Herostuck (Completed)

Od Trash_fire06

6.9K 250 46

This is a book full of villains, heroes, helpers and drama! Secrets, lies and fights will be discovered. Some... Více

Chapter 1 Beta Organization
Chapter 2 Alpha Organization
Chapter 3 Hell Crew
Chapter 4 Spider Fight
Chapter 5 New Villain?
Chapter 6 Captured and Deals
Chapter 7 Stranger?
Chapter 8 Plans and Answers
Chapter 9 Long story
Chapter 10 In Trouble
Chapter 12 Leaving
Chapter 13 Taken
Chapter 14 Creations and Plans
Chapter 15 Explaination
Chapter 16 The Trade
Authors Note
Chapter 17 The Meet Up
Chapter 18 The Fight
Chapter 19 Leaving or Changing?
Chapter 20 Questions Answered
Chapter 21 Switching Sides
Chapter 22 New Life

Chapter 11 New Member?

261 9 4
Od Trash_fire06

(Thank you everyone for over 500+ views!!! Because of this here is an extra long chapter just for you guys!!!)

Zexia's p.o.v.
I followed the three boys to their organization. I wasn't as scared as I was curious but still, I had to watch my back just in case. We get to a forest and under some bushes they open a secret hatch. "Ok, there is no way I'm going down there." I said "I thought you trust us?" John said "I didn't know we were gonna go into the forest and down a creepy basement!" I yelled slightly scared "look, we will go down first and go get jade so we can show you it's safe." Dave said and went down with john while I stayed in the forest with katman. "So... what's your real name?" I ask trying to start a conversation "karkat, your names zexia if I remember right?" He asked "yeah."

"So how do you know dave and john?" He asked

"I just met them, along with jade, this morning. They seemed cool but they were in a big hurry which made me a little skeptical."

"Ok and where did you learn those moves when you were fighting with Vriska or whatever her name is?"

What is this an interview? "My brothers trained me so I can defend myself from humans."

"Wait, only humans?" Karkat asked curiously "My brothers weren't actually treated very well by humans when we were little but I just think they just met the wrong people. Anyways, I only use my fighting techniques for self defense and not only humans." I tell him and he nods. After a minute dave and john came up with jade.

"Hey zexia!" Jade smiled, waving to me

"Hey jade!" I smiled and waved back

"Come on! Everyone wants to see you!" Jade said and went down. Everyone wants to see me? I follow her with the boys behind us. I get to the bottom on the stairs and into this open area with all these people who were apparently waiting for me. I dropped my black bag by the bottom of the stairs so I didn't have to carry it around everywhere. Once the other trolls saw me their expressions dropped, they were all terrified. Have they never met any other troll before me? I think to myself. I was gonna say something until a girl troll with long black hair and dressed in red with a white lab coat came up to me looking all cheery with a skip in her step and a clipboard in her hands. "Hello! I'm aradia! I will be asking you some questions about what you know and I'll give you some answers back!" She smiled brightly. I nodded and she takes me into a room so we can be alone and talk. The room had a long table and two seats like a regular interrogation room. We sat down and started asking each other our questions.

"So I heard you put up a fight with spiderette. How did it start?" Aradia asked her first question.

"At first she came up to me and started talking about some team she was making and when I didn't want to join her she tied up my hands and she started to drag me away but karkat came and tried to save me. Vriska or whatever you call her then pulled a knife on me. She got distracted so I spun around her and had her in between my head and hands but she cut my hands loose and moved away, then she ran towards me with the knife. She got close and I jumped over her. She had dropped these two eight sided dice and karkat told me to throw the dice at her. I thought nothing of it so I did and suddenly it turned into some rope that tied her up. Lastly, john and dave showed up and when we tried to show them vriska, she was gone." I tell her everything and she writes it all down on the clipboard. "Ok, did you know Vriska before today?" "No, I just met her." I answered "so how did you know her name?" She asked "She told me when she introduced herself." I answered again and aradia continues to write it all down.

"What team was vriska trying to make you join?"

"I don't know, she said she was creating a super villain team or something like that."

"Did she mention anyone else's name to you?"

"No." We had went back and forth until it was my turn to ask questions

"So, when did all this 'villain and heroes' thing came to be?" I asked

"We don't know when any of the villains decide to reck havoc on humanity but after they started to exist everyone here decided we should make a hero organization. It started with the four humans, then they asked us trolls one by one and we all said yes. We soon made this bunker and that's how we are here today." She answered back all cheery

"Ok but how long ago did you guys made this organization and what do you mean four humans? I only met three." Right when I mention the four humans her cheeriness faded away for one split second and she quickly putted on a fake smile.

"Did I say four? Oh I'm sorry to confuse you, I meant three, and as for your other question. We came up with the idea of the organization five years ago then we put it into motion when we heard about the villains in New York." She said avoiding my first question. Five years ago?! I was 13 five years ago! "What about school?" "We still had time, plus we all have graduated so it's not that much of a hassle for us anymore." She answered back. "Ok, so how many people are in this organization in total and what are their names?" I asked again. "There are a total of 12 people and their names are a secret but you can always ask them yourself. That's all the questions I have to ask, if you still have more then you can come and find me but right now I gotta get back to the lab." She said but looks down at my shirt with my zodiac sign "your a Capricorn?" "Uh, yeah I am." I said nervously. Usually I would wear a hoodie to cover up my zodiac or wear a different shirt when I go out because I hate it when people think of my ancestor when they see my shirt. I didn't wear one today because I was just gonna go to the park then back home.

