Isaac Lahey Imagines

By KissMeCaiti96

119K 2.1K 209

Isaac Lahey Imagines from my tumblr blog aworldinsideaperson More

Partners In Suffering
Seriously? I Just Made That!
Is This Even Real? (Smut)
You're My World
To The Beach
But That's My Favorite Shirt
Stood Up To Them, Regretted It
Scott's Stepsister (Part 1)
Scott's Stepsister (Part 2)
Scott's Stepsister (Part 3)
All We Need Is A Signature
No One Could Be As Stubborn
Ghost (Prequel)
Ghost (Part 1)
Ghost (Part 2)
Ghost (Part 3)
Ghost (Part 5)
Ghost (Part 6)
Ghost (Part 7)
Ghost (Part 8 Finale)
Missed Birthdays
My Soul/Your Soul
Deck The Halls
Meet My Grandparents
Christmas Shopping
Be Your Family
Lacrosse Shirt
We Need You Again
No One But You
Writer Wrong
Kissing Isaac Lahey Would Include...
Waking Up Together

Ghost (Part 4)

884 32 5
By KissMeCaiti96


After Scott walked out of the bar Sunday night Isaac spent a few hours just sitting at the bar, thinking about everything Scott had said as well as the things Y/N had said to him during their fight. He thought the bar closed for the night then spent the remaining hours of dark driving. He drove until the sun came up, in no particular direction he just drove. Finally he found himself outside of a wildlife reserve several towns over. He thought of Beacon Hill, of the things he once found on the reserve there and the time he had spent with people that mattered the most to him. As the sun rose he got out of the car and made his way onto the reserve, it had been so long since he had been someone where like this and, oddly enough, he enjoyed the memories it brought back. He thought about how much he missed his home, his friends, his pack, the home where he grew up, the people who he loved. He thought about how long it had been since he allowed himself to lose control of the wolf inside of him, that's when he decided to spend the day letting everything free. He let himself cry over his losses and feel all the things he missed all the things he needed to feel and he let the wolf inside of him run free.

~ ~ ~

Y/N sat in her car outside the lake house her parents were staying in debating if she could make a last second run for it; her parents hadn't seen her car through the window yet, she hadn't given them a time to expect her, there was still time to run. Or at least there had been, until a young man she didn't recognize saw her and waved her brother to the window. Now there was no time to run, there was no where to hide, the only thing she could do was put on a smile and act as if she wasn't dying to be anywhere but here. She took a breath and open the door to her Beetle before stepping out into the driveway and making her way to the front door. The lake house had been a family traditions for as long as Y/N could remember but this wasn't the place they had gone to as kids, in fact this was the first time they had stayed in the area. She took her time walk to the front door, thinking about the lake house and this visit with her parents. She thought about how different this visit would be, not just where they were but who was there, who wasn't there, who hadn't been there for the last six family vacations to the lake house. Maybe that's why they had chosen to stay at a different lake house this year, maybe it had been too much to visit the old one just one more time. By the time she reached the front door both of her parents were standing in the doorway waiting for her to reach them, both wearing ear to ear smiles at the sight of their daughter. Y/N walked up and hugged each of them tightly as they greeted her.

"It's so good to see you again, I'm glad you came." Her mother held her tighter than usual and kissed her cheek, from the look in her eyes Y/N could tell she had been crying recently and was possibly about to start another round of tears.

"I'm glad to see you too baby girl, I've missed you." Her father took her in his arms and held her close to his chest, kissing the top of her head and rubbing her back soothingly.

"I've missed you too Daddy. Now lets get inside before you let anymore bugs in." Y/N followed her parents into the house, shutting the door behind her and walking into the dinning room where her brother and his boyfriend were setting the table. When he saw her Matthew set the plates down and quickly made his way around the table to his sister, warping his arms tightly around her and holding her in a close embrace.

"I've missed you so much, It feels like it's been forever!" The two of them had been close their whole lives, but after leaving for college the two of them saw less of each other than they liked.

"I know, but now that you've finally graduated college, congrats on that by the way, we can make more time to see each other. But right now what I really want is to meet your boyfriend, where is this Mason boy mom was telling me about?" Matthew rolled his eyes but took Y/N's hand and pulled her towards the young man that had first seen her through the window.

