Isaac Lahey Imagines

By KissMeCaiti96

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Isaac Lahey Imagines from my tumblr blog aworldinsideaperson More

Partners In Suffering
Seriously? I Just Made That!
Is This Even Real? (Smut)
You're My World
To The Beach
But That's My Favorite Shirt
Stood Up To Them, Regretted It
Scott's Stepsister (Part 1)
Scott's Stepsister (Part 2)
Scott's Stepsister (Part 3)
No One Could Be As Stubborn
Ghost (Prequel)
Ghost (Part 1)
Ghost (Part 2)
Ghost (Part 3)
Ghost (Part 4)
Ghost (Part 5)
Ghost (Part 6)
Ghost (Part 7)
Ghost (Part 8 Finale)
Missed Birthdays
My Soul/Your Soul
Deck The Halls
Meet My Grandparents
Christmas Shopping
Be Your Family
Lacrosse Shirt
We Need You Again
No One But You
Writer Wrong
Kissing Isaac Lahey Would Include...
Waking Up Together

All We Need Is A Signature

3.6K 64 16
By KissMeCaiti96

Isaac ran into the hospital, following the paramedics pushing his wife on a gurney. It had all happened so fast, one second they were on the road, the next they weren't. She had been in and out of consciousness since the crash, he was terrified about what could happen to his wife and their unborn child. He watched as she was rushed into the emergency room then swiftly taken to the operating room. He wanted to follow her, he wanted to be by her side but Melissa assured him that everything would be fine and offered to join the surgical team to put his mind at ease. As she ran down the hall another nurse led Isaac to a small waiting area. It was empty so he assumed that she was the only one currently in surgery and that certainly made him feel better though he didn't know why. He sat in silence for a moment before taking out his phone to make a call.

The phone rang twice before Scott answered it.

"Hey Isaac, what's up? Where are you guys?" Isaac held his breath and closed his eyes he wasn't sure he could say the words without going out of his mind. "Isaac? Man, are you there?"

"There was an accident." The line went silent neither of the men knowing what to say, how to process the information.

"We'll be right there." The line went dead and Isaac began to twirl the phone around in his hand as he stared into space. He wasn't sure how much time passed but soon the room was filled with anxious heartbeats. No one said anything, just took a seat and waited. They waited and waited and waited. Throughout their wait period no one spoke, not even Stiles. Then through the silence broke a tune, a lullaby, the sound they played whenever a baby was born. At the sound Isaac broke his stare with the wall and looked around the room at all his friend's, looking at him with a hopeful smile on each of their faces. For a moment Isaac wondered if it was his baby or if a different life, an existence completely unknown to him, was beginning the same time as his was falling apart. He smiled at the thought of his baby girl coming into the world, that he might get to hold her soon, that this nightmare would all be over soon.

His wishful thinking however was short lived. A cough at the door caused the entire group to turn and find a doctor looking at them all, inspecting each one of them as if searching of someone.

"Mr. Lahey?" Isaac stood up, stuffing his phone into his pocket then rubbing his sweaty hands off on his jeans.

"That's me." The doctor gave him an indecipherable look, and Isaac tried his best to ignore his other sense.

"Will you come with me please? We need to speak privately."

"It's okay, we are all friends, they would like to know how Y/N's doing too." The doctor looked around the room again before sighing and continuing on with his reasoning for being there in the first place.

"We had to preform an emergency C-section on your wife. Your daughter is doing well and is currently having a few tests done to make sure she is completely healthy."

"That's great news, how about Y/N? When can we see her?"

"As for your wife, there were complications." Isaac's mouth dropped and he fell back into a chair. "We have put her on life support, but there is nothing more we can do for her, I'm sorry. All we need is a signature from you, her health care proxy, to allow us to remove her from life support and let her die peacefully." The man held out a clip board and a pen to Isaac.

"Now?" The doctor looked at him as if he were a foolish child.

"Now would be preferable, yes." Isaac stared at the man, he spoke as if there were no feelings in his body, he looked around at his friends, each of them looking at him with sad eyes.

"I can't. I'm not ready, I haven't even had a chance to say goodbye yet." The doctor sighed as if he were inconvenienced by Isaac's decision.

"Fine then, I'll have someone come show you to her room." He walked away, down a hall, muttering about something and Isaac swore he heard his own name muttered in vain. Everyone sat around the room, each in their own state of disbelief.

"I can't believe this is happening." Isaac rested his head back against the wall, staring up at the ceiling. This is the position he was in when Melissa stepped into the doorway.

"I told them not to let him tell you. He has the worlds worst bedside manor." The room was quiet for a moment longer, everyone trying to hold it in the best they could. No one wanted to believe that it was real that she was really gone. "Come on, I'll take you to her." Isaac stood up, everyone else stayed seated, deciding it was best for him to see her alone first.

The two of them walked silently together down the halls until they stood in front of a door. Melissa gave him a small smile before opening the door up for him. He stepped inside the dimly lit room and looked everywhere but the bed. He knew that if he looked at her in that moment he would lose his mind and he didn't want to do that in front of Melissa.

"Could you go please? I want to be alone with her for a few minutes. Please." She laid a hand on his arm before turning around and walking out the door.