"Your not anything like your ancestor? But then again who really is?!" Aradia smiled and skipped out the room. I thought about what she said and smiled, she's right. Not everyone is like their ancestor. I get up and leave the room and look at the huge crowd of trolls from earlier. They looked backed at me still terrified. All except one who came up to me with a bright smile. She had pink everywhere on her and her hair was in a long wavy ponytail. "Hello! I'm feferi! What's your name?" Feferi asked "I'm zexia!" I smiled back at her "see guys! She's good just like me!" Feferi yelled back to the other trolls which made them become less tense. I didn't see the humans anywhere but I just shrugged it off. Soon all the trolls started to come up to me and started to ask me some questions about myself while I did the same. This continued until I started hearing wheels?

"Uh hey, w-what's with all the talking?" I heard a familiar voice say, I look past the crowd and saw tavros?!

"TAVROS?!" I yelled and ran up to him

"ZEXIA?!" He yelled back confused yet happy

I run over to him and hug him. He quickly hugs me back and gives me a bright smile.

"Wait, why are you here? How did you get her?" He said confused and I pull away "I came here with john, dave, and karkat. They brought me here. I had no idea you were a hero!" I smiled

"Well I use to be a hero but ever since my accident I couldn't fight anymore so now I'm more like a supple getter. But I still love it!" He said still happy "well I'm glad to see a familiar face." I say

"How do you guys know each other?" Terezi asked, I think that's what she told me her name was.

"I see tavros down by a convince store I walk to whenever I leave the house. Him and his brother run the store." I say, after a while of talking with the group they start going off in random directions and do whatever heroes do. I just leaned by a wall and see them walk through different doors from time to time. It was silent until I started to here humming. I didn't recognize the voice, it was coming from a door close by. I went inside through the door and followed the humming down the long hallway. I walked down till I came to a corner and once I turned I saw all these jail cells. I looked at the first one and saw a troll sitting down on a bench with their head down, I hid behind the corner so they wouldn't see me. I listen to them humming and realized that it was a boy. He went from humming to singing a sad yet peaceful song.

(Play the song now)

I'm a prince
And I live in a ship
And I aim my rifle
And I shoot from the hip

And I have a friend I pity,
Quite a bit

She said "grab your gun
Let's have some fun,
Share with me your perigees
I have responsibilities, I cannot run!"

"I do not wish the death
Of any living thing,
I might be a killer,
But one day I shall be queen

And put an end to slaughter,
But until then I'm keen
On staking claim to land
And sea and everyfin between."

I played a game with eleven fools
Who told me not to break the rules,
But when have angels ever
helped me yet?

And magic isn't real
And anyway it doesn't matter
Cause no matter what I conjure
It could not help me

Deflect the angry death
Of every hopeful thought
That I might be a lover
Or a fighter but I'm not

In someone's spider web
Or net I could be caught
But I'm too bitter, better off alone,
Guess I forgot~

So what?
Do you want me to say-


Should I apologize, when you ignore me?

I didn't ask to be right or to be-


Or to be hatched into an ugly story

I'm a prince and I had a pair
Of princesses in two sharp squares
But then I guess
I bored them both to death

And now I think my calling is
To break apart and fall to pieces
Better yet invent a
Brand new method of ascension

I'm impressed,
You've managed to survive
But rest assured we'd all be
Better off dead than alive

Cause when they get a-hold of us
We'll all be batter fried
And I'm surprised that nobody
Considered switching sides~

So here I am, respectfully
And royally
Destroying any chance
Of getting back on your good gills

And I don't mean to be hurtful
But if yellows the new purple
Well then bleeding's the new breathing,
Don't you think I will!

I used to wish the death
Of every living thing
I might be your killer
But you'll never be my queen

So put away your laughter,
Pack up your hopes and dreams
I'm done with black back-handing
And red pandering,

It seems that I am just pathetic,
I won't be over looked
I'm part the point of fishing
To get back upon your hook

I've made a manifesto,
I've been bested by a crook,

But never more!
I'm planning on reclaiming
What he took~...

So what?
Did you want me to say-


Should I apologize, when you ignore me?

I didn't ask to be right or to be-


Or to be hatched into an ugly story

To be hatched into an ugly story

Oh my, this pantomime
Is getting, gory...

I'm a prince and I live in a ship~...

I'm a prince and I live in a ship~...

The troll finished his song and stood silent on his bench. I was frozen, I couldn't move and yet I felt a tear roll down my face and onto the floor. The song was so sad and beautiful that it left me speechless. I cleaned up my face and walked around the corner. The troll looked up at me and was surprised. "You have a great voice." I say to him and he blushed a shade of violet. "Uh, thanks." He said looking back down. I went up to the cell and sat down in front of the metal bars, he did the same but he was on the other side. "Who are you?" He asked "a new friend to the hero group." I said back to him "So, what's your name?" I asked him "I'm Eridan Ampora and you are?" He asked back "I'm Zexia." I smiled and held out my hand which he happily grabbed and shaked. I pulled my hand back and asked "why are you in here?"

