avatar x fairy tale

By lunakokosonova

26.7K 545 252

During the job, Lucy fell of cliff and was telleported to word of avatar. I am right now doing an rewrite of... More

Wrong Job
Girl From Stars
Girl From Different World
Funny fishing
Meeting Avatar
Air Bender
Ship Of Fire Nation
Not An Update
Avatar State
Sauthern Air Temple
Kyoshi Island
3 Tests
Prison Of Earth Benders Part 2
So Sorry
Last Part Of the Prison Of Earth Benders
End Or Continue
New story
So Yeah
Ok So
The Final End
Go... Just Go

Prison of Earthbenders

487 17 7
By lunakokosonova

The gang are in a forest canopy with a little stream that exits the ground from under a stone ledge and Katara is folding her sleeping bag  while Sokka is also laying on another stone patio  while Katara fold her sleeping bag while Momo are watching Aang teaching Lucy Airbending.

"Are you sure this can work?" Lucy asked.

"It should. King Bumi did say you gotta learn the three elements of your choosing and you chose Airbending and Waterbending. Since I'm the last Airbender, I can help you learn it." Aang said.

"Okay." Lucy said.

"Now, I want you to try and blow me away. Concentrate your stance and focus your mind." Aang said.

Lucy gets into an Airbending stance Aang showed her and she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath and focuses her mind like Aang said and by the time wind passes her and she feels it she opens her eyes and twirls her hands around the air while still feeling the wind and then she creates and unleashes a gust of wind from her palms and at Aang who gets knocked into the air by the gust of wind but he creates an airball under him and he gently lands into the little stream and he dissipates the airball.

"You did it, Lucy!" Aang said.

"Sounds like you're already mastering it." Katara said.

"This is only my first time doing this. I still have a lot to learn about bending and getting used to it." Lucy said.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, Lucy. You're just starting to learn how to bend." Aang said.

"he 's right. Even I'm not the master of Waterbending. You still did a great job getting Aang with that gust of wind." Katara said.

"Thanks, guys." Lucy said and they see Sokka arriving behind Katara and he's holding a sack.

"Great! You're back! What's for dinner?" Aang asked as Sokka opens the sack and lets out what look like small nuts on a stone patio.

"We only got a few options. First, round nuts and some kind of oval shaped nuts and some rock shaped nuts that...might just be rocks. Dig in." Sokka said as he takes a rock shaped nut and throws it over his shoulder and it lands next to Momo  and everyone looks at Sokka.

"Seriously. What else you got?" Lucy asked and Sokka looks at the sack hoping there would be something else.

Momo  is looking at the rock nut and Momo chitters and  taps the rock nut on a nearby stone with no effect.

all the sudden a huge startling noise is heard and everyone looks at where the noise is coming from.

"What was that?" Lucy asked.

Momo  drops the rock nut on the stone and then the same noise is heard again startling  Momo again and everyone hears the noise again.

"I think it's coming from over there!" Lucy said pointing at a ledge and she goes there and Aang, Katara and Momo follow her leaving Sokka.

"Should we run away from huge booms? Not follow them?" Sokka asked waving at them.

"Shut up and follow us!" Lucy called.

"Yes, ma'am." Sokka said as he quickly runs to follow.

The gang see a fallen tree in an area and behind it they look down to see a river bed that has been reduced to a small stream and on the river bed they see what looks like a boy and he's moving a boulder around the river bed.

"Whoa!" Aang said.

"An Earthbender!" Katara said.

"Just like Bumi." Lucy said.

"Let's go meet him!" Aang said.

"He looks dangerous. We should approach cautiously." Sokka said.

"Hi there! I'm Katara ! What's your name?" Katara asked who already left behind the broken tree and is in the river bed trying to meet the Earthbending boy.

The Earthbending boy looks at Katara with shock and he drops the boulder he was moving around and he runs back down the river bed.

"I just wanted to talk to you!" Katara said but they see that the boy has bent a load of rocks into the river bed blocking the two.

"Yeah. Nice to meet you too." Sokka said.

"I just wanted to say hi." Katara said looking downcast.

"Don't worry, Katara . I'm sure that guy's running somewhere." Aang said.

"He might be right. We could be close to a village." Sokka said.

"And if there's a village, then there has to be a marketplace." Katara said.

"Which means no nuts for dinner!" Lusy cheered.

"Come on. Let's go." Katara said as she, Aang,  and Momo left leaving Sokka and Lucy .