With Melissa gone, Isaac closed the door and turned to his wife. She was lying completely still in the bed, nothing but her chest moving up and down in an artificial fashion. He looked at he tubes and the monitors and just as he suspected, he lost it. He began to cry and scream, he knew Scott could hear him from the waiting room, he even threw a plastic chair across the room. After he calmed down Isaac looked around the room again. This time he really looked, not to avoid looking at his wife but just to look at the room. There were a few large, comfortable looking chairs, a few smaller, less comfortable looking chairs and a couch that, built into the wall under a window the overlooked Beacon Hills. He sat in the large chair beside her bed and after staring at it for a moment he took her hand in his, running his thumb over the skin, it felt warm and he imagined all the other times he had held her warm hand in his own. He spent some time alone with her before calling Scott again and telling him that everyone was welcome to come see her and soon enough the room was filled with the people closest to them. Everyone filed in, taking seats around the room, getting comfortable. It was silent, no one wanted to be the first to speak. Isaac was the first one to break the silence of the room.

"How can I do this? I don't even think I remember how to breath without her." His voice was small and broken. "She didn't even want to be out of the house tonight but I was insistent on going on that stupid party. She didn't want to go, her feet hurt and she was in a bad mood, she just wanted to stay home and we had a fight in the car right before the accident. It was so stupid, she just wanted to stay home and cuddle and I wouldn't let her and now she's going to die and it's all my fault." Scott stood up and walk up to Isaac, patting him on the back as a sign or reassurance.

"This isn't your fault, you didn't know this was going to happen. All you wanted to do was surprise her, you wanted to do something that would have made her happy. This isn't your fault, it was the other driver that hit you guys. It's their fault." Stiles then piped up from his spot In a plastic chair.

"Yeah and when they get convicted they'll be doing time for vehicular manslaughter at best. There is nothing you could have done to prevent this, unless you have super secret powers that let you see into the future in which case you've been holding out on us." The statement caused a light smile to pass across everyone's face, even Isaac, for a moment before the room was enveloped in silence once again. Stiles, once again spoke up. "I have an idea, I remember something my dad and I used to do when my mom was close to dying, when she slept most of the time. We would sit by her bed and tell each other stories about her, memories we had with her, in the moment if felt like it eased our pain, even if it was just a little. Maybe that would be something to try, even if it only eases a little bit of the pain." The room was once again cloaked in silence but only for a moment. Lydia stood up and moved into a comfortable chair on the other side of Y/N's bed.

"I remember the day she and I first met. We were so little, it was the first day of kindergarten."

Lydia walked confidently into the classroom wearing the most beautiful pink sundress her grandmother had gotten for her, her arms through the straps of her 'Little Mermaid' backpack. She was quick to hang up her bag in her cubie and take a seat at the table the held her name tag. She watched as the other kids entered the room, some of them clinging to their parent's leg others running off and forgetting their parent at the door. The room was almost full of students when one little girl came running in behind her mother, taking shelter behind her legs. Both the teacher and her mother did everything they could to get the little girl to come out and sit down but nothing seemed to help. That's when Lydia noticed the most beautiful pair of shoes she had come to see in her short five years of life.

With the every ounce of confidence she had Lydia stood up from her seat and walked over to the little girl, her mother and teacher still trying to draw her out from behind her mother's legs. Lydia stood next to her and pointed at he beautiful red sparkly shoes that adorned the other little girls feet.

"I like your shoes. They are like Dorthy from the Wizard of Oz." The girl's mother was about to speak when instead her daughter answered.

"The Wizard of Oz is my favorite movie. I wanted to look like Dorthy today." The little girl grabbed a hold of one of her braided pig tails and kicked her foot slightly before looking back at the girl.

"Well I think you look just like her," Lydia held her hand out to the other little girl as she introduced herself. "I'm Lydia Martin." The other little girl smiled and shook her hand.

"I'm Y/N Y/L/N."

"It's nice to meet you Y/N. Now come on I think you sit right next to me." Lydia gripped tightly to the girls hand and pulled her towards the seat beside her own.

"And that is how she and I became best friends." Lydia smiled at the memory, holding tightly to her best friend's hand.

Isaac smiled as he thought about how Lydia had brought Y/N into his own life, after a few moments of deliberation Isaac decided to follow Lydia's story with one of his own.

"The first day I saw her was the same day I asked Lydia out." Lydia looked as Isaac with confusion, obviously forgetting the encounter.

"Wait, you asked me out?"

"Yeah, now let me tell the story, maybe it will jog your memory. Anyway the first day I saw her was the day I asked Lydia out."

Isaac walked down the school hallway intent on asking out Lydia Martin, the most desirable girl in school. This was high school, everything is supposed to be different in high school. He made his way down the hall before finding her standing in front of her locker. He plucked up every once of courage he could and began to close the feet in between them and soon enough he was standing in front of her. Taking a deep breath, he started.

"Hey Lydia, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go out with me on Friday?" His voice sounded unsure and he uncomfortably ran his fingers through his curls as Lydia turned to him.

"Who are you?" Isaac was stunned.

"Isaac? Isaac Lahey?"

"Oh right, Isaac. Well Isaac, how about you ask again when your bike has an engine instead of a chain." Lydia laughed as she slammed her locker shut, punctuating her statement, and that's when he saw her for the first time. Beside Lydia was the most stunning girl he had ever seen, arguably more stunning than Lydia Martin herself. He was amazed that he had never seen her until that day, how she had slipped under his radar until then. He was stunned as he watched them walk away, not by the rejection but by the girl walking alongside Lydia Martin.

Over the next few weeks Isaac began to notice her more, even noticed her in a few of his classes and it became increasingly curious that he had never seen her before that day by Lydia's locker. He began to observe her day in and day out, he was sure that it may be considered borderline stalking but he needed to know how she had gone unnoticed by him for so long. Soon the pieces began to fill themselves in, she was part of the 'inner circle' but only just. It was like she stood in Lydia's shadow but she didn't seem to mind, it was almost like she enjoyed it, as if the shade Lydia cast over her gave her the superpower of invisibility; she wasn't up high enough to be seen but the ground she stood on was high enough to see everyone else. She would often people watch, making observations of her own and on more than one occasion Isaac had caught her looking his way. It wasn't until weeks after his first sight of the invisible girl that he finally met her.

