The Geek and The Girl ➸ Baekh...

By sangsterswag

264K 9.3K 10.9K

"I'm the geek, and you're the girl. It could never work." Byun Baekhyun; the schools geek. Y/L/N Y/N; the sc... More

||Twenty One||
||Twenty Two||
||Twenty Three||
||Twenty Five||

||Twenty Four||

6.7K 187 227
By sangsterswag

|Byun Baekhyun|

I was leaving Y/N's house to go pick up pizza, and as I pulled out of the driveway my ringtone rang throughout my car. I clicked the Bluetooth button on my steering wheel, allowing the call to go through the car speakers.


"Baekhyun are you!? There's an urgent meeting at the building- didn't you get Suho's text like an hour ago?" Chanyeol's voice screamed at me.

"Aish I was at Y/N's and my phone was off."

"Right, you were probably just banging her against a-" another voice obnoxiously attacked my ears.

"Jongdae can you shut the hell up!" Chanyeol yelled annoyed.

"I was gonna get pizza and then head back to Y/N's.. I'll text her and let her know. You guys are coming over to my place in two days for the New Years party right?"

"We will if you get your ass over here in time!" I heard Junmyeon shout from the background.

I shook my head as a smile formed on my face. "I'm on my damn way!"

"Good. See you soon." And with that, Chanyeol ended the call.

I sighed as I made a sharp left on the steering wheel, heading in the opposite direction I was going, towards the sm building. Fumbling around with the car controls, I managed to dial Y/N's number.

"Calling Jagiya"

I snorted at how the automated voice sounded when announcing the words.

Within a matter of seconds Y/N picked up, her lovely voice sounding like music to my ears.

"Hey Baek, what's up? You almost on your way back?"

I let out a breath. "I actually have to head to a so called 'important meeting' at the sm building.. I'm sorry princess. I'll be back soon hopefully."

"It's perfectly fine! You won't be late to the meeting right? Is everything ok?" She asked.

"Actually, apparently Junmyeon texted me an hour ago but I didn't respond. I didn't even see his text; and I don't really know what's happening, but I'm sure everything's fine."

"Ah yes we were busy..." I could literally picture her face turning a slight shade of pink as the hid her face in her hands.

I let out a low chuckle. "Yes. I'll call you when I'm done alright?"

"Sounds good! I'll see you soon!"

"See you soon."

"Drive safe Baek~" I could sense her smile.

"I love you!" I smiled.

"I love you too."


"Took you long enough." Kyungsoo said while shaking his head and crossing his arms. All the boys along with Lee Soo Man, our Executive producer, were sitting around a circular table in one of the conference rooms. I waddled over shamefully to an empty seat next to Kai.

"Baekhyun, you're late." Lee Soo Man said with slight annoyance.

"I know I'm really sorry, I didn't even see the text.. It will never happen again."

The neatly dressed man nodded sharply. "Now, we have an important thing we must discuss." He stated and looked at each of us. "You will all be flying to Hong Kong on the first of January, and will be staying there for at least two months."


|Y/N Y/L/N|

I sat upside down on my couch, dangling my head off the edge while my legs held onto the back rest part.

'I'm so bored,' I mumbled to myself, clicking away at my phone. I tapped my messages and scrolled down, deleting old conversations to save storage. That was until a certain name came up on the screen.

I clicked the old message box and felt my breath hitch in my throat as I scrolled past many text messages that held good and bad memories.

Coming across the latest text sent, I immediately swiped left and deleted everything. I shut my eyes and placed my phone on my chest, letting myself think.

'I should go visit her',

and that's what I did.

Baekhyun would be upset if he knew I was going, but luckily he'd be gone for a couple hours, which gave me plenty of time. I quickly changed into a warm sweater, some dark jeans, my black converse, a warm (colour) winter jacket, and then grabbed my parents' car keys, hopping into their car and driving.

It took about an half hours drive to get to the big fenced off area. I admit, the scenery and what was inside scared me, but I took a deep breath and walked slowly towards the entrance.

Once inside, I went up to the office informing that I was a visitor and wanted some time to talk with my friend.

If I dare even call her that.