"Well the heroes caught me."


"I'm a villain and I was fighting a hero. I was winning until another hero came up behind me and knocked me out." Eridan said rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh, does your head hurt?" I ask.

"No, it's ok now. Why are you being nice to me?" He asked.

"I'm always nice to everyone, no matter what or who they are. If I'm nice then they'll be nice back or at least that's what I hope." I smiled to him which made him smile "So, your a Capricorn?" He questioned pointing towards my zodiac on my shirt "Yeah, what's your zodiac?" "Aquarius." He said, wow he's higher than me by one on the hemospectrum. "I feel like I know someone else with the same zodiac and horns but I must be wrong." He said to me. Another troll with the same zodiac and horns? Does he mean my brothers? "Hey can I ask you a question?" Eridan asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Yeah Eridan, what is it?" "What are your quadrants?" He asked, that's the first anyone ever asked me about my quadrants. "Actually, I don't have anyone in any of my quadrants." I say to him a bit embarrassed but honestly it's not my fault. "Really?!" He said surprised, I nodded my head in response.

"I don't have anyone in my quadrants too." He said which surprised me a bit. "Do you wanna maybe become... moirals? I-I m-mean you don't have to! I-I was just asking." He asked, stuttering at his words. He may be a villain but he seems to have a big heart, for a villain. I think for a second before I answer "Sure, I never had one before so I would be glad to have you as my moiral." I smiled to him "I'm honored to be your moiral Zexia." He smiled back but it soon faded when we heard footsteps coming our way.

"ZEXIA?!" I turn around and saw Sollux standing by the hall. I quickly got up and turned to him

"Hey Sollux!" I wave to him, I see Eridan turn his head in disgust when he saw Sollux "Zexia what are you doing here with HIM?!" Sollux questioned "I heard something and I found him in this cell." "Well don't trust what he say, he's a villain and a big loser." Sollux said looking towards him "Oh shut up Sol! Your just jealous that Zexia became moirals with me instead of you!" Eridan shouted "WHAT?!" Sollux yelled and looked over to me "He's harmless Sollux, what is he going to do. He was being nice to me and we became moirals after talking." I say to Sollux "Well he's still a loser."

"Take that back you stupid piss blood!" Eridan yelled

"Oh yeah! Make me fishdick!" Sollux yelled back getting closer to the cell bars

This reaction started to make me laugh which made the two trolls look over at me "What's so funny?" They both asked "you both are acting like kismesis!" I yelled laughing. They both looked at each other and gave each other a disgust look on their faces. They blushed vigorously and looked away from each other. I finally stop laughing and leave them in the room alone.

"Hey Zexia!" I hear someone calling my name and I turn to see John running towards me. "Hey John." I wave to him as he stops right in front of me "I was gonna ask if you wanted to go back to the park with Dave, Jade and I?" He asked "sure but why?" I ask "well I gotta get to the park before eight or my aunt is gonna freak out when she sees I'm not there." "Oh ok well let's go!" I smile and run with him back to Jade and Dave who were already on their way up the stairs. I grabbed my bag by the stairs and start going up. I didn't even realize that they had changed their hero outfits to the clothes they were wearing this morning.

~time skip to the park because your author is lazy!~

We get to the park and it was around 7:50 p.m. Or at least that's what John had said from looking at his phone. Once we get to the park we all sit by a picnic table, John and I on one side and Dave and Jade on the other. "So Zexia, we were thinking if you would want to join us in the beta organization?" Jade asked and everyone looked towards me "I would be honored to join you guys." I smiled to them and they all smiled back "Yay!" Jade yelled "Awesome!" John cheered "Glad to have you on the team." Dave said

"There is one thing though." Jade said "You have to keep this a secret from any of your relatives." Jade said "I promise to keep this a secret." I say and she smiled more "Good." "Oh! By the way, do you have a pesterchum?" John asked "Yeah! Here I'll give you guys mine. It's brightHiddensecrets." I say from my phone and they type it down on their phones. "Well I should be going, I don't want to get in trouble with my brothers for being outside." I say to everyone and get up with my bag on my back "Ok, we'll pester you soon. See ya!" John said getting up and giving me a hug. Dave and Jade soon get up and hug me too which I kindly hug back. Once we all let go and started to walk away from them and they all waved bye to me. After walking down a few blocks and turning a corner down to my street I finally get to my house. I don't have the key since I'm not suppose to even be out so I go around the back and open my window. Once I'm in I shut my window and hide my bag under my bed so my brothers don't see. They should be here in around 9 or 10 if their not too busy at work. I lay on my bed and feel my phone vibrate. I check my pesterchum and saw that someone was pestering and once I found out who it was my heart skipped a beat for some reason.

- -  ectoBiologist  [EB]  began pestering brightHiddensecrets  [BH] at 20:05 - -

EB: hey zexia, it's john from the park!

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