Isaac walked into the cafeteria that day, scanning the room quickly for an empty table when he saw her. She was sitting alone, no Lydia or anyone else from the 'inner circle' and he knew that now was the only chance he would have. He walked over, taking a deep breath and asking if he could sit with her, it was almost more nerve wracking than asking out Lydia.

"Take a seat," Isaac pulled out the chair across from her and sat down. "I was actually hoping you would ask to sit with me Isaac." He was shocked.

"You know me?" She giggled and Isaac felt his heart leap.

"Yeah, you asked Lydia out a few weeks ago. I was there, remember?"

"Yeah I just meant-"

"You thought I would forget your name. I get it. Lydia already has but for some reason I can't forget you. Not that I want to. You're rather intriguing, I like things that intrigue me. I know a lot about you Isaac, I know that you play lacrosse, I know you work at the graveyard with your dad, I know that you spend a lot of time alone and I know that up until a few weeks ago you had a crush on Lydia so big that it's rivaled only by that of Stiles Stilinski's obsession with her. All of these are things that I know, it's the parts I don't know that intrigue me the most. You have a secret, a story you aren't telling and I for one am very interested to find out what it is."

"And why is that?"

"I don't know, maybe it's because I'm nosy, or maybe it's because I like to make up back stories for people and when the one I make up doesn't seem right I want to find the flaws in my version. That's why I people watch, I like to make up stories about people's lives, I want to be a story teller some day." Isaac was completely infatuated with her, wishing he could reach across the table and hold her hand, tell her every second of his 'back story' but with her he was too happy to tell her about the tragedies of his past.

"Well I certainly learned a lot about you in a short time."

"You didn't learn one one hundredth of me."

"Well what I would really like to learn is your name."

"That's right, you don't know my name yet. Which means I should probably tell you." She opened her mouth then quickly closed it. Pulling out a piece of paper and a pen she jotted a few things down before folding it up and handing it across the table to Isaac. As he went to open it she stopped him.

"Wait, don't open it yet. Wait until I'm gone." Isaac laughed at her statement.

"Why?" It was her turn to laugh and again Isaac could feel his heart aching for her.

"Just do it okay." She took her tray and walked off, clearing her tray she walked past Isaac again, sending him a small wave and walked out the doors. Once she was out of sight Isaac was quick to open the piece of paper. On it was written a phone number, an email address and the name of the girl he was sure would be the death of him.


"I didn't ask her out until over a year later, after I was bitten. I didn't have the courage until then but I was so excited once she said yes and I was thankful she wasn't a werewolf because she would have heard my heart racing from my chest and that would have destroyed every ounce of courage I had. I lost my mind when she smiled at me to begin with. I was already so into her I couldn't stand it."

Allison stood from her spot and moved a chair to sit beside Lydia. "Now tell the one about your first date." Isaac hung his head low as he shook it back and forth slowly.

"You really don't want to hear that one, it's boring." Lydia and Allison both looked at each other, with a smile.

"Fine, if you won't tell it we'll tell it the way Y/N told us. So the Friday after you asked her came around and the three of us were scavenging through every piece of clothing she had to find something for her to wear."

Lydia pulled things out of her friends closet, throwing each item into one of two piles, 'Absolutely Not' and 'Not Bad'. While most of the wardrobe Lydia had helped pick out she seemed to think none of it was 'right'.

"Do you know where you guys are going?" Y/N shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm not totally sure I guess we are going out to dinner but Isaac didn't tell me much else." Lydia huffed and continued to sort clothes into piles.

"Boys are so clueless, don't they know you need some idea so you can pick out an outfit?" The two other girls in the room laughed.

"I guess not, but can you hurry up please, he is going to be here soon." It wasn't long before Y/N was dressed in a cute, baby blue sundress; 'perfect no matter where you go' was Lydia's exact description of the garment. Slipping her phone into a small clutch she heard a knock at the door and was rushing down the stairs with her two friends hot on her tail. After taking a breath to calm down she opened the door to see Isaac dressed in khakis and a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows.

"Well don't you look dashing." Isaac smiled at her before holding his arm out to her like he had seen in the movies and waving to the two girls in the doorway.

"Well you are looking particularly angelic tonight." The two walked towards the vehicle sitting in the driveway, she remembered seeing it before but she knew it wasn't Isaac's.

"Is this Derek Hale's Car?" Isaac swallowed and opened the passenger's side door for her.

"Uh...yeah. He won't mind me borrowing it for a few hours, I'll have it back before he even notices it's gone." She shrugged and got into the passenger's seat and Isaac ran around to the driver's side and they were off.

The ride was filled with lively conversation between the two, and before they even noticed they were sitting in the parking lot of a small restaurant. Inside they ate and laughed and had the best time of their lives up to that point. It was the most perfect first date and Y/N was certainly looking forward to many more.

There was a laugh from the door and everyone looked to see who it was. Derek stood in the doorway for a moment before walking in a setting himself in a chair at the end of Y/N's bed.

"She must have left out the part where I showed up at the restaurant." Lydia and Allison both giggled as they waited for Derek to continue. "She must not have wanted to embarrass you. I on the other hand have no problem embarrassing you. So to finish the story, I found out my car was missing and I also found out that Isaac had a date that night. I practically ran the whole way to the restaurant and almost beat the hell out of him. And I would have too if it hadn't been for how sweet she was about the whole thing. I let him drive her home but that was the last time he was ever near my car again."

