Oneshots and Other Assortments

By battlecry7473

251K 6.4K 3.2K

A place to put oneshots I write but don't want to make stand alone stories and when I'm too lazy to write for... More

Mommy!Camila & Little!Lauren
little Laurmani
Little Normani/Mommies Laurinah
Little Lauren/Mommies Norminah
Little Lauren/Mommy Normani
Little Normani/Mama Lauren
Little Lauren/Mommy Camila
little Laurmani/mommies Dinally
Little Normani & Mama Lauren
Laurinah & Platonic Caminah/Camren
idk what this is but I have no regrets
Laurminah a/o/b au
Laurinah werewolf au
Laurinah a/o/b
OT5 a/o/b
Alren D/s
OT5 a/o/b pt 2
Laurmani D/s
Laurmani (alpha Mani/omega Lauren)

Write On Me - OT5

3.8K 122 335
By battlecry7473

A/N: If you think this is based off 5H's 'Write On Me', you would be 1000000% accurate. I've had this in my drafts for months and have finally finished it. Based on the idea that when your soulmate (soulmates) write on themselves, it appears on you, too. And only your soulmate's handwriting shows up on your skin. So if someone that isn't your soulmate writes on you, it won't appear on your soulmate.

Read and enjoy!


Lauren should have expected her habit of drawing on her arm when she was bored would lead to trouble. It was basically ingrained since the time she could write that if you wrote on yourself, there was someone out there that your writing would appear on.

Society called this person your soulmate, but Lauren thought that was a load of shit. Sure, the thought of someone being made specifically for you sounded cool, but just because you were made for each other doesn't mean you'd work out. Maybe it did, but there wasn't a one hundred guarantee that just because you find your soulmate means you'll live together happily.

Now, Lauren Jauregui was not a very sociable person. It just wasn't in her nature. College wasn't going to change that. Until it did.

Lauren preferred to stay quiet in her classes, and when she wasn't in class, she was either in the library or in her tiny apartment just off campus. She stayed away from parties, and generally spent her time alone, which was perfectly fine with her.

Until, in one crazy, unexpected week, she found her soulmates. Her four soulmates. She knew she had four, because since she was fourteen, four different handwriting styles would appear anywhere on her body. Lauren would have written back, but every time she tried she chickened out, afraid the four strangers wouldn't like her.

She has four soulmates, and she meets them all in the same week.

Lauren Jauregui was screwed.


She runs into Camila first. Literally runs into her. Well, technically Camila is the one who basically trips and stumbles into her.

It was a Tuesday, and she was on her way to her English Literature class, listening to the 1975 on her phone. She had just set a reminder for a massive paper due in her class when a small body crashed into her, knocking her over and into the grass of the quad.

"I am so sorry," the smaller girl exclaimed, hoisting herself up and scrambling to help the black haired girl up and pick their stuff up off the floor. "I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I'm in a rush and I didn't see you and-"

"It's okay," Lauren groaned, trying to catch her breath. To say she was taken by surprise was an understatement. "It's okay, don't wor-" she cut herself off as she looked at the unknown person.

The girl had long, dark brown hair that was curled, and her dark brown eyes had Lauren mesmerized (Lauren wouldn't mention anything about the girl's butt, but like, damn.) Her tan skin and her toned muscles just made her even more attractive and, shit, Lauren was totally bisexual. This girl's beauty had her speechless and now she probably looked really dumb because the girl definitely caught the green eyed girl checking her out.

"Uh, s-sorry," Lauren stammered out nervously, heat rising in her cheeks. She was never really good at talking to girls, but really attractive girls made it even worse.

The smaller girl laughed. "I think I should be the one apologizing. I just ran into you like a freaking train." She held out a hand, smiling. "Camila Cabello."

Lauren took the offered hand. "Lauren Jauregui."

"Lauren. I like it," Camila responded, grinning. "Listen, Lauren, I would really like to stay and chat but I am late for a study group with some friends, so maybe I'll see you around?" she asked hopefully.

The raven-haired girl nodded. "Uh, yeah, uh sure. Maybe."

The smaller girl grinned. "Great. I'll see you around," she promised, before running off in the direction of the library.


She meets Ally and Dinah the next day. She's tucked away in a corner of the student union, which is surprisingly empty for once, just wanting to drink her coffee, listen to music, and sketch a little bit before her next class.

She's startled by someone taking the seat next to her and completely intruding her personal space, instantly making her uncomfortable.

"Hey, babe, what do you say to me taking you out this Friday?" A gruff, masculine voice said. "Or even better, tonight."

"No, thanks," Lauren politely declined. She pushed him away, but he only leaned back in, this time wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"Come on, babe, why not?"

"I don't want to, so don't call me that," the green eyed girl replied, pushing him away again. "If you could leave me alone, that would be great."

"What, you don't want a handsome guy like me?"

