Isaac Lahey Imagines

By KissMeCaiti96

119K 2.1K 209

Isaac Lahey Imagines from my tumblr blog aworldinsideaperson More

Partners In Suffering
Seriously? I Just Made That!
Is This Even Real? (Smut)
You're My World
To The Beach
But That's My Favorite Shirt
Stood Up To Them, Regretted It
Scott's Stepsister (Part 1)
Scott's Stepsister (Part 2)
Scott's Stepsister (Part 3)
All We Need Is A Signature
No One Could Be As Stubborn
Ghost (Prequel)
Ghost (Part 1)
Ghost (Part 2)
Ghost (Part 3)
Ghost (Part 4)
Ghost (Part 5)
Ghost (Part 6)
Ghost (Part 8 Finale)
Missed Birthdays
My Soul/Your Soul
Deck The Halls
Meet My Grandparents
Christmas Shopping
Be Your Family
Lacrosse Shirt
We Need You Again
No One But You
Writer Wrong
Kissing Isaac Lahey Would Include...
Waking Up Together

Ghost (Part 7)

908 31 4
By KissMeCaiti96


When Y/N woke up on Thursday morning it was much earlier than she had been waking up in the days prior. It was nearing the beginning of the school year which meant she had to stop into the school to take a look around her class room and see what she needed to pick up to get ready before classes started back up in a few weeks. So she was up early and out the door by nine that morning, on her way she decided to stop and pick up breakfast where she and Isaac stopped almost every day during the school year. Once she pulled up next to the curb and made her way inside she thought of the first time she and Isaac had stopped at the cafe on their way to work.

Y/N sat in the passenger's seat of Isaac's car applying mascara as they made their way to their first day of work. She was nervous, not only for the new job but she felt like she was running late, she didn't like not being in control of the time and her anxiety only skyrocketed when she felt the car come to a stop on the side of the road. She turned to Isaac with her eyes wide.

"What are you doing?"

"Stopping for breakfast and Coffee, we didn't get any before rushing out this morning." Isaac was unbuckling his seat belt and moving to open the door.

"Do you really think we have enough time to stop before work?" Isaac rolled his eyes at the young woman beside him.

"Of course, do you really think they can start class without us." Y/N rolled her eyes in a similar manner, shaking her head at him.

"No but I think they might fire us if we're late and I don't know about you but I don't want to get fired on my first day."

"Stop being such a rotten apple, we've got time, but if you want you can sit in the car and wait for me. Now do you want a bagel or a muffin?" Y/N thought for a moment before sighing, shaking her head at Isaac once again.

"Bagel." Isaac smiled and leaned close to her.

"Now that's the spirit." He kissed her forehead before opening his door and running into the coffee shop.

Y/N was startled out of her memory by the lady behind her in line gently taping her on the shoulder, reminder her that she was standing in line.

"What can I get you?"

"Oh uh, two- one bagel and a black coffee with cream and extra sugar thanks."

With her breakfast in hand she made her way back to the car, back on rout to the school. Once inside walked down the maze of halls to her room. It was almost exactly the way she left it, though some of the desks had been moved everything seemed just as it was before and that made her smile. The desks all faced the white board, her podium centered in front of it to look out across the desks, all her posters and pictures still hung up around the room, all the books were still stacked neatly on the shelves and her desk sat in the corner across from the door. She had always loved the layout of her room and while she often changed things about for teaching it always seemed to come back to this set up that she loved so much. Y/N walked toward her desk setting her bag down before sitting on the edge of the desk, her feet dangling slightly. While looking around the room she thought of one of the many times she and Isaac had spent together in this room.

Y/N sat on her desk, her arm slung over Isaac's shoulders, his hands holding onto her hips as they kissed. The two of them both had a free period and empty classrooms. What had started off as a cute little kiss quickly turned deep as passionate as some of the teenagers they were helping educate. Isaac pulled away leaning his forehead against Y/N's a wide, toothy grin spread across his face as he spoke.