"I remember that night so vividly, she made everything seem so much more bearable; even getting screamed at by you in the middle of a restaurant. I was so sure that I was going to wake up in the freezer and this all would have been a wonderful dream but that never happened. It was real and there are still times when I don't believe it's true, how did I get so lucky to have her in my life?" Isaac looked at his wife and held tightly to her hand as if it was the only thing keeping him alive. Scott pulled up a chair beside Isaac and plopped himself into it as he looked at his friend, lying still in the hospital bed.

"How did any of us get so lucky to have her in our lives? She is just this amazing shinning light in our lives from the moment she entered the pack and her light only got brighter after we told her about the supernatural."

The party had swiftly come to a close after Derek showed up. The only people left in the loft were members of the pack. Y/N stood beside Isaac as he and Allison held Ethan from falling to the floor, and as the crowd dissipated she spotted several strange looking people in black clothes with silver masks. With her face contorted in confusion she watched as they mechanically stepped towards Aiden. She watched the figures, mesmerized by their actions as she felt a hand on her back and heard Isaac's voice in her ear.

"You should get out of here, go check on Lydia." Just as Y/N was about to walk out of the loft she heard a fight beginning. She quickly turned around to see Derek attacking on of the figures. The figure threw him to the ground and continued walking towards Aiden. Y/N trained her eyes on Derek, it looked as if his fingernails were claws. Just as she was about to question Derek's hands she saw Scott running towards the figure, his nails seemed to match Derek's and it looked as if he had fangs when he opened his mouth.

Y/N's mouth hung agape as she ran every possible scenario in her head as to what she could be seeing but in only a matter of seconds if was her own boyfriend with fangs and claws and with glowing yellow eyes that approached the figure but soon stepped down when a sword was pulled from their chest. The entire situation boggled her mind as she watched it unfold before her. Soon the sun was rising and they disappeared, everyone looked relieved except for Y/N, she was still concerned about her friends.

"What was that?" Derek was quick to answer.

"We don't know what they are."

"I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about you three." Y/N pointed towards Derek, Scott and Isaac. "What is going on?" It suddenly dawned on the pack they Y/N had just found out their secret in the worst way imaginable. Isaac hung his head as he turned to her.

"We're werewolves."

"Don't kid with me I'm serious."

"So is he. Isaac, Derek, and I are all werewolves. So are Ethan and Aiden." Y/N's face fell at his statement.

"How long?"

"A year."

"A year? You mean the same amount of time Isaac and I have been together?"

"I'm sorry babe I just."

"You just what? You lied to me."

"I did it to keep you safe."

"To keep me safe? That's even worse it means you don't think I can take care of myself."

"I'm sorry. I just didn't want anything bad to happen to you."

"Well you can't control that. Especially now because I am going to be helping you all. You're my friends and I don't plan on seeing any of you hurt any time soon." With that Y/N turned around and walked out of the loft, the omission of information was never spoken of again and Y/N turned out to be quite the help, much to her own surprise but not really to the surprise of anyone else.

The room was silent for a moment as they thought about how often she had helped them defeat the monsters after that, it seemed foolish to them now that they had waited so long to tell her.

"Telling her about the supernatural had been a real turning point in our relationship, I was being more open with her and we were better together because of it. Though another turning point for us when when she first let me read one of her stories."

Y/N and Isaac laid facing each other on her bed. It had been a long week and Isaac had come over for dinner like he had been doing for quite a few Fridays at that point. Though that day Y/N seemed a bit off.

"Babe, are you okay?" Y/N looked up at him for a moment before getting off the bed and walking across the room to her computer, opening it up, scrolling around then finally bringing it back to the bed and handing it to Isaac.

"I want you to read this story I've been working on." Isaac looked at the computer, it was open to a document and in the center of the page read 'Pack Mentality'.

"I thought you said your writing was sacred." Y/N giggled lightly at him.

"I did but, Mom and Lydia convinced me to enter a writing contest but I wanted you to be the first to read it. It's about you. I want you to tell me if I got it right." Over two years of friendship and a year of dating Y/N Isaac still had told Y/N very little about his past, he was too afraid of it himself to let he know. But he smiled at her and settled into scrolling through the document. Almost an hour later Isaac sat on her bed in tears.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to upset you with it, I shouldn't have written it." Y/N moved to take the computer from him but Isaac grabbed her wrist lightly before pulling her whole body to him in a strong embrace.

"I'm not crying because I'm upset. I'm crying because you hit the nail on the head. Not only that but you made my character the person I've always wanted to be." Y/N smiled up at him, lighting up the room.

"You are that person Isaac, I didn't write you as anymore than what you are. Maybe you just needed an outside perspective to notice it too."

"I love you so much." They had said it before, a handful of times but neither of them had said it with such emotion in their voice, she could feel the love dripping in every word.

"I love you too Isaac, so much." Every kiss after that felt different, like each kiss reaffirmed their love for one another.

"It was the first time I had ever told someone I loved them and really knew what love meant. She saw me in this light that I was never able to see myself in and she saw every flaw and somehow managed to make it seem like the best thing about me. She won the writing contest but even if she would have lost I still would have thought her's was the best one." Stiles chuckled from his seat beside Scott.

"That's because it was about you."

"No, it's because it was her's." Everyone took a moment to reflect on how much her just being her meant to each of them. But the silence was broken by two more chairs moving beside her bed. Kira and Malia both hand smiles on their faces, looking deep in thought.

"My favorite memory with her is of prom and everything leading up to it." Malia nodded in agreement.

