Isaac Lahey Imagines

By KissMeCaiti96

120K 2.1K 210

Isaac Lahey Imagines from my tumblr blog aworldinsideaperson More

Partners In Suffering
Seriously? I Just Made That!
Is This Even Real? (Smut)
You're My World
To The Beach
But That's My Favorite Shirt
Stood Up To Them, Regretted It
Scott's Stepsister (Part 1)
Scott's Stepsister (Part 2)
All We Need Is A Signature
No One Could Be As Stubborn
Ghost (Prequel)
Ghost (Part 1)
Ghost (Part 2)
Ghost (Part 3)
Ghost (Part 4)
Ghost (Part 5)
Ghost (Part 6)
Ghost (Part 7)
Ghost (Part 8 Finale)
Missed Birthdays
My Soul/Your Soul
Deck The Halls
Meet My Grandparents
Christmas Shopping
Be Your Family
Lacrosse Shirt
We Need You Again
No One But You
Writer Wrong
Kissing Isaac Lahey Would Include...
Waking Up Together

Scott's Stepsister (Part 3)

2.9K 37 10
By KissMeCaiti96

Friendships and Sleepovers

It had been several weeks since school started, Y/N had gotten to know Scott and Isaac's friends but more often than not she would find herself in her room when the group would come over. Not that she hadn't been invited to hang out with them, she just was still uncomfortable among this group of friends. With the exception of Isaac, she was more comfortable with him than with anyone she had met in all of Beacon Hills. Otherwise she had settled in quite nicely. She was doing well in her classes, she had made a few acquaintances and it was starting to feel like this place could and would be her home.

Y/N sat on the couch, her knees to her chest as she sent silly snapchats to Isaac, who was sitting in a chair beside her. They laughed at the faces and filters when they heard the front door open then close. The two looked up to see Scott walking into the house with a smile on his face. He moved into the living room and plopped down on the opposite end of the couch and took his own phone out.

"Hey." Scott said, eyes on his phone.

"Hey." Y/N and Isaac replied in unison, something the two had done more than once recently.

"How's Kira?" She asked eyes never leaving her own phone.

"She's good, she asked how you were doing. I told her you were settling in well."

"She's sweet."

"You should hang out with her some time. Her, Lydia, and Malia. They like you." Scott eyed her for a moment before training back on his phone.

"I-" She started but was cut off by the sound of two sets of footsteps coming down the stairs as Melissa and Matthew made their way into the living room with the children.

"Oh good, you're all here. We wanted to talk the three of you about something." Matt started

Matt sat in the chair across from Isaac and Melissa sat on the arm of the chair with Matt's arm around her. They looked at the teenager for a moment before continuing.

"Next weekend we are going away. Just the two of us."

"And we wanted to set some ground rules." Melissa said with a smile.

"Number one, no ragers. Y/N I'm looking at you." Matt stated, pointing a finger towards his daughter with a light smirk on his face.

"Oh, come on, that was one time and it wasn't even my idea! Besides I was 14, how much of a rager could it have really been?" Y/N questioned, rolling her eyes.

Her father shook his head. "Just, keep partying to a minimum."

"You guys have to eat real food at some point over the weekend. We are leaving you money for take out but please try to eat something resembling a vegetable." Melissa practically begged even though she was fully aware there was no chance of it happening.

"Finally, just be sure to clean up any mess you make before four PM on Sunday. You can have as big a party as you want, as long as we don't know about it." Matt said, smiling at the kids before him, only to have Melissa look at him as if he had told them to set the house on fire.

The three of them laughed at the exchange. "Is that all?" Isaac asked.

"Yup, go back to sitting on your phones as a group." Melissa said before standing up, followed by Matthew as the two made their way out of the living room and toward the kitchen. Y/N stood up and followed them, reaching out to grab her dad's arm. "Hey Dad, I wanted to ask you a question."

"Yeah sweetie, what's up?"

"I was wondering if I could invite the girls over this weekend."

"Kira, Malia and Lydia?" Melissa asked.

"No, actually, a few of my friends from back home. They have been asking about coming to see me and I figured now was a good a time as any." Y/N Elaborated.

"I don't see why not. Do you have any objections?" He asked, turning to Melissa.

"Nope, the boys will probably have their friends over to so that could be fun for all of you."

A wide grin spread across her face. "Awesome I'll let them know. Thanks."

"Any time sweetheart." Y/N hugged her father tightly before skipping back into the living room with a smile still on her face.

"What's got you all smiley?"Scott asked, looking up from his phone causing Isaac to do the same.

"I have friends coming over this weekend from back home." She replied excitedly.

"Any hot girls?" Isaac asked hopefully.

"All hot girls." She assured.

