Total Drama Action: Kaylub Ch...

By Eevee2

35.6K 964 204

Another season, 14 contestants, but for one million dollars. Will Kaylub win this time, or will they figure o... More

Day 1: Monster Movie
Day 2: Alien Movie
Day 3: Crew Movie
Day 5: Wild West Movie
Day 6: Prison Movie
Day 7: Medical Movie
Day 8: Killer Movie
Day 9: Disaster Movie
Day 10: War Movie
Day 11: Action Movie
Day 12: Prehistoric Movie
Day 13: Sports Movie
Day 14: Spy Movie
Day 15: Superhero Movie
Day 16: Fairy-tale Movie
Day 17: Mystery Movie
Day 18: Rock 'n' roll Movie
Day 19: Kung Fu Movie
Day 20: Sci-Fi Movie
Day 21: Animal Buddy Movie
Day 22: Pirate Movie
The Jemmy Awards

Day 4: Beach Movie

1.9K 51 37
By Eevee2

I grabbed my plate of food and sat down next to DJ as we ate I yawned. "Another all nighter?" He asked.

"Not really, I got a few hours of sleep in." I said with a weak laugh.

"Are you really okay?" He asked as I smiled at him.

"Yeah DJ I'm fine, just being by you is enough for me to feel not small or insignificant." He hugs me as we chat.

/"DJ and I have this sibling/best friend thing going where we protect and tell each other everything. Like how Duncan and I are no longer silent buddies." I blush as I say that.\

Chris comes in and blows a whistle. "Hang onto your coconuts, players. We're going back to the beach." Owen cheers. "Ever seen one of those 1950s surfer movies where the kids get up to neato fun before the big bonfire twist-a-thon and the bully kicks the sand castle in the nerdy guy's face?" I nod as everyone else is confused. Mom made me watch a lot of old flicks.

"Uh, no, Grandpa, we haven't." Duncan said as he had his arms crossed.

"Well, get ready to re-create one, Junior." I giggle softly. "Two challenges followed by a tiebreaker if necessary. So grab your swimsuits." We follow him out. I change into my pokeball swim trunks, oversized white tee, and I put back on my trench coat to keep me warm and just in case.

WE end up meeting in a freezing cold studio with icicles and a pool with a surfboard on it. Everyone else was shivering as I smiled. Knew bringing my jacket was a good idea. "When did you guys move the beach to Antarctica?" Lindsay asked.

"As some of you can see, we're actually in the shooting studio." Chris said wearing a lot of winter clothing.

"And the AC's cranked because?" Duncan asked as I took off my coat and place it on him as he looked at me confused. I smile as he smiles back and stops shivering.

/"I live in a cold area, I'm used to the cold. Also mom sometimes forgets that the basement can get extremely cold and leaves on the AC in the basement set for 20 degrees." I say with a sigh.\

"All the cameras and lights get so hot, they could melt Chef's heart." Chef waves with an extremely creepy smile. I shudder, "and the network told my agent sweaty wasn't a good look for me. Your first challenge, hang ten this deck into the big blue without swallowing tail in the soup."

"What did you just ask me to do?" Leshawna said threateningly.

"Whoever remains on the board longest wins." I said simply as they look at me.

"Exact-a-mundo, groovy cats. So, who's going first?" There was silence as a cricket sounded before that cricket froze and lost it's hind legs. "The team that wins will get a half-hour head start on the next challenge, and, given tonight's reward, you should be fighting harder then Justin's abs over who gets first shot." I was about to step forward when Harold get's pushed ahead by a Icicle in the bum. "We have a volunteer." Harold gets up on the board and mutters some stuff. "And please welcome the return of some season one fan favorites, the sharks." One jumps out as Harold jumps high enough to wrap around a pipe very high off the ground.

"My booty and I are out." He said.

"Your booty has an opinion? Leshawna asked.

"That's a big job for such a saggy, sad little thing." Heather inputted.

"I'll have you know this is a selfless act. My lady fans couldn't handle the loss of this perfect behind."

"And by lady fans, he means his mother." Heather said.

"Sharks lookie, faken and bacon." I say pointing toward Owen as the sharks head over asking for some. Harold then goes for the dismount and lands on the entry plank on his back. I wince.

"Ooh, way to stick the dismount bro." We laugh as I fist bump Duncan. Lindsay goes for the Grips and does really well...till it turns into a twister and the fans turn on causing her to fly off into the backdrop. DJ went and his trunks were ripped off as Duncan covered my eyes. I pout slightly. Owen went up and broke the board falling in causing the water to fly out and the sharks to fly out as well.

"Oh, man, oh crud. Sorry, shark dudes. Really, I 'm so sorry." Owen said walking by the sharks holding the broken board.

"Break time, Union rules." Chris said blowing his whistle.

"Finally," Said Heather.

"I don't mean you, shark bait." The sharks sat back and drank while eating shrimp. Gwen went up next. She was confident as she started to ride. I noticed Chris loading a...seagull gun! "I love this game!" He said before he started shooting at Gwen. One hit her in the face.

