Stay - Book two in The Stormf...

By EmmielouKates

262K 9.4K 1.1K

Abby is still recovering from the chest infection she contracted after running away from Gabes mansion in the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 - Part One
Chapter 8 - Part 2
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 9

11.4K 394 45
By EmmielouKates

I know, I know, better late than never :)

Chapter 9

Once the guys had showered and changed, they all piled into a stretched limo and made their way to the venue for the after party. 

Gabe insisted on having Abby sit on his lap for the journey, he hugged her tight and nuzzled her neck. 

"Behave." She whispered, as he made her squirm once again. 

Gabe groaned as she moved against him. 

"Are you sure you want to go to this party? We could go straight back to the hotel, if you're....tired." He wiggled his eyebrows at her as he spoke. 

"I really like that idea....." She leaned in and kissed him passionately. "But, would you really deny me the chance of going to my first celebrity party?" 

Gabe just stared at her. His mind had gone blank from the effect of her kiss. 

"That's settled then." She smirked as she heard Helen giggle beside her. 

"Hmm?" He murmured. 

"I said, we're here." Abby laughed again as she slid off his lap. 

Gabe shook his head. As blood started making its way back to his brain from his groin, he came to his senses. 

Before Abby could step out of the limo, he grabbed her arm and pulled her closer. 

"You are so going to pay for that later." 

"Mmmm I can't wait." She gave him a peck on the cheek before pulling away and following the others out of the limo.  

Abby stumbled back in shock as she was blinded by the flash of cameras all around her. Gabe caught hold of her arm as he stepped out of the limo. 

"You could have warned me." 

"Sorry, it's just something I take for granted I suppose." Gabe spoke quietly in her ear as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. 

"Just keep your head down and walk." 

She kept her head buried in his chest as they walked through the crowd of reporters shouting questions at them. 

Gabe held a tight smile on his face as he pushed them through to the entrance. 

Once they passed the security at the door, things calmed down and they followed the rest of the group through what looked like the lobby of a hotel, to the lifts. 

"So, what is this place?" Abby looked around. 

"This is the High Line Hotel and it has a very exclusive club upstairs." 

"I'm surprised you chose a public place for the after party." 

Gabe grinned down at her. "The record company have hired it for the night, its invitation only. But even on normal nights it's not easy getting into the Boom Boom Room." 

"Oh." Abby realised just how much she needed to learn about the life Gabe and the band led.

When they stepped out of the lift, Abby's eyes went wide and she heard Helen squeal behind her. 

In front of them was a long lounge, with luxurious leather seating set against a wall of windows that looked out over the river. At one end was a circular bar with a gold centre piece that plumed out, almost like a burst of water up to the ceiling. 

A crowd of unfamiliar faces turned to watch their entrance. Women adorned with jewels, wearing designer dresses stood beside well-dressed men in very expensive suits. 

Looking around, Abby could only see a few guys dressed more casually in jeans or chinos. She was beginning to feel extremely underdressed and turned to speak to Gabe. 

"I know what you're thinking, but we are the guests of honour and I'll be damned if we were going to dress up in suits and fancy dresses. You look fabulous and outshine every one of those corporate wives, so stop worrying." 

Abby smiled and stood on her tip toes to kiss him. "And that's why I love you so much." 

Pod cleared his throat behind them. "When you two have finished, we need to get this party started." 

"Hell yeah." Gabe agreed and held Abby's hand as he walked towards the bar. Their progress was slow as everyone wanted to stop and congratulate them on the successful tour. 

Just when they thought they had made it a couple stopped them in their tracks. 

"Gabe, Pod, Gaz, Phil, great job guys." 

Abby looked at the man and guessed he must be the head of the record company. He oozed power and money. His wife was tall, blonde and adorned in diamonds, she looked perfect to Abby and she sighed inwardly. 

Her thoughts were interrupted by Gabe pulling her towards his side as he spoke. 

"Cameron, Alice, I would like you to meet my girlfriend Abby." 

She shook their hands and smiled at them both. 

"So this is the young lady I have heard so much about." Cameron smiled warmly at her. 

Before she could reply, Alice moved in and gave her a hug. "You are amazing and such an inspiration to so many people." 

"I..I'm not sure what you mean." She stuttered. 

"I am on the governing body of one of the largest hospitals in New York. I have been to the wards many times and I know what leukaemia sufferers go through. To see you looking so healthy proves how much we need more bone marrow donors." 

"It seems to be a problem all over the world." Abby replied. 

"I agree and I would like to talk to you about it in more depth when it's convenient. I understand that you and Gabe are staying on in New York for a few days?" 

"Yes that's right." 

"Well if you don't mind, I would like to arrange a meeting before you go home." 

Abby looked to Gabe, unsure of what their plans were. 

