Under The Stars

By bbtashae

143K 3.4K 660

(HGXSS) It all starts with a Detention occupied by Severus Snape himself. Hermione and Severus grow close ove... More

Slow Dance
Horrors of the Past
Dark Mark
To Good To Be True
Growing So Close
Heal Me
Mistaken Identity
More Secrets
Damage Control
Never Give Up
Don't Forget Me
New Found Acquaintance
Author S
An Awakening Spirit
Let Me Help You
Love Me Again
Out In The Open
Innocent Or Guilty?
A Drunken Duel
A Christmas Surprise

Dans Le Noir

3.3K 98 21
By bbtashae

Chapter 18

It was Thursday afternoon. After a long exhausting morning at work, Hermione went home and called Ginny to accompany her at her search for proper dress. She even skipped lunch as her excitement for her date with Author S got the best of her.

Ginny was glad to be there with Hermione, they hadn't talked for a while due to their jobs and full schedules. She made Hermione try every single dress she could find, but everything was just too much for Hermione.

"Ginny. I can't wear this dress! My legs are showing too much and it doesn't cover my breasts!" Hermione protested against her own will.

"That's the point 'Mione!" Ginny said looking at her friend in a tight black dress, something what a prostitute would wear on a night out.

"No its not! I want a dress that describes me. Not a silly girl that's searching for a one-night stand!" Hermione overreacted.

Ginny scowled at her but she knew Hermione was right. She was never too fond of revealing dresses. After an hour of searching, they finally found a knee length silky scarlet dress that made Hermione look like a goddess walking among plain humans.

"I don't even know why I'm making such a fuss. Its only dinner"

"You're going to look amazing."

"He's not even going to see me. We are meeting up at that Dans Le Noir restaurant." Hermione explained whilst she headed back to the changing room.

"Dan lar- what?" Ginny was taken by surprise from the French pronunciation.

"Dans Le Noir, its French for 'in the dark'. We will be dining in absolute darkness. 'It will change your perspective of the world by inverting your point of view. It is a sensory experience that awakes your senses and enables you to completely re-evaluate your perception of taste and smell'" Hermione explained as she quoted her research on the restaurant.

By Ginny's silence from behind the curtain, Hermione knew she was shocked.

"At least that's what it said on the website."

"Sounds fascinating." Ginny bluntly stated.

"Urghh I really want him to like me!" Hermione said as she dragged the curtain open.

"Hermione he will be drooling over you, all night long. Just please, be careful" Ginny told her friend as they purchased the dress.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, just something feels wrong about him. I know he's intelligent and as witty as you are, but he is still a stranger. It just seems too good to be true that's all. Be careful alright?"

"I will Ginny, don't worry it's just dinner and a conversation. Nothing more. I promise."

They paid for the dress and left the shop. Heading for a nearby café, where Ron and Harry were waiting for them.

The next day couldn't come quick enough for Hermione. Even her workday had flown by, due to her excitement. Usually her day would drag and feel like she's been there for ages. But it was soon over and she headed home to get ready for her night out.

Hermione stood in front of the bathroom mirror, after her shower and applied some moisture to her skin. She then started on her makeup, making her look prettier than she already was naturally.

Once her face was full of cosmetics, she then decided on what shoes and jacket would go best with her dress. She opted for her black strapped heels and her black thin shawl. Hermione got dressed and observed herself throughout the full length mirror. She had to admit, she would make an impression. But this wasn't a normal date, so she had to put her mind to the test and dazzle him with her witty conversation.

She checked the time before she headed out the door. It was 7:30 and she had to travel there by taxi, as she had never actually visited the place before now. Her heart was pounding vigorously against her chest. What if he wasn't what she thought? What if he was a low life, self-centred-

Her thoughts were put on hold, as the taxi came to a stop. She noticed the black writing that lit up on the front of the restaurant, the restaurant looked cute from the window. As she paid her taxi and stood before the buildings entrance, it looked a little more intimidating. Her nerves were getting the best of her.

She plucked up her Gryffindor courage and entered through the glass doors. She walked over to the desk, as she fidgeted with her handbag.

"Hi there, have you made a reservation?" The receptionist patiently asked.

"Yes. It should be under Granger?" Hermione unsurely queried, hoping she had got it right.

"Oh yes. Granger for 2 people. Your dates already waiting for you."

Hermione's heart pumped harder now, as she knew he was in the same building. The receptionist gestured her hand to the waiter standing at the side.

"Waiter Renee, will show you to your table." Hermione looked over at the young girl just a few years older than her. She wore all black sunglasses that blocked out the light. Hermione presumed she was blind, as the walking stick in her hand gave it away.

"If you would take my shoulder miss and I will lead you into the back" The waiter explained, as Hermione reached for her shoulder. They entered through a curtain that was draped over the doorframe. Hermione followed closely as they were now in complete darkness.

"Be careful, it's quite dark in here. Just stick to me and you will arrive at your table safely." The waiter said guiding Hermione gradually over to her table at the back of the room.

Even though she was in complete darkness, Hermione could still hear couples wining and dining. The restaurant seemed to be at its peak of the night. The atmosphere was more calming, as no one could see how nervous she looked. She continued to clutch the waiters shoulder and followed her closely. Hoping she wouldn't bump into anyone's table or trip over someone's chair.

With her luck she made it to her seat safely.

"Would you like anything to drink Miss?" Waiter Renee asked. Unaware of standing fairly close to the table.

"Glass of white wine please." She replied happily, sinking into the cushioned booth.

"And you sir?"

"The same please." The man finally spoke from opposite her. To Hermione's surprise his voice was slightly rougher than she expected.

After they ordered their drinks, she was instantly greeted by her date, himself.

"Hello Miss Granger, it's so nice to meet you" His voice woke something familiar inside her, but it was quickly forgotten about.