"Mine too. It was one of the best nights of my life." Everyone else smiled as well, Lydia turned to Kira and gave her a big smile.

"Go on Kira, tell the story."

"Okay so dress shopping had been our top priority for weeks but we all wanted to go together and our moms wanted to go too so getting us all together was a bit of a hassle but finally, six weeks before prom we managed to all have a day of free time so we set off to the dress store in the mall."

The five girls walked into the store in a group, followed closely by Lydia, Kira, and Y/N's mothers. It had been an outing everyone was looking forward to even if prom wasn't necessarily their thing. Malia had never been much for dressing up so she wasn't much for the glitz and glamor of prom. However upon walking in the store she saw a dress that screamed her name. It was a beautiful cream color with a sweetheart neckline, she was eager to try it on and rushed into a dressing room before anyone else even picked up a dress. It hugged her body and had a slight train in the back, there was no lace, or beading or sparkle. It was simple and it was her.

The next to jump into a dressing room was Lydia. She had come into the store knowing the exact dress she was looking for and as usual, she found it. The top was purple lace and the 'straps' crossed over her neck leaving a space to show of part of her chest. The bottom was white patterned with purple roses and when she turned you could see the purple fabric on the underside of the skirt. Lydia knew what she wanted and she was always right.

After a little bit of encouragement Kira was next to try on a pick. It had been something no one was expecting. Kira stepped out of the room in a two piece red dress. The top was a halter neck with an open back while the skirt was a mermaid style and beads adorned every inch of the dress. There was no questioning if this was the dress, she looked killer in it and she held herself like a queen.

Allison was quick to follow after picking out a dress. When she stepped out of the room she looked immaculate. The dress adorning Allison's body was beautiful. It was a deep, royal blue. It was A-line and the top had a beautiful scoop neck with cap sleeves. The top was sheer with a beige bodice underneath but the top layer was blue beads and embroidered flowers. It was as if the dress was made to be worn by Allison.

The last one into the dressing room was Y/N, she had two dresses she was going to try but neither of them seemed like they would be the right fit just from looking at them on the hanger but she hated to be holding everyone else up when they were all so quick to find their dresses. The first dress Y/N tried on was a sheath silhouette, a v-neck with a back that was only covered by a lace applique. She had been so uncomfortable in the way she looked she didn't even want to step out of the dressing room in the baby pink monstrosity. The second was better than the first, the bodice was white with pearls adorning it along with a belt at the waist. The skirt was a dusty rose color but it still didn't feel right on her body. She was feeling discouraged as she pulled the dress from her body. Just as she was about to crack there was a knock at the door and before she could say anything the door was open and a dress was being pushed through.

"Try this on, thank me later." Lydia smiled at her friend and walked back out the door.

Lydia's choice had been stunning, so stunning in fact she forgot she needed to show everyone. The bodice again was white, though this time cover in lace. The tulle skirt was a beige color with lace appliques matching the bodice. It had been perfect, she looked beautiful and she felt beautiful and she was more than positive Isaac was going to love it as much as she did. Dresses were paid for along with shoes and clutches and jewelry and the girls were out the door and making plans to get ready together at the lake house and stay there the night of prom.

Malia interrupted Kira's story with a request. "Can I please tell the prom story? You got to tell the dress part, I want to tell the rest."

"Fine but don't leave anything out!"

"I won't! So six weeks passed pretty quick and soon it was the night of prom."

The girls all showed up to the lake house by noon so they could take their time getting ready. They had some lunch before getting down to work. The three moms were there and dads were going to be showing up later when the dates showed up. Makeup was applied and hair was curled and pinned and Kira was positive if one more bobby pin was shoved into her hair it was going to penetrate her scalp. Dresses were zipped and earrings were in, everything was ready, all that was left were the dates. But it was only moments before Lydia's mom was calling up the staircase that they had arrived. Malia was the first to make her way down the stairs, then Kira, Allison was following right behind excited to see Scott in his tux. Lydia followed her as Y/N straightened herself out in the mirror one last time before stepping lightly down the stairs. Isaac stood at the bottom looking at her with a stunned expression.

"You look as angelic as ever." Y/N blushed and commented on how handsome he looked. Cameras flashed as parents took pictures. Allison stood close to Scott, he arms wrapped around his neck. Stiles held Lydia close with one arm around her waist. Y/N leaned on Isaac as they held hands and Kira and Malia made Kissy faces at each other. Pictures seemed to drag on and on but soon everyone was in a car headed to the school for the dance.

Inside was beautiful, the best the gym had ever looked, and it was already filled when the pack walked in but they were quick to get into the groove of things. Soon everyone was dancing and jumping around having the time of their lives. Slow songs sometimes fell upon the room and the couples would find themselves close enough to hear their partner's heartbeat. They wanted nothing more than to stay like that for the rest of their lives but were always interrupted by another fast paced song, not that they minded those either. The night was everything they had expected it to be and more. Though it was quickly at an end and everyone was making their way back to the lake house to spend the night.

Isaac smiled at the memory of prom, of their prom night, recalling every second of it though keeping the memory to himself.

Isaac and Y/N walked into the bedroom laughing, still on a high from the night they'd had. Isaac fell back onto the bed.

"This has been the best night of my life!" Y/N stood by the closed door looking at him lovingly, the sight of her made him smile.

"Well I think it's about to get better." She moved her hand around to her back, pulling at the zipper of her dress though soon her face became frustrated and she stomped towards Isaac turning her back to him. "Will you unzip this please?" Isaac chuckled as he pulled the zipper down. When she turned back around she let go of the top of her dress, letting it pool at her feet, leaving her in just her undergarments and jewelry. Isaac eyed her body for the first time, drinking in every ounce of skin she was showing.