"We can make time for you Alice, just give me a call on Monday. Tomorrow is just for Abby." 

"Oh you're so sweet, I'm so happy for both of you." She gave Gabe a hug and stepped back. 

"Now that my wife has finished harassing you, I suggest you go over and join the others. We've set up a table for you, the waiters will be happy to serve whatever you ask for." 

"Thanks Cameron." Gabe smiled at Alice and then guided Abby to one of the large leather sofas by the windows. 

The rest of the group had already made themselves comfortable, the table was filled with champagne bottles and trays of finger food. 

"So what did the boss man have to say?" Pod asked as they sat down. 

"Not much, but Alice was very interested in Abby." Gabe replied as he filled two flutes with champagne and handed one to her. 

Helen looked over at Abby. "Really, what did she have to say?" 

"Something about a hospital she is on the board of, she wants to meet me before we go home." 

Abby shrugged as if was nothing special. 

"Nothing we have to think about tonight. Now it's time for a toast. To the end of a gruelling, but successful tour and to going home." Gabe raised his glass and the rest followed with a cheer. 

Pod downed his full glass in one go and slammed it on the table. 

"Right, enough of this pansy arsed stuff, let's break out the Wild Turkey."  

Gaz and Phil cheered as Pod beckoned a waiter over.

Abby took a few sips of champagne and then put her glass down. Helen moved over to sit beside her. 

"You okay?" 

"Yeah I'm fine. I just don't want to drink too much alcohol." She looked down at her stomach as she spoke. 

"Probably for the best. When are you going to tell him?" 

"Tomorrow when we are on our own, I don't want any distractions." She wrung her hands together, her brow creased with worry. 

"He will be over the moon girl, you have nothing to worry about." 

"I hope you're right, I just don't want him to think I'm trapping him." 

"Don't be stupid, he loves you anyone can see that. Just summon your inner Rocky and you will be fine. Now let's enjoy the party, how about I get you a virgin margarita and it won't look so conspicuous." 

"You are a great friend, do you know that?" Abby relaxed a little and grinned at Helen. 

"Of course." Helen laughed and stood up to go to the bar.

Abby's attention was drawn by cheers and shrieks from where Fiona and Lucy were sat with Gaz and Phil. It looked like they were playing a shot drinking game. She grinned as Fiona caught her eye and waved. Pod returned with a bottle of Wild Turkey and glasses, he slapped Gabe on the back and sat down. 

"Time to separate the men from the boys." He chuckled as he poured the drinks. 

Helen came back with two margaritas, handed one to Abby and sat back down next to Pod. 

"Bottoms up mate." Pod raised his glass to Gabe and grinned. 

Abby was surprised to see Gabe throw the drink down his throat as if it was nothing. 

When he saw her concerned look, he put an arm around her shoulder and leant in to kiss her neck. 

"Don't worry, I have no intention of getting rat arsed tonight." 

She nodded and leant into him. 

"Are you okay baby, you haven't drunk much?" 

"I'm fine, I just have to be careful with all the meds I'm taking." It wasn't an outright lie and she knew Gabe would understand. 

"Shit, you look so healthy now I keep forgetting that you still have to take all that stuff." 

"Well that's a good thing isn't it?" 

"It's great. Sometimes I have to pinch myself when I think of how you looked in the hospital. It just seems like a terrible nightmare now." 

"Just remember I wouldn't be here at all if it wasn't for you." She pulled his head away from her neck and gave him a long lingering kiss on his lips. 

"I'd do it all again if that's what it took to keep you by my side." He looked into her eyes as he spoke and her heart stumbled as tears filled her eyes. 

"Hey, don't cry I didn't mean to make you sad." 

Abby rubbed a hand across her eyes and laughed. 

"I'm not sad, I'm so very, very happy." 

Gabes' lips split into a wide grin. "So am I." 

Their private moment was rudely interrupted by roars and clapping. They turned round to see Pod up on one of the tables attempting to do an Irish dance. When he noticed Helen laughing at him, he leant down and pulled her up by his side. 

"Dance woman, you need to learn this." He shouted as he waved his glass around and staggered dangerously close to the edge of the table. 

Helen was laughing so hard she nearly fell off the table in her attempts to copy Pod. 

"Here we go, things can only go downhill from here." Gabe sighed. 

"Ah but I bet it wasn't that long ago that you would have been up there with him." Abby nudged him in the ribs. 

Gabe held his arms up in defeat. "You got me." 

"Are you sure you don't want to join them?" 

"Not tonight, I'm looking forward to getting back to the hotel." He nuzzled her neck making her giggle. 

"Oh yes to sleep." Abby sighed. 


"Relax, I was joking." Abby laughed as Gabe breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Just tell me when you want to go and we're out of here." He growled in her ear.

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