"Hey! I worked hard to get those nuts!" Sokka yelled.

"Did you really wanted to have nuts for dinner?" Lusy asked.

"No. I hated 'em too." Sokka answered and the two go join the others.

The gang arrive at a walled Earth Kingdom village in a steep valley and they're in a marketplace and Aang  is at a stall trying on new hats.

"Nice hats, Trade ya for some nuts." Aang said and he turn to Sokka with the hat on their heads and Sokka.

Lucy looks around the village and she sees the Earthbending boy from the river bed entering a village.

"You found him?" Katara asked.

"Yes." Lucy answered.

The boy is in a long and empty room and walks to a woman.

"Hi, Mom." The boy said calling the woman his mother.

"Haru! Where have you been? You're late. Get started on your chores." The woman said and boy named Haru was about to do his chores but then Wendy and Katara enter the building.

"Hey! You're that kid." Katara said.

"Why did you run from us?" Lucy asked.

"Uh, you must have gotten me confused with some other kid." Haru said as the others enter.

"No they don't. We saw you Earthbending." Sokka said causing Haru's mother to be in shock as she closes the door and shuts the windows.

"They saw you doing what?" Haru's mother asked still in shock.

"They're crazy, Mom. I mean, look at how they're dressed." Haru said as the gang look at their clothing.

"Nothing's wrong with our clothing." Lucy said.

"Haru, you know how dangerous Earthbending is. You know what would happen if you get caught." Haru's mother said and a knocking on the door is heard.

"Open up!" A voice demanded and Lucy opens the blinds of the window to see soldiers.

"Fire Nation!" Lucy said.

"Act natural!" Aang said.

Haru's mother opens the door letting the Fire Nation soldiers in and they see everyone in freeze frame 'normal' poses and then the top of a barrel Sokka is leaning upon shifts causing Sokka to fall over while his hand goes into the water of the barrel and Haru's mother turns back to the soldiers.

"What do you want? I've already paid you this week." Haru's mother said.

"The tax just doubled. Wouldn't want an accident, would we?" The Fire soldier asked as he makes a fireball in his palm while smirking making everyone step back "Fire is sometimes hard to control." The Fire soldier said and Haru's mother goes for a small chest and she opens it and takes out some coins and gives them to the Fire soldier who drops some of the small ones on the ground. "Keep the copper ones." The Fire soldier said as he leaves the building making everyone unhappy while Haru's mother picks up the copper coins.

"Nice guy." Sokka said sarcastically.

"How long has the Fire Nation been here?" Lucy asked.

"Five years. Fire Lord Ozai uses our town's coal mines to fuel his ships." Haru's mother explained.

"They're thugs and they steal from us. Everyone around here is too much of a coward to do anything about it." Haru said.

"Haru, don't talk like that." Haru's mother said.

"But Haru's an Earthbender. He can help." Katara said.

"Earthbending is forbidden. It's caused nothing but misery for this village. Haru must never use his abilities." Haru's mother said.

"How can you say that? Haru has a gift . Telling him not to Earthbend is like telling me not to Waterbend. It's part of who we are." Katara said.

"You  don't understand." Haru's mother said.

"We understand that Haru can help you fight back!" Katara said.

"What can the Fire Nation do to you that they haven't done already?" Lucy asked.

"They can take Haru away! Like they took his father." Haru's mother answered shocking Katara and Lucy as they see Haru's face and he looks pained and they both have the same expression.

Later on the sun is already setting and Haru leads the gang to outbuildings of a farm and he takes them into a barn.

"My mom says you can sleep here tonight, but you should leave in the morning." Haru said.

"Thanks. I'll make sure Appa doesn't eat all your hay." Aang said and Appa is in fact stuffing his face with hay and he looks at Aang but then he keeps chewing on it.

Haru, Katara and lucy leave the barn and go for a walk and they arrive at the crest of a small hill overlooking the countryside.

"We're sorry about what we said earlier." Katara said.

"We didn't know about your father." Lucy said.

"It's okay. It's funny. The way you two were talking back in the store. It reminded me of him." Haru said.

"Thanks." Katara said.

"My father was courageous. When the Fire Nation invaded, he and the other Earthbenders were outnumbered ten to one, but they still fought back." Haru said.

"That's very brave and he sounds like he's a great man." Lucy said.

"After that, they rounded up my father and every other Earthbender and took them away. We haven't seen him since." Haru said.

"So that's why you keep your Earthbending to yourself." Katara said.