"You're right, my night did just get even better."

Isaac smiled even wider at the memory before recalling another that happened the following morning. Turning to Lydia he posed the question,

"Do you remember what happened the next morning?" Lydia laughed at the ridiculousness of Isaac's question.

"How could I forget!"

Y/N and Isaac traipsed down the stairs of the lake house, finding the only two downstairs to be Lydia and Stiles.

"Good morning my beautiful friends!" Y/N greeted Lydia with a hug before setting herself on a stool next to her. Isaac sat across from her and next to Stiles after getting a glass of juice. Y/N and Lydia were giggling about something, Isaac watched as her eyes filled with joy while she was speaking with her friend and he laugh filled the kitchen, the same laugh that turned into moans that had filled the bedroom the night before. Out of nowhere a gasp left Y/N's lips and she pulled Lydia's hands from around her coffee mug and closer to her face, inspecting them.

"Lydia Martin! Is this rope burn?" Y/N squealed and Lydia quickly pulled her hands away, placing them back around the coffee cup. Isaac could see Stiles' face blush slightly as he lifted his own coffee mug to his lips.

"No!" Lydia paused for a moment bringing her own mug to her lips, just before taking a sip she continued. "It's tie burn." She smiled and took a sip as Y/N's laughter once again rung out into the room.

"That's one of my favorite memories with her, though I will admit I do have a lot of favorite memories when it comes to her."

"So do I. I know what she would say her favorite memory is." All the girls smiled at the thought, before Isaac could even say it they were all replying in unison.

"The proposal."

"That was weird, but yeah. She loved the proposal story, she told it all the time even to people who knew it already."

"How about you tell it this time Isaac?" Isaac grinned at the thought of telling the story. He never had gotten the chance to, Y/N was always quick to tell it before he could even start.

"Well it was a year after we graduated college."

Isaac sat on their shared bed, flipping the ring box open and closed while he waited for Y/N to get home. She had gone to a meeting with her publisher in the early afternoon but wasn't back yet and it was nearly six. He was anxious for her to get home, he had most of the night planned out for the two of them. He had ordered dinner and had it in the stove keeping it warm, he had her favorite wine out and the table set for two. All that was missing was her. His worry was short lived because he soon heard the front door open then close as she stomped her way up the stairs. His heart dropped and he shoved the ring back into his pocket. She came into the bedroom with a huff and threw herself onto the bed. Isaac sat beside her and rubbed her back.

"What's wrong baby?"

"Everything. She hated everything and Angela, my editor, barges into the middle of our meeting and proclaims that she is writing a book now and starts describing the plot, it's essentially my book but with sex in it! She is such a plagiarist! But guess what? Stacy loves Angela's book! Can you believe it? I just want to throw myself off a cliff."

"I'm so sorry, how about you come downstairs for dinner and calm down."

"I don't think so I think I'm just going to soak in the bath tub and forget everything then go to bed." Y/N stood up from the bed, taking off her clothes as she made her way to the bathroom. Isaac frowned as he headed back downstairs to clean up for the night he planned. Just as he was about to put the food away he had a brilliant idea. He poured his wife and himself a glass of wine and headed up the stairs. Entering the bathroom he found her chin deep in the water surrounded by bubbles with her eyes closed. Isaac set the glasses down on the counter while he removed his clothes, placing the ring box beside the tub. Picking up the glasses he quietly spoke.

"Do you mind if I join?" Y/N moved forward in the tub to allow him to slid in behind her. She took one of the glasses and leaned back against him. "I'm sorry you had a bad day. Is there anything I can do to make it better?"

"Get me a different publisher?"

"Why don't you self publish?"

"I'm scared."

"I'm scared about a lot of things too but I do them anyway." Isaac leaned over the side of the tub picking up the ring box. "Like this, I am terrified to do this but I'm going to do it anyway because I love you." He put the box out in front of her, flipping the top open with his thumb. He heard her gasp and her free hand flew to her mouth, knocking the ring box into the water.

"Oh shit!" Her hands fell below the water's surface searching the bottom of the tub for the ring box, laughing as she pulled the soaked velvet box out of the water, looking over her should at Isaac as she placed the box back into his hand. "I am so sorry. Please continue."

"I love you. Will you marry me?" Y/N moved to her knees, turning around in the water to face Isaac completely.


"That was almost as good as her telling of it." Everyone laughed and Isaac smiled, shaking his head.

"Whatever, it still lead to the best day of my life."

Isaac stood at the alter, looking down the aisle, beside him stood Scott, trying to help Isaac calm his nerves. Isaac was jumping on the balls of his feet waiting for Y/N to come walking down the aisle to him any minute. He was excited and nervous and his heart was pounding so fast he was sure that It was going to explode.

"Calm down man, your heart is pounding in my ears and it's kind of giving me a headache."

"Sorry, I'm just beyond ready for this. Besides you weren't much better when you married Allison."

"I was not this bad."

"You're right, you were so much worse. You were afraid she was going to leave you at the alter. I know Y/N will show up, even if it takes her a hot minute."

"You talk like her sometimes."

"Yeah I noticed, I picked up some of her speech patterns but we've been together for almost ten years, it was bound to happen I guess." Just as Isaac closed his mouth the bridal march began and Isaac quickly looked towards where his bride would soon be walking. When he saw her it was as if everything else faded away, the people, the music, the only thing that mattered was that she stood in white making her way towards him to become his wife and he was going to be her husband and life was going to be perfect. Together they stood at the alter exchanging vows and rings and kisses, sealing them together until death do they part, something that seemed like such a long way off. The night was filled with music and dancing and food, drinks, kisses shared as husband and wife, a phrase that made both of their stomachs do flips. It was perfect.

