Isaac Lahey Imagines

By KissMeCaiti96

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Isaac Lahey Imagines from my tumblr blog aworldinsideaperson More

Partners In Suffering
Seriously? I Just Made That!
Is This Even Real? (Smut)
You're My World
To The Beach
But That's My Favorite Shirt
Stood Up To Them, Regretted It
Scott's Stepsister (Part 1)
Scott's Stepsister (Part 2)
Scott's Stepsister (Part 3)
All We Need Is A Signature
No One Could Be As Stubborn
Ghost (Prequel)
Ghost (Part 2)
Ghost (Part 3)
Ghost (Part 4)
Ghost (Part 5)
Ghost (Part 6)
Ghost (Part 7)
Ghost (Part 8 Finale)
Missed Birthdays
My Soul/Your Soul
Deck The Halls
Meet My Grandparents
Christmas Shopping
Be Your Family
Lacrosse Shirt
We Need You Again
No One But You
Writer Wrong
Kissing Isaac Lahey Would Include...
Waking Up Together

Ghost (Part 1)

1.3K 33 0
By KissMeCaiti96

She had never been to Beacon Hills, she didn't know Isaac when he lived there, she didn't know his friends or his pack, and she didn't know Allison. Yet it seemed like every fight Y/N and Isaac had was about this girl she had never known, a girl that had died long before Y/N had even met Isaac. They never started that way, and she knew Isaac never intended for them to end the way they did. Three years together and it was always the same, every fight they had ended with her feeling inferior to a dead girl. This fight was bound to be the same as every fight before, starting out as nothing more than a tiff about how to spend your long weekend, now a full blown argument that Y/N was already playing then end of in her mind. She could already feel her heart breaking in preparation for him impending words. Then they came, as Isaac turned away from her he mumbled them under his breath, thinking that she couldn't hear him but just like usual she did. Though this time she didn't walk away, she wasn't going to let him get away with hurting her anymore.

"Say that to my face." Isaac turned around with a confused look on his face.


"Oh don't play dumb, you know what you said. You say it every time we fight, I don't need werewolf hearing to know what you said but for once I want you to say it to my face so you can how much you hurt me when you say it. Please, just say it." Isaac swallowed and closed his eyes for a moment before looking back at his long term girlfriend.

"I said that Allison would've never fought with me about this." Y/N nodded and plopped herself down in the arm chair in their living room, holding her head in her hands to thought of how to respond as Isaac watched her, waiting for a reaction from her, any reaction was better than her silence.

"We've been together for three years, you lost her four years before I even met you, and for a year after we met you still wouldn't accept any of my advances on you. It has been eight years since she died. That is seven and a half years of grieving, don't you think that's enough time? You know I thought that when we started going out that you had moved on, then the first time you brought her up during a fight you said 'Allison wouldn't have done that', it was hardly above a whisper but it made me stop in my tracks and I thought maybe it was just a slip up, your first relationship since her and maybe you felt a little guilty, I thought maybe it was just a slip of the tongue but three years later and here we are with you still comparing me to Allison and I can't compete with a ghost. I won't compete with a ghost.

"What makes it worse is that she isn't even a ghost, Isaac she doesn't haunt you, she's a memory and I can't compete with that because your memory can deceive you. You remember things the way you want to remember them so you could remember her as someone far better than who she was and that's not to say that she wasn't amazing it's just to say that she can never do anything wrong in your mind because you are the one controlling it. I can never compete with a memory because I'm human and I am going to make mistakes but that girl in your mind will never be able to make mistakes because she's not real. I haven't compared myself to anyone since high school, until I started dating you and suddenly every time I turn around I am comparing myself to a high school girl that I have never even met and it kills me because I thought I made it through that phase of my life but apparently not. I refuse to play second fiddle to a dead girl.

"I know that losing people sucks. Losing people too soon sucks. Losing people you love sucks but Isaac, don't you think 7 and a half years is long enough to grieve for your loss? I know you've lost so much, and you know I've lost just as much; but I don't carry their bodies around in a knapsack and I haven't even uttered their names to you since I first told you what had happened. Am I over it?No, but I've moved on because I know that real life is better than a fantasy and I don't want to spend my life with memories, I want to spend my life with a person, I want to spend my life with you and I made that choice and I don't understand why you haven't yet. I love you more than anything in the entire world and I want to be with you for the rest of my life but I'm not going to spend the rest of my days competing with the memory of a girl you loved in high school because I will never win. I'll never win because in your mind she is perfect and I'm not. I'm sorry that it took me this long to bring up the problem. I let it fester for far too long and now I'm ready to explode from it, so I think we need a little time apart to think, I think you should go stay somewhere, with Chris or Ethan and Danny or get a hotel room, spend some time alone with your memories and decide if that's how you want to live. We'll meet back up Friday evening and talk about what we want, if we still want to be together or not." She stood up from the chair and made her way up the stairs. Isaac stood in the center of the room for a few minutes more before deciding it was best to do as she asked.

He didn't find her when he walked into the bedroom but the bathroom door was shut and the water was running but he could still hear her sobs over the faucet. He packed a bag of essentials before knocking on the door to ask for his tooth brush. She opened the door to and it to him and they stared at each other for a moment before he kissed her cheek and walked away, down the stairs and out the door. An action he was hoping to reverse sooner rather than later.

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