"I just don't want to," Lauren mumbled, shifting nervously in her seat from how close he was to her.

"The pretty girl said no, fuckboy," an unfamiliar voice spoke suddenly. "So why don't you just go back to your place and occupy your tiny dick by yourself."

The guy scowled, but stood up and walked away.

The stranger watched to make sure he left, then quickly took the seat across from Lauren. "Are you okay?" she asked softly, looking over Lauren with concerned, hazel eyes.

Lauren let out a nervous breath, from the encounter with the guy and also from the stunning blonde sitting across from her. Her long, blonde hair fell down her face in waves and she had a snapback on backwards (and shit, Lauren had a weakness for girls in snapbacks), and she was in black jeans and a white tshirt with a denim vest. It was such a simple outfit but fuck, Lauren's mouth was dry and she couldn't speak.

"Didn't your momma teach you staring is rude?" the blonde in front of her teased, smirking.

Lauren blushed, coughing nervously and looking down. "Sorry," she mumbled.

The stranger laughed heartily. "Don't be, I know I'm hella cute." She sent the green eyed girl a wink.

"Dinah, please don't harrass her, she's my favorite customer and I really don't want you to scare her off," another voice interrupted them.

Lauren looked over to see the small, blonde cashier from the coffee stand glaring at the girl in front of her, who she now knew as Dinah.

"Aww, come on Smalls, I'm just messing with her," Dinah whined, giving the smaller one a pout, and, yep, Lauren was officially a goner for this girl.

"Dinah Jane, leave her alone."

Dinah sighed, standing up. "Fine. Way to be a buzzkill, Ally," she grumbled as she walked back to the front of the student center.

Ally turned and gave Lauren an apologetic smile, and the green eyed girl thought that smile could light up a hundred rooms. "Sorry about her."

Lauren shook her head, breaking herself out of her stupor. "Um, no, it's okay. Really, she kind of saved me from some asshole," she explained quietly, fiddling with her pencil.

"Ah, yes, Dinah has no qualms about calling out fuckboys," Ally responded. "Want a refill before your next class?" she asked, pointing to Lauren's empty coffee cup.

"Yeah, that sounds good," the raven haired girl answered.

"Come on, you can come hang out with Dinah and me if you want," Ally suggested, smiling lightly at the other girl. "It's pretty dead in here. If you don't want to, that's fine, no worries."

Lauren thought about it for a moment, before nodding. "Okay," she agreed, packing up her sketchbook and drawing supplies.

They joined Dinah over at one of the tables near the coffee stand, and, aside from Dinah's lack of personal space and boundaries (which Lauren found she didn't mind so much with her), it was a pretty good way to spend the last hour before Lauren's next class.

She could do without the nickname 'Lauser' Dinah had deemed her with, however.


Lauren met Normani last. And honestly, the dark skinned girl terrified her.

Normani was hot, fit as fuck, and she looked like she's ready to fight anyone. Yet the girl also looked at Lauren like she's ready to throw Lauren up against a wall and kiss her (or something even more provocative).

Lauren was glad she's sitting because she'd be weak in the knees right about now.

She also knew she's staring and looked away, heat rising in her cheeks quickly.

"Mind if I sit here?" the other girl asked, motioning to the empty seat at the table Lauren's sat at in the library (and shit, Normani may look like she'd fuck you up, but her voice is so soft it makes Lauren melt).

"Um, yeah, go-go ahead," the green eyed girl stumbled out, mentally cursing herself for being so awkward in front of girls.

Normani smiled, but Lauren thought it was more seductive than friendly. "Thanks, there's not a lot of empty seats and I really don't want to sit next to Justin the fuckboy."

Lauren shrugged. "It's not a problem, I don't have any friends that would be coming, anyways," she mumbled slightly ashamedly, scolding herself for making herself sound so lame.

The other girl just smiled warmly, any trace of seduction gone. "Well, I'm Normani," she introduced herself, holding out a hand.

Lauren shook it, replying, "Lauren."

"Well, now you've got a friend to show up, right?" Normani asked, winking at the raven haired girl. "You wouldn't happen to be any good at intro to chemistry, would you?"

"Dr. Cooper's class?"

"Yeah, I'm sure I could pass, but if you'd be willing to help?" the dark skinned girl asked, trailing off towards the end.

"Yeah, I'd be happy to help." Lauren reached across the table to grab her textbook, the sleeve of her hoodie riding up to reveal an intricate doodle of the moon and stars on her arm.

"Holy fuck," Normani gasped, grabbing Lauren's arm. "Why the hell do you have this?"

Lauren blinked, looking at the other one confusedly. "I-I drew it?" she replied, though it sounded more like a question.

Normani looked at her, her brown eyes wide and bewildered. "You drew this?"

Lauren nodded. "Is, is that a problem?" she asked timidly.