"I don't know about you but this whole teacher thing you've got going is kinda turning me on." Y/N giggled and pulled away from Isaac completely sitting back a bit more on her desk, causing Isaac to pull back and stand up a bit straighter.

"You have a class to teach in ten minutes, you don't have time to be turned on by me, go get a hard on over the civil war."

"First off this class is learning about World War 2. Second, ten minutes is more than enough time." Isaac leaned in for another kiss but Y/N pulled back again, putting her hand up to his mouth, laughing at his pouting face as he pulled away.

"Don't give me that look, you a war to teach and I have to set up for my senior speech class."

"But we have ten minutes." Isaac leaning in for a kiss again only to be rejected in the same manner. Y/N hopped off her desk, walking towards the podium on the side of the room, trying to push it to the front of the class.

"Eight now, and some of the seniors taking this class are almost always early coming in from lunch. So unless you want to be caught kissing the teacher, I suggest you skedaddle." Isaac began to pout again.

"Just one kiss?" Y/N sighed, turning to her boyfriend.

"Fine, if you move my podium to the front of the room you can have one quick kiss before you go."

"Done." Isaac quickly moved the podium and leaned down to kiss his girlfriend quickly when they heard a cough at the door. Y/N quickly turned to see one of her students standing wide eyed, grinning in the doorway.

"I am so sorry Miss Y/L/N, I didn't mean to interrupt anything." Y/N blushed and pulled away from Isaac.

"It's fine Sam, you didn't interrupt anything, Mr. Lahey was just leaving. Come in and take your seat."

Y/N smiled at the memory as she hopped the edge of her desk. It was never a secret the Y/N and Isaac were seeing each other but whenever the students saw them together they seemed to be all grins and whispers. She loved working with Isaac, it gave them things to talk about and they saw a lot of each other but not too much to where it was suffocating. Work became part of their relationship and they loved it. She remembered the first time Isaac had brought lunch to her classroom, it had been one of her favorite memories with him.

"So in these last few minutes I want to discuss why we are having you read Romeo and Juliet as opposed to another of Shakespeare's great works. Yes Maggie?"

"It's not about Shakespeare, but Mister Lahey has been standing at the door ogling you for the last few minutes." Y/N turned to Isaac, holding a bag of take out from their favorite restaurant, trying desperately to hide his blush.

"Hello Mister Lahey, what can I help you with."

"I'm sorry, I forget you're class hasn't let out yet.," Isaac rubbed the back of his neck trying not to make eye contact with any one the students in the room. "I just thought I would pick us up some lunch but I can head back to my room until class is over." Y/N grinned widely at him, appreciative of the gesture.

"No don't worry about it, there's only a few minutes left of class, you can sit at my desk." Isaac nodded and walk towards the desk, taking a seat in her chair. He watched her intently as she spoke to her students, discussing something most of them had no interest in but they all seemed to have an interest in her and how she taught them, no question was too ridiculous or silly for her to give an answer to and no idea was too outrageous to be talked about, she taught as if it was just one long group discussion. Once the bell range the students began to leave and she reminded them of some project that was due in two days, and how she hoped no one had waited until the last minute to start. Closing her door she walked back to her desk, leaning across it to kiss Isaac before taking a seat at a student's desk, Isaac moved to sit next to her and began unpacking their lunch.

"So how many of them do you think have yet to start that project?"

"I'm going to try and have a little faith and say twenty-five percent. You?"

"Well from experience I'm going to say at least fifty."

"That many, really?"

"Every single one of my seniors in my third period Early American History Class last year waited until the night before the assignment was due to start it because they thought if they waited long enough I would push it back."

"Ah, to be a senior and see yourself as the big fish in the pond."

"I will say I was pretty impressed though, most of them got A-s on that project."

"Well most seniors have perfected the art of bullshitting."

"Don't I know it." The two spent the rest of their lunch eating and talking, making plans. It was sweet and casual, just a nice middle of the week thing they shared and continued to share monthly since.