I was then escorted to a closed off area where they placed me in front of a booth, where a phone hung on both sides of a wall, and a piece of glass was promptly between.

"She'll be out in a moment." A man informed me, and I nodded quickly. I stared at my hands and twiddled with the rings I was wearing.

I was afraid of past events, but I needed to have this discussion,

Soon enough I heard foot steps approaching, and that's when I saw her wearing a bright orange jumpsuit. Her hair had been cut a lot shorter than when I last saw her, and deep bags sat under her eyes.

All she did was sit on the other side of the glass and stare at me.

I swallowed the lump that sat in my throat and shakily grabbed the phone, placing it to my ear.

She followed my actions.

"Hello Ying."

"Hello Y/N."

It was quiet for a moment as I had lost all of my words when seeing the state my ex best friend was in; but she started talking.

"Why are you here?"  Ying continued staring at me, eyes digging into my soul.

"I-i wanted to talk." My words came out weakly. That was when the girl suddenly broke down into a fit of tears. Her lips trembled and the drops of water slid down her pale cheeks, into her open mouth. Ying hung her head, her black hair falling in front of her face. The phone slid out of her hand, hanging by the cord as it tapped against the wall. My heard broke slightly.

After a few moments she quieted down, but didn't look back up at me. Her hand reached up and grabbed the phone.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." She continued mumbling.


"I know I will never be forgiven, I know I should never be forgiven. But I need to say I'm sorry for everything. I was jealous, and jealousy took over. I was a horrible friend. I was fake. I'm disgusted with myself and who I chose to be." She slowly looked up at me, "I never deserved you Y/N."

I looked at her, trying to not show any emotion, but I knew my eyes gave it away.

"I destroyed you. I took away something that was so precious to you- your memories- more than once- and I almost took away your life." Her lips were trembling again. "I never deserved the love and friendship you always gave me. No one does. You're too good for this world Y/N Y/L/N."
Her voice started cracking. "Never forgive me. Because what I did, was not worth forgiving. I will never be able to live with myself again. But let me say, when the jealousy did fade once and a while, I had a lot of fun with you. You were so good to me. I'm grateful."

My lips parted slightly. I wanted to speak, but couldn't bring myself to say anything.

"I'm a messed up person Y/N; and soon I'll be where I belong. This will be the last time we speak."

"Ying I-"

"Don't say anything. Just listen. That's all I will ever ask of you again."

I nodded.

"You take good care of Baekhyun, you hear me? Take care of Namjoon, and Jongin, and Sehun. Take care of yourself. Make life right again, and never do what I did. Never become like me. Never become toxic."

Ying lifted her hand and gently placed it against the glass, staring at me once again. What I did next surprised me;

I placed my hand on top of hers.

A tear slipped down her cheek once again.

"Love yourself Y/N. Tell the others that too. The world is filled with horrible people like me, who bring others down, so just remember, love yourself."

I nodded frantically.

"Goodbye Y/N/N." Ying placed the phone back onto the receiver as the guards grabbed her arms, pulling her away from her seat. I watched as she got dragged away; as she didn't even struggle.

I stood up, walking out at a fast pace. I ran towards my car and once I was in I let the tears fall quietly.

After everything that happened, why was I upset? I should be angry, furious, but I wasn't.

I was full of sorrow.

I didn't know what else to do, so I picked up my phone and dialled Namjoon's number.


"Namjoon-" I started, but he must've immediately heard the tone of my voice.

"Babe what's wrong?"

"I just visited Ying and what she told me broke my heart. She told me to never forgive her but I want to so badly, even though what she did was absolutely horrible. She tried to kill me Namjoon. Yet I want to forgive her." I said.

"I also went and talked with her Y/N." Namjoon said.


"I wanted answers. Really the only answer is, is that she is mentally unstable. Ying was fighting a lot of battles herself; but became crazy and obsessive in the end. However she was our best friend and we love her. That's why we want to forgive her." Namjoon said.

"Joon, she said this was the last time I'll ever talk to her, and that she will soon be where she belongs...does she mean she'll...?" I became quiet.

"As much as I am upset with her, I sure as hell hope not."


I drove straight home, and as soon as I walked in the door I was tackled into a big hug by Baekhyun.