"Did she ever tell you what we did that night?" Shocked expressions passed across their faces and Isaac quickly corrected himself. "We didn't have sex that night, what we did was so much better."

Isaac picked Y/N up, carrying her over the threshold and into the honeymoon suite of the hotel. It was beautiful and the couple was excited to spend the night together there. Though Isaac wasn't Y/N was especially intoxicated from the drinks at the wedding. That piled on top of the long day they had experienced and neither of them were up for sex on the first night, figuring there would be plenty of time on the honeymoon for that and tonight they could just spend time enjoying each others company.

Isaac struggled to get Y/N out of her dress but did finally manage it leaving her in just thing she had warn underneath. She quickly changed out of that and into Isaac's button down he had removed. They switched on the TV, watching reruns of 'Dance Moms'. She plopped down on the floor in front of Isaac, munching on some leftovers from the reception.

"Will you take my hair down?" Y/N looked up at Isaac with soft eyes, as if she was a child and he happily obliged. Isaac began pulling out hair pins and bobby pins of all sorts from his wife's hair. It was as if the pins where the only thing holding it up, apparently they were because as he pulled the fiftieth pin out of her hair the bottom came tumbling down over she shoulders in waves and curls.

"That's amazing. Girls are so talented."

"I know right? I once got my hair to stay in a bun with nothing but six bobby pins and a one inch rubber band."

"I hope every day of our lives is like this."

"Like what? You taking my hair out?"

"No, us being together and just being us." Y/N leaned her head back onto Isaac's leg.

"I promise that it will be."

"Our wedding was perfect. Then the day she told me she was pregnant it was like my life just fell into place."

Y/N sat in the doctor's office, swinging her feet back and forth as she sat on the exam table waiting for the doctor to come back with her results. Her and Isaac had been trying to get pregnant for over a year with no luck. She had her fingers crossed that this wasn't just another false alarm. There was a quick knock at the door before the doctor entered the room, a smile on her face.

"Congratulation Mrs. Lahey, you're pregnant. I'm going to say you're about six to eight weeks but we'll need an ultrasound to know for sure." Y/N squealed with excitement.

"Oh good gracious, thank you so much! Can we do the ultrasound now?" The doctor's smile grew wider, nodding her head and leading her into an ultrasound room. It was only a few moments before her baby could be seen on the screen, a tiny heartbeat heard through the machine. Y/N began to cry tears of joy.

"Do you want a picture?" Y/N nodded and held the picture close to her the whole way home. Once inside she was squealing and running around the house in search of her husband, finding him in the backyard.

"You are never going to guess what happened at the doctor today." Isaac stood up, hugging his wife close.

"How much do you want to bet that I am?"

"That thing I told you I would never do."

"Oh you are so on."

"Okay so what is it?"

"You're pregnant."

"You're actually right. How did you know?" Isaac leaned in really close to her ear.

"Because it has a heartbeat." Isaac kissed her cheek and moved back to continue his work outside.

"Well then I guess you don't want to see the ultrasound picture then." Y/N began to saunter inside but Isaac was soon on her, grabbing her from behind and pulling her close.

"I do so want to see, you didn't tell me you had pictures."

"That's because it was supposed to be part of the surprise." Y/N handed over the picture showing Isaac the place where the baby lay inside of her. It's not much bigger than a speck but Isaac is amazed by the idea of a human growing inside the woman he loves, a human that he helped create. He is on his knees in front of her, hands on her belly as he speaks to it.

"I don't know if you have ears yet, or if you can hear me but I want you to know that I'm your daddy and I am going to love you with my very last breath." Y/N once again began to cry and more than a few tears ran down Isaac's cheeks as well. They couldn't be happier to have a family all their own.

Scott pat Isaac's back with a smile on his face. "I remember the day you told us. I think it was only a few weeks later, at a pack meeting."

Isaac and Y/N walked into Scott's house cautiously. Y/N was going on sixteen weeks into the pregnancy and Isaac was nervous about everything she did even if it was just the pack. Scott and Liam picked up on the baby right away but kept their mouths shut giving the couple time to tell them of their own will. The pack meeting continued on peacefully until the very end. With the last bit of pack business finishing up Allison moved to the kitchen to pour everyone a drink. Coming back, she offered Y/N a glass.

"No thank you."

"Are you sure? You always have a drink after the meetings."

"I'm just taking a break from drinking."

"Really? Why?"

"I hear it's not good for fetuses." The room went silent for a moment before bursting with cheers and congratulatory hugs.

"How far are you?"

"Sixteen weeks, I actually felt them move a few minutes ago and it took everything I had not to start screaming with excitement." The rest of the night was filled with baby talk, even the husbands getting in on it. There wasn't a soul in the room who wasn't excited for the Lahey baby.

Everyone smiled at the memory, not too far into the past.

"You were all so excited that you even helped me get the room painted and the furniture put together, just a few days ago."

The walls were painted a beautiful sky blue with green trim around the bottom. Within the blue sky was painted fluffy white clouds and along the bottom boarder Lydia and Allison painted a garden of irises and chrysanthemums. In the middle of the room Scott and Stiles attempted to figure out how to put together a changing table while just to the right of them Isaac and Derek tired putting together his daughter's crib. Y/N was filling the bookshelf while Kira and Malia put away the many pieces of clothing that had already been purchased for the little girl that was so loved and not even born yet. It was a pack effort, a pack project for the pack's first little addition. It was as if it was their own child as well and their excitement showed in their willingness to help.

