Queen Thorn (complete)

By TeresaSullivan427

162K 4K 1.3K

Rose was driven from court, because of the treatment she received from Dimitri and Lissa. But what happened t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 9

4.5K 112 29
By TeresaSullivan427

"Well, as Thorn said, the first time we went to Russia was six months after we left here. So yeah, the first time we met, well as far as Vik and I go. The others were roughly six months after that."

"Have any of you tried to sleep with my sisters?"

"Comrade!" I laughed.

"That is between the six of them, don't you think? None of them have asked you if you've ever slept with me. Thank God." I mumbled the last part.

"Yes, but..."

"No buts, your sisters are all grown women. Do you want the men in my family asking you questions like that about us?" I asked as I pointed to the men in my family. Which just so happened to be all the men in the room except Dimitri, although he is my family too just not in the same way as the others.

"No! I don't want anyone ever asking me questions like that about you."

"And the difference is what exactly?" I asked with a raised eyebrow challenging him.

I couldn't help it; it was just so funny. I was trying very hard to hold back my laughter.

He sighed before answering, "nothing I guess." 

Then he looked at the three men in question. "If any of you ever hurt any of my sisters. I will dismember you, after I disembowel you, then I will behead your corpuses, before finally setting your asses on fire. Do you all understand me?"

They all nodded, before Adrian said, "you know Belikov, you and Thorn threaten almost exactly the same way."

Everyone but Dimitri and I laughed.

"What do you mean Adrian?" A confused but very sexy Russian god asked.

"Well, her threat said what yours did. But she also said that she would castrate us all first."

Dimitri turned and looked at me, "you threatened them on behalf of my sisters?" He sounded stunned.

"Of course, I did. They are my sisters too you know. And I love them just as much as you do."

Dimitri quickly pulled me up off the couch and into his arms, "God help me, I love you so chert much Roza." (damn)

"I love you more."

"That is just not mentally, emotionally or physically possible milaya moya." (my dearest)

 I just smiled at him.

My father interrupted, "I spoke to your aunt and she agreed Rose." 

I raised an eyebrow at him. 

"I am sorry, but you are just going to have to get used to it again."

"From the masses, yes. But not from my family, which everyone in this house is. So, for all of you it is still Thorn, please." 

They all nodded.

"So, what do you want to do now Roza?"

"Honestly, I would like to get some rest, jet lag is a pain in the ass. But first, baba could you call and get the dressmaker to come here tomorrow for Mia, Sonya, myself, the Belikova's and Oksana? Make sure they know to come here instead of guest housing." (daddy)

"Of course, kizim." (my daughter)

"Thank you, baba." I stood back up and hugged my baba. (daddy, father)

"Goodnight everyone." I turned to walk away, but Dimitri didn't follow me. 

"Are you coming Comrade?"

"You better believe it. You are never getting away from me ever again, Roza." He said, which made everyone explode with laughter.

We went upstairs and found our room, and just like Aunt Tati said, the bed was freaking huge. I didn't even take the time to look around I just kicked off my  shoes and stripped down to my Victoria's Secret lace bra and thong set. As I walked towards the bed I was dropping pieces of clothing on the floor, and I could feel Dimitri's eyes burning holes in my ass with longing.

"Are you not going to put on a nightgown or pajama's Roza?" Dimitri asked as I took my tiara off and lay it on the bed side table.

I turned to see him staring at me hungrily while biting his lip which made me want him even more. It was such a shame that I was soo tired.

"Not tonight, I am too tired. Are you coming to bed Comrade?"

"Are you sure that you want me to share your bed, milaya moya?" (my dearest)

"Do you not want to?" I already knew the answer to that question but I wanted to hear him say it.

"Roza, I will always always want to share a bed with you and to hold you in my arms. That is one thing that will not ever change."

"Then what is holding you up?"

"I don't have any pajama pants here Roza?"

"I don't care. Are you wearing underwear?"


"Then just sleep in those." 

He started removing his uniform and I watched his every movement with rapt fascination and attention.

I watched his hands as they moved over the buttons on his shirt. Then I watched his muscles ripple as he removed his shirt and dropped it to the floor.

My mouth was suddenly dry, as I saw him reach for the button and zipper of his pants. My eyes followed his hand down as he unzipped them. I was still watching his hands as they came back to the waistband and pulled his pants off and they joined his uniform shirt, boots and socks on the floor.

"Do you see something you like milaya moya?" He asked me, his voice husky with longing as he used my own line against me. (my dearest)

"Sooo much more than you will ever know." I answered breathlessly as I leaned back against the headboard of the bed one leg bent at the knee the other laying straight. 