"Hey you didn't answer my calls." He grabbed my shoulders, pouting.

"I was driving." I said and shrugged him off slightly. I pushed past him and walked up the stairs into my room.

"What happened Y/N." Baekhyun said seriously as he closed my bedroom door behind him. He jumped into my bed and pulled me into a spooning position.

"I know you'll be mad at me, but I went and talked to Ying at the jail."

"You did WHAT?" Baekhyun said, tinged anger in his voice. "You shouldn't have gone alone! You shouldn't have gone without me!"

"I know- but I needed to talk with her..."

"What did she say to you?" He asked.

That's when I explained everything to him.


"Wow..." Baekhyun said, and sat up on my bed.

"Yea..." I said sadly, sitting up with him.

"You know, I have an idea to cheer you up."

"What?" I asked curious, wondering as to what crazy shenanigan he was going to propose now. I turned my head so I could look at him.

"Let's dye my hair pink! To the convenient store we go!"


"Oh my god why did you think this was a good idea!" I said while Baekhyun sat in the bathtub with intensely bleached hair. "I literally have no experience with this kinda stuff!"

"I never said it was a good idea." Baekhyun said cheekily.

"Yea, yea, smartass. Now hand me the powdery stuff you mix with the liquid stuff."

"Here you go mistress." He handed me the small bottles.

"Don't call me that." I said.

"Why not?" He chuckled.

"Because I don't want to know about your weird ass kinks Byun Baekhyun." I stuck my tongue out as I shook the mixture together in the bottle, slowly seeing a light pink shade form inside.

"What the hell I don't have any weird ass kinks!" He mumbled.

"UhM yes you do." I started squirting the mixture onto his head, and then massaging the spots to let the colour absorb into his hair.

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do."




"Baekhyun we are not doing this yes and no battle again-"

"Yes we are!"

"No were not!"

I slapped his head causing him to whine as per usual, but then continued massaging the colour into his hair.

Once that was finished, we let it sit for a while before rinsing it out and then blow drying it.

"Holy crap I look good." Baekhyun shook his head around, and kept touching his hair.

"You picked a really good colour for me princess." Baekhyun looked at me lovingly and pulled me in for a kiss.

"I should probably get going home. It's getting late." He pulled away, frowning.

"Can't you stay the night?" I stuck out my bottom lip.

Baekhyun stared at my lips and then my eyes. "That god damn pouting-" he mumbled ever so quietly.

"Uh-h yea I'm sure I can." He said louder now, and pulled me in for another kiss.

"Yay." I said childishly and dragged him into my bedroom.


That morning I woke up peacefully, snuggled into Baekhyun's shirtless chest. Our legs were intwined with one of his arms drooped across my waist,  and the other supporting his head.

I stared at his face and admired how soft his features really were- the way his eyelashes gently touched his sun kissed skin, how his beautiful and oh so kissable lips were parted slightly. His now fluffy pink hair was sprawled all over his forehead gently, and the soft sound of his inhales and exhales reminded me of a small puppy.

I couldn't help myself as I reached my hand up to caress his face, and then start running my fingers softly through his hair. Baekhyun seemed unaffected until he slowly hummed and leaned into my hand.

Within seconds his adorable eyes opened and met mine, and he gave me a loving smile.

"Morning princess." His voice was deeper than usual, as it was his raspy morning voice.

"Morning Baekkie." I smiled as he grabbed my hand and wrapped his fingers around mine.

"Wanna grab some breakfast from Starbucks or something?" He asked and I nodded excitedly.

"Let's get dressed and go."

(A/N - I prefer Tim Hortons over Starbucks any day but well it's a Canadian thing 😂 so some may not know what it is)


The smell of coffee filled my nose as we stepped into the warm, surprisingly not busy, coffee shop. I got excited as we got closer to the till.

I ordered (your usual order from starbucks), and a muffin, while Baekhyun ordered an ice americano with a muffin. His name was called shortly, and we grabbed our items, sitting at a table in the back corner.

"Thanks Baekkie!" I gave him a warm smile and happily took a sip of my drink, the delicious taste giving me a feeling of fulfillment. I was about to take a bite of my muffin, when my phone rang.

