Kevindd story

By pearlshipping15

51.6K 1.7K 185

Kevdd. Kevin is falling geometry and he gets a tutor and the tutor is doubled. He started to fall for him but... More

Edd pov
kevin pov
Doubled pov
kevin pov
doubledork pov
kevin pov
Edd pov
kevin pov
edd pov
kevin pov
eddy pov
Kevin pov
edd pov
kevin pov
edd pov
kevin pov
Edd pov
Kevin pov
edd pov
kevin pov
edd pov
Sarah pov
Edd pov
kevin pov
sarah pov
kevin pov
edd pov
kevin pov
edd pov
Kevin pov
Eddy pov
Edd pov
edd pov
Emily pov
Author note

Kevindd story

4.8K 100 4
By pearlshipping15

Kevinxdd is the paring of Kevin and doubled from ededdeddy.
Read at your own risk.
Remember to comment and vote!!!!


I watch as eddy get pushed into a locker. "Oh dear it seems that they shoved me... can somebody help me out please"he said

I waited until they left and helped him out. I slammed the locker and he slammed into me. "I'm ever so sorry about this Ed".

Ughh he thought I was Ed. "I'm not"ed I said. "Oh dear I'm sorry Kevin I mistook you for Ed" he said while Bowing his head.

"No problem dork" I said while putting my hands in my pocket. "Well I better be off , I will be late to class" he said.

"Dork! class doesn't start until 9 and it's 8". "Oh no, It's already 8.. Farewell Kevin"he said as he ran down the halls.

I turn to see nazz, we been best friend seen we were kids. People thins we date but we are Just friends.

She pulled me in for a hug and boys started to yell and says like "GET it kev". I flicked them off and we walked to class.

Nazz had been my first kiss and I. Truthfully thought it was ok. My brother use to tell me that kissing someone for the first time

Is suppose to give you fireworks and sparks. But there was never any fireworks with her.

there a cliche that the captain of the football team and the captain of the cheerleading team are suppose to hook up. But It ain't bout to happen between me and nazz.

I walk into class and my teacher says "Kevin may you come up here" he said. I walked over to him and says "sup teach".

He signed and said "you are current failing geometry and if you fail you can not play in the big game". "So what can I do to pass, so I can play "I asked him.

" I will assign you a tutor from my ap geometry class and he will tutor you and prepare you for the big test on in August" he says while smiling. I nodded and for the first time I didn't fall asleep in geometry.

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