disappeared. wowkwan


30.4K 2.7K 2.3K

started 20170730 ended /// ※ "promise me you won't just disappear." More

say the name 17 xvii
xxiv s·


886 81 54

       as he sits outside of the office on the school wooden bench, painted with red and yellow, the colours of his school, his hands fiddle with the straps on his bed. he waited for his eomma to walk out with his hyung and say he was signed out and ready to leave.

     byeongkwan was in the middle of his p.e. class, when his name was called to be escorted to the office, he felt oddly nervous. his eomma didn't tell him of any appointments for him, nor any family meets or planned trips. this was out of the ordinary.

     byeongkwan has his hands folded in his lap. his striped sleeves were pulled over his thumb and knuckles, his sweater paws as seyoon called them this morning. he smiles softly, suddenly remembering last night, which brings him to the thought that he never told a teacher about yoochan yet. his smile drops to a faint line.

      yoochan wasn't here today anyway, byeongkwan wasn't sure why. sick maybe? that was most likely the case. he didn't ask, because he really didn't care, nor did he really remember to tell a teacher as said. he shakes the thought from his head as the door to the main office opens.

     byeongkwan's head turns up to meet the eyes of his mother, two pure brown eyes like his. her soft wrinkles, and her brown hair pulled into a low ponytail. byeongkwan still doesn't see himself looking like a younger version of his father, rather the son of his mother. maybe just because he lost him at such a young age, the man and him became distant, and byeongkwan forgot about him. only his hyung, his eomma and him were in the picture now.

     "let's go sweetie, seyoon's waiting for us at home."

     when his mother mentions seyoon, byeongkwan stands up immediately. the three start to walk toward the main entrance to exit the building and to the parking lot where eomma's beaten up saturn aura was waiting, the dark red paint still shimmering. 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

    the car ride was silent. eomma kept looking at byeongkwan through the rearview mirror, occasionally, byeongkwan would look up to her reflective gaze, and she'd look back down to the road, where the car drives slowly through the traffic on the main street.

     the faint sound of "love sick" by f.t. island was buzzing on the radio, and byeongkwan could hear it from the back of the car. eomma turned the radio down when she turns the car on, the silence making the car ride seem long, and nerve racking. byeongkwan still didn't know why his eomma pulled him out of school, and why his hyung was with her.

    "you'll be dropping me off before you go home right?" hyung pipes up, and eomma nods firmly, keeping her eyes on the road at the moment as the cars in front start moving finally, and the traffic is cleared.

     "off at football (soccer) practise?" byeongkwan questions.

      hyung gives him an eyeroll, and byeongkwan sees it in the reflection of the rearview mirror. "obviously, kwan, where else?"

     "maybe lee jinsu's hous-"

     "hush," hyung spits, and eomma giggles a bit. she knew her eldest liked a girl, and hoped byeongkwan the same, but she didn't exactly know yet.

     the car ride was silent all the way to hyung's football practise field. with that, hyung jumped from the car and popped the trunk open. he pulled his black duffel bag with a white iron-on label on the front, promoting some brand that sells sports' equipment. he waved goodbye to byeongkwan and eomma.

     eomma smiles and watches as hyung runs up to his friends, high fiving with the other teenaged boys and greeting each other like normal. byeongkwan wished he had a team like that, all he really had was seyoon, youngjae and jihoon. and only two were really with him all the time when he needed them.

    eomma pulled out from the parking lot and started to drive up the same road they went down to arrive at the field. her soft hands reach and twist the knob of the radio's volume, the sounds of music filling the car's silence.

     "ballerino" by leessang plays, the slightly more upbeat beat making byeongkwan tap his toe. he listens to the lyrics quietly, and enjoys the ride filled with music home.

      "사랑은 언제나 눈물이 돼." 

     "love always ends in tears."

     "가슴에 남아."

    "but lingers in your heart."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

when writing this, i realised i used my old middle school to imagine byeongkwan's school

w h o o p s

i still do lmao

i want to update

aquiver soon

i'll get to that

but this story is getting good


i had to kind of search for songs made in 2007.

i knew ballerino was made in 2007, but i had to find another lol

they are both good, you should hear them


frien do

frien d.o



k, i'll stop


[i fuCKIng ReaD thROugh thIs sHit anD eDitEd eRrORs, aRe yOU proUd?]

omfg, they are so cute, whY aRen'T tHEy fuCkinG toGethEr yET-

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