hated ;; septiplier

By bxtchbee

52.3K 2.3K 1.8K

all sean wanted was to be loved and accepted and not bullied and hated. // triggering content ;; attempted su... More

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;; Seven Years Later ;;
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963 50 4
By bxtchbee

3rd Person POV

Mark's heart was racing so fast that he thought his chest would explode. Salty tears were streaming down his face, even though he knew that his boyfriend was okay. "Everything is going to be okay Mark... Trust me. Jack is just fine. He would never do that. To you especially." Mark's mother reassured, squeezing his shaky and clammy hands.

Was it? Was everything really going to be okay? The love of his life is probably already long gone by now. How could she just say that? Mark's thoughts raced around in his head, all of them telling him that Jack's dead. Panic rising in his throat, he quickly got up and ran to the pilot, looking down at the land before him. He knew they were in the UK or Ireland, but he couldn't tell for sure. "FASTER, DAMMIT!" He screamed, sobbing out as his mother pulled him back.

"Mark Edward Fischbach!" She yelled, forcing him to sit down. She couldn't stand seeing her son like that. "Please, listen to me! He is fine!"

"NO HE ISN'T! DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH HE MEANS TO ME?! WHAT HE'S DOING?!" He yelled, getting impatient when he saw his lover's house come into view. "Th-There!" He cried, jumping out of the helicopter as soon as it landed.

"Mark!" His mother yelled at him, quickly jumping out, "Stop!" She yelled, sighing heavily as he saw Mark rip the door open, and Sean's mother yelling at him.

Jack's POV

I gasped as I heard a familiar angelic voice scream my name, immediately hearing my shitty mother figure scream at him. As I heard his mother run into the living room yelling at him, my eyes went wide as I quickly grabbed the razor and slit my wrist, and it was deep. If the rope around my neck didn't kill me, the blood gushing out of my body sure will.

Hearing Mark's heavy footsteps climb up the stairs, I quickly kicked the chair out from underneath me, choking back tears and cries, I gasped for breath, my vision fading to black and then coming back.

Once my body had grown limp, Mark slammed my door open, instantly collapsing and sobbing. "S-Sean!" He wailed, my vision hazy.

"M-Mark... I-I..." I gasped for the breath that I needed so badly. I could feel the blood drip off of my fingertips and onto the dark wooden floor. "I-I... L-Love you... S... So much... I-I'm s-s-sorry..." I can finally feel the pain slip away, finally...

But, just as soon as the pain slipped away, it came back...

Goddammit Mark, can't you just let me have my way this one fucking time?!

I heard him crying, holding my living and barely breathing body close to his chest. Sirens. My mother screaming at people I didn't know. I could barely see but, I saw red and blue flashing lights. Oh no, not again... I can't...

"No! I-I NEED TO DIE!! JUST LET ME FUCKING DIE!" I yell to the best of my abilities, squirming in Mark's grip. I felt myself being placed on something cold and strapped down. "THE WORLD HATES ME, AND I FUCKING HATE THE WORLD. LEAVE ME TO ROT AND DIE!" I scream again, hearing Mark weep and sob. Honestly, it didn't even hurt hearing him in so much pain. It was his fault for falling in love with me in the beginning, anyway.

All I remember is Mark holding my hand tightly, his mother telling him that everything was alright. Then... Everything just went black... They put me to sleep. Just fucking great. Permanently would be better but, at least I get to slip away for a while...

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