The Other Terran [Peter Quill]

By ColdBastilleMusic

10.2K 266 41

I could remember the way the ocean breeze felt against my skin. The look on my mother's face when she took he... More

Leaving Earth
Talks Of Home
Why The Batteries
god with a small g


820 24 0
By ColdBastilleMusic

Peter POV

"I swear it's the best movie to ever exist." She giggled softly and I coiled her into my arms. It seemed that this feeling would never get old. Other girls I couldn't get away fast enough or get them off the ship fast enough. "Name a better movie I dare you." I whispered against her ear only to watch the goose bumps rise.

"I could name about a hundred. Come on we've gotta get out of bed the others will be back any minute I'm sure." I huffed playfully as she pushed me back and slipped into her clothes only after tugging off her lingerie top she'd put on after so she was at least convered. I sluggishly slipped on my pants and t-shirt before glancing to her. She had me completely pulled me into her web so to speak. I grabbed my jacket and headed to the main part of the ship, thankfully no one was back so I snatched her jacket from the floor. It had her arrow tucked into the pocket and it looked like Yondu's except more feminine and more decorative. Gold etching along the tip of the arrow.

" He gave it to me when I was ten as a toy." She laughed softly and stood beside me. " My mother was scared, but she knew I couldn't use it unless I was modified. She was so angry when I finally did get modified. It was only then did it cross my mind that she expected me to stay with her on earth." I slipped her jacket on her before handing her back the arrow.

"Is that why you stayed for so long?"

"When she got sick I felt like I had to and Yondu wanted to be there for her. Once she got stuck in the hospital he couldn't visit her anymore. I think it broke his heart after that and she told him to move on. He did, but he visited me when he could."

"And what did you do on earth?"

"I was a dancer." She laughed slightly, almost chuckling at a thought.

"Like a dancer or exotic dancer."

"Exotic dancer. It was awful, I got into trouble so many times. Yondu never knew." She adjusted my jacket before glancing up at me. "He was always there though when I got my heart broken." I raised my hand to stroke her cheek, gently stroking it with my thumb.

"This all just made me realize sooner or later we'll have to tell Yondu about us. If there is a us."

"Mmm I think I'll leave that up to you Starlord." She smirked and pulled away, fixing her own jacket as the sounds of the door began to echo. We were interrupted when Rocket and the others walked in and Gamora stopped in front of me.

"I found where Nebula is, the Sovereign have her and are willing to make a trade."

"Hundred thousand units." Rocket grinned before wandering to the front of the ship, yet a Nova Corp ship landed beside the ship. I tilted my head as a white haired woman walked off the ship towards ours, stopping by the entrance. I looked to Kristin before going to the space door and opening it.

"Can I help you."

"You don't think I know who is on this ship?" She peaked around me and looked to the other Terran. "Yondu Odonta's daughter. One of this galaxies many secrets."

"How do you-" I started.

"Like I said one of the galaxies many secrets." She walked around me and looked into Nova Prime's eyes as she smirked slightly. "You surely are Yondu's daughter. I can see his blood running through your veins. " She reached out to touch Kristin yet she disappeared and appeared beside her. The other Nova corp raised their guns and she chuckled. "Do not waste your time, you'll never be able to hit her." She scanned her eyes as I smirked slightly.

"I may be part Terran, but my father did not raise a fool." She laughed weakly before handing Kristin a file.

"Hence why I'm giving you this. Someone has a bounty on you at the end of the galaxy. A man. I know nothing really about him, but he requested someone of your kind. You have some powers that are hard to find. Part Terran and part Centaurian. Two species whom tend to hate each other. Centaurians tend to eat Terran as a animalistic species." She shrugged and glanced at the folder, there wasn't much but a price to which she closed the file and nodded.

"Well thank you Nova prime. I appreciate this." She gave a nod before walking away as I closed the door.

"What just happened?" Rocket snickered. "She's never nice!"

"What's the bounty on your head?" Gamora motioned to the file as Kristin opened it once more.

"One million units if he gets me alive." She tossed it onto the table before walking to the front of the ship with Groot on her shoulder. "Let's get out of her she gives me the creeps."

"What are the creeps?" Drax sat down nearby me as Kristi looked to me for a moment.

"It means she makes me um- feel weirded out. Like creeped out."

"Why would one not just stay creeped out?" Drax questioned as I sighed.

"Another figure of speech Drax." I sat beside her and pulled her feet onto my lap, letting Rocket fly the ship. My fingers traced along the scar at her ankle, sighing softly.

"I am Groot."

"WHAT?!" Rocket bursted out laughing as I huffed. "I knew it!"

"Knew what?!" She hollered back before huffing.

"Groot says Quill has feeling for you." I rolled my eyes before tapping my fingers absentmindedly against her leg.

"It seems the two have mated." Drax stated as she laughed, holding a hand on her stomach.

"Alright Jesus!" I covered my face with one of my hands as she continued to laugh before speaking.

"What gave it away Groot?" Groot walked across the table and pointed to my neck. I grabbed a spoon and used it as a mirror before looking to her as she continued to laugh. She'd marked her territory that was for sure.

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