The dark skinned girl shook her head, dropping Lauren's arm to pull up the sleeve of her own sweatshirt, revealing the same drawing in the exact same spot.

Lauren's jaw dropped in astonishment. "Holy shit. Holy shit," she whispered, her heart racing in excitement and slight fear. "You, you're one of my soulmates?" she asked quietly, looking up at Normani hesitantly.

The other girl smiled softly. "Yeah, looks like it," she replied, tracing the drawing on Lauren's arm. "Would I be correct to assume you've seen four sets of handwriting appear on your skin before?"

"Do you know who the others are?" the green eyed girl questioned. She might not completely believe in the whole 'your soulmate is your one true love' bullshit but she has four, that has to mean something.

Normani grinned wickedly. "Oh, yeah. Come on. Pack up your stuff."

"But, I can't just leave. I need to study," Lauren argued, looking away. She really didn't, she was going to do fine in her classes, but she was scared.

What if her soulmates didn't like her? Even if she didn't think the 'happily ever after' thing was true, it would still hurt if the people she was supposedly connected to by fate rejected her. She could barely make friends on her own, she'd be devastated if the ones linked to her by fate didn't like her.

"Hey, Lauren, breathe," Normani's voice broke her thoughts. "That's it, babe. Now listen to me. I know for a fact the others are going to like you."

Well shit, she had spoken those thoughts out loud. And not only that, but she had started crying. Sniffling, she asked timidly, "Yeah? They will?"

"Mhm, now come on. We've been trying to figure out which one of us had drawn that. They're in for one hell of a shock when they find out we have a fifth."


Lauren had barely made it through the threshold of Normani's house when she was picked up in a tight embrace.

"My Lauser has returned to me!" Dinah exclaimed dramatically, spinning in a circle.

Lauren hugged back awkwardly, not prepared for the sudden contact. "Hallo."

"Aww, you're adorable," the taller blonde said, ruffling the green eyed girl's hair.

"Dinah, leave her alone," Ally scolded as she walked into the living room. "Hi, Lauren. How are you?"

Lauren stood stunned, realizing two of the three other people she had met this week were in front of her. "You guys know each other?" she asked dumbly, looking at Normani.

"Mhm, we've been best friends since sixth grade."

"Our koala is around somewhere," Dinah said. "Wallz! Get your sexy Cuban booty out here!" she yelled down the hall.

"Do I need pants?"

"Yes! We have a guest!" Ally replied back immediately.

"Aww, I don't want to put pants on."

"Oh, can we all take our pants off? That sounds like an awesome idea," Dinah said, looking at Ally.

"No. Pants stay on, Dinah Jane." Ally sighed when the younger blonde only pouted at her. "I need wine. I swear to god you better still have pants on when I get back," she muttered as she walked back into the kitchen.

Lauren stared in bewilderment as the brunette that had crashed into her earlier that week waltzed into the room, wearing pants as Ally requested.

Camila's foot caught on the corner of the couch and she tumbled to the floor, jumping up quickly and sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck. "Whoops. My bad."

"Oh my god," Lauren whispered in disbelief.

"Oh! It's the super hot brick wall I ran into the other day!" Camila proclaimed, smiling excitedly. "Hi, Lauren! I didn't expect you to be here."

"Not that it isn't great to see you, Ralph," Dinah started, plopping down on the couch. "What are you doing here?"

"Dinah, don't be rude," Ally reprimanded as she returned, bottle of wine and a few glasses in hand. "You and Camila can go get your own glasses."

"Ugh, fine, be that way, Smallz," the younger one grumbled as she got up and walked into the kitchen, returning a few moments later with two more glasses.

"I met Lauren in the library," Normani explained, guiding the green eyed girl over to the other couch. "And I learned a very interesting fact about her."

"What?" Camila asked.

"Well, you know that drawing that appeared on our arms but none of us wanted to claim credit for?" the dark skinned girl questioned, looking between the other three, laying a hand on Lauren's shoulder.

"Yeah, what about it?" Ally inquired, giving Normani a curious.

"Well, Lauren here is the one that drew it."

It was dead silent, you could hear a pin drop. Then suddenly-

"Fuck yeah! We have a fifth! And she's hot as fuck!" Dinah exclaimed, jumping up off the couch.

"Wait, wait, how do we know?" Camila asked, frowning. "I'm not complaining, but how do we know for sure?"

Lauren hesitantly pushed up the sleeve of her jacket, showing the drawing of the moon and stars that was on the other girls' arms. "I um, I drew it during my English lecture today. But um, I could, I could draw something else if you need more proof?"

"Wait, I know what to write," Dinah said, running down the hall then returned with a black sharpie. "Okay, come here, Lauser." She motioned for the girl to come sit next to her.

"You're not going to write anything dumb, are you?" Lauren asked warily, reluctantly sitting next to the taller blonde.