"Y/N this is Mason, Mason this is my sister Y/N I told you about." Y/N shook Mason's hand and smiled widely at him.

"It's nice to meet you, my mom gushed about you at brunch yesterday and from what I hear Matthew does nothing but gush about you to her." Y/N turned to her brother to see him glaring at her.

"I don't gush about him anymore than you gushed about Isaac when you first got together. Speaking of Lahey where is he?"

"I don't know, we are spending time apart and that's all I'm going to say on the matter."

"Wait, Lahey?" The siblings turned to face Mason.

"Yeah, he's my boyfriend."

"I think I know him, or at least heard of him. He's from Beacon Hills right?" Y/N sighed and nodded her head.

"Yup but we don't talk about Beacon Hills, too many bad memories there for him." Mason nodded at her statement not wanting to push any further. The three of them quickly finished setting the table when Y/N's mother called from the kitchen to say dinner was ready.

They all made their way to the table, each of them taking a seat and leaving an empty space beside Y/N. She could see Mason eying the empty space but didn't speak up, hoping he wouldn't mention it. As everyone began to eat and talk about the food, the awkwardness made Y/N question her choice in coming in the first place.

"This is great Mom."

"Yeah dear, superb as always."

"Thank you, It's a new recipe I'm glad you all like it." The table grew quiet for a moment and Y/N could see Mason still eying the empty spot beside her and she knew they were about to go through 'that' conversation once again.

"Why is there an extra space?"

"Um, well Mason we had another Daughter but she passed away and we like to keep an open space for her."

"Intense, how old was she?"

"She was Y/N's twin."

"Oh wow, how'd she die if you don't mind my asking?"

"Of course not, she was in a car accident."

"It was very tragic."

"Y/N's boyfriend at the time was involved as well."

"Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss." Y/N sat silent, waiting to see if anyone would continue, when no one did she became infuriate, between Isaac and now this she was not going to let it go again.

"Oh so no one is going to tell the whole story? I didn't think so, here Mason let me let you in on a little family secret. In this house we worship the memories of people and let them surpass the living even if they were the worst. My sister and I were best friends, we did everything together our entire lives, if you only saw one of us we were up to something, I loved my sister more than anyone in the whole world. When we got into high school I got a boyfriend, an amazing guy named Justin, and we were together all through high school. I really loved him and I thought he really loved me too. We were planning on going to school together, moving away together, living a life together, being happy together, that's all we wanted. After graduation we planned on having a weekend with some friends at the lake, last minute Justin and my sister decided not to come with us and no one thought much of it, just uninterested at the last second they both and done that a few times before then. So we left without them and before we even made it to the lake I got a call from my parents telling me my twin and my boyfriend where dead. I was devastated, obviously, until I got home and walked into my room, I almost missed it but, from the corner of my eye I saw an envelope with my name on it sitting on top of my desk. So of course I picked it up to read it and when I opened it it was full of pictures of my sister and I, pictures of Justin and I and I started to cry because I was still really hurting from the lose but when I read the letter the tears were no longer from sadness, but anger. They were telling me goodbye because they were running away together, going to elope and they hopped I could forgive them. They were planning to be married before I even knew Justin was breaking up with me. They were going to break my heart without even a second thought, but that didn't matter to anyone but me. It doesn't matter that my sister's last act was hurting me all that matters is that she is perfect now that she's dead. No one will ever remember her for breaking my heart they will remember her as a beautiful soul who never did anything wrong because memories never make mistakes." Y/N plucked the napkin from her lap and thew it onto the table beside her plate as she stood. "I appreciate the dinner but I've suddenly lost my appetite, I should go." As Y/N walked away from the table she could hear Mason whisper something about being intense and her father snatched her wrist lightly, looking up at her.

"Drive safe." Y/N leaned down and kissed her father on the cheek and her mother stood and walked toward the kitchen.

"At least let me send you home with some leftovers you might be hungry later." She followed her into the kitchen where she was handed the small container holding some of what would be left from their dinner and another holding a small piece of cake. Y/N hugged her mother close and kissed her on the cheek as her mother whispered in her ear. "Happy birthday sweetheart, I'm sorry it didn't go as well as you might have hoped."

"It never does." He mother kissed her cheek once before they separated and Y/N made her way out of the house and to her car where she found herself wiping tears away before she could even buckle up.

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