, with a reputation to keep.

Don't get me wrong, she still has a soft spot for me, but it's still hard to make her preside over our parents at times.

I had gotten along with all their demands, made friends with the children they deemed fit, gone to schools and colleges that they had chosen and even agreed to get engaged to a guy they had chosen also for me but right now I had had enough. I had to stand up for what I wanted and that was marrying Bradford Ric

Bradford, or Brad, as he is mostly called, is the one person that I  know I am ready to spend the rest of my life with because I  am madly and deeply in love with him. However my parents do not approve because apparently he is from a poor family and marrying him will soil their image. They wanted me to get married to Ian Price, the son of one of their close friends, but I knew they wouldn't understand if I said I didn't have feelings for him.

I didn't want a marriage of convenience like the one my parents had, believe me, it's the worst. Be darned if I have to suffer the same fate.

'Mother, I can't ever get married to Ian. I would be unhappy with him. I just want to marry Bradford'

'And I  said you can't!' My dad hit his fist on the table, 'I won't approve'.

I stood, 'I'm sorry if you don't approve of it, father. But you will not be able to stop me'. With that, I proceeded to walk out of the room.

'If you go on with this,  we won't attend your wedding!'

My father's voice made me stop dead in my tracks and I slowly turned back towards him, 'You seriously, won't attend my wedding?'

'Marrying him is disgraceful enough, don't you think? ' he replied.

I scoffed and glared at him and the other occupants of the largest dining table (meaning my mother and my sister) 'I can't believe I was given this type of a family. I just can't believe you guys. But I don't give a damn anymore. You might not come to the wedding but that doesn't mean that I won't go through with it. Have a lovely day, family'.

With that,  I turned and left the room without so much as a second glance.

*      *     *

I knocked at the wooden door before me. I was standing on a large porch in front of a story building. This was Bradford's parents home. It had a homely feel to it as opposed to how cold my home felt. On the porch,  an old rocker chair sat to the left of the door and there were well groomed potted plants arranged by the right, courtesy of Taylor Richards, Brad's mother.

No sooner had I knocked when the door opened and standing behind it was Emily Richards, Brad's Elder sister.

She immediately gave me a warm smile when she saw me, which I returned and then gestured for me to come inside.

'How are you doing?' She asked. She had on an apron and a skillet in her right hand. I immediately knew she was baking. She was very good at it. She made her way to the kitchen and I immediately followed her.

'Not so good', I answered.

She raised an eyebrow, 'Parent problems? '

I sighed and sat on the counter, 'You could say that.. '
She opened the oven and put in a cake made mixture into it before turning to me, 'what did they do this time?'

'You know..the usual. They are still opposing my marriage to your brother'

'That's not surprising' Emily said.

'Yeah but they went far this time. They threatened to be absent during the wedding'.

To my surprise, Emily didn't act surprised or anything. She merely looked away, as if trying to avoid my gaze.

'What's the problem, Em?' I asked.

She sighed and looked at me, 'dear, do not be offended but I can't say I was counting on their attendance.'

'It still hurts though, to think that my parents won't be at my wedding. After everything I had to go through for them'

Emily came towards me and hugged me, 'just remember we will always be right there for you'

Before I could respond, I heard a deep voice shout, 'what's poppin' sis?'

Emily drew back with a smile on her face. The same was plastered on mine. I'd recognize that voice anywhere. It was Brad's younger brother, Dexter. He sauntered in with his usual style of ruggedness that made him appealing to most of the female folk. He had blonde hair, blue eyes (that runs through the Richards clan) and an amazing model body. He was quite tall too. I'd have fallen for him if I hadn't met his elder brother.

He smiled when he saw me, 'hi sis!' Not waiting for a reply, he walked straight to the fridge and took out a carton of juice. Being the typical Dexter he was, he opened up the cap and started to drink right from the carton.

As usual Emily started to have a fit, 'Dexter Anderson Richards! I will not say that this is the first time you have been told not to drink from the carton!'

He put down the carton and smiled sheepishly. At times, this twenty two year old man can act like a ten year old. He put on the most innocent face for his sister.

'Oh come on, sis. I know you are against it and all but the style of taking a cup from the rack and then pouring takes time y'know. M a man, and I don't have that time'

Emily was about to retort but she just shook her head, 'I'd be happy to get rid of you soon enough'

With that, she sauntered out of the kitchen.

'Not happening any time soon, sis!' Dexter called after her.

I just sat watching the exchange between the two. Their playful banter was always a source of entertainment for me.

Dexter walked towards me, carton still in hand, and leaned against the counter.
'Well, well, well. Sister in-law, to what do we owe the honour of you visiting?'

'I believe I am obliged to visit the house of my parents-in law once in a while?'

'True, true. But it seems you came here to escape from something. Emily rarely hugs anyone except when necessary'

I laughed, 'she won't be happy to hear that'.

He shrugged, 'which is exactly why I said it. So, what's seems to be the problem? Trouble in paradise??'

'I'm not exactly sure which paradise you are talking about. I only know of two paradise; here, and with Brad. Which are you referring to?'

He laughed, 'the literal paradise, of course. Your home'

'I don't consider it as such. Well if you must know,  my parents have decided not to attend my upcoming wedding'.

He laughed, 'I'd be lying if I said I wasn't expecting it.'

I folded my arms, 'I knew they were against it but I didn't expect them to go that far. For crying out loud, it's my wedding we are talking about here'.

'And the ice princess?' He asked.

I sighed out in exasperation, 'for crying out loud, the name's Priscilla. She's my sister.'

He raised an eyebrow, 'is she coming?'

I thought about it for a moment, 'not sure yet'

'See? That's why she's an ice princess. She has a frozen heart. If she can't look through and see how happy this marriage is making you, then she has no feelings'

'I'm sure she'd come if I ask her to'.

He scoffed, 'I bet a hundred bucks she won't come'.

'She definitely will. I will make her'.

'Fine, I promise you a hundred dollars if she does attend'.

I smiled, 'Deal'.

I was definitely going to make sure Dexter lost hundred dollars to me.

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