Y/N looked around the room one last time before hopping off the desk and picking up her bag, making her way towards the door when Barbara Cittidino stopped in her doorway.

"Hey, are you sticking around?"

"No, I just came to do a once over before I stock up. Why what's up?" Y/N closed the door to her room and walked down the hall with her colleague.

"I was just curious, you didn't bring Isaac with you?" Y/N shook her head slightly.

"No, he's busy today why?"

"Well Mister Carey retired at the end of last year and all of his things are finally out so maintenance was wondering how Isaac wanted to room set up now that it's a single teacher instead of a double."

"Oh well, I'll be sure to let him know and he'll be down as soon as he can."

"Great, thanks Y/N. It's good to see you again, good to see you too." Once she was outside and in her car she started to break down. She missed Isaac more than she cared to admit and being in the school only brought back memories of him, as mad as she was for the things he had said, they had a lot of good memories together as well. As she drove she thought of their first real date, and how they ended up at the ice cream parlor six blocks from their apartment building because neither of them wanted to go home.

They had been walking for several blocks, passing their apartments long ago, neither really seeming interested in going home just yet when they stopped outside a store front with pink shutters and a sign that read 'Ice Cream Palace'. Y/N laughed, looking up at Isaac.

"Ice cream? Really?" He chuckled slinging an arm over her shoulder.

"Oh come on, everyone loves Ice cream."

"Except me. I hate ice cream." Y/N gave Isaac a smug look with her arms across her chest.

"You're lying."

"I'm serious not everyone loves ice cream." She grinned looking at him, hoping to convince him of her lie but it would seem it only made things worse.

"But you do."

"You're right I do. How do you always know when I'm lying."



"Truths." Y/N shook her head and followed Isaac into the shop, picking her ice cream of choice and walking back out to sit at one of the tables provided on the side walk. The two continued to talk as they ate their ice cream when the subject came back to Isaac's 'superpowers'.

"So tell me, what else can your superpowers do?"

"Well they make me really fast, I can see better, smell better, hear better, and I'm really strong. All things that help me figure stuff out."

"Like what?"

"Like when someone is lying."

"What else?"

"That you want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you." Y/N leaned up close to Isaac, their lips almost touching before she whispered.

"Well if you know, what are you waiting for?" In that instant Isaac moved his hand to the back to Y/N's neck, kissing her deeply, it was their first kiss but it was as if their lips had met before. Moving in sync together in a blissful dance. Until neither of them could keep from smiling and their teeth kept hitting. Then they turned back to their ice cream, smiles never leaving their faces.

When she found her car parked in front of that same ice cream parlor she couldn't stop herself from going in and ordering the same thing from that night, sitting at the same table, in the same seat, reliving one of her best memories with Isaac Lahey.

That afternoon Isaac woke up to his phone ringing loudly beside his ear, when he picked it up he was shocked to find out an important purchase of his had arrived and was waiting for him at the store. He was quick to get off the couch and out the door, the sooner he had this in his pocket the better he would feel. He quickly and safely made his way to the store entering, almost out of breath from excitement.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, I'm here to pick up a package for Lahey?"

"Oh yes, I will get that for you, wait right here." Isaac took a deep breath and looked around the room, it was open with lots of windows and it was bright making all the stones shine as couples moved them in front of their faces. Then he caught a glimpse of her across the street, sitting on the far left side of the patio, at the same table they had shared years ago he saw her sitting their enjoying her ice cream. Part of him wanted to run to her, take her in his arms and never leave her again but he knew that it was only a few more hours before they would be together again and he didn't want to upset her with showing up early so instead he focused back on the task at hand.

When the worker came back out to the front he held a small wooden box in his hand. He set it on the counter, opening it for Isaac to inspect. It was beautiful, perfect, exactly what he had ordered months ago, everything he could have hoped for.

"Is this right?"

"Yes it's perfect, thank you."

"No, thank you Mister Lahey, and good luck." 

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