And then I said, "you are still, without a doubt, the most magnificent man that I have ever seen."

He began to slowly make his way over to me, "how many men have you seen like this Roza?" He asked as he climbed into our bed.

"Well, some of the members of my family have been injured over the years. And I needed to help take care of them Comrade. Well, at least until I learned to heal."

"I understand that. But how many men have you been with since we meet Roza? Wait, you can heal?!"

"You know, I could ask you the very same question. And yes, I can, but can we talk about that part tomorrow?"

Pulling me under him on the bed and close to his chest he said, "you are still my one and only milaya moya, I could never be with anyone else. I love you too much, I always have. Not even as a strigoi could I bring myself to be with anyone else, I have been with no one but you since the moment I laid eyes on you. And of course, we can talk about that tomorrow." (my dearest)

I could not help but smile when he said that about loving me and not being able to be with anyone else.

"Me too, Mitya."

"So, the only ones to make you come, have been you and me?"

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I answered his question. "Mmmm hmm. Every time you made yourself come, since I have been able to watch you, you have made me come too."

"You know, I used to have to do that before and after all of our training sessions." He grinned salaciously.

"I would have given you a hand with that if you had told me Mitri. Maybe even with my mouth." I grinned at him wickedly as I licked my lips.

"God, you are so very sexy my Roza." He said as he hovered over me and ground his hips against mine.

"I want to be with you again so badly that I simply don't have the words to express it to you, but I know that you are tired and need some rest. Plus, I want us to get to know each other again before I make love to you again, my warrior goddess queen." He told me in a raspy voice. 

"If you truly want to wait, then you really need to stop talking like that and grinding against me that way. Because you are turning me on more and more every second."

Turning us on our sides so he could spoon me he said, "sleep my queen. After your coronation we will make love again my angel."

Turning my head I kissed him before saying, "I love you, Dimitri Belikov. More than you will ever be able to understand." I whispered lovingly against his soft lips.

He answered my kisses with ones of his own, "as I love you my warrior goddess queen, hopefully soon to be Belikov or Belikova." 

With one final kiss he said, "sleep now lyubov' moya." (my love)

I turned, and lay my head down on his chest with my hand resting over his heart. As I intertwined our legs I could feel the steady beat of his heart as it pulsated through my hand. Reassuring me that he was here with me safe, healthy and alive.

He kissed the top of my head again and said, "goodnight my avenging angel."

"Goodnight, my cowboy wanna be." We both fell asleep, for the first time ever, in each other's arms.

(APOV) Abe

Thorn and Dimitri were still asleep when his family arrived with Mark and Oksana.

I decided that my little girl had been through so much in the last few days that a little extra rest would not hurt her, or Dimitri either for that matter. So, I let them sleep.

The dressmakers arrived while they slept. Thankfully by the time that they finished with the Belikova's, Oksana, Mia and Sonya. Thorn and Dimitri were coming downstairs.

(YPOV) Yeva

I watched as my grandson and his soul mate, my granddaughter, descended the stairs hand in hand.

I smiled to myself, it took them long enough, but they were finally together again. Just as they were always meant to be.

"Go to them Comrade." Roza told my grandson.

"What if they don't like me anymore?" I could hear the worry and fear in my only grandson's voice.

"Dimitri Belikov, be serious. They love you, you were turned against your will; they will not hold that against you, you know that. Now go to them."

I watched as she kissed him, giving him the strength and courage that he needed to face us before he did as she said. 

He walked over and stood in front of me. "Babushka?" (grandmother)

Wrapping my arms around him I said, "Dimka, my grandson, I have missed you so much."

We stood there wrapped in each other's arms and cried, I was so glad that he was not only himself again. But also happily with Roza and his family again, finally.

After the tears stopped I slapped him in the back of the head. "Now, you tell me why you treated my granddaughter like that?"


I didn't know what to say, there was absolutely no excuse for the way that I had treated my Roza. So, with a bowed head that is exactly what I said. "I am sorry babushka, there is no excuse for the way that I treated her." (grandmother)

"Did you realize you were lying when you told her that your love had faded?"

"No, I really didn't. Now, I know that my love for her was always there. I just wasn't ready to feel it again, because of all the guilt that I felt over what I had done to her. But at the time, no. Guilt, pain, despair, self-doubt, anger, grief and self-hatred were all that I could feel."

"If you had allowed her to be with you, you would have healed much faster Dimka" My grandmother stated.

"I know that now babushka. I just wish that I had known it then." I answered truthfully. (grandmother)

"Have you apologized enough to her?"

"No babushka, I will never be able to apologize to her enough." (grandmother)

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