Nila dimensions

By nilaxoxo

250 38 1

Recently I find myself being different and people look down on me for it BUT no more! I shall make them see... More

Nila Dimension
what the hell
Wrong turn
new school
witches be bitches
Secret Benefactor (#1)
Secret Benefactor (#2)
Time to train!!
Witch Battles and the Evapue
Times Up!!!
War and Peace

The Finale

6 1 0
By nilaxoxo

"Rhea, Sheela on my count........1........2.......3........GO!!"

They both rush forward to Ember and I run to the dark king. He runs to me and I create a lightening sword. Ember,Rhea and Sheela begin their fight.

He tries to thump me in my jaw but I duck and swing my lightening sword. He jumps over it and while he's in the air kicks my jaw. I try to grab his foot but he kicks me in the chest pushing me back. I stand up and push the sword in the ground. I then channel it to go right where he's standing and if he moves it moves with him.

Great the first part of my plan a success. Now I have to make him lower his guard so I can strike him with it. But how?

Then it clicked. I rush towards him with a stern look on my face. I got an idea and it might work. I summoned a sledge hammer and try to hit him with it but he kicks him down so I surround it with lightening and he gets shocked but jumps off before it became crucial.

"What's your name young one?"

"Melody yours?"

"I am dark king Adrian and I shall ask you once again. Join me and I'll give you eternal life Melody."

"You have to kill me first!"

"Very well, then you shall die right here then!!!"

"We'll see about that."

As I said that he rushes forward and stabbed me with a dagger."

"Melody no!!!" I hear Sheela cry out. She started to run over here but was stopped when Emma appeared in front of her and kicked her back. Rhea was staring at me in horror while trying to control her blood lust.

So here I was bleeding out with my eyelids about to close but I snapped. I started chanting something and I took out the dagger then my wounds healed completely. I couldn't even tell I was stabbed. I looked around and no one was paying attention to me.

Rhea was knocked out by Adrian and Emma was about to kill Sheela. Then I wondered how long I was out? I got up to my knees and checked if the lightening was still under the ground which it was. I then shout "Adrian you cannot win!!!"

Emma and Adrian looked at me shocked I was still alive, Sheela took this as a chance to escape and took off Emma head.

Adrian grew dark "How dare you do that to my beloved Emma. You will pay!!! I will kill all your lo-"

"Go!!" I shouted and stamp my feet on the ground. A large amount of lightening rose from the ground right under Adrian, electricuting him to death.

You win was his last word as his lifeless body drop to the floor. I chanted and used my witch power to fly. Earlier on I used healing powers on my self if I can use that on everybody they'll be free from Adrian dark magic.

I flew high enough so I could see everyone from where I was. I started chanting and my eyes turned green. Strong green waves rippled in the air. Then it was like an explosion of green going down onto the people and they were instantly healed even Rosy. Then the earth started bearing flowers I smiled and descended. As I touched ground everyone started cheering me on and let me tell you it felt good. I looked to the sky and saw daylight was going to come up any time so I rushed to the tower.

I saw a man in black smirking at me like I was a kid that didn't eat a candy that dropped on the ground.

"Hi Melody."

As he moved out the darkness I saw his face. My eyes widened as I scream dad.



Authors note

Hey guys. It's finished. Story done. Oh if your wonder I don't do the 3 years later thing so it's really finished. I might do other stories so plz stay tuned. BYE BYE.


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