The Baby Project *unfinished...

By Tammie_Rose

239K 7.6K 899

Maya is just an ordinary teenage girl. She's finally a Junior at Oakwood Highschool and what's even better is... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Update thingy
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Massive Apologies
Chapter Thirty Two
The End of an Era

Chapter Nine

7.5K 274 9
By Tammie_Rose

Tyson was leaning aginst the table, the water from his glass emptying slowly as he gulped it down.

Where was I meant to begin?! I can't just go up to him and ask, 'oh hey Tyson, why was I naked in bed this morning?'. He'd think I was so sort of weirdo. I sighed, raking through my brain for ideas. Thoughts. Words. I didn't realised I was staring at him untill he started speaking.

"Like what you see, Princess?" he said smartly, his eyes strained on me. I suddenly looked away, feeling my cheeks burn.

"You wish." was all I replied with, still leaning against the fridge. My eyes had settled on a picture on the wall, a small photograph of the beach. People laying on towels, the waves crashing to the shore. I desperately wished I was there, instead of stuck in a small house with Tyson and experiencing my first hangover. But after a while I forcefully pulled my eyes away and let them settle back onto Tyson. I didn't know how I was going to ask this question, but I'd just have to get it over and done with.

"Why was I naked in bed this morning." The words slipped out fast and painfully. My head throbbed from the sudden impact on my brain and I rubbed my forehead groggily, lettting my eyes fall onto the fall. 

I didn't hear anything, a few minutes passed by and still the room was silent. I didn't want to look up, didn't want to see the smart grin Tyson was giving me.. but I couldn't just stare at the floor all day. So I did, I lifted my face and glanced at Tyson. He was looking at me confusingly, he had stopped drinking and was just holding the glass, like he had frozen or something. I didn't know what to do, so I just stood there awkwardly. One minute passed, two minutes passed. Three and still no words came from Tyson. I opened my mouth to begin to say something when I suddenly heard laughter. I turned my head and strained my eyes on Tyson. He was laughing at me. His loud, cheeky laugh was echoing off the walls.

I could feel my cheeks burn, and I couldn't take it anymore. It amazes me that some boys have no respect for girls whatsoever. I felt like walking over there and punching him in the face. His laugh grew louder with every second that passed, and finally I had enough. I was so grateful when Lilly started crying, it gave me an excuse to live.

"Asshole." I muttered as I left the room quickly, trying not to loose my footing. I walked over to her cot and looked down. Lilly's face was red and flushed, she was squirming around under her blanket. Her pacifier had been spit out and was now lying on the other side of her mattress.

I cooed to her as I picked the baby up, rocking her in my arms while doing so. From the smell, she clearly didn't need a change. Maybe she was hungry? Yes that was probably it. I was about to go grab her bottle from it's usual place on the table when I realised something. I had washed it yesterday,so it was still in the kitchen. Lilly had stopped crying when I picked her up, she was no making small whining noises. I could still hear Tyson's laughter from the kitchen. I'd wait untill it stopped, then I'd go make her a bottle. So I stood there, in the middle of the loungeroom, shuffling Lilly around in my arms. I stayed in that spot untill the laughter died down, and then it stopped alltogether.

"Okay Lilly, let's go make you a bottle." I whispered, walking softly away from the loungeroom and into the kitchen. I didn't even stop to look at Tyson as I grabbed the bottle from the sink. It had dried, so I didn't have to worry about drying it. Shifting Lilly into one arm I tried to get the formula out of the can, but it was hard to do that when you were trying to support a heavy baby at the same time.

"Here." I heard Tyson say behind me, and suddenly Lilly was lifted from my arms. I looked around quickly, Tyson had her curled up against his chest. I had to admit, it was probably the cutest thing I had ever seen. I couldn't help but smile as I turned away and began to make Lilly's bottle again. It was much easier with two free hands. 

Eventually the bottle was made and heated. I grabbed it from the microwave and turned around to face Tyson. I held out my arm and waited for him to give me back the baby. He looked up for a second before he focused his eyes back on the baby.

"Actually, can I do it?" he asked, reaching out one hand for the bottle. I raised an eyebrow. Tyson wasn't acting like Tyson right now. But I gave him the bottle. I was about to leave, maybe go change into some new clothes, when I suddenly remembered the question I had asked earlier.

"Tyson I just want to know." I said quietly, looking at him with a confused look on my face.

"I can't remember anything from Last night so I just need to know if there's any chance that I could be pregnant, or if know." The words sounded stupid and foolish, esspecially coming from my mouth. I was the school's good girl, never stepped out of place. Here was I was with a hangover, alcohol stench coming from my clothes and asking the school's bad guy if there was any change he got me pregnant. In my brain I was laughing, but it really wasn't a laughing matter.

Tyson had shifted Lilly untill she was cradled into one arm, her then began to give her the bottle. She took in her mouth appreciately, and started to gulp down the milk. Only then did Tyson look at me.

"Look Maya," he begun. I couldn't help but realised it was the first time he formally used my real name, "I'm like you. I can't remember anything from last night. But I'm pretty sure there was no way I would have slept with you. You aren't my type, even if I was drunk." And that was it, that was all that came out of his mouth. It sounded like he meant it, he wasn't being a smart arse. 

"Okay." I said simply, turning and exiting the room. Now, it was time to get changed. I stunk.

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