"Sky rat, get it out, get it out!" She then fell in the water. The break for the sharks was over as Justin went up. Both Lindsay and Beth were cheering for him. The sharks didn't attack as they were distracted by his beauty. I look over to see Chris loading the gun. I giggle. He winks at me before he starts to shoot the gun. Justin gets hit, but one of the sharks save him and proceed to give him CPR. When he came back the shark hugged him and knocked the girls over. Next it's Duncan he hands me back my coat. Chris starts shooting, but Duncan dodges and punched the birds out of the way. Chris ran out of ammo. He threw a chair and a light. He looks around and throws Lindsay at Duncan who dodges causing her to hit the backdrop again.

"And with that, Duncan secures victory for The Screaming Gaffers." Chris said as Duncan walks over towards our team as we cheer. I hug him as he hugs back.

"Great job." I say smiling.

"Thanks," He said, with a peck to the head, we all follow Chris who advices us to stay in our bathing suits. I listen to him as the others change. We then all meet outside off the lot.

"Welcome back to "Total Drama Action", were against all advice to the contrary, the players, except for Kaylub, have changed out of their bathing suits. Hope the rest of you like swimming in your jeans." Chris said.

"Right, because we're totally going to the beach for real this time. The bus is just late." As Heather said that, a short school bus pulled up and honked it's horn.

"You were saying?" Chris said as I smiled. Glad I listened. We climbed in as I sat with Duncan and DJ sat behind us. I fell asleep laying on Duncan's shoulder.

We arrived back at Camp Wawanakwa and stand on the beach with our teams and in front of us were to sand boxes. "Yes, campers, we're actually back at your old stomping grounds, Total Drama Island! If you need to take a moment and reminisce about the great times you had here." I remained quiet with a smile on my face as the others busted out laughing. "Fine, we'll skip the good memories montage. Screaming Gaffers, you've got a 30 minute head start on...the sand-castle-building contest, to be judged by our resident king o' the dunes." Chef puts on a sandcastle hat or crown? "Make like prop masters, guys, and give me something awesome. I really don't want the tie breaker to have to go down. I don't think legal's quite approved it yet." It was a trap with a large rock dangling on a string. The rock snaps then the whole thing falls, then to top it off a car comes out of nowhere and lands on it.

We work on the castle which was more like a palace with Harold in control. I mostly focused on filling the buckets and handing it to DJ, Leshawna, Heather, Duncan, and Gwen. Soon our lead came to an end as we continued working. I remained by the water.

When we finished, it was amazing. I looked at it with my team before returning to the water. I looked over the waves and smiled. Then I hear a commotion behind me to see birds all over our sand palace. I glare at them my eyes flashing gold as they flew away. Sadly it took our palace down. "We have a winner. Beth and The Killer Grips clever prop, casa dos Papier-Mache." Their team cheers. "Which means we need a new tie breaker, and I was hoping for the evening off. Instead, gather ye some wood, campers, for a fire of the bon variety." I start to walk off with the rest when I'm pulled back into someones chest. I blush as I look up to see a concerned looking Chris.

"Y-yes?" I ask as he turns me to face him.

"You are not insignificant in the slightest. Yes you may go unnoticed by the rest of the cast, but the viewers, me, we see you and everything you do. You, by far, are one of the favorites of the viewers at home...and, if it's of any worth, you're definitely my favorite contestant." He said as a tint of pink rose to his cheeks. Sadly, my cheeks were a flaming red as tears rose to my eyes. He saw and started to wipe them away. He then leaned down and kissed my tears causing me to stop crying. "Now, I don't want to see you be this way again. Know that we see you. More importantly, I see you. Also small is cute." That last line made me giggle with my face as red as a traffic stop light. He chuckles. "Now don't worry about the wood. It isn't needed."

We ended up talking for a while about things that either made me blush or giggle. Then I looked up to see the night sky and smiled as I saw the others were arriving. I stood with my team. Chris clapped his hands and the poles and pit both lit on fire around us. I marveled at it. "Why'd you bother sending us out to get firewood?" Heather asked annoyed.

"I needed some private time." That was all he said with a hidden wink to me. "This brings us to the tie-breaking challenge, a Watusi twist mashed-potato dorky old-school dance contest. Teams, choose your best boogier for battle."

"Ooh, you've got to pick me. My nickname back home: Le-shakin'-it." After picking Chris starts up some music as Trent and Leshawna face off before dancing. My eyes widen as we watch Leshawna dance...badly? I think it's her watched as Trent tripped hurting his ankle. He couldn't dance anymore.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but Leshawna and The Screaming Gaffers are the winners! And your reward...the greatest beach party ever pitched." We all cheer as I see Gwen and Trent walk off.

We eat a buffet as some of the team dances. I decide to make a few plates and carried them to the other team. They thank me as I nod heading back to see the group dancing. I smile as we dance the night away.

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