Remember Me ✅

By ChicaFenty

18K 1.5K 38

Kehlani and Rihanna amnesia story. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Eight

1K 92 1
By ChicaFenty


Rihanna felt arms wrap around her waist from the behind and a familiar smell filled her nostrils. She sighed, closing her eyes as a head was rested on her back.

"What are you making?"

"Bajan breakfast." She responded while turning off the stove. She continued to stir the eggs in the skillet before placing it in another skillet and mixing it. Kehlani inhaled the smell, licking over her lips.

"It smells delicious."

"It is gonna be delicious." Rihanna turned around and looked down at Kehlani. "It's one of ya' favorite dishes." A frown spread across Kehlani's face and they soon sat down at the island with plates in front of them and Morgan on Kehlani's lap.

"So I was thinking, maybe we should take Morgan to the 'Baby Zone'." Kehlani said.

"The 'Baby Zone'?"

"Yeah, its like a baby free place for baby's to play around at."

Robyn turned her head to look around the living room filled with baby toys and the ones that sat on top of the counter. "I know what the Baby Zone is its just-Um...don't ya' think she could play 'round 'ere?"

"She could but..she has to get out." Kehlani argued.

"And go whea'? She only 5 months old, who she gotta go see?" Rihanna fought back.

"No one, why can't you just let her have fun and experience the baby life?"

"The baby life? Kehlani, she's only 5 months, she's already expericencing it now." Kehlani sighed, slouching down some with the baby still in her hands, completely oblivious to what her mother's we're arguing about.

Robyn rolled her eyes, Kehlani had gone into the second stage of getting her memory back, and that of course included, her sensitive feelings. She had sensitive feelings about everything and Robyn was not ready for it; at all.

The sound of a buzzer snapped the couple out of their argument in the kitchen. Franklin barking at whoever decided to show up and wake him from his sleep.

"I'll get it." Rihanna said standing up and moving away from Kehlani, giving Morgan a kiss on her forehead, Kehlani the same.

She looked at the cameras first seeing that it had been the bodyguard. She rang the gate, letting him in and waited from him to come up. Once he did, he entered in the side door and got down to business with the singer.

"Morning Mrs. Fenty." He said nodding to Kehlani and Morgan before turning his attention to Rihanna. "I had caught paparazzi outside the gate a while ago looking for pictures. They seem to be focused on you two after your shared lunch with her days ago. Do I need to do anything about it?"

Robyn thought for a moment. She did have to throw a shoe at an onlooker outside her window then have him arrested from trying to sneak inside.

"Yes, thank ya' Marcus." He nodded, leaving afterwards. Rihanna sighed sitting down on the couch with Kehlani.

"What do we need to do?" Kehlani asked. Getting familiar with the situation was hard. Kehlani didn't know being famous or marrying a really famous singer would cause all of this trouble. With her memories gone, she's had to adjust to a lot of things she's already adjusted to. Kehlani knew what had to be done.

"Nothing, ya' jus' sit ya' pretty self 'ere with da' baby cause I needa go grocery shopping." Kehlani cheesed, leaning over to peck Robyn on the lips.

Adjusted to her lips.
Familiar with her chapstick.
Known with her plumped lips.

Kehlani lets her lips linger on Robyn until she finally pulls away. A goofy grin eating her face. "How about we go grocery shopping."

"We?" Kehlani nodded, motioning between her, Robyn and Morgan. "As a family?"

"Yes Robbie, as a family. And a great way for Morgan to get out." Robyn rolled her eyes, but smiled cause she knew Kehlani wasn't going to let the topic go until it happened. She's that stubborn. Robyn missed her stubborness that she turned into mushiness.



*hits notes badly*

Robyn cringed turning off the radio once they pulled up to Erewhon Market. She's been stuck in the car with Kehlani and her purposely bad singing for the past 20 minutes. They got out, same routine from last time and started walking inside, getting a few glances from other passing celebrities or just insanely rich people.

Kehlani sat Morgan in the seat on the basket, tickling her stomach to get her comfortable. Morgan giggled, slapping at her hands which caused Kehlani to smile at her adorably and her cute giggle.

She began pushing the basket around, following Rihanna who looked curiously at the food in front of them. "Babe?"


"We need some more food for Morgan. Organic remember?" Robyn nodded her head feeling Kehlani slip her phone from her jeans pocket, cluelessly not knowing what the girl is doing. Probably taking pictures or playing a game.

"This is boring." She said after some time.

"I told ya' not ta' come." Kehlani pouted as they turned into an isle. Shelves filling woth cereal boxes and chips. Kehlani frowned, that is not how it goes. "Don' ya' pout babygirl."

"But I'm bored. Entertain me." Robyn chuckled going to stand in front of Kehlani as the baby watched curiously. Robyn tapped Kehlani's nose, making her face scrunch up before leaning down to kiss her. Kehlani invited her lips to her own, kissing her back gently. Robyn pulled away and Kehlani stood up on her tippy toes to kiss her again. Pulling away for good this time. Kehlani turned back to Morgan with her head down, a deep blush on her face and a face eating grin also. Robyn stood back over by the cereal, face smiling like crazy and blushing nonstop.

They spent an hour and 30 minutes in the store, leaving when they had everything they wanted. Including the things they we're never going to acknowledge, but thought so because it was there. The trunk of the black Proshe was loaded with groceries and half of the backseat also. A passed out Morgan along with Kehlani let Rihanna drive in peace.

In peace. That's what Kehlani felt at this moment. She was in space with Robyn.

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