Fate: A Rev Kevedd Assassin F...

By InoOrihime

2.7K 125 39

Eddward loses his partner due to an unfortunate accident and is paired with someone who is completely incapab... More

First Mission

A Few Drinks

311 15 1
By InoOrihime

"I think he's waking up! Hey...can you hear me Double D?" A soft voice cooed.

Blue eyes squinted as they tried to focus on their surroundings. "M-...mother?"
Silence filled the room for a moment before the voice spoke again.
"No... no, I'm not your mom... how do you feel?"
"Where is she?" The small boy croaked, finally able to focus his eyes on the shadows standing by his side. 
"....are you in any pain? I can get you some medicine."
"Are Ed and Eddy okay?" He winced as he willed his body to sit up.
"Hey, hey..." small hands gently pushed him back against his pillow. "Don't move around Double D. You're really hurt."
"Please tell me. Please..." the boy's voice began to crack. "Please tell me they're all okay."

A sullen faced Eddward sat at the bar and swallowed his second shot of the night.

"Another sir?" The bartender asked.

"No. Give me a jack and coke." Eddward grumbled.

"Anything for you cutie." She slid the drink in front of him with a wink then retreated to the other end of the bar.

Kevin spotted a familiar looking hat as he made his way into the bar and sat down.
"Come here often?" He asked, giggling at his corny pick up line.
"I'm not afraid to kill in front of all of these people." Eddward growled from behind his rocks glass.

The ginger rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry, okay?" He signaled the bartender over and ordered three jäger bombs. "Listen I'm just looking to get fucked up tonight, want to be my drinking partner?" He took his first shot and instantly felt a buzz as a light blush formed across his face.

"You have work in the morning." Eddward swirled his drink around and sipped more of it. "It'd be beneficial for you to not come to work wasted while you're on your probationary period."
"Oh well. I'll deal with that later. I just want a few drinks and go home and pass out. I don't care about what happens tomorrow." Kevin threw back a second shot then scooted closer to his partner.

Eddward rolled his eyes and finished off his drink. "Double shot of Tequila. Straight up." He said to the bartender. After he finished his shot, he looked over to see Kevin's glazed eyes staring hungrily at his last Jäger bomb. "Tch. I need to have a talk with Gomez. I really need a more competent partner. You're nearly passed out and you've only had two drinks."

"You had a competent partner..." the little ginger mumbled quietly looking down at his now empty glass.

Eddward frowned and held his cup out for more alcohol. He slammed the liquid back then waited a few moments before sighing. "He was an amazing partner and I'm sure an amazing boyfriend to you. He was a good man that had his entire life ahead of him."

"Key word had." The ginger muttered.  "There's not much I can do about it now though, is there? Sometimes I feel like honestly the only reason I joined was to avenge his death. It's laughable though. Just look at me. I'm sitting here getting drunk on a Wednesday night when I know I have work tomorrow. He would be so disappointed in me and all the trouble I've caused you so far. I'm really not cut out for this whole assassin thing but I can't just let this go." The ginger  drunkenly rambled.

"God, you're even more talkative once you get a bit of alcohol in your system." Eddward groaned, seeing his partner signal for more drinks.

"I'm so sorry Eddward, I really am, for all the trouble I've caused you. I have to be the worst partner you've ever had so I'll understand if you ever replace me." Kevin continued  to ramble with a hiccup.
"Amazingly, I've had worse partners than you."

They sat in silence for a few minutes before Kevin spoke up again. "So then,what's your life story, why did you join?"
"That's none of your business. I have my reasons for being part of the C.O.R.E. Trust me, I wouldn't be there if I didn't..." he flagged down the bartender and ordered three more shots, downing two of them the moment they touch the counter.

"Well does it have anything to do with the scar on your face? Oh! Are you going after the person who did that to you?!" Kevin asked excitedly. Eddward tugged his hat down over his eyebrows. "My scar is none of your concern."

Kevin reached over and playfully stole and drank Eddward's last shot.
"Are you even old enough to drink?"
"I'm twenty-two!" Kevin yelped defensively. "You sure  as hell don't act like it." The raven muttered as his partner began to sway in his seat. "You're cut off for the rest of the night. Go home." He instructed.
"Not until you tell me more about you. Just tell me why you joined."

"It's none of your business.  We are partners. That's it. There is no need to know each other's personal lives." Eddward muttered.
"Why are you so cold...no we're partners so we should get to know each other better. Or is it you don't want to know what I've been going through since Josh died? Does his death make you feel guilty so you avoid it by making sure we don't get to know each other? Well Mr. Rockland let me tell you, it's been heartbreaking day after day after day to come home to no one. Not a single person! Do you even know what that's like?! To go from having someone there every night to keep you company, to comfort you, to just be around and then have them ripped away!!!" Hazy emerald eyes began to tear up out of drunken frustration.
"I've known that feeling for years and yet I'm not sitting at a bar next to someone whose name I don't even know, crying about something that I cannot change." Eddward muttered callously.

"I know your name I just love to see you get so pissed off." Kevin mumbled. They sat in awkward silence for a minute before the ginger spoke up again.  "You said you know how it feels? Well, how do you know? I want to know more about the person I'm working with, I mean since we have the same history... maybe we can be friends?"

"Why do you care about getting to know each other so badly? This job isn't about making friends. We signed up to reduce innocent civilian casualties that result from the recklessness of the scum that plague this world." Eddward growled.

The ginger looked over at his partner with tears in his eyes. "Fine, whatever I don't want to be friends with an asshole like you anyway!" He said with a pout as he stood up from his chair. "We'll just stay strictly partners and we'll never learn anything more about each other since that's what you want." Kevin stormed outside  in a drunken huff and called for a taxi home. He stormed back in and slammed some money in front of Eddward. "I know I shouldn't care but make sure you don't drive, you drank a lot too." he slurred before walking back out to head home.

Eddward scoffed and laughed a bit before using the money to buy one more shot. He payed out his tab then began walking towards his next

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