"Awesome! So, we're having a party?"

"Nope, just a sleepover. Invite your friends too, so you won't bug mine too much." She chuckled and plopped down on the sofa with her phone, already texting her three best friends.

The week passed and before long Friday came. Y/N, Isaac and Scott stood on the porch saying goodbye to Matthew and Melissa.

"When are the girls getting here?" Matthew asked as he hugged tightly to his daughter, rocking side to side with her in his arms.

"They should be here any time now."

"Alright, well, let them know that I said hello."

"Will do."

Matthew finally pulled away and kissed his daughter's forehead. "Have fun this weekend."

"I will." She assured.

"I love you."

"I love you, too. Have fun."

"I will." Matt leaned down and kissed Y/N on the forehead once again before stepping off the porch and heading to the car.

The three teenagers stood waving goodbye from the porch as their parents pulled away. As if on queue, once their car was out of sight a bright blue SUV pulled into the driveway. Once the vehicle came to a stop and the engine was shut off three doors opened to reveal Y/N's best friends from home. The boys covered their ears as the four young women squealed with joy. Y/N ran down the steps and across the small front yard to greet her friends, taking each of them into a long overdue hug.

"Oh my god I can't believe you're here!" Y/N screamed while holding tightly to a short blonde. "And who's car is this?"

"Mine." An average height brunette stated with a smile. "Divorce gift from my parents. Hyundai Tucson in caribbean blue. They said it's so I can get between their houses easier but I think they just felt bad about not getting divorced until I was practically in college."

"Well it's nice. We should take it for a ride before you go. Come on in." The four made their way up to the porch where she introduced her friends to Scott and Isaac.

"Scott, Isaac, these are my friends. Izzy," Y/N pointed to the short blonde to her left. "Marie," She pointed to the redhead with her arms wrapped around Y/N's shoulders from behind. " And Sam." Y/N laughed and pointed to the brunette on her right. "Girls, this is Scott, Melissa's son, and Isaac, Scott's friend that lives with us."

They all said their hellos, and as Y/N lead the girls into the house the Jeep pulled up to the curb. Rosco was hardly to a stop when Stiles jumped out and ran around the front of the vehicle. Then out came Malia, Lydia, and Kira. When they all made it to the porch they were quick to move inside and settle themselves in. Once inside Y/N directed her friends upstairs before turning to Scott.

"Alright, we're going up to my room if you need me."

"We'll be down here if you want to join us at any point."

"Okay, thanks Scott."

Y/N bound up the stairs two at a time, meeting her friends once again in her room. Again the squealed and hugged each other tightly before sitting down to talk about what they had missed in each other's lives. Y/N and Sam sat with their backs against the headboard of her bed, Izzy laid across the end of the bed and Marie sat in a chair in the corner of the room.

"Oh oh oh, and Marie has a girlfriend!" Izzy exclaimed excitedly.

Y/N's eyes grew wide as she turned to Marie. "Really? That's amazing!"

"Yeah, I came out to my parent's last month." She stated, a smiled and a slight blush coming to her pale cheeks.

"How did they take it?" Y/N asked, having heard horror stories of children coming out to their parents.

"Surprisingly well. Dad said 'at least you won't be a teen mom' and Mom I think I relieved that I'm not keeping secrets from her anymore." Marie replied with a laugh.

Y/N smiled, pleased with her friend's happiness. "So your relationship is good again?"

Marie nodded. "Just like before."

"Meanwhile, Izzy and I are still hopelessly single." Sam interjected dramatically.

"Same here." Y/N laughed.

"Speaking of single. Your future step brother and his friend are super cute." Sam smiled thinking about the cute boys she had met downstairs.

"Scott has a girlfriend, Kira." Y/N explained.

"And Isaac?" Izzy asked excitedly.

"Isaac is single."

"And you aren't..." Sam's voice trailed off, indicating she was asking a less than appropriate question about Y/N's relationship with Isaac.

"Oh my god no! Are you kidding? We live together that is a disaster waiting to happen. He's nice to me and we spend a lot of time together because Scott's almost always gone, and he is attractive in a tall, blonde haired, blue eyed, strong jaw kind of way, but it could and would never happen." Y/N stressed, though it was obvious the thought had gone through her mind more than once.

The girls could hear laughing from downstairs. Y/N looked around the room to see all of her friends staring at her door longingly.

"Do you guys want to go downstairs?"

"No." Marie said turning back to her phone.

"Yes!" Sam exclaimed, eyes still trained on the door.

"Only if you want to." Izzy spoke softly, turning to look at her friend.

"Come on, let's go." Y/N stood up and made her way to the door followed closely by her friends. When they came to the bottom of the stairs they were met by Scott.