"Yeah. The problem is that the only way I can feel close to my father is now when I practice Earthbending. He taught me everything I know." Haru said as he picks up two rocks and starts twirling them around until he crushes them into sand.

"You see this necklace? My mother gave it to me." Katara said showing Haru her necklace.

"It's beautiful." Haru said.

"I lost my mother in a Fire Nation raid. This necklace is all I have left of her." Katara said.

"It's not enough, is it?" Haru asked.

"No." Katara said.

"I had a lost my mother when I was little. She raised me, loved me, and taught me how use my magic. After that I lost my father too. Lucy explained.

"That's terrible, Lucy ." Katara said.

They later walk down towards an open mine entrance ahead but then they hear a boom noise and they see rocks and dust coming out of the mine entrance.

"HELP!" A voice called.

"The mine!" Haru said as they all rush to the mine and they see the mine entrance blocked and they an old man almost buried by the cave in.

"Help me!" The old man said.

The ground is still shaking and rocks keep falling and crush the old man and Haru tries to prevent rocks from falling on the old man by bracing the collapsed mine entrance frame while Katara and Lucy try to free the old man.

"It's not working!" Katara said.

"We have to get help." Lucy  said.

"There's no time. Pull harder." Haru said.

"Haru, there's a way you can help him." Katara said.

"I can't." Haru said.

"Please, there's no one around to see you. It's the only way." Lucy said.

Haru thinks this over and he gets in front of the old man while turning to look back at the mine entrance and then concentrates with a quick move of his hands and feet and pushes the rocks back deep into the mine freeing the old man and they all help him get up.

"Haru, you did it!" Katara said.

"Good job." Lucy  said.

It's now nighttime and everyone is in Haru's barn where they'll be staying for the night and the gang get ready for bed and get into their sleeping bags.

"It was brave of Haru to use his Earthbending to save that old man." Katara said.

"Sounds like you two inspired them." Aang said.

"Although I thought we would get in trouble for that, I knew there was no other choice and at least the old man is safe now." Lucy  said.

"You two did a good job helping Haru. Let's get some sleep now. We'll be leaving at dawn." Sokka said.

"Dawn? Can't we just sleep in for once?" Lucy asked.

"I'm sorry, but we can't do that. This village is crawling with Fire Nation troops.  and if they find out you two are here, Aang and Lucy, we'll be eating fireballs for breakfast. Good night." Sokka said.

"I'd rather eat fireballs than nuts." Lucy said as he makes a sly grin.

"Good night." Sokka said again annoyed this time.

"Good night, Grumpy pants." Lucy said making Aang and Katara  laugh and then Lucy blows out the fire of their lamp.

Meanwhile the Fire Nation soldier from before and other Fire Nation soldiers walk along the farm and they head for Haru's house and as they arrive at the door the Fire Nation soldier knocks on it three times making Haru open the door but then he sees the Fire Nation soldiers in shock and not only he sees the Fire Nation Soldiers but the old man he, Katara, and Lucy saved are with them and he points his finger at Haru.

"That's him! That's the Earthbender!" The old man said but the Fire Nation soldier pushes the old man aside and grabs Haru by his shirt and he gets pulled toward the soldiers as Haru screams.

It's now morning and Katara and Lucy leave the barn to go for the water pump to get some water and they place the bucket under the water pump and Katara bends the water out of it and into the bucket and Lucy picks up the bucket after Katara was done and as they were about to go back to the barn they see Haru's mother looking over the farm and when they approach her she turns to them and she's crying and Lucy drops the bucket of water breaking it as the two girls realize what this means and they run as fast as they can back to the gang who are now packing their stuff and when the two reach them both Katara and Lucy look anguished.

"They took him! They took Haru away!" Katara said with anguish shocking everyone.

"What?!" Aang   asked.

"The old man we rescued yesterday turned him in to the Fire Nation! It's my fault! I forced him to Earthbend!" Lucy said as she begins to cry.

"It's my fault too. I told to Earthbend as well!" Katara said as she starts to cry.

"Slow down, you two." Sokka said placing his hands on Katara and Lucy .

"When did this happen?" Sokka asked.

"Haru's mother said they came for him at midnight." Lucy answered.

"I guess it's too late to track him. He's long gone." Aang said.

"We're not tracking him! The Fire Nation are gonna bring me and Lucy to Haru." Katara said.

"That's right!" Lucy  said.

"Why would they do that?" Sokka asked.

"Because they're gonna arrest us for Earthbending." Lucy answered making everyone look concerned.

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