"Well, do you want to write something on me? Or draw?" Dinah suggested.

"Would that really prove anything though?" Lauren questioned.

"The only handwriting that shows up is your soulmate's," Normani explained. "Or soulmates', in this case." She pointed between the five of them.

"Write on me, Lauren," Dinah requested. "And I know the perfect spot, too," she added, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Are you and Normani always this suggestive?" the green eyed girl asked. "Because, I'm pretty sure Normani wanted to take me on the library table. I think, I'm not quite sure because I was trying to not look at her too much because she kind of scared me."

"Did she have her 'I'm going to fuck you up because I'm a boss ass bitch' look?" Camila questioned, sitting on the couch eating a banana (when did she even leave to get that, Lauren wondered).

"That's an oddly specific look, but yes."

"I totally would have had sex with you if the library was empty," Normani admitted shamelessly. "Have you seen yourself? Damn girl, you're sexy as fuck."

Lauren blushed at the compliment. "Thanks, I think," she replied quietly.

"To answer your question, yes, they're always this suggestive," Ally stated, rolling her eyes. "Camila can be just as bad as them, too."

"I live for fuckboy Mila honestly," Dinah interjected. "Or fuckgirl. Whichever. Now come on, write something on me, Ralph. And then we can really get to know each other."

"And you call me a fuckgirl?" Camila asked incredulously.

"At least I'm not a bottom," Dinah countered with a smirk.

The smaller brunette gaped at her. "Fuck you."

"You already do, babe. And it's not going to change anything," Dinah remarked, smirking at the smaller girl.

"Careful, Dinah, you're only a top when it comes to Camila," Normani interjected, earning a look of betrayal from the younger blonde.

Lauren watched the three confusedly. "What are you talking about?"

"It really doesn't matter, Lauren," Ally answered, rolling her eyes at the other three.

"Except it does, because Lauren's totally a bottom," Dinah retorted. When the oldest girl glared at her, she only shrugged and stated, "It's true."

"Just don't worry about it right now," Normani said. "Now come on, write something on Dinah so that we get the official confirmation you're our fifth soulmate."

Dinah quickly stripped out of her shirt, laying down on the couch, exposing her back. "I was totally going to have you write on my chest," she admitted without remorse. "But I figured this might make you a bit more comfortable. Plus, I want a full picture drawn."

"But, where am I supposed to sit if you're taking the whole couch?" Lauren questioned.

"Straddle my legs, duh," the taller blonde replied. "Or sit on my ass, I don't care. Now come on, hurry up."

Lauren nodded, taking the sharpie from the girl before settling herself on the blonde's legs. She uncapped the marker, thinking for a moment before beginning to draw.

Within a few minutes, Dinah's smooth, tan back was tattooed with a sun and moon colliding, stars surrounding them, and the words 'Write on me, color outside the lines' scripted underneath. The green eyed girl capped the sharpie and stood up.

Dinah sat up, and gently pulled Lauren to stand next to her. "Ready?" she asked, grabbing the hem of the girl's shirt.

Lauren nodded, letting out a nervous breath. She knew it was ridiculous, there was no way she could somehow not be their soulmate when they all had her drawing on their wrists.

The younger blonde slowly lifted up the green eyed girl's shirt, revealing the picture Lauren had drawn a few moments ago. She whistled lowly. "Damn, Lauser, who knew you were such a badass artist?" she questioned, tracing the drawing with her fingers. "What are these words from?"

The green eyed girl shrugged. "I don't know, sometimes I like to come up with my own song lyrics," she admitted in a whisper, a blush creeping up her neck.

"I like it," Normani said, looking at the sharpie tattoo.

Camila stripped out of her shirt, turning her back to the others. "Is it on me, too?" she asked, looking back at the others hopefully.

Ally nodded. "Yeah, it's there, Mila," she assured. She looked back at Lauren, smiling widely. "Looks like we found another soulmate."

Lauren smiled shyly, looking between the four. "And, and that's okay? I'm not going to mess anything up between you guys?" she questioned, slightly timid.

"Hell no, now I can kick Camila out of my bed when she hits me in her sleep but still have someone to cuddle with." Dinah explained, pulling Lauren into her lap.

Camila pouted. "I do not," she huffed, crossing her arms.

Dinah ignored the smaller girl, looking between the others. "So two of us are already half naked, I say we should all get naked," she stated, wiggling her eyebrows.

Lauren blushed. "Don't you think you should at least ask me out first?"

"Nuh uh, soulmate bonds means you have to get naked when I say so."

"That's not how it works, dumbass."

"Fuck you, Mani."

Lauren laughed, laying her head on the taller blonde's shoulder, silently watching Dinah and Normani argue.

Maybe there was a happily ever after with her soulmates after all.


A/N: Hopefully you enjoyed, let me know what you think!

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