"Well, due to the circumstances. It is really nice to meet you too, Sir."

"Please, do not call me sir. We are both grownups here. Call me Tobias."

The name triggered an alarm in Hermione's mind. She was extremely sure; she had heard it before somewhere. Although she couldn't recall where exactly.

''Tobias then. I'm so glad you accepted my invitation, I didn't really think you would come'' her voice was full of her awkwardness

''I wouldn't miss the chance to meet the brightest witch I've ever met for the world, Miss Granger''

If he was able to see her, he would have notice her cheeks going red or her eyes shine with flattery and joy.

''You're flattering me Tobias. Please, you can call me Hermione. It's only fair''

The waiter came back with their drinks, thankfully no slippages were made within the process. The couple ordered their meals straight after. Hermione held the single lamented menu in her hand, as she observed the aluminous writing that presented the available meals.

Hermione took time in deciding what she would like, but to her rescue. Her date took charge and order her food for her.

"The usual for both of us please Renee, but make sure my dates steak is cooked medium rare. Thank you." He handed the waiter back the menus, with Hermione still in shock.

How did he know how she liked her steak? And everything else she liked. She was impressed by his control and confidence.

"Of course Sir" Renee walked away bumping into someone else's table as she made her way to the kitchen.

"That was..." She couldn't find the words to explain her amazement.

"Impressive?" he asked smirking into his wine.

"Very. How do you know what I like?" she asked with curiosity.

"Just a guess."

Hermione couldn't help her smile; she was so glad that he couldn't see it. As it would be too embarrassing for her to be, so awestricken with the man at such an early point in their date.

Throughout their conversation they talked about their letters. At some point they were quietly sipping their drinks, hearing other couples talking, words of love, despair, anger or even betrayal. By the time the awkwardness increased the mysterious author broke the ice.

''The idea about the wolfsbane potion was entirely yours Miss- Hermione?'' he asked with interest.

''Of course, I would never share an idea that wasn't mine, Tobias!'' Her voice sounded angrier than she intended and he stiffened although she wasn't able to see it.

''My apologies if I insulted you Hermione. It wasn't my intention too. I was just trying to break the ice'' his silky voice grew softer

She was easily drawn into his tone. She couldn't help but get more attached. ''I'm sorry I overreacted you have every right to question my ideas since you do not know me''

''Well that can be easily fixed. I just have to get to know you then!''

She doubted if the darkness was enough to hide the over joyed smile that had formed on her lips ''So, how is the potion going?''

''Amazingly. I've never thought about using aconite fluid before. It was a brilliant idea that might help a lot of people in the future. You should be really proud''

The conversation was relaxing, and without realizing it they were talking about his book, potions, expensive or rare ingredients and his current research. As the night proceeded the awkwardness was completely gone, and the couple was chatting about their lives and their plans for the future.

"and then my friend George was consistent that it they would never disappear, but I told him. I knew easily how to get rid of them. Umbridge walked around school with them boils on her face all week. It was the highlight of my fifth year" Hermione laughed at her own story, revisiting one of her old amusing memories.

"You such a little know it all, aren't you?" The author laughed along with his date, quite amused by her stories.

Hermione choked on her wine at his statement. She heard anyone call her that for 6 years. Her date seemed to shift uncomfortably in his seat now.

"Excuse me?" she asked in between her coughs.

"It was just a turn of phrase. I just meant that even at a young age, you were always quite precocious." Her date seemed to start stammering with his words.

Hermione just pushed it to the side and carried on their conversation, she was surprised it was going so well.

Hermione left the restaurant in such a good mood. She hadn't felt like that in years. His mind was intelligent and his manners those of a gentleman. He paid for the meal and she departed first always respecting his wish for anonymity. She would definitely prove Ginny wrong next time she saw her.

She was so excited with the meal, that she felt that a walk home was good to run her mind over the night she just had. She didn't realize though that two black hooded figures were following her. She turned into an alleyway that she knew was the quickest way home, her heart pumped against her chest like before. Not because she was nervous, but because she was scared.

After a few steps into the alleyway her senses were alarming her about the two figures following her. Before she could react one of them stepped in front of her and the other violently grabbed her hands. They reached into her handbag and found what they were looking for. They through the two pieces of snapped wood on the floor, after they broke her wand in half.

''Well well, what do we have here? Harry Potters' old sidekick mudblood''

''Where's your saviour now little filth? Who's gonna save you now?''

She tried to scream but they had already cast a nonverbal silence spell, she screamed, and screamed but there was nothing coming out. She was trapped and there was no way out. Everything she tried to avoid for years. All the times she did her best to keep her head down, came back to haunt her for how careful she always was.

''It's not going to work little mudblood, this time you're going to learn your place''

One of them ripped her clothes, the other still holding her hands firmly in place. His stinky breath was hot on her neck and she wanted to vomit. She felt dizzy until two hands started touching and violating her body brought her back. They rammed her body and hit her head into the wall, she was now pressed against.

She jerked in order to avoid them, but there was nothing she could do. When she tried to escape again the taller wizard drew out his wand, ''Well, you have to take a lesson tonight little scum, CRUCIO''

Her body jerked back as she pummelled to the pavement. She bit her tongue so hard that blood flooded her mouth. When the spell stopped she sighted in relief.

''I don't think she learned her lesson yet'' Before she had the chance to recover, a boot found its way to her stomach.

She rolled over in pain, but the boot this time aimed her ribs and then her back. At that moment she heard screams, her eyes closed in order to bear the pain. More screams and this time her eyes flew open.

Before she was hit with a stunning spell, she saw a tall black figure, disarming the two men that now had their attention. She tried to keep her eyes open, but the stunning spell won the fight with her consciousness and everything went black.

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