"Hey, I were just about to come up and let you know we are ordering pizza." Scott said with a smile to the girls.

"Awesome. We thought we would come down a join you guys, is that okay?" Y/N asked, her voice more timid than the confidence she had hoped would come out.

"Absolutely. It's your house too." Scott said with a laugh as the five of them moved into the living room.

"What do you want on your pizza?" Stiles asked from the floor, a phone in his hand.

"Well I want cheese." Y/N said, sliding down onto the floor in front of the chair Isaac was sitting in, his legs on either side of her as she took out her phone.

"What about your friends?" Stiles was still facing her, his thumb pointing over his shoulder to her friends who had seated themselves around the room.

"We're right here." Sam said sarcastically.

Stiles turned to the girls rolling his eyes. "What do you want on your damn pizza?"

"Cheese." The three said in unison, a practiced feat the four had mastered many years ago.

"See, wasn't that easy. Can't you ever be that easy?" Stiles said, turning to Y/N.

Not looking up from her phone she replied. "If I made everything easy for you there would be little to no joy in my life."

"I'm glad I can bring you joy." Stiles said, rolling his eyes once again.

"Anyway, these are my friends from back home, Sam, Marie, and Izzy. Sam, Marie, Izzy, these are Scott and Isaac's friends, Stiles, Malia, Lydia, Liam, Mason and Kira. She's also scott's girlfriend." Y/N quickly introduced the groups before training her eyes back on her phone.

"Nice to meet you." The three girls once said again in unison, causing themselves to laugh.

Y/N looked up from her phone toward Mason and Liam. "How did you two get here?"

"We walked because Stiles wouldn't pick us up." Liam replied, throwing Stiles a slight glare.

"Oh, well, good to see you again." She said, quickly turning back to her phone.

"So what have you all been talking about? We can hear you upstairs." Sam asked, looking around the circle

"Just making fun of Stiles." Isaac explained.

Stiles huffed. "Why are you so mean to me?"

"Because Stiles, you're an asshole." Isaac stated plainly.

Offended, Stiles turned to his girlfriend for backup. "Malia, am I an asshole?"

Though she didn't give him any. "Yes."

The girl's mouths dropped and Sam spoke up with a laugh. "Savage." It continued on like that for hours, talking, laughing, being teenagers, having fun.

Later on that night, after everyone had gone to sleep throughout the house Y/N sat at the kitchen table with her computer typing away. Isaac stepped into the kitchen, surprised to see her still awake.

"Hey, what are you still doing up?" Isaac asked with a yawn, moving around the kitchen to get himself a glass of water.

"Working on my english paper." She stated, continuing to type away eyes never moving from the screen

"That's not due until next Friday right?"

"Yeah but if I finish it now I won't have to rush last minute and I'll have time to revise and edit." She explained with a smirk.

"God you are so studious it's almost nauseating." He laughed, his eyes staying on her.

"What are you doing up?"

"Just a nightmare so I came to get a drink and a snack." He said, reaching into the bowl in the center of the table and picking up an apple.

For the first time since he came into the room she looked away from her computer and at him. "Do you want to talk about it?" She had heard him many nights move from his room, down the stairs and back, almost a nightly occurrence for him.

"Not particularly." A silence fell between them as she turned back to her computer, the only sound being the clicks of the keyboard. The conversation felt over but Isaac wasn't ready for it to be over so he spoke again. "So it seemed like you were having fun tonight."

"I was." She said with a smile.

"You should hang out with us more. You aren't pushing into our group if we enjoy your company. I mean we let Stiles hang out with us and no one likes him." Isaac laughed and took a sip of his drink.

Y/N smiled and nodded. "I think I will. Lydia invited all the girls to go shopping tomorrow and I think I'll go this time."

"You should, you'll have fun. Your friends are nice." He stated, determined to keep the conversation going as long as he could.

"Yeah, Izzy seems kind of into you."

"I could tell, she's not really my type. Besides Liam was trying to flirt with her and I could never disappoint the kid like that."

"He was?"

"Yeah, didn't you see the way he kept getting close to her and helping her with things she clearly didn't need help with? Yeah, total freshman move but adorable all the same."

"Do guys really flirt like that?" She asked in disbelief.

"Some do. Some are more direct, some are more subtle, some just stare longingly at the girl hoping she'll notice."

"Which one are you?" She asked out of curiosity though it may have come off as flirting in the moment.

"You see I would tell you but then I'd have to kill you." The two laughed together for a moment before Y/N let out a deep yawn.

"Alright, I'm going to head to bed. Goodnight Isaac." She said, standing up and making her way out of the room

"Goodnight Y/N." Isaac watched longingly as as she walked away and all he could think was how he was in too deep and that this would be the death of him.

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