I frowned slightly as I was really excited to eat, but looked at the caller ID anyway.

"Uh, why is the prison calling you?" Baekhyun gave me a look.

I furrowed my eyebrows confused and shrugged. "I don't know...should I pick it up?"

"Yea, do it."

I grabbed my device and swiped the accept call button, placing it to my ear.

"Good morning, is this Y/N Y/L/N?" A formal sounding woman said on the other line of the phone.

"Yes this is? Why are you calling?" I asked, trying to not sound rude. I was just confused.

"You were the last person who visited Kim Ying, correct?" She asked.

"I suppose, I was there yesterday." I looked over at Baekhyun who stared at me with a confused and concerned expression.

"Well as you were her last visitor, I need to inform you that Kim Ying committed suicide in her cell last night."

I felt time stop.


"We are going to have to ask you to come in to the prison for a short interrogation regarding last nights visit."

Her words sounded like she was underwater as my head started spinning.

Baekhyun grabbed my arm, and I looked at him as my eyes started burning.

"I-I'll be there soon."

I hung up the call and my phone slipped through my fingers, onto the tile floor.

"Y/N what happened? Princess, talk to me." Baekhyun grabbed each side of my head.

I just shook softly, before I broke down crying. I couldn't control what I was feeling. Anger, sadness, I really didn't know.

Baekhyun panicked, getting up to kneel in front of me while holding my face, trying to calm me down.

"What's wrong princess?"

I shook my head, placing my hands over my face. Baekhyun then let go of me, grabbed our drinks and food, and then grabbed my hand, pulling me out of there.

Once we were by the car he pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back lovingly.

"Shh angel, tell me what's wrong."

I hiccuped. "Y-ying committed suicide."

Baekhyun immediately froze.


|Kim Namjoon|

I was in the middle of a meeting where we were discussing topics and concepts for our group debut, when I got a phone call.

"Uh hey Baekhyun, I'm kind of in a meeting right now. What's up?"

"Namjoon- its Ying."

I immediately sat up at the mention of her name.

"She committed suicide in her prison cell last night."

My heart clenched and I looked down into my lap.

"Thanks for telling me. Is Y/N ok?"

"She's a mess. We're at the prison right now since they needed to ask her a bunch of questions regarding their visit last night."

I put two and two together, finally understanding what Y/N told me Ying said yesterday.

"I'll call Y/N in a bit. Did you talk to Kai and Sehun?"

"Not yet. I will later."

"Alright. Later Baekhyun."


I slammed my phone down on the table angrily, causing the room to go sitting lent.

"I'll be back." I said, filled with an strange feeling of rage.

"Namjoon what-" Jin said, but I walked out of the room and bolted towards the washroom.

Once I was inside a stall I couldn't help but let out an angry growl, ramming my fists into the locked door.

I sighed, and slid down the wall, placing my head on my knees.

How could anybody be that selfish? Taking their own life?

Ying was a horrible person, but she was a friend. A friend of many years. As upset as I was at her, I couldn't help but feel bitter and depressed at the news I was informed with.

This wasn't the right thing to do. She ran away from her problems, like a coward. She didn't even think about the people that love her and how others would be effected- only about her self. Maybe she thought it was best, but it wasn't. Suicide is never an answer.

I stood up exiting the stall, dragged myself to the sink, running cold water. I splashed my face with it, before staring at myself in the mirror.

I suddenly got an idea, and wiped my face with my sleeve, heading back to the conference room.

When I walked back in, my friends and Producer gave me strange looks.

"I have an idea for a concept, or a story if you will." I said, standing in the door way.

"Suicide awareness."


Ugh this chapter was lowkey all over the place and honestly had way too many phone calls 😂

I'm really sad now as this was really deep, and a sensitive topic.

I want you guys to know that if you ever need anybody to talk to, message me any time. You're not alone <3

I said a few chapters ago that the book is coming to and end, and well there will be one more chapter after this ;-; *cries in dutch*

I don't wanna stop writing this, it's fun :(

But, I will most likely write a sequel ;) any book name ideas??

Have an amazing day / night you lovely organisms!

~ Hailey xx

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