"Why are we painting irises and chrysanthemums again? Why couldn't you have picked something easy like sunflowers or daisies?" Y/N laughed at her best friend's question, as if she hadn't already asked the same question fifty times before.

"Because Lydia, we are either naming her Iris or Chrysanthemum and I want the room to have the flower she's named after." Lydia sighed before picking her paintbrush back up and setting to work on another flower.

"Just so you know, I am so getting you back for this when I have a baby." The two girls laughed together, everyone continued to work longer than they had expected but soon the room was done and ready for their little arrival.

"She just came sooner than we all expected."

With another moment of silence filling the room it felt like it was finally sinking in that their memories were soon going to be the only thing they had left of someone they cared so deeply for, someone that had cared so deeply for them. Their silence was interrupted by a voice at the door.

"I remember what she told me right before they put her under." Everyone turned to the door finding Melissa leaning against the frame looking at the room full of people. Isaac was looking at her, his eyes filled with a sadness unlike any she had seen from him before. She took a deep breath before continuing. "Just before they put her under she grabbed my arm and pulled me to her. She was so quiet that I couldn't hear her and I need to get closer. I had my ear right next to her and she whispered to me in the softest of voices, a voice I don't think I'll ever forget. She said that if we had to make a choice, her or the baby, she wanted us to choose the baby. I tried to reassure her that no such choice would need to be made but I think she felt it. She made me promise to save the baby over her and so that's what we did." By then the room was in tears, grieving the loss of their friend and commending the immense love she had for her daughter, even in the face of death. Isaac couldn't handle another second as he jumped out of the chair and stormed out of the room and down the hall. He had no idea where he was going, just wandering but soon he found himself in front of the nursery window. He stood there for a long time watching the nurses take care of babies, parents in and out of the room. He scanned the room, finding his baby right in the front. The head of the bassinet reading 'Baby Lahey' In big letters. When he looked at his daughter for the first time he was sure his heart stopped. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, beauty only rivaled by that of her mother. He had been so enthralled by the sight of his baby girl that he hadn't noticed someone come up and stand next to him until she spoke.

"Had you two thought of any names yet?"

"Yeah, we wanted to go with flower names. We each had one we picked out, I liked Iris because I thought it would be cute if she and I had the same initials, IL. Y/N like Chrysanthemum though she never told me why she just insisted that it was a perfect name. She hadn't even met her yet and she was so sure it was the perfect name for her. She even bought a book called Chrysanthemum and she would read it to her belly all the time she loved her so much and she never even got the chance to meet her." Melissa could see the tears welling up in Isaac's eyes and she felt her heart break for the boy that had become her son.

"She died, so that your daughter would live."

"I know but what am I going to do without her, what is she going to do without her. The part that makes it worse is that I'm mad at her for it. Because we could have had other kids, I can never have another her. I know that sounds selfish but it's how I feel. We could have had a house full if that's what she had wanted. If our flower didn't make it we could have tried again but now we can never have any more because she's gone and she didn't have to be." Melissa rubbed Isaac's back as he leaned his forehead against the glass.

"I know. I know you may never love anyone ever again the way you love her. But that's okay because you have a little girl, sleeping in a bassinet right behind this glass and she is going to devour every ounce of love you can produce and you are going to love her more than you thought imaginable because you are going to love her for you and for Y/N because she loved the child you created together with her very last breath so you have a lot to live up to. Besides you can't give up. If you do, who is going to tell her about her mother. You can't trust anyone else to tell the stories properly." With one last pat on the back Melissa turned and walked back down the hall Isaac stood in front of the nursery window for a few more minutes before a nurse peeked her head out of the door and spoke in his direction.

"Do you have a baby in here sir?" Isaac looked towards her and took a deep breath before nodding. "Would you like to come in and see them? Or we could bring them into the mother's room. Which one is yours?"

"Lahey but I need to go pick something up I'll be back soon." Isaac walked down the halls, back to wife's room and asking Scott for a ride back to his house. He was quick inside picking up outfits and her baby blanket, the car seat and a book from the shelf. Rushing back out to Scott's car he placed everything in the back seat and they headed back to the hospital. He dropped everything off in his wife's room, asking everyone to go home. Moments later Melissa was wheeling in the cot that held Isaac's baby.

"How did you know?"

"Scott told me you went to go get some of her things, I figured you were finally ready for her." Melissa picked up the little girl before gently handing her over to Isaac. "Be careful, she's tiny." Isaac took his daughter in his arms and he felt his heart race. She was the most perfect human he had ever seen in his life and she was so small he couldn't stand it. He began to sway back and forth with her in his arms before taking her to sit back beside his wife's bed, still the only movement coming from her body was the mechanical breathing caused by the machines. Isaac took a book out of the bag, opening it to the first page. Melissa walked back and stood in the doorway watching Isaac share, possibly, the last few moments he would ever have with his own family.

He opened up the book and began to read it aloud.

"The day she was born was the happiest day in her parents' lives. 'She's perfect', said her mother. 'Absolutely', said her father. And she was. She was absolutely perfect." Melissa could hear Isaac's voice shaking even as he took a breath before turning the page and continuing. "'Her name must be everything she is,' said her mother. 'Her name must be absolutely perfect,' said her father. And it was." Isaac looked at his daughter before looking at his wife, watching her mechanical breath for a moment before continuing. "Chrysanthemum." Isaac then looked towards Melissa standing in the doorway. "Her parents named her Chrysanthemum."

Isaac took one last look at his wife before turning his gaze back to Melissa.